Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Endings and Beginnings - Book 4

chapter 9

Ted got up from the table where he was going over some financial statements. He looked at the clock in the kitchen. It was after six. Brian was not going to return his call. He should have just gone to the man’s office and faced him. It would have been the brave thing. It was what he now had to do whether he wanted to or not. He liked the idea of a few blocks or even a mile or two standing between he and Brian when he broke the news of Hobbs’ return.

Ted sighed scrubbing his hands over his five o’clock shadow. He wearily resigned himself to the next move. It was late in the day and he really didn’t see himself waiting any longer. Grabbing his jacket, he threw Emmett an apprehensive look as he headed out the front door of their home.

The air was cool but it wasn’t miserable as he pulled his jacket around him. He wasn’t sure if he was using the thin material to protect him from the cool breeze or as some sort of pseudo armor against the black knight he was about to face. He smirked to himself at the thought of Brian as the black knight. There was a time when that title had seemed more fitting. The more he came to know Brian the more he realized that he wasn’t the black knight but was instead a reluctant white knight. He did protect his friends. He just didn’t make any show of it. Ted hated to admit it but he respected the man and was coming to realize that Brian had more honor and sincere concern for his friends than Ted did himself.

He walked down the block keeping his eyes fixed on the house a few doors down. He was relieved to see that Justin’s car was missing, but disappointed that neither the vette nor the jeep was there either. He wanted to get this over with. He wanted this burden lifted from his shoulders. He resented being the one to have to burst the men’s bubble of bliss but better he than Hobbs himself. Hobbs had apparently already managed to do that once before on that fateful night. Ted didn’t want anything like that ever happening again. Being attacked was bad enough, being blindsided was far more damaging.

Just as he reached the edge of the yard he heard the sound of an engine. Looking up he immediately noted the headlights making their way down the street. He stopped and waited for the jeep to pull up in front of Justin’s house. Once Brian opened his door, Ted stepped out of the shadows and called his name.

Startled Brian looked over, furrowing his brow.

“Ted?” He called. Ted stepped further into the light. “What the fuck are you doing lurking around like that?” Brian asked moving toward the man.

“How was your day?” Ted asked nervously. When Brian merely raised one eyebrow in response Ted took a deep breath and reluctantly continued. “I need to talk to you.” Ted paused. “I called your office but you never called me back.”

“I got busy. Not all of us spend our day jerking off, some of us actually have to meet with clients and make pitches.” Brian groused feeling exhausted from his day. All he wanted was to go in and see Justin, play with Stephen and forget about the new toilet paper account he had to work up. He was really starting to hate Gardner Vance and his bottom of the barrel client list.

“I need to talk to you.” Ted replied firmly.

“Can’t it wait?” Brian asked wondering what Ted could have to say that could ever be considered pressing.

“No.” Ted stated firmly. “It can’t. In fact I should have spoken to you about this a while back.” He swallowed hard then shifted nervously from foot to foot. Brian watched the other man closely. Ted was extremely nervous. Brian got a strange feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach but refused to let his apprehension show. Setting his brief case back in the jeep, he gestured for Ted to follow him up into the house.

“Let’s do this at my place.” Ted offered deepening Brian’s concern. Brian didn’t respond but merely allowed the man to lead the way back up to his and Emmett’s happy homo homestead.

Neither man spoke as they headed up the dark sidewalk. Ted wasn’t sure where to start and Brian wasn’t sure he wanted him to. Something told him once Ted finally spilled, he’d wish he’d never heard any of it.


Once Justin dropped off Michael, he decided to pick up dinner at the Diner. He felt exhausted from the day. The two separate projects in memoriam to Ethan were weighing on his mind. He’d tried to get some information on the Reinhold Foundation over the internet but he’d only had limited success. He was still debating on whether or not he would tell Brian about the projects as he pulled up in front of the Diner.

Removing Stephen from his car seat, the two made their way into the crowded Diner. Justin couldn’t remember the last time he had seen it so busy. He found himself thinking of the night’s tips then laughed realizing how hard it was for old habits to die. Struggling to reach the counter, Justin picked up a menu and glanced through it . It took a few moments for any of the harried wait staff to notice him.

