Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction



"Where are you? Are you ok?" Brian demanded has he kept punching the red button. He didn't really know what was supposed to happen. If it was supposed to do anything. But he wanted to make sure that the police were aware that something was happening.


"My arm his bleeding. I don't know what to do." she cried. Brian ran his hand through his hair. He covered the phone with his hand.


"SOMEONE GET IN HERE." he yelled. He knew Molly could hear it, but he didn't want to yell right in her ear. "Molly just calm down alright. Are you someplace safe? Where are you calling from?" he asked.


"I don't know. I'm in someone's apartment. I broke in." Molly cried. He could tell she put her hand over her mouth to muffle her own crying.


"What's the matter?" Teresa asked as she came in.


"Go get Justin and Jennifer." Brian told her. Her eyes widened and she left. Molly kept crying on the phone. "Molly I can't understand you. I need you to calm down so you can talk to me. Where's your father?" he asked. But Molly just sobbed.


"Where did Teresa go? She went running down the back yard." Sawyer asked as he came in.


"Call fucking Horvath. It's Molly." Brian said. Sawyer ran and got his phone. "Molly you have to stop crying. I can't help you if I can't understand you." Brian said.


"What if he finds me?" she cried. Brian gulped. She was afraid of her own father. This was so wrong.


"Where is he Molly?" he asked through gritted teeth. He fucking hated Craig. He was fucking tired of cleaning up after the shit head.


"I left him in some restaurant and I ran." Molly cried. Brian scrubbed his face. What was he supposed to say? What was he supposed to do? Sawyer came back in with his cell phone to his ear. He rushed up to Brian and sat next to him.


"Carl says they've already located where she's calling from. Looks like it's some huge apartment building. They've already pin pointed which apartment. And they already have a call out to the local police there. There's two cop cars around the block and are making their way to the apartment building. He has me on threeway so I can hear the whole conversation he's having with the police there." Sawyer said. Brian nodded.


"Molly listen to me. Listen to me Molly. Are you listening?" Brian asked her.


"Yes." she choked out.


"There's two police cars around the corner. They already know which apartment you're in. They're coming to get you." Brian told her.


"I climbed in the bedroom window. The window is busted open and the bathroom is in the bedroom. The apartment door is locked. The cops can't get in. My dad can climb in the window." she cried. None of what she said really made any sense


"Jesus how far away are they?" Brian asked his father.


"How far away are they?" Sawyer asked.


"Molly just calm down ok. You have to stop crying. If you don't want your dad to find you, you have to be quiet right now." he told her sternly.


"They're in the parking lot and headed in now." Sawyer told him. "Carl wants to know what restaurant they were at."


"Molly listen to me. The police are there. They'll be there any second. But I need you to tell me what restaurant you left your dad at." Sawyer said. She hiccuped into the phone.


"I didn't see the name of it. But it was a couple buildings down. It had a huge cheeseburger out front. With hands and a face and feet." she cried. Brian rubbed his face and grabbed the phone from Sawyer.


"She doesn't know the name of it. Just that it's a couple of buildings down, and it has some giant cheeseburger out front with hands and feet." Brian said and pushed the phone back to Sawyer. Molly cried suddenly.


"Oh my God what was that?" she cried.


"They're at the door." Sawyer said, having heard her scream through the phone.


"Molly it's the police. Go out of the bathroom and let them in." Brian said.


"No I can't. What if my dad's out there. He'll get me first. I can't please don't make me." she cried.


"Tell them to break the fucking door down." Brian yelled to Carl. "Molly calm down alright. The police are right outside the door. You're safe now-" he stopped as she screamed again. He could hear the cops breaking down the door. He heard through her crying, the police officers were knocking on the bathroom door.


"Molly? My name is Officer Van Meter. I have a few other officers out here. You're safe now Molly. Can you unlock the door for us?" the cop asked.


"Molly it's ok. Open the door ok." Brian told her calmly. He could tell Molly listened, because he heard stand up and unlock the door.


"Good girl Molly. You're safe now. These are my friends, and we wanna take you down to the hospital to get your arm checked out. And then we wanna take you home. How does sound?" the male officer asked. Brian could tell whoever he was, he was being very calm and gentle with her. She started crying again, and he must have hugged her because the phone was all scratchy.


