Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 47] Printer

It’s been three years since Rory has talked to Lorelai. It has also been three years since Justin has talked to Brian. The two share a unique friendship; can they help each other fix what was broken.


Rated: R
Categories: Alternate Universe, Brian/Justin, Cross Over, Humor, Real Life Issues, Romance Characters: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: Yes
Word count: 23025 Read: 51618
Published: April 02, 2008 Updated: September 12, 2008

1. Chapter 1: Meeting the old/new best friend. by Liberty [Reviews - 6] (1942 words)

This is a crossover with Queer as Folk; it will show same sex relationship. Brian/Justin It will also be lit. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*


Thank you so much Helen for the beautiful banner and Betaing. Thank you Gerri and Grammy for help with my questions.

2. Chapter 2:Planning and doing by Liberty [Reviews - 1] (1580 words)

3. Chapter 3:Facing Lorelai by Liberty [Reviews - 1] (1683 words)

Side Note: I am sooo that I posted the messed up version of this chapter. Here is the new edited chapter. I want to thank everyone who reviewed so far, I love them and they mean the world to me. I should have four up soon.

4. Chapter 4: Lane, the rock in the hard place by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1778 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be lit. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

Side note:  This chapter will be mostly POV

5. Chapter 5:2 years 6 months 5 days and 45 minutes by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1810 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

Note: this chapter rating is up because of some sex situations and language. Just letting you know. I also wrote it for all my QAF friends plus who doesn’t love boy on boy esp. When it’s Brian and Justin.


6. Chapter 6: Road trippin by Liberty [Reviews - 1] (745 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

A/N: Sorry for the delay had a bit of writers block and again with the shortness of this chapter. I have the rest of the story planned out.  The next chapter should be out soon, no promises. Enjoy.


7. Chapter 7: Jealousy means I’m in love with you, still by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1058 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

Note: This will mostly be in Justin’s POV.

8. Chapter 8: Some Trust by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1190 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

9. Chapter 9: talk the forgiveness. by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1442 words)

10. Chapter 10:Bad happens when there is goodness. by Liberty [Reviews - 2] (1026 words)

Side note: I know this chapter is really short and I am so sorry about that, it’s just the song fit perfectly for what I wanted to happen and the next one should be up sooner. The song is by Kate Voegele

11. Chapter 11:Untitled by Liberty [Reviews - 4] (973 words)

Song: "A Man I'll Never Be" - Boston

12. Chapter 12: Crash Course in Polite Conversation by Liberty [Reviews - 5] (1347 words)
Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

13. Chapter 13:Leap of Faith by Liberty [Reviews - 4] (1735 words)

Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

Info: This Chapter is Multi-POV’s. Fun, right?

14. Chapter 14: Reaching to me and fearing you by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1378 words)


Note: This is a crossover with Queer as Folk/Gilmore Girls; it will show same sex relationship.  Brian/Justin It will also be Lit and JavaJunkie. Rory never made up with Lorelai in season 6, she actually froze her mother out and now she finally realized on her own that she changed into someone who she never wanted to be. Now, she is living in New York with an apartment with a roommate and working at a small paper in Tribica.

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

15. Chapter 15:Truth, Bitter Truth by Liberty [Reviews - 1] (1282 words)

Authors Note: I took the title from an OTH episode in honour of the sixth season premiere. Also, we are slowly wrapping up I am thinking two more chapters after this one. Thank you so much, Keighley

Disclaimer: I don’t own either Gilmore Girls or Queer as folk *tear*

16. Chapter 16:I'll Always Be Right There Pt.1 by Liberty [Reviews - 3] (1334 words)

17. Chapter 17:I'll Always Be Right There Pt.2 by Liberty [Reviews - 1] (722 words)

I really was going to wait a few days but I got it done and I figured why not.


So enjoy the final chapter.