Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 27] Printer

This is part 2 of the Heels Over Head series. 



Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Alternate Universe, Angst, Brian/Justin, Brian/Other-Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Justin/Other-Relationship, Out of Character, Violence Characters: Brian, Cynthia, Debbie, Gus, Justin, Lindsay, Melanie, Original Character(s), Ted
Challenges: None
Series: Heels Over Head ~ Gap-fillers and Fantasy Seasons
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 310587 Read: 76399
Published: June 21, 2017 Updated: September 21, 2017

1. Chapter 1 - Disperse the Clouds by Miss Miko [Reviews - 8] (5648 words)

Summary: What happens immediately after the end of Episode 22.

2. Chapter 2 - Walls by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (7026 words)

Summary: Brian and Justin consummate their love. Set a few weeks after "Disperse the Clouds."

3. Chapter 3 - Happy Worker by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (7471 words)

Summary: Brian faces discrimination at work because of his relationship with Justin

4. Chapter 4 - Hold Fast (to What You Have Already and I Will Give You the Morning Sun) by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (9206 words)

Summary: Cam returns to claim what he believes is his; and Justin struggles with being 18 and in love for the first time.  
(This one's for Kym who said she couldn't wait until Cam met Justin).  
[Title taken from a painting by Morris Graves.]

5. Chapter 5 - Passage by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (12051 words)

Summary: Justin graduates from St. James, while Brian attempts to cross a threshold of his own.



6. Chapter 6 - Spin Me Sunshine and Make Me Summer by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (27409 words)

Summary: Brian and Justin on their dream vacation in the Bahamas. Fun fun fun!



7. Chapter 7 - What Dada Does by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (7733 words)

Summary: The Old Pitt campaign is tanking, Ryder's on the warpath, and Justin pays Brian an unexpected visit. 

8. Chapter 8 - Love Between Men by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (22425 words)

Summary: Brian and Justin face a major test of their relationship.



9. Chapter 9 - Snapshots/36 Views of Mt. Fuji by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (4786 words)

 Summary: A "no deep story here, it's all about sex" fic wherein Brian gets to use his new camera. 

10. Chapter 10 - Best Days by Miss Miko [Reviews - 0] (14093 words)

Summary: Justin attends orientation and the first week of classes at the Pittsburgh Institute of Fine Arts and meets two new friends.



11. Chapter 11 - Life by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (14892 words)

Summary: The gang celebrates Gus' 1st birthday in the aftermath of tragedy; and Brian and Justin hold private festivities commemorating their first year together. 
Warning: This story contains references to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

12. Chapter 12 - Butterflyz by Miss Miko [Reviews - 0] (1720 words)

Summary: Brian and Justin have fun with a videocamera.  
(A birthday story for Colleen.)

13. Chapter 13 - Blues in the Key of G by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (16906 words)

Summary: When Daphne returns to Pittsburgh for a visit and hooks up with Xavier, Michael meets a new guy, and Mel starts to resent Gus' relationship with his daddy and his daddy's boyfriend, Brian and Justin have to cope with the green-eyed monster, jealousy, and take a big step.

14. Chapter 14 - Closer to Something Real by Miss Miko [Reviews - 0] (4915 words)

Summary: Justin moves in with Brian.

15. Chapter 15 - The Legend of Bountiful Bottom by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (13335 words)

Summary: Some pre-Halloween fun with Bountiful Bottom.  
A transitional story.

16. Chapter 16 - In Shadow or In Light Part One by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (23777 words)

Summary: The trial of the People of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Christian Hobbs. Part One covers the following time period: a week before the trial up until the first day of jury selection.

17. Chapter 17 - In Shadow or In Light Part Two by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (60695 words)

Summary: Part Two spans from the first day of jury selection through Brian's testimony.

18. Chapter 18 - In Shadow or In Light - Part Three by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (56499 words)

Summary: The end of the trial; and new beginnings.