Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 98] Printer

Brian's offer to help his partner has some unforeseen consequences. 


Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Fluff, Humor, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Brian, Daphne, Gus, Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Word count: 22518 Read: 18014
Published: June 19, 2017 Updated: July 30, 2017
Story Notes:

DISCLAIMER:  QAF and its characters are the sole property of Showtime and Cowlip Productions.  No copyright infringement is intended.

This is mainly a humor piece, and based on actual events (unfortunately!). It is mainly finished, so I thought I would start posting it. Hope you enjoy it! Mainly fluff with a little angst mixed in. :)

My thanks to my beta, Gloria. You're the best!

1. One Small Step for Man... by Predec2 [Reviews - 17] (2180 words)

Justin has a problem; Brian the Macho Man tries to help.

2. Patients Are Not a Virtue by Predec2 [Reviews - 15] (4651 words)

Justin soon learns that his partner is not very 'patient.'

3. The Drill Sergeant Takes Over by Predec2 [Reviews - 16] (5441 words)

Brian finds that his partner is not the pushover he was hoping he would be as he continues to recover.

4. Brace Yourself! by Predec2 [Reviews - 14] (2691 words)

Justin tries a new tactic to pacify his surly patient. 

5. The Best Therapy of All by Predec2 [Reviews - 13] (2664 words)

Brian's therapy comes to an end. Or does it? 

6. Show and Tell by Predec2 [Reviews - 23] (4891 words)


Conclusion.  Gus gets his wish when his father comes to show and tell with his cast.  Some surprises occur along the way.