“Justin!” Kiki squealed ignoring a customer requesting a refill on his coffee and instead rushing over to where the blond was sitting with his son. “Hi, Stephen.” Kiki cooed causing the boy to bury his head in his father’s neck then tease a look back at the waitress. “He’s a cutie Justin, just like his old man.” She playfully leered.

“Thanks Kiki.” Justin blushed. “I need to place a to-go order.” She nodded then took his order.

“It shouldn’t be long. Want something to drink while you wait?” She asked.

“Can he get some water?” Justin asked.

“Sure thing.” Kiki pinched the little boy’s cheek then disappeared.

Several men came by whom Justin recognized from his time when he worked there. They stopped and admired his son as well, asked how Justin was holding up, and even expressed belated sympathy for his loss. Justin was touched that anyone remembered him from that year he’d worked at the Diner. He’d been away for so long.

A couple of the men made passes at the young blond but Justin had learned from his time at the Diner how to avoid roaming hands and seductive invitations. He laughed them off managing to get his point across without offending the customers. He’d always been one of the more popular waiters at the Diner. As he continued to charm and disarm, it was obvious why that had been.

Kiki brought him the sacks and he paid giving her a generous tip. She smiled and offered to help him get everything out to his car. He gratefully accepted, handing Stephen off to the admiring woman while he picked up the two sacks.

Settling the sacks in the passenger seat he reached for his son. It was then that he noticed the man standing half a block down, staring at him. He felt his heart race as he instantly recognized the face. He looked more carefully, sure that he had to be mistaken. It was like a phantom coming back to haunt him. The longer he looked the more convinced he was that he was staring into the face of Chris Hobbs.

“Justin? Justin?” Kiki watched as the blond went suddenly pale, his eyes wide with fear or shock, she couldn’t tell. “Justin?” Her voice grew in alarm.

He glanced back at her for only a second but it was long enough for the man to disappear. When he looked back Chris was gone. Justin searched the sidewalk in vain then the other side of the street trying to find the man once more. He felt the cold fingers of panic crawling up his spine as he fought the paranoia that was pressing in on all sides.

Justin took several deep breaths trying to control the urge to run which was rising from within. It had been a couple of weeks since his last panic attack. He couldn’t give into it now. He needed to get home. He was responsible for Stephen’s safety. Once he got home he would lock the doors and bury himself in Brian’s arms.

The thought of Brian comforted as well as alarmed Justin. He would have to tell Brian. He would have to shatter the rare peaceful bliss they had been living under for the last few days. He had no idea how Brian would react. Just the mere suggestion of Hobbs brought back so many painful memories for both Justin and Brian. He didn’t want to do that to Brian, but knew it would be better coming from him than from anyone else.

Giving the waitress a reassuring smile he reached for Stephen and buckled him into his car seat.

“Are you okay?” She asked when he moved to shut the door. He nodded trying to play it off.

“Thanks for the help.” He mumbled then tried giving her another less than reassuring smile. She was reluctant to let him go.

“Kiki, get your butt back in here. We’re swamped.” Hank’s voice caught both of their attention.

“Why don’t you stay and eat here.” Kiki suggested.

“I have to go.” Justin replied his voice sounding thin and unsteady.

He moved to the other side of the car and got in. As he turned the engine over he started sorting out the best strategy to break the news to Brian. The more he thought the more he realized there was no good way to tell his lover that the man who had almost destroyed them was back.


“What the fuck!” Brian leapt to his feet. Ted stammered slightly surprised by the man’s violent reaction. “How long have you known this?” He turned on the smaller man.

“I…..ah….a week, a little over a week…actually more like two?” Ted scrambled looking to both Ben and Emmett for support.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” Brian roared. Ted cleared his throat unsteadily. When he replied his voice cracked nervously over the first word.

“Well I tried but then there was the Tyler, Max, Michael triangle and I just thought you needed a week or so to work that out before the next bomb dropped.” Brian knew it wasn’t Ted’s fault. He knew that the man had been right to wait. He couldn’t even imagine what he would have felt had he received this bit of news on top of Michael’s debacle.

“Brian.” Ben’s voice was soft. He could tell that the other man was reeling from this latest revelation. “There’s a good chance he won’t contact Justin. Why would he? It’s been a long time since the incident.”

