Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 50] Printer

This is a continuation to "Hi, My Name Is Brian and I'm an Alcoholic".  You should read that story before you read this one as it contains a lot of background.  

Banner of two men

Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Alternate Universe Characters: Brian, Gus, Justin, Molly Taylor
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: Yes
Word count: 167056 Read: 42695
Published: March 19, 2022 Updated: July 15, 2023
Story Notes:

To my readers, I hope this sequel is as good as the original story.  Thank you to my beta "Taimi" and my banner maker Marny. I appreciate your time and efforts to make this story come alive.  

1. Chapter 1- Late Night Calls by sfscarlet [Reviews - 4] (5942 words)

This story starts 3 weeks after "Hi, My Name Is Brian and I'm an Alcoholic" ends. 

2. Chapter 2- Being in Control by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (8673 words)

There is a form that Brian is given in AA that doesn't seem to copy well.  Hopefully, you will be able to visualize it from my description

3. Chapter 3- Is Talking Over Rated? by sfscarlet [Reviews - 3] (6834 words)

Sorry for the delay.  I had out of town company.  Brian and Justin continue to talk.

4. Chapter 4- Remaking a Life by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (4633 words)

Brian and Cleo talk

5. Chapter 5 Childhood Memories by sfscarlet [Reviews - 4] (5006 words)

Gus sees Brian and Justin kissing

6. Chapter 6- The Fear of Dates by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (6038 words)

Brian thinks about talking and moving things forward with Justin

7. Chapter 7 Feelings and Emotions by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5265 words)

Brian and Cleo talk about dating

8. Chapter 8- The Date by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (6790 words)

Brian and Justin go on a date.

9. Chapter 9- Aftermath by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (6668 words)

Brian thinks about making out with Justin

10. Chapter 10- Endorphins by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (6427 words)

I know that I took a bit longer to post this chapter; therefore, I'm starting the chapter with the last scene from Chapter 9.  I didn't want to confuse folks.


Brian and Justin go on another date.

11. Chapter 11- Serenity by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (6549 words)

A little early posting before the holiday.

12. Chapter 12- History Revealed by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (5952 words)

Brian and Justin continue their journey

13. Chapter 13 Making Plans and Carrying Them Out by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (6358 words)

Brian and Justin continue to explore their relationship

14. Chapter 14- The Diner by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5682 words)

Brian and Cleo talk about Brian sitting in front of Woodys.

15. Chapter 15- Decisions and Truths by sfscarlet [Reviews - 2] (6115 words)

Brian continues his sobriety journey

16. Chapter 16- The Morning After by sfscarlet [Reviews - 3] (6041 words)

Brian wakes up with Justin in his bed.

17. Chapter 17- Moving Forward by sfscarlet [Reviews - 4] (7009 words)

Brian and Justin continue their relationship

18. Chapter 18- Moving Forward Part 2 by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (7556 words)

This chapter was so large I had to break it into two parts.  Brian attends the art show.

19. Chapter 19- When are you ready to date? by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (6906 words)

Brain contemplates dating and relationships

20. Chapter 20- Late Night Conversations by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5669 words)

Brian and Justin continue their conversation from their AA meeting

21. Chapter 21- Assumptions Gone Wrong by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5109 words)

Last chapter, Brian reached for the condom.  Read about what happened next.

22. Chapter 22- Sobriety is Like Relationships by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5349 words)

Brian and Justin talk about their relationship

23. Chapter 23- Dinner Prep by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5568 words)

Gus gets ready for the second dinner party

24. Chapter 24- Lindsay the Inquisitor by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (5566 words)

Lindsay continues her search for information on Justin

25. Chapter 25- The Next Step by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (4366 words)

New adventures for Justin and Brian

26. Chapter 26- Two Men and an Argument by sfscarlet [Reviews - 1] (6554 words)

Brian and Justin argue.



27. Chapter 27- Moving Day by sfscarlet [Reviews - 3] (8431 words)

Justin moves in with Brian.