Penname: PrettyTheWorld [Contact]
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Real name: Status: Member Member Since: April 02, 2019 Website: Beta-reader: Favorite Series
Stories by PrettyTheWorld
“Can you really think of a reason that Peter would suddenly turn on how he feels about you?” Justin asked, trying to begin the conversation pragmatically. “He knows how your sister is, and she knows, at least to some extent, that the two of you are acquainted now. Don’t you think she’d have tried every weapon she had if she was running a smear campaign against you?”
“I don’t know,” Brian said tiredly, rubbing his eyes. “I wouldn’t put anything past her.”
When Brian's nephew Peter and his girlfriend Alexis come to spend Christmas in New York, things are off to a great start -- until they're not. Soon, it becomes apparent to everyone that old Kinney family scars run deep. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Drama, Family, Post-513 Fic, Christmas Characters: Brian, Gus, Justin, Original Character(s), Other Canon Characters Challenges: None Series: Until At Last You Know Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 22473 [Report This] Published: January 15, 2021 Updated: January 15, 2021
When Justin and Ethan end up unexpectedly working the same event at a New York City art gallery nearly two decades after their break-up, Brian insists he can handle it. But sometimes, the past can be a cruel mistress... Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Hurt/Comfort, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic, QAF Gift Exchange LJ Characters: Brian, Ethan Gold, Justin, Original Character(s) Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 11556 [Report This] Published: January 08, 2021 Updated: January 08, 2021
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Justin felt like being stuck at home alone with Brian had been a blissful blessing in disguise.
Several months into it? Not so much. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic, QAF Gift Exchange LJ, Real Life Issues Characters: Brian, Cynthia, Daphne, Justin Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 12808 [Report This] Published: January 08, 2021 Updated: January 08, 2021
Brian contemplated what he wanted to say next; how personal he wanted to get. He still wasn’t sure whether or not Joan would hear a word of what he said -- she hadn’t reacted to anything thus far -- so maybe it was better to lay it all on the line. His lifelong mantra creeped back into his brain, and he scooted his chair a little closer to the bed. No apologies, no regrets. -- Against his original plans (and, perhaps, better judgment), Brian makes his way back to Pittsburgh to see his mother one final time. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Drama, Family, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Post-513 Fic Characters: Brian, Claire, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin, Michael, Original Character(s) Challenges: None Series: Until At Last You Know Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 16587 [Report This] Published: January 23, 2020 Updated: January 23, 2020
“I’m sorry,” Brian repeated, his tone serious and deliberate. “For a lot of things over the last two days. I… I didn’t know what to do with what happened before I left Pittsburgh, and I wasn’t ready to talk.” He paused, sighing. “And I don’t know how to lie to you. I haven’t for a long time, and you know that. So sometimes, it’s easier to piss you off, so you’ll leave me alone until I find enough of my remaining ball to face you -- as irrational as I know that sounds.” Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Drama, Family, Hurt/Comfort, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic, QAF Gift Exchange LJ Characters: Brian, Daphne, Joan Kinney, Justin Challenges: None Series: Until At Last You Know Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 11180 [Report This] Published: January 03, 2020 Updated: January 03, 2020
“Baking cookies shouldn’t take that long if we both do it,” Justin countered. “Or you can stand there all night, holding the things I need, because then we’ll both be fucked, and--” Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Fluff, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic, QAF Gift Exchange LJ, Christmas Characters: Brian, Justin Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2361 [Report This] Published: January 03, 2020 Updated: January 03, 2020
No one had been more shocked than Brian when Melanie, of all people, had suggested that, since she didn't really celebrate Christmas, but J.R. was heading to Pittsburgh to be with her dads, perhaps Brian and Justin would rather come to Toronto to have a more subdued celebration with Lindsay and Gus. "Lindsay never really gets to enjoy the decorations she puts up, since we're rushing around and then traveling during this time," Mel had explained. "I just thought it would be nice if you and Justin wanted to come to our place instead… You know, let Linds and Gus go all out, and then have a nice quiet holiday at home." "Quiet" was all Brian needed to hear before he agreed. *** Brian and Justin travel to Toronto to spend Christmas with a small part of their chosen family. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Canon, Family, Fluff, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Mel/Lindsay, Post-513 Fic, Christmas Characters: Brian, Gus, Jennifer Taylor, Justin, Lindsay, Melanie Challenges: None Series: Fatherhood Chapters: 11 Completed: Yes Word count: 33508 [Report This] Published: July 30, 2019 Updated: December 25, 2019
“Let’s play ‘Never Have I Ever,’” Emmett exclaimed, clapping his hands excitedly. “We’re all drunk enough to be brutally honest.”