"I didn't get to talk to my mom or my brother." she cried.


"It's alright. Because we're gonna let you call them from the car alright. How about we get out of here." the officer said. The phone was muffled again, and another officer answered.


"Hello Mr. Kinney." another male officer answered. "My name is Officer Tyker. I want you know that Molly is now in police custody, and we'll be taking her to the hospital to be checked out. She'll have police protection until she's back in Pittsburgh with you all." he said kindly. He breathed a sigh of relief. Was it all over now?


"Just make sure that she calls back. Her mother wants to talk to her. And her brother." Brian said, breathing heavily. Sawyer was smiling.


"We will. You have my word Mr. Kinney." Officer Tyker said. Brian and Sawyer just sat back staring at each other.


"Did that really just happen?" Brian asked. He meant to think it, but voiced it out loud. It happened so fast. One minute he was just sitting her, enjoying the peace and quiet. Enjoying not having anyone around him. And then Molly was calling. He felt like he just got on the phone with her. And now she was safe. Molly was really coming home.


"Why did Teresa just run by here?" Daphne asked.


"Must be Sawyer's cooking." Sam joked. She looked down the backyard. "Wow she really runs fast." she joked. They all sat there talking for a few minutes.


"What's going on?" Josh asked. Sam looked at him, and then looked to see what he was looking at. Justin and Jennifer were running up the backyard, with Teresa behind them. Justin and Jennifer stormed in the house, and Teresa stopped and panted heavily, and leaned on the table.


"What happened?" Lindsay asked. She waved at Jayden who stood up and handed her a bottle of water. She drank fast, and then poured the rest on her face.


"Brian..." she panted. She put her hands up to her ear and acted like she was talking on the phone. "Phone..." she panted again. Everyone got up and followed Justin and Jennifer. Teresa sat down in a chair. "You...go...ahead." she panted to everyone.


"What's going on?" Justin demanded as he came into the living room


"What happened?" Jennifer cried. Brian and Sawyer stood up. Brian was in shock, and Sawyer smiled brightly at him and nodded. Brian took a deep breath and squeezed his lips together and nodded his head. He was at a loss for words.


"She's in police custody. She's coming home." Brian said softly. Jennifer nearly fell as she started sobbing. Justin caught her and hugged her. Everyone burst into the room from outside, at the same time everyone came back to the house. Tucker, Emmett, Ted, and both grandparents of Brian's.


"What's going on?" Emmett asked.


"They found her." Jen cried. Everyone's eyes widened, and were waiting to be told more information. Sawyer nudged Brian.


"The cops have her. She's safe. And they're gonna bring her home." Brian said. Everyone cheered and started hugging each other. Everyone started getting on their cell phones and calling the others. Jen hugged Tucker, and Justin came over to Brian and jumped into his arms.


"Was she ok? Did he hurt her?" Justin whispered in his ear. Brian kissed his cheek and pulled back.


"She was scared." Brian told him truthfully. "I don't know anything that happened." Brian said. Justin nodded.


"When will she be home? Can we go and pick her up? Where is she? I need to see her." Jen asked Brian. Everyone got quiet.


"I have no idea where she is." Brian admitted. Sawyer cleared his throat.


"She's in California. That's what Carl said. They tracked her down to Sunnyvale California." Sawyer said.


"What is she doing all the way over there?" Jen cried.


"What about Craig?" Lindsay asked softly. Everyone looked to Brian again.


"Look I don't know much. All I know is that she snuck away from him at some restaurant. She found an apartment building and broke into one of them and locked herself in the bathroom. The police broke down the front door to get her, and now they're taking her to the hospital to get looked at. And they said they'd have her call back to speak to Jen and Justin." Brian told them.


"Is Teresa alright? Ted asked as he looked down the hallway, into the kitchen and through the glass door to the porch. Jayden laughed.


"I'll go get her. I don't think she's run that fast since Evan pushed Jeremy off the water slide and he didn't come back up from the water. She went flying down the dock." Jayden joke, moving his hand really fast. He laughed and walked back outside. A few minutes later Molly did call back. Jen put her on speaker so she and Justin could talk to her, on her way to the hospital. Where she reassured them that the only thing that was hurt was her arm. She punched it through glass to get inside the window.