“The incident.” Brian laughed as he repeated the word again. It was such a domestic description of what had occurred. It somehow made it seem far more benign than bashing or attempted murder. Brian turned on the blond. “It wasn’t an incident. It was attempted murder. I realize that any sane person would leave the victim alone but we aren’t talking about a sane person. We are talking about Chris Fucking Hobbs, a dangerous homophobe who damn near took Justin away from me that night!” He started pacing needing to think. Brian knew that moving was the only way his mind was going to continue to work. Ben offered Ted another sympathetic look as he retreated back to his chair.

“What are you going to do?” Emmett asked watching the man carefully. If Brian Kinney ever tried to deny his feelings for Justin again, he was sunk. It was painfully obvious where the blonde stood in the man’s life. Emmett could feel the waves of sorrow and anxiety coming from the man.

“I don’t know.” Brian stated as he continued to pace. “I don’t fucking know.” His voice was hoarse as he scrubbed his hand over his face. How was he going to break the news to Justin? How could he possibly tell him that his worst nightmare was back? Justin had never fully recovered from the damage that bat had inflicted. Brian knew that. The scars weren’t all physical. Even now, as the memories were returning, it was obvious that there was still so much loss and anger left untouched. It was sadly ironic that Hobbs would show back up again now just as they were on the brink of confronting that pain together and moving past it.

“What are you going to tell Justin?” Ben’s calm voice somehow anchored the raging brunet. Brian stopped pacing and met the other man’s gaze.

“I have no idea. How do I tell him this?” He honestly seemed lost for a moment, as did all the other men in the room. None of them had any idea how to break this news to Justin.

“I think it’s important to down play it.” Ted offered. “Like Ben said, the chances are rare that he’ll even see Hobbs.” Brian nodded absently not really accepting the idea, merely lost in his own thoughts. How could he possibly downplay the fact that the man who had attacked Justin was back living carefree in beautiful Pitts?

“I have to go.” Brian stated abruptly. He wasn’t sure how he was going to break any of this to Justin, but he did know he hated being observed so closely by others as he tried to find his own way to deal with the news. He needed time to think. He had a lot to consider before he approached Justin.

“I think you should stay until you feel more in control.” Ben offered.

“Yeah.” Emmett agreed. “Let me get you something to drink.” He rose but Brian waved him off.

“A glass of water isn’t going to fix this.” He spat. “I have to tell him.” He paused standing in the center of the room, hands on his hips. “Shit.” He spat. “I have to tell him.” It was as if the realization had finally hit home. He had to walk in and destroy the safe world Justin had created for himself. It had to be him to do it. Somehow it seemed unfair that he had to be the one, but he knew for Justin’s sake it was best. As Brian reached the door he turned back momentarily glancing at each man as if hoping for some miraculous answer.

“Do you want me to come along?” Ben offered. Brian shook his head but gave the man a grateful smile.

“No, this is something I have to do alone. It’s always been about us, you know?” Ben nodded realizing the wisdom in Brian’s words. “Thanks for telling me Ted.” He headed out the door physically shaken but gaining strength and resolve with each step.

He wasn’t looking forward to this conversation but knew it would be easier coming from him. He laughed bitterly at that thought realizing that easier was a relative term. Saying it would be easier for Justin to hear the news from Brian was like saying it would be easier to be killed by a bomb than a bullet. Dead was still dead and bad news would always be bad news, no matter who the messenger was. There was nothing good or easy about Hobbs being back.

Brian saw Justin’s car in the drive and realized that both the interior and headlights were still on. That wasn’t like Justin. As he drew closer he also noticed that the passenger door was open. He felt a growing sense of alarm as he then noticed that the front door to the house was standing open. Brian rushed in and found two sacks from the Diner sitting the middle of the floor.

“Justin!” He called. “Justin!” He felt a growing sense of panic wondering if this was the way things would be now since Hobbs was back. Would he always feel as though the blond was in danger? Brian had almost made it to the kitchen when Justin appeared in the door. Stephen was on his hip sipping a cup of water, his expression mirrored his father’s. Both Stephen and Justin looked deeply troubled. Justin also looked incredibly pale, much like after a panic attack. He seemed almost shell shocked. Brian moved slowly up to the smaller man and took the baby from his arms. Justin seemed detached as though he wasn’t even aware that Brian was in the room.

