Summary: A sequel to my story Spin The Bottle from Brian’s pov. You should definitely read Spin The Bottle first to understand this story.
This story is complete.
Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION,
Alternate Universe,
High School/College Fic,
Hurt/Comfort Characters: Brian,
Original Character(s)
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14
Completed: Yes
Word count: 29979
Read: 28037
Published: December 18, 2017
Updated: January 23, 2018
Story Notes:
Decided to give this a second go. You want me to keep posting? Well you know what to do.
1. Harsh Light of Day by Teinisydan [Reviews - 11] (2637 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter one of STB
2. So Who’s the Bottom? by Teinisydan [Reviews - 9] (2449 words)
3. Alice Needs To Calm Down by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (2276 words)
This chapter has scenes from chapter four of STB
4. Hiding by Teinisydan [Reviews - 7] (1917 words)
5. Brian And Justin Sitting In A Tree by Teinisydan [Reviews - 6] (2330 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter five of STB
6. Pain Management by Teinisydan [Reviews - 7] (3121 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter six of STB.
7. Kiss It Better by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1887 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter eight of STB
8. Tighty Whities by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1922 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter nine of STB
9. Just A Fuck by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1810 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter ten of STB
10. A Closed Door by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (2112 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter eleven of STB
11. Hurt by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1483 words)
12. A Smile by Teinisydan [Reviews - 2] (2439 words)
This chapter has a scene from chapter thirteen of STB.
13. The Plan by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1684 words)
This chapter continues only a couple of hours where we left off in the last chapter.
14. Sneaking Around… Again by Teinisydan [Reviews - 5] (1912 words)