Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 30] Printer

Brian and Justin attend a high school/boarding school for young criminals. This generally means everyone there did something to piss off their parents and got their butts thrown into this school. 17-year-old Brian’s a new student, 16-year-old Justin’s been attending for a while now. How will they ever survive?





Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst With a Happy Ending, Brian/Justin, Drama, Easter, Fluff, High School/College Fic, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Jealousy, Minor's Sexuality, MPreg, New Year, Real Life Issues, Romance, Christmas Characters: Brian, Emmett, Hunter, Jennifer Taylor, Justin, Michael, Original Character(s), Ted
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes
Word count: 72342 Read: 80697
Published: December 06, 2018 Updated: January 25, 2019
Story Notes:


There’s a MPreg tag on this story, but this will definitely not be your typical MPreg story. Nobody will be having any babies, but you will have to be able to stomach MPreg.  Also, this story mixes RL issues and pregnancy so if you already feel like that is not your thing, I don’t recommend reading this. But don’t let your mind wander into something too dark.

A huge thank you and a hug to my beta Nickknack.

1. Chapter 1 The Beginning by Teinisydan [Reviews - 4] (2433 words)

2. Chapter 2 Missed Chances by Teinisydan [Reviews - 4] (1784 words)

3. Chapter 3 Disappointment by Teinisydan [Reviews - 4] (1676 words)

4. Chapter 4 Weak In The Knees by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1723 words)

5. Chapter 5 Midnight Snack by Teinisydan [Reviews - 6] (2121 words)

6. Chapter 6 Pop Quizzes by Teinisydan [Reviews - 4] (2161 words)

7. Chapter 7 Mopey Monday by Teinisydan [Reviews - 3] (2148 words)

8. Chapter 8 Almost Is Not Enough by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1679 words)

9. Chapter 9 Basketball by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1627 words)

10. Chapter 10 The Trip To the Mall by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2517 words)

11. Chapter 11 The Saturday Party by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2881 words)

12. Chapter 12 Winner Takes it All by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1791 words)

What to do at 3:55am when you can't sleep? Well, here's your answer. Happy holidays everyone!

13. Chapter 13 I Want To Dance With Somebody by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1959 words)

14. Chapter 14 The Brownies by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2457 words)

15. Chapter 15 Not a Normal School by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1683 words)

16. Chapter 16 Compassionate Tears by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1564 words)

17. Chapter 17 A Lesson In Theft by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1531 words)

18. Chapter 18 First Snow by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1925 words)

19. Chapter 19 Christmas Day by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1903 words)

20. Chapter 20 The New Year by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1542 words)

21. Chapter 21 Kisses by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1400 words)

22. Chapter 22 Birthday Giggles by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2527 words)


It’s time for Justin’s birthday! We all know the show changed Justin’s birthday from around Christmas to spring so in my opinion there really isn’t one right answer when his birthday is. So, in this story we’ll go with February.


23. Chapter 23 Bird Houses by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1590 words)

24. Chapter 24 Easter Part 1/3 by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2991 words)

25. Chapter 25 Easter Part 2/3 by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2783 words)

26. Chapter 26 Easter Part 3/3 by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1912 words)

27. Chapter 27 Future Plans by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1607 words)

28. Chapter 28 The Day at the Beach by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (2762 words)

29. Chapter 29 Blue Pills by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1760 words)

30. Chapter 30 The Football Game by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (4564 words)

31. Chapter 31 Do You Like Me? by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1556 words)

32. Chapter 32 So Who Won? by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1646 words)

33. Chapter 33 Horny by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1499 words)

34. Chapter 34 Another Birthday by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1706 words)

35. Chapter 35 Pillow Love by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1850 words)

36. EPILOGUE by Teinisydan [Reviews - 0] (1084 words)