Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:
Have you ever known any of these women not to speak their minds?

Title: My Rich, Arrogant Boyfriend…
Story Type: AU
Word Count: 3870
Warnings: Anti-Michael, Passion and Lust…
Beta Queen: Bigj52
Banner: Original banner by Weird Wacky World, updated banner by me.
Series: Rich, Arrogant… This is Part 2 of a 3 Part series.

Summary: Brian and Justin’s relationship has taken many twists and turns along the way, but they both want to find a way to move forward together. Will they be able to work things out, and accept each other’s needs, or will they go their separate ways?

Chapter Summary: Have you ever known any of these women not to speak their minds?

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, plot, etc. are property of their respective owners, including, but not limited to Russell T. Davies, Cowlip, and Showtime. The author of this story is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended…

My Rich, Arrogant Boyfriend

Chapter 10 ~ Girl Talk

“Good morning, Mel? How are you feeling today?”

Mel just stares at Justin, racking her brain, trying to remember who he is.

“It’s okay. I understand how hard it can be to find the right words to communicate. That’s why I’ve brought you a laptop. I don’t know how your hand and eye coordination is functioning, but hopefully this will be a good tool for you.”

Justin pulls the hospital table closer, and sets up the laptop, connecting it to the internet.

“Let’s see if this helps. If so, I can set up a password for you. That way you can have some privacy from the hospital staff and others from reading your thoughts.”

Justin opens up a document in Microsoft word, and rolls the hospital table in front of her, adjusting the height so it’s easy for her to type. Then he moves his chair next to the head of her bed, so he can see the computer screen.

She cautiously moves her finger over the keyboard and starts to type.

“Thank you.”

Justin says, “You’re welcome” and the conversation starts to flow from there.

“Are you my speech or occupational therapist?”

“No. I don’t work for the hospital, and I’m not a social worker. I’m Justin, Brian’s husband. God, it’s so weird saying that out loud. We decided we weren’t going to tell anyone right away, but somehow it leaked out and everyone seems to know.”

“Oh, God! You married that motherfucker!”

“I know! What can I say? I’m in love with him, flaws and all. Although, I think maybe you should give him another chance. He puts up that mask of indifference, but that’s mostly because he’s learned to hide his emotions as a child. His parents were extremely abusive physically and mentally, but don’t tell him I’ve ever mentioned it. He’s very sensitive, and he hates pity.”

“I think I remember you? Did I meet you at Brian’s loft?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to stay and play with Gus that morning. It’s just that Gus was upset. He really didn’t like staying at Debbie’s house, and I think he thought you were going to take him back there. Excuse me for saying this, but all your fighting with Lindsay has really made him fearful and withdrawn.”

“Wow! You really have taken the time to get to know him, and gain his trust. I know our behavior was making him anxious, but I didn’t realize it was affecting him so much.”

“I love him, he’s a great kid. Brian and I are spending lots of time with him, helping him adjust to all the changes. It wasn’t just your fighting. It was also Michael’s behavior and demands, as well as how loud and quite frankly, obnoxious, Debbie can be.”

“You really have gotten to know him. I’m glad he has someone who listens and understands him. Lindsay and I were under so much stress, and he was just in the background sometimes. I can see now that we really needed to be there for him. Moving from Toronto and having to cope with all those changes must have really upset him.”

“Children don’t like change, they need a stable environment to feel safe and secure.”

“Do you have a degree in psychology or child development?”

“God, no. I’m an artist. I love children, and I’ve just been reading a lot of books on child development. I’m kind of addicted to reading.”

“Are you the one who was reading to me in the mornings?”

“Yeah, that was me. I… I was hospitalized here in neurology about five years ago. I had a closed head injury, and I remember how all alone I felt, especially in the beginning.”

“Thank you. It really did help knowing someone was here.”

