Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction


Brian entered the Diner and sighed. It was good to be home again. He even welcomed the familiar smell of grease which he usually didn’t like. The place was buzzing as always and Brian sat on one of barstools, waiting for Debbie to come pour him coffee. Brian waited for ten minutes and Debbie still hadn’t even said hi. He really needed his coffee. It was almost 9am and he hadn’t had any yet.


The brunet bit his lips as he got up from his stool and rounded the counter. He picked up a mug and filled it with coffee by himself.


“Hey, that’s my coffee! Hands off!”


And there it was. The familiar nagging voice.


“Well I was starting to think you weren’t here,” Brian sipped his coffee and winced as it was too hot. Why was the coffee in this place always too hot?


Debbie took the coffee pot from Brian’s hand and ushered him away around the counter. “And where have you been. You missed two Sunday dinners. You’re not about to miss tomorrow’s dinner!”


“Don’t worry, I’ll be there,” Brian sighed and set his mug down as he sat back on the stool.


“Explain why you have been awol lately,” Debbie demanded.


“Been in Texas,” the brunet shrugged.


“Texas?” Debbie said surprised. “What the hell have you been doing there?”


“Well really it was first Washington and then Texas,” Brian explained.


Debbie gave him a questioning look, waiting for him to go on.


Brian huffed a laugh. “I’ve been searching for Justin Taylor, like you told me to.”


“And did you find him?” the woman looked hopeful.


“He’s safe and sound tucked in his own bed,” Brian smiled a little.


“Unharmed?” that sounded like a threat.


Brian shrugged a little. “He may have a few robe burns.”


“What?” Debbie shrieked.


But Brian smiled and got up, paying for his coffee. “I think that’s a story for another time,” he said before leaving the Diner. He stepped outside into the warm air and wondered what he would do next. He didn’t have another case yet but he was sure it would come. There was always a grandparent who run out of a nuthouse or runaway bride or an angry teenager who needed saving. But for now, Brian thought he would check out what the rest of the Liberty Avenue had to offer today.




Justin turned in his bed for the umpteenth time. He couldn’t sleep. He didn’t feel sleepy at all. In fact he felt like he had energy to do anything else than sleep. And it didn’t help that one certain crazy man had taken over his thoughts. They had had a little adventure together and the blond couldn’t believe it was over. Things didn’t feel finished.


Justin looked over at his desk where his computer was. Brian had managed to find him even though he flew to the other side of the country. So why couldn’t he find the brunet if he was in the same town and not even hiding?


Justin threw the cover off of him and got up. He sat down in front of his desk and turned on the computer. First he opened his browser and then he typed in Brian Kinney. He found a lot of information about his cases but not his address. The blond chewed on his bottom lip. He knew Brian had showed his picture around when he had been looking for him. Maybe Justin could do the same. It was a small town so someone who knew the brunet was bound to bump into him.


Justin printed out a picture of Brian and cut the white edges off. He stared at the picture and decided that tomorrow he would start the project Find My Man and hunt the brunet down.




In Pittsburgh, it wasn’t really hard to start looking for someone who was gay. You simply went to Liberty Avenue and asked around. So that was what Justin did. He went through shops one by one, hoping someone, somewhere would recognize Brian. It turned out that many did but they weren’t sure where he lived. Some could name the part of the town where he lived but nothing more detailed.


The blond sighed and looked around the street. He had gone through almost every shop in sight. Maybe a break was in order. Liberty Avenue was in sight and he knew the food was great. Justin opened the door, hearing the bell ring above it. Then he walked to one of the booths and slumped down on it a little exhausted.


“You look troubled, honey,” the red headed waitress came to him. She seemed to always be there.


“You would be too if you tried to look for a crazy man and couldn’t find him anywhere,” Justin grunted.


“Crazy man?” Debbie asked puzzled.


Justin had his hand on the table and he was still holding on to the picture of Brian. He flipped it over and let the woman see it.


Debbie laughed out loud as she saw Brian’s face. “What do you want with Brian?”


“You know him?” Justin straightened his back.


“I know everything about him. I raised him,” Debbie chuckled.


“You’re his mother?” that came as a shock to Justin. There was no family resemblance what so ever.


“Surrogate mother,” Debbie corrected.


“Oh,” that explained a lot. “Then you probably know where he lives?”


“Sure do,” she nodded.


“Can you give his address to me?” Justin smiled, hoping he would seem harmless.


“What do you want with him anyway?” she looked a little suspicious.


“I have some unfinished business with him,” Justin shrugged.


The suspicious look stayed on the woman’s face. “You’re not planning to hurt him, are you?”


“No, nothing bad, “Justin rolled his eyes. “So will you give it to me?”


“Then what are you up to,” Debbie arched her brows.


Justin let out his breath and leaned back, looking pissed. Debbie waited there, looking at him like she had all the time in the world. She even shifted her weight on her left leg and put her right hand on her hip. “Fine, I like his annoying ass,” Justin admitted.