Brian kissed Stephen then gently reached out cupping Justin’s face. It was only when Brian touched him that he responded looking up to meet Brian’s concerned gaze.

“I saw him.” Justin stated softly his voice a ghost of its usual strength. “He’s back.”

Brian sighed helplessly wishing he had the last two weeks back again. This was not how Justin should have discovered the truth. He wasn’t meant to see Hobbs especially not out alone with Stephen in the dark, that wasn’t how it was suppose to happen. Brian pulled Justin into his arms and held him close wishing he had some words to comfort him. But even now having had almost an hour to process the news himself, Brian found that he had nothing to offer the blond but sorrow.


Chris slowly pulled through the security gate of his apartment complex and located his parking space. He felt numb as he lowered his head to the steering wheel and remained that way for a few moments. He hated this feeling of being used and even more so hated the way Justin Taylor had looked at him. He never really allowed himself to dwell on how Justin would react to seeing him again. He’d imagined it going both ways but had resolved himself to the fact that he would never really know. Tonight though he’d seen it with his own eyes. Justin had been shocked and then terrified.

A rapping on his window startled Chris. He looked out and found Mark Reinhold standing next to the car. He motioned for Chris to lower the window. Chris chose to get out of the car instead.

“What are you doing here?” He spat feeling as though there was no place he could go to escape the man.

“How did it go?” Mark asked almost giddy for details. “Did he see you?”

“Yeah. He saw me.” Chris felt like shit as he remembered the look on Justin Taylor’s face as he’d spotted Chris staring at him. He hadn’t stayed there long though. He’d only stood there long enough for the blond to get a quick glance at him, then the moment Taylor had looked away, Chris had slipped back between the two cars, out of sight.

“Good work.” Mark cooed. He was absolutely euphoric. “How did he react?” The other man persisted wanting every excruciating detail.

“How the fuck do you think he reacted? He damn near shit himself.” Chris pushed past the other man and started toward his apartment. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth as his stomach continued to churn. He’d felt the same sick feeling ever since the afternoon when Reinhold had called with his latest assignment. Chris was halfway up the stairs before he realized Reinhold was following him. “Where the hell do you think you’re going? And how the fuck did you get in here?” He asked turning to confront the other man. He glanced toward the security gate still confused as to how Reinhold had gotten past the guard.

“I’m going with you.” Mark smirked. “We have plans to make.” He announced confidently.

“How did you get in here?” Chris persisted ignoring the man’s previous remark.

“I have my ways.” Mark gloated.

“Well not tonight you don’t!” Chris glanced around nervously before lowering his voice. “Look I hate this shit that you have me doing. I don’t want any part of it.” Chris turned and continued on to his door. Reinhold continued up as well. Once Chris had his key in the lock, he sighed deeply then turned to reiterate that Reinhold was not coming in. Just as he opened his mouth, Reinhold began speaking.

“Chris, why have you been parking outside Justin Taylor’s house? Why did you try to kill him?” Mark asked leaning against the wall enjoying the emotions that the other man was trying to battle. “You’re gay aren’t you? I mean it isn’t just an obsession with Taylor. This is much much more.” Chris was moving before he even realized it. He had Mark pinned to the wall, smug grin vanishing as Reinhold struggled for air.

“You shut your fucking mouth.” Chris hissed spraying Mark’s face as he did so. “I’m not a fairy so fuck off.” He released the man with a push.

Mark immediately coughed as he pulled in a lungful of air. He glanced over at the other man seeing the rage still simmering just beneath the crust. This man was a volcano ready to explode. So this was the natural disaster that had attacked Justin Taylor.

“You know up until this moment,” Mark began rubbing his throat his voice now hoarse. “I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t see you attacking Justin Taylor. I just didn’t think that you had it in you.” He appraised the man for a long moment moving away cautiously. “Now I have to wonder just how that little fucker survived.”

Chris watched as the man descended the stairs. He trembled from the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He was still conflicted and frightened. He was still full of remorse and rage, but more than anything else he found himself wondering just as he had five years ago, just where in the hell had all that hate and anger come from and why couldn’t he seem to control it?

Mark hid the smile that threatened to over take him as he continued back to his car. This was better than he’d hoped for. Chris Hobbs was dynamite and Justin Taylor was the fuse.

All Mark had to figure out now was how to orchestrate the spark.
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