Justin smiles his sunshine smile at her. “I’m so glad I decided to come. Brian wasn’t really sure it would help. The truth is I think he was worried that you wouldn’t want me here, you know, because of your tenuous relationship. But you should know he really does care about you, and he respects you. Oh, he also had your insurance policy reinstated, and has paid the premiums for the next year. Like I said, he really just hides his feelings behind his mask.”

“You really do love him, don’t you? I can hardly believe it. Brian Kinney’s in love and married. Who’d have thought it was possible? I bet Michael’s having a meltdown, you know he’s obsessed with Brian.”

“Not just Michael!”

“No, you’re right. My wife is in love with him too, in a very unhealthy way.”

“Yeah. That’s a whole other issue!”

“I hate to ask, but is she still in the hospital?”

“Oh, yeah. She’s has some major issues. There’s something I think you need to know, and I think it would be better if I told you instead of Brian.”

“Oh? I’m not sure I want to know. You know, we were having a lot of problems even before we moved back to Pittsburgh. I was at the end of my rope, and ready to call it quits.”

“Yeah, I can imagine. The thing is, God this is so hard to believe. Okay, here I go… When Brian finally agreed to donate his sperm for Gus, Lindsay took it upon herself to create embryos and have them frozen.”

Justin crinkles his nose, knowing that Mel’s going to freak out.


“That’s not all… She’s now carrying Brian’s baby, and she’s due the first of January.”

“I cannot fucking believe this! She’s insane! We can’t afford a new baby!”

“Yeah, about that. Brian has petitioned the court for custody of the baby, and all the remaining embryos, as well as Gus. He’s claiming she’s not fit to be a parent, especially since Dr. Adler has suggested that she be moved to Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute in Harrisburg.”

“Yeah… That’s probably a good idea. She really hasn’t been very stable for a long time. I thought moving might help, but we never should have left Pittsburgh or our friends and family. We just didn’t have a support system in Toronto, and once we were there, her mental health declined fast.”

“I’m sorry. I can only imagine how you’re feeling about everything that’s happened.”

“Thanks. And thanks for the laptop. I’m really struggling to speak, but my mind is clear and I seem to be able to type accurately.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.”

“I really need some time to process everything that’s happened. But I hope you do come back. You’re the only one who treats me like I’m normal. Not even my family can stand to be in the same room with me for more than five minutes.”

“Like I said, I’ve been here under similar circumstances. I’ll give you my email address, so you can let me know how you’re doing and when you’d like visitors.”

“Thanks, again. Brian really did luck out when he found someone like you. You’re so loving and caring, it’s hard to believe you fell for Mr. Snarky.”

“Oh, believe me it wasn’t love at first sight. I hated the motherfucker the first time I met him. My mind didn’t want anything to do with him, but my body struggled to turn down his advances. I do interior design. I promised a friend, the designer Brian originally hired to build Gus’s room that I’d take over the job. Needless to say, Brian can be very persistent. After a while I was starting to see under his mask, and I was surprised to see there was a man who longed to be loved. Then he followed me to Italy, and I fell hopelessly in love…”

“God! You’re a total romantic, aren’t you?”

“I’m afraid so…”

“I’m happy for the two of you. You seem like you’d be good for him. Just don’t let him pull too much bullshit!”

“Oh, trust me. I don’t let him get away with anything. I’m pretty sure that was what attracted him to me in the first place. Besides, I kind of like being the one in control, while letting him think he is.”

“Oh God! I really like you! It’s about time Brian met his match.”

“Thanks. Now, I’ll let you rest. I’ll come back tomorrow if you like, so I can continue reading Dorian Gray.”


Debbie’s waiting in the visiting area of the prison, trying to calm herself down before Michael arrives. But try as hard as she may, she just can’t stop letting her emotions take over.

“Ma! I’m so happy to see you! Why haven’t you been to visit me before?”

“Michael! I haven’t been because I’ve been so angry with you!”

“But now you’ve forgiven me?”

“Hell no! I want to know why you hurt Gus!”