A Fourth of July party hosted by the Novotny-Bruckner's, numerous pitchers of margaritas, and a bonfire -- the perfect ingredients for an unforgettable night between longtime friends Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Emmett/Drew, Friendship, Humor, Mel/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Post-513 Fic, Ted/Blake Characters: Ben, Brian, Emmett, Justin, Lindsay, Melanie, Michael, Ted Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3236 [Report This] Published: August 15, 2019 Updated: August 15, 2019
“Oh,” Brian stuttered, and Justin could have sworn he was blushing a little. “I was bored earlier, killing time while I was waiting for the mock-ups, and it showed up on some web page, so I started reading it.”
“And? The verdict?” Justin prompted, his tone teasing.
“I didn’t get far,” Brian muttered. “I’m sure it’s a bunch of bullshit.”
Justin’s smile grew wider. “Well, why don’t we find out?”
Inspired by an article called "10 Signs You're Going to Marry Your Boyfriend Someday" Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Fluff, Post-513 Fic, Romance Characters: Brian, Justin Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 6774 [Report This] Published: June 20, 2019 Updated: June 20, 2019
Gus’ lips rolled inward, a carbon copy of Brian’s signature contemplative look. “I just like…” he sighed again, more heavily this time. “I just wish I could forget about this for, like, an hour or something.” Brian made a small noise of realization that made Justin look toward him, and as soon as he registered the intention on his husband’s face, he moved closer to Brian and hissed, “No. Brian, you can’t.” Brian gave Justin his most charming smile and said, “Oh, but I can!” *** A heartbroken Gus spends a weekend in New York with Brian and Justin. In an effort to help his son, Brian turns to a tried-and-true method. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Family, Hurt/Comfort, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic Characters: Brian, Gus, Justin Challenges: None Series: Fatherhood Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 17410 [Report This] Published: June 04, 2019 Updated: June 04, 2019
“Why don’t you let me do the dishes,” Brian offered, which was more normal -- Justin would cook and they would both clean together afterward, just to expedite the task. “You can go take a hot shower,” he added. “It’s okay,” Justin said, rinsing a plate. “We can get it done faster, and then you can join me in the shower.” Brian smirked, clearly interested in that idea. “Thought you might be too tired,” he admitted, starting to dry what Justin had already washed. “An hour ago, I probably was… But seems the sight of you in the kitchen has restored my motivation.” Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Fluff, Post-513 Fic, Romance Characters: Brian, Justin Challenges: None Series: None Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3172 [Report This] Published: May 30, 2019 Updated: May 30, 2019
Leaning back against the leather headrest, Brian let out a shaky breath, already feeling sweaty and a little disoriented. He realized he had two choices here, both potentially impacting his dignity in a major way. As much as he wanted to try to tough it out the additional half hour, to endure whatever happened next in the comfort of a Four Seasons Hotel suite, the reality of the situation was that Lindsay and Melanie’s neighborhood was much closer. And it was absolutely inevitable that Brian's body was going to revolt sooner than later. Well, fuck. *** Brian's planned trip to Toronto to spend time with Gus is interrupted by a very-much-unplanned illness, which gives him a lot of time to think, and leads to some unexpected revelations. Categories: Friendship, QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Canon, Could be Canon, Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Mel/Lindsay, Post-513 Fic, One-Off Fic Characters: Brian, Gus, Jenny Rebecca, Justin, Lindsay, Melanie Challenges: None Series: Fatherhood Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 22462 [Report This] Published: May 14, 2019 Updated: May 14, 2019
“Sonny Boy--” Brian began, intentionally ignoring Justin’s question. “--You had no idea why she sent me down,” Gus interrupted, his words more of a statement. Brian shook his head. “Your mother neglected to inform me of her intentions.” *** Lindsay has ulterior motives when she sends Gus for an unscheduled weekend visit with Brian and Justin. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Bottom Brian, Brian/Justin, Canon, Family, Fluff, Humor, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic Characters: Brian, Gus, Justin, Lindsay Challenges: None Series: Fatherhood Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 11391 [Report This] Published: April 23, 2019 Updated: April 23, 2019
![]() When Justin came home from his studio and found Brian in the kitchen making dinner, he knew something was wrong. Brian didn’t cook. Even after 15 years of knowing the man and spending most of them in a relationship with him, Justin could count the times Brian had made them dinner on one hand. Apparently, tonight he was adding one more to the tally. *** Fifteen-year-old Gus is spending the summer with Brian and Justin in New York. He decides to test the limits of Brian's relatively lenient parenting style, with unintended consequences. Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, FEATURED STORY, Abuse, Angst, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Could be Canon, Family, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, One-Off Fic, Post-513 Fic Characters: Brian, Gus, Justin Challenges: None Series: Fatherhood Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 11576 [Report This] Published: April 02, 2019 Updated: April 02, 2019
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