A grin formed on the red head’s lips.


“Finally he got a stalker of his own,” she pulled out her small pad and a fuzzy pen. Then she wrote something down on it before ripping the page off. But as she was about to give the paper to Justin, she pulled her hand back. “Wait, are you Justin Taylor?”


“Duh,” Justin huffed.


Debbie smiled and gave the paper to the blond. “That explains a lot. Now what can I get you,” she pressed the tip of her pen back against the pad.


“Surprise me,” Justin smiled.




Justin looked at the building and bit his lower lip. It was a dumb. Why did Brian live like this? Why would he put himself through this? He thought Brian had it better. The building looked like it could fall apart any moment. The blond promised, if Brian let him in his life, he would do anything to make it better. He’d even drag the man outside and into his own home if he had to.


Justin walked closer to the front door and looked at the buttons by the door. There weren’t too many. The note Debbie had given him didn’t say in which apartment Brian lived. in Maybe he should just try the first one and ask if they knew Brian.


But as Justin was about to press the button, the door opened, forcing the blond to take a step back. “Sorry,” he mumbled as a woman stepped out the door. Justin grabbed the door and slipped inside, looking around. The blond winced a little, deciding he was not letting Brian live here anymore. He wasn’t even sure that behind the doors were actual apartments. Maybe homeless people lived here and slept on dirty, broken mattresses.


The blond observed the elevator that looked like a wooden cage. He sure as hell wasn’t going to step into that. It would never carry him safely to any floor. Justin shook his head a little and turned towards the first door. First he noticed that there weren’t any names, nothing that indicated who lived there.


He groaned, hesitating at first but then knocked. Crossing his fingers, he hoped someone decent would come to open the door. And then the door opened and a man in his fifties opened a door. He actually looked pretty decent and Justin saw over his shoulder that the apartment wasn’t really as bad as he had expected.


“Yes?” the man furrowed his brows suspiciously.


“Um, I’m looking for Brian Kinney,” Justin explained.


The man looked at him from head to toe and had a knowing smile on his face. “You seem pretty young.”


It was Justin’s turn to furrow his brows but not suspiciously, he was offended. “What the fuck is it to you?”


The man huffed a laugh. “Third floor,” he said and slammed the door against Justin’s face.


“Rude fuck,” Justin mumbled and turned to look at the elevator once again. Nope, he was taking the stairs.


So he climbed up to the third floor and was happy to see there was only one door. He stood there, staring at the light blue metal. This was it. He took a deep breath and stepped closer, hitting his knuckles against the door three times.


He waited and it felt like a forever but the door eventually opened. And there he stood, in light blue jeans and a black wife beater. He looked good, no scratch that, he looked fucking amazing.


“Justin?” he asked confused.


“Um” Justin bit his lips before pushing his hand into his pocket. Then he pulled out handcuffs and hung them from his fingers.


Brian arched his brows, smiling widely as he leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.


“I thought it was my turn to tie you up,” Justin smiled a little.


Brian first grinned before laughing hard. “You think you are capable of coming in, dragging me to the bed and handcuffing me to it?”


“We can try,” Justin shrugged.


Brian licked his lips and shook his head. Then he snatched the handcuffs from the kid, threw them over his shoulder and pulled him closer. He smashed their lips together, giving him a full kiss before pulling Justin inside and pushing the door closed. “Let me show you what it’s like to be tied up for real,” he said in a low voice and dragged the blond to the bedroom. And Justin, well, he was too busy to notice the amazing surroundings, he was just too mesmerized by Brian.






Justin walked in the front door like he owned the house. He always had. He had spent half his life in this house so why would he knock. The blond took the stairs up and made a left turn. Then he pushed open the third door on the right.


“Miss me?” Justin grinned.


Daphne was sitting on her bed, on the purple cover, legs crossed and earbuds in her ear, head popping slightly. The girl looked up and immediately her face light up. She jumped off the bed and ran to hug her best friend. “I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad at me, this man stole my phone and mom went great lengths to make sure I couldn’t call you or text you. Are you okay? What is going on? Are you back to stay? Tell me everything,”


“Calm down Daph, I’m not mad at you,” Justin smiled and felt her take a step back, letting go.


“You’re not mad? Oh thank God,” she lunged herself at Justin again and hugged him. “I was so worried. I mean I knew you would be fine, you’re always fine but you’re my best friend and I love you. Also I didn’t know what that man was going to do to you and I couldn’t contact you and it all just made me think these horrible things and…” Daphne babbled on very fast.


“It’s fine. It’s actually more than fine,” Justin widened his smile. “I got a boyfriend in the process… Well, sort of,” he looked as Daphne stopped speaking and looked at him in awe.


“A boyfriend? What? Tell me everything, who is he?” Daphne’s jaw dropped.


“It’s the mean man who took your phone,” Justin answered, waiting for response.


“The mean man… But he’s so old,” Daphne furrowed her brows.