Carl ended up convincing Jennifer and Justin, that after Molly got fully checked out, it was easier for her to be escorted onto a plane, then to find two matching flights at last minute to get to California, and then get three matching flights back to take her home. He convinced them to stay while Molly took a flight home. Brian took that time to bring Justin upstairs. He was wound up. He was stressed. "You can freak out up here. It's just you and me." Brian told him. Justin nodded and sat down on the couch in their room. It was the couch that Justin had in his loft back in New York. He loved it because it was the same one that Brian had in his loft when he moved. It reminded him of Brian.


"They didn't catch my dad. He could be anywhere. He could be headed back here right now." Justin said as he rubbed his eyes. Brian went over to him and got down on his knees in front of him. He ran his hands up and down Justin's thighs.


"It doesn't matter. We have security watching over the house. Your mom is safe here, and when Molly gets here, so will she. He can only get here by car, so he definitely isn't anywhere near here. And she's on her way home." Brian said as rubbed Justin's hips in a soothing motion. Justin nodded his head and leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Brian's shoulders and buried his face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around his back and hugged Justin tightly to him.


"Thank you for being here for me Brian. I know comforting me has always been hard for you. But thank you for being my rock. I wouldn't make it if it wasn't for you." Justin said. Brian didn't really know to say. It was hard for him to take care of someone. To be there for someone. To comfort someone. But he was trying. And he didn't realize, that of course Justin knew exactly what he was feeling. But he was doing ok. He was doing a good job. And oddly, that meant a lot to him. He didn't need to say anything.


They were escorted to the airport, where both Jen and Justin were given permission to get passed security to go to the gate with the police. Molly was escorted off the plane with two Air Marshals. As soon as she saw them her face brightened up and she ran towards them, jumping into her mothers arms as Jen sobbed. Justin hugged them both.


"Oh thank God." Jen cried. Justin was relieved. It was over. His sister was ok. She was alive. Their police escorts and Air Marshals stood around them, letting them have their time. They probably stayed like that for ten minutes before Jen pulled away and started pushing Molly's hair back. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" she asked. Molly wiped her face.


"Yeah I'm ok. I hurt my wrist. I fell on it, and then when I broke that glass, I didn't want to hurt my other hand, so I just used the same one. But it's ok." Molly said and help up a bandaged hand with a brace on it. "It's not broken. Just sprained." she said. Justin hugged her again.


"That was smart using the same hand. I don't know if I would have thought of that." Justin said and pulled back.


"That's because I'm smarter then you." she told him. Justin and Jen laughed and Jen hugged her again.


"Alright smart ass. Let's get out of here. You and mom are gonna stay at my house for awhile. Just till things get settled down." Justin said.


"What about Tucker?" Molly asked her mom. Justin had the urge to roll his eyes. But he didn't. Tucker had been so supportive of his mother through all this. School hadn't started yet, but he had to go to work to set up his classroom. He was doing a lot of his things at Justin's house, but some things he couldn't do there. But he had comforted his mother in a way that Justin couldn't. Like Brian had comforted Justin. He had to acknowledge that. He couldn't ignore that.


"He's there to. He and Brian are waiting outside for us. And we have Lilly at the house to. Come on sweetie." Jen said and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, letting the police escort them out. Brian had driven them in Lindsay and Melanie's van, and he and Tucker were allowed to wait out front, with cop cars of course. As soon as Molly saw them she went running for the van. Brian was pretty sure that all of them thought she was running for Tucker, but was stunned when she ran for Brian and jumped into his arms. Brian was stunned.


"Thank you for helping me." she whispered. He really didn't do anything. He was just the person who answered the phone. As soon as she said it she let him go and went over to hug Tucker. They drove back, and Jennifer brought her up to bed. No one made a big fuss when she came home, because she looked exhausted. She instantly fell asleep on the bed, and Jennifer fell asleep in the love seat in her room.