“He’s not hurt! He’s just playing it up for sympathy.”

“You broke his arm, Michael! What kind of man breaks a child’s arm?”

Now all the other prisoners in the visiting area are looking his way. They may be criminals, but child abuse is not something they will tolerate. Most of them were abused as a child, and the memories never go away.

“I doubt it’s really broken.”

Normally you’re not allowed to touch the prisoners. But when Debbie stood up and smacked Michael across the back of his head, the guard just looked the other way.

“Michael, he’s four years old, for fuck’s sake!”

“Ouch! That hurt! Why are you so upset?”

“Because I taught you better than that! What is wrong with you? Why would you do that?”

“He was being a brat!”

“So you broke his arm?”

“It’s not that big a deal. It will heal. Hell, look at how many times Jack beat Brian, and broke his bones. He turned out just fine.”

This time Debbie slapped Michael across the face leaving a large red hand print. Michael holds his face, as his eyes water.

“Christ, Ma! That hurt!”

“Oh? Maybe you’d rather I break your arm? Would you like that better?”

“What’s gotten into you? I’m your son, you shouldn’t be treating me like this.”

“For all your dreams and delusions of being Mrs. Brian Kinney, what do you think your chances are of that happening, now that you’ve hurt his son?”

“I… I haven’t really thought about it. But Brian loves me!”

“Brian’s found someone he loves, and he could care less about you. Especially now that you’ve shown just what a great stepfather you’d be to Gus.”

“Brian never wanted to be a father! Gus will be back living with his mothers soon enough.”

“You really don’t have a clue about what’s happening, do you?”

Disgusted, Debbie gets up and starts to leave.

“Ma! Ma, where are you going? You’ve only been here a few minutes. We have a half an hour for our visit.”

“Quite frankly, Michael, I don’t think I can look at you for even five more minutes.”

“Ma! Ma, don’t go! When are you coming back? Will you be at my hearing on Friday?”

Debbie just keeps walking, never even looking back as Michael continues calling to her. She feels ashamed that she gave birth to such a self-centered, cruel human being. She contemplates the nature, nurture question. Where did she go wrong? She always tried to give Michael everything, and that there is the answer. She felt guilty, and over compensated for him not having a father figure. She never realized that Michael would feel so entitled, and less motivated in life. Never feeling the need to excel or have any goals for his future. Since Day One when Brian entered his life, he started his fantasy. He let his expectations for his future center on someone that he could never obtain, blinded by his obsession, clouding his reality.

Feeling at a loss, and holding back tears, she walks through the exit towards the parking lot.

“Debbie? Debbie, what are you doing here?”

“Carl! Oh, Carl!”

She loses her composure and lets her tears streak down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, I’m just having a hard time accepting that my son has made so many poor choices. I can’t help thinking everything is all my fault.”

“Your son is in prison?”

“I know, I should have told you. I just didn’t know how, and considering that you’re a cop I didn’t want you to look down on me.”

“Deb, I would never look down on you. The choices your son has made to land him in jail is not your fault. He’s an adult, and he has his own free will, just like everyone else. It’s up to him the direction his life takes. So you should never feel ashamed for things you’re not responsible for.”

“I don’t know what to say. You’re being so kind and understanding about everything.”

“Come on, I’m done for the day. I just have to finish logging my prisoner in, then I’ll take you out to dinner. Let me help put your smile back on your face.”

“Okay. I’d like that.”


“Daphne. I still not sure this is a good idea. What if we get caught?”

“Caught doing what? We’re not doing anything illegal.”

“Then why am I feeling so guilty, and we haven’t even done anything yet?”

“Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“I seem to have lost it on the drive to Harrisburg.”

“Okay, suck it up and get with it. I’m going in and you wait about ten or fifteen minutes before you come in. That should be enough time for me to get access and set up.”

“Are you sure they’re going to buy this cover story?”

