Summary: Pride Month is celebrated by the gang. *STORY IS NOW COMPLETE!*

This story is complete, and will be updated every few days. Hope you enjoy it!
Rated: R
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Emmett/Drew, Fluff, Friendship, Humor, Pride Fics, Romance, Ted/Blake Characters: Ben, Blake, Brian, Drew Boyd, Emmett, Justin, Michael, Ted
Challenges: None Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 5490 Read: 14313
Published: June 22, 2018 Updated: July 14, 2018
Story Notes: DISCLAIMER: QAF and its characters are the sole property of Showtime and Cowlip Productions. No copyright infringement is intended.
Thanks for Kim (Predec2) for being my beta for this story, and to the amazing Urugwaj for my banner!
1. Let the Games Begin! by guavejuice [Reviews - 7] (929 words)
2. A Stroke of Inspiration by guavejuice [Reviews - 5] (717 words)
Justin gets excited about something...and to Brian's consternation, it's NOT him this time.
3. Heaven is a Place on Earth by guavejuice [Reviews - 3] (559 words)
Justin provides his own style of PSA for Brian regarding soccer.
4. Beer and Nuts by guavejuice [Reviews - 2] (652 words)
The boys imbibe in a sports tradition while watching the game.
5. Weiners and Losers by guavejuice [Reviews - 3] (1677 words)
Brian is grudgingly pulled away from his office, but finds a way to make it worth his while.
6. Taking Care of Business by guavejuice [Reviews - 4] (956 words)
Brian offers his husband a surprise. Conclusion to story!