“Not really,” Justin laughed.


“Well I did think he was hot when I saw him but so mean,” Daphne smiled now too.


“Yeah, he can be pretty mean, you wouldn’t believe the things he did to me in Texas,” Justin laughed, remembering everything.


“Texas? I thought you were in Washington,” Daphne said surprised.


“Yeah, I was, but Brian found me and I had to run, but then he found me again,” Justin sighed. “It wasn’t fun at the time but now I’m pretty lucky he did find me,” the blond smiled.


“You consider yourself lucky,” Daphne grinned and poked the boy a little.


Justin laughed a little as he closed the door and walked to the bed sitting down. Daphne followed him and took a seat himself. “I mean the sex is amazing.”


“You’ve gone all the way?” Daphne asked surprised.


“Several times,” Justin giggled. “And he is older and definitely more experienced than the ones I’ve been with before. Let me tell you Daph, I ain’t never going to go back to men my age. Just a little hint, don’t settle down with just anybody,” the blond gave her advice.


“I’ll make sure I won’t,” Daphne nodded smiling. “Now, tell me exactly in what he is good at and don’t let out any details.”


“Well, there’s this thing called rimming,” Justin smiled widely.




“And then we planned I would go over to Emmett’s and I could help him plan the evening. He doesn’t really know anything about art shows because he doesn’t really go to those, but I’ve visited plenty of them so I’m the perfect person to help him,” Justin babbled as he tried to walk down the stairs from Woody’s while looking at Brian who was coming behind him.


“Aha,” Brian sighed. He had listened the blond babble all evening. He knew the kid liked to talk but enough was enough.


“And I promised to help Michael with his comic book. He has these amazing ideas which he told me about and he would like to turn it into a comic book but he doesn’t have an artist. So I will try to help him with that,” Justin smiled and looked at Brian’s bored face as they walked towards the Jeep. “Don’t look so sour. I know you’re not even nearly as excited about these things as I am but wait until you attend the art show…” Justin started but Brian interrupted.


“No, no, no, I’m not attending that show,” Brian shook his head.


“Oh yes, yes, yes, you are and you’re also reading the comic book,” the blond poked him a little.


Brian groaned, rolling his eyes.


“And you will love it! We’re basing the characters on us and I intend to draw some hot pictures about you and me and deep anal penetration,” Justin said proudly.


Brian’s groan turned into a smile as he watched the blond. “Well, why didn’t you say that before. I would read porn, drawn by you,” he threw his arm over the blond’s shoulders and pulled him against his side.


“I thought so,” Justin smiled and slipped his hand behind Brian’s back. They arrived at the Jeep and before the blond could have a chance to step in Brian pressed him against the black surface, kissing him deeply. Justin was all for it but then suddenly the alarm of the Jeep went off and it started wailing and the lights started blinking. Justin had to slap his hands over his ears as they laughed and Brian quickly pulled the keys out of his pocket and clicked a button.


Justin pulled Brian closer again. “So how about,” kiss. “We go in the backseat,” kiss. “And have some us time,” kiss.


“We’re in the middle of Liberty Avenue and the street is buzzing with people,” Brian pointed out while he let the blond shower him with kisses.


Justin laughed a little. “I thought you were the adventurous one when it came to sex.”


“Sure, I’m all for public sex but mainly in the backroom of Babylon or the baths or maybe at some back alley if it really is worth it,” Brian let his hands wander down the blond’s body and over his ass.


“What’s baths?” Justin mumbled against the lips.


“I’ll show you some day,” the brunet captured the lower lip between his.


“Okay, but I still want to fuck in the backseat,” the blond insisted.


“If we move the car to somewhere more private,” Brian gave him a condition.


“Nope, I want to do it right here,” Justin shook his head.


“Still so stubborn. I thought I fucked that out of you already,” Brian felt hands rub his lower back.


“It’s going to take more than that,” Justin giggled. “Now, come on,” he took his hand behind his back where he could feel the handle and pushed Brian a little so he could open the door. “Let’s live a little,” Justin winked his left eye and climbed in.


Brian rolled his lips into his mouth as he watched as Justin kicked his shoes off and unbutton his jeans with a smug smile on his lips. “Jesus Christ with you!” Brian finally gave up and sat on the seat, pulling the door closed after him.


Justin giggled and climbed into Brian’s lap. He immediately started kissing him and slid his warm hands under Brian’s shirt. “I knew you had guts to do this,” the blond said. “That’s why I like you. I doubt others could do this and they definitely wouldn’t do it as good as you,” Justin took his hands to the button of Brian’s pants and opened it. “And they wouldn’t be as talented as you,” Justin kept mumbling.


“Would you shut up already. I’ve been hearing you speak all evening,” Brian grunted and took a hold of the blond before pushing him on his back on the seat. Then he pushed his hand between them, squeezing the massive boner.


“Oh Brian!” Justin smiled as he moaned with unnecessarily high voice like they did in the movies.


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