“Yep. I already checked their website, and they’re looking for interns. It shouldn’t be too hard to get a tour of the hospital, and ask if I can observe the patients for the thesis I’m writing.”

“You’re writing a thesis on psych hospitals?”

“No! You idiot! That my cover story!”

Justin can’t help feeling nervous, and thinking this is a big mistake. What if Lindsay really is a psycho bitch, and what is he going to say to her? He takes a deep breath and walks into the hospital, trying to relax, and act like he belongs there.

“May I help you?”

Justin’s voice squeaks as he says, “Yes, I’m here to visit Lindsay Peterson.”

“Oh… Okay. You know she is suffering from delusions.”

“Yes, that’s what her parents said. But I wanted to show my support and visit her.”

“Alright. She’s in the patient’s lounge.”

As they walk down the hall Justin’s impressed. He expected the hospital to feel more like a prison, but surprisingly, it feels more like a nursing home.

“She’s over there near the terrace.”


Justin looks around the room and sees Daphne all set up with her notepad, watching the patients. She’s sitting in a lounge chair just a few feet away from Lindsay. Justin’s glad that Emmett gave them a couple of pictures of Lindsay, so they’d know what she looked like. He wonders what he should say to her, but just as he starts to approach her she turns around and sees him.

“Justin Taylor! Oh, how nice of you to come visit me.”


Flabbergasted that she knows who he is, he cautiously continues walking towards her.

“It’s great to see you.”

Justin’s stunned, because she’s acting like they’re long-lost friends.

“I just read about your exhibit at the Bloom Gallery. Your paintings are exceptional. I especially like the one of Brian. You really captured his likeness.
“Ah… Thanks.”

“So how well do you know Brian? You know he’s a total playboy, so don’t go getting your hopes up. You’ll only end up with broken heart.”

“Yes. So I’ve heard.”

“How did you find me? Not many people know I’ve moved into the resort. I needed someplace with privacy, so I can rest and relax during my pregnancy. It’s so nice here, and the staff is so accommodating. I love it here so much, I’ll be staying here indefinitely, or until our new house is built. I have my own suite, and I’ll have a private nurse once the baby is born.

Lindsay just keeps rambling on, and to think he was worried about what to say to her. So far he’s only had to say hi, and just keep nodding at all the right places as she goes off on all kinds of tangents.

“So, was it Brian or Sidney who suggested you hire me? I bet it was Sidney. You know I was so mad at him when he didn’t give me my job back, managing the gallery.”

Justin looks over Lindsay’s shoulder at Daphne, as she smirks at him with her eyes saying, ‘See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.’

Daphne’s shocked as she listens to Lindsay, who’s already off on another crazy tangent. Not wanting to miss a thing, she decides she needs to get this all on video.

“Excuse me, sir, you dropped your phone.”

“Oh… That’s…”

“I’ll just set it here for you. I don’t want to interrupt your conversation.”

Justin looks down at the bright pink phone, and notices that she’s set it on its side facing Lindsay, with the video recording.

“Thank you. I didn’t realize I dropped it.”

Lindsay looks at Daphne, irritated that she interrupted them.

“Now, as I was saying. I was so mad at Sidney, but now I realize that he had greater things in mind for me. I’ll be managing your career. I have great contacts with galleries in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Manhattan, as well as throughout Europe.”

Justin smiles, trying not to burst out laughing.

Just then one of the nurses’ aides walks by, “Excuse me, Margaret. We’ll have afternoon tea out on the terrace, and could you bring us some of those butter cookies?”

Margaret smirks at her and just keeps walking.

“Now, I’ll be in contact with the gallery owners, and sending them out slides of your work. You did bring me several sets of slides, didn’t you?”

“Ah… No, I wasn’t sure if you would be working during your pregnancy.”

“Yes, I know. I really shouldn’t, but I promise not to work too hard. I’ll try and set up an art opening in the spring, so that way you’ll have lots of time to paint. You’ll probably need a dozen or so paintings per show.”

