Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Penname: Sid401k [Contact]
Real name: Sid Melucci
Status: Member
Member Since: August 22, 2018

FTM, fat fem & proud, balding bearded & ponytailed, Libertarian, atheist/agnostic, divorced.

Fanfiction-wise, I tend toward serial monogamy: I was entirely faithful (okay, almost entirely) to Brokeback Mountain for eight years (2006-2013); then Sherlock Holmes--and related fandoms--got hold of me and kept me enthralled through about mid-2015; Harry Potter was my next fandom and held my (nearly) undivided interest until just recently--Spring of 2018--when I moved on to Queer as Folk (US).

I'm also on AO3 and LiveJournal under the same username. In fact, anywhere I am uses that name, including my email at earthlink.net.

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