“Oh… Well… I guess I’ll be busy this winter.”

“Now, we’ll have to work around the planning of mine and Brian’s wedding. I’m thinking of a fall wedding. I just love the change of seasons. That way the baby won’t be so young that I’ll have to worry about her. The nurse should be able to care for her, while we’re on our honeymoon.”

The look on Justin’s face is priceless.

“So, you’re having a little girl?”

“Well, I should hope so. I’ve been designing the nursery in pale pinks and peach. I just love those colors.”

Justin’s mind has drifted to the idea of having a little girl.

“Now, we’re getting off track. I think it would be best if we set up a time to review your work. Maybe we could have a day trip to the Bloom Gallery. I think it’s best if I see the paintings in person. That way I can thank Sidney personally for arranging for me to be your manager and agent.”

Lindsay eyes keep flashing down at Daphne’s phone, when she realizes that they’re being recorded.

“That’s not really your phone, is it?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Do you have a bright pink phone?”

Justin puts on his best Emmett imitation. He waves his hand in the air, and crosses his legs in a very feminine way.

“I just love the color pink.”

“But is it your phone? I think she’s a reporter trying to get a scoop on your career.

Justin pats his pocket. “Oh… You’re right, my phone is still in my pocket.”

She leans into him. “Try not to let on that we know. She thinks she’s so smart, but this is a great opportunity for your career. All publicity is good publicity. We need to get your name out in the art world, and there’s nothing better than getting the public gossiping about you.”

Justin smiles and nods, shocked that Lindsay is so obsessed with his career.

Margaret returns with a small cup of medicine, and a glass of water.

“You’ll need to wrap this up, you have group therapy in fifteen minutes.”

Lindsay gets a huge grin on her face.

“I can’t wait to tell everyone that you’re my new client! This has been the best day of my life!”

“Come along, missy, we need to get you all dolled up. I know how you like to put on a show.”

She stands and shakes Justin’s hand.

“It was so nice to meet you. Will you be back soon?”

“I’ll have to check my calendar. Why don’t I surprise you?”

“Oh! Great! I love surprises!”

They watch Lindsay walk away with a look of superiority.

“Wow! She is totally delusional.”

“God. I know. I thought I was going to lose it a couple of times. I could hardly keep myself from laughing right in her face.”

“And when she saw that the phone was recording, I was sure we were busted.”

“I know, but she just leaped further into her madness, letting her mind believe that we were celebrities, being scooped.”

“This couldn’t have gone better if we tried.”

“Do you think that was enough for the court to deem her unfit?”

“I think it was enough to have her committed for the next decade.”

“She’s having a girl. I couldn’t help daydreaming of holding my new daughter.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh. Didn’t I mention that Brian and I are suing for custody of the baby?”

“No! You most definitely did not! Justin Taylor, I’m your fag hag. You can’t be keeping secrets from me! Does Emmett know already?”

“No. Don’t worry, you’re the first to know. But don’t you dare say anything, especially to my mom. I still need to tell her that Brian and I are married, and then about the baby.”


“Daddy! I had a great day today! Auntie Em put a scarf around my head, and one around my waist. I had a long stick that I pretended was a sword. He rolled up my pant legs and let me splash around in the river. I had so much fun with Ross and LuAnn! He said we were all Squashbucker!”

“Squashbucker? You mean swashbuckler?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that means pirate.”

“Yep, that’s right. So, tell me, who are Ross and LuAnn?”

“They’re my friends from before momma made us move.”

“That’s great! I’m so glad you ran into them at the park.”

“Dusty said we can play together again real soon.”

“Can I, dad? I miss my old friends.”

“You bet, Sonny boy. I’ll call Dusty and set up some playdates.”

Justin and Daphne come in just as Emmett is leaving.

“So, how was your day, dear? Did you kiddies have fun?”

“You have no idea.”


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