"Here. You need a drink." Sam said as she handed him a glass with a little liquid in it. "Drink it fast. It will help calm your nerves." Sam told him. He did as he was told and downed whatever drink she made him. She sat back at the island and was eating meatballs.


"All I've seen you do for the past three days is stuff your face. Do you ever stop eating?" Brian asked as he came into the kitchen. She flicked him off.


"Listen. I've been a little stressed out. And sometimes when I'm stressed out like this, I eat. And what the hell does it even matter? I always eat a lot. Tell him." Sam said to Sawyer who was holding his own drink. He smiled and chuckled.


"She does eat like a football player." he defended her. She smiled at Brian and then flicked him off again.


"I'm gonna go take a shower. Good night guys." Justin told everyone. They were celebrating Molly's return. He went up to his bedroom and hopped in the shower. Brian finished his drink and went upstairs. The steam was coming out of the bathroom and he took off his clothes and headed into the bathroom. Justin heard the door open and looked over and smiled tiredly. Brian went over to the sink and brushed his teeth, and then got into the shower. He grabbed the soap and started washing Justin's back and shoulders. He started rubbing and squeezing his shoulders, making Justin moan. "That feels good." her murmured. He let his head fall forward and started relaxing into Brian's hands. After a few minutes, he not only relaxed enough for Brian to rub his shoulders, he relaxed enough to finally let it all out.


Before Brian even knew what was happening, Justin was sobbing. He was stunned for a moment, but then he turned Justin around and he sobbed into Brian's chest. "He was angry with me. He kidnapped her because of his hatred for me. He killed someone. He killed his own wife, and left his baby by herself. She could have died. He did all this because of me. Because of who I am. He could have killed Molly because of me." Justin sobbed. Brian was waiting for this moment. For Justin to blame himself. He had been waiting for it, since the moment he found out what Craig did. He was surprised that Justin was just now saying this. He realized that Justin had blamed himself all along, but just hid it. But now, that Molly was safe, he finally was letting it out. He had only cried one time. But now, he was finally letting it all out.


Brian knew there was nothing he could say. It wasn't one of those times to say anything. He had to just let him cry. So he turned off the water. He somehow got Justin out of the shower and dried off. Then he somehow got him into bed, where he continued to cry. Brian just held him. Yep. He felt like the worst person. Having to comfort someone, when he sucked at it. But Justin wasn't just someone. Brian just held him as he fell asleep.


The next morning, Jen kept checking on Molly. Justin and everyone else kept telling her she'd come down stairs on her own. She was fast asleep.


"She's just catching up on sleep. She'll be just fine. How about you eat something. You've withered away to skin and bones." Sawyer's mother Genevieve said.


"Sam just ate all of Jennifer's food to even it out." Brian said. Sawyer laughed at him.


"This girls gotta know her sisters here. She's been acting ansy all morning." Melanie said as she walked into the kitchen with Lilly on her hip, and Jenny following her. Teresa walked up to J.R.


"How about I get this little girl something to eat." Teresa said, swooping up J.R. and making her laugh. It wasn't till almost 2:00 in the afternoon before Molly even came down. Justin couldn't believe how normal she was acting. Like nothing ever happened. She was dying to see Lilly, and when Teresa brought her in, Lilly practically jumped out of her arms and into Molly's.


"Oh Lilly I've missed you." Molly said. Lilly cried in her arms, but it was a different kind of cry. It was relief. She was finally with someone she knew. Finally with her big sister. Everyone watched the scene in front of them. Amazed. "Hey pretty girl. You're ok now." Molly said, patting her back. And then, it was quiet. Gus came running in.


"She's finally quiet!" Gus cheered. Lindsay's eyes widened and she covered his mouth. Everyone burst out laughing.


"It's true though. Looks like Miss Molly has the magic touch." Emmett said.


"You can be on baby duty. Indefinitely. She hates me." Daphne said, making the group laugh.


"Alright. Gus' birthday next weekend. It's going to be a birthday party slash welcome home party. So Molly and Jennifer invite everyone you want and we'll have one big celebration. Wouldn't you like that Gus?" Lindsay asked. He jumped and cheered and hugged Molly.


"Oh Lindsay you don't have to do that." Jennifer said.


"It's really no trouble. It will be fun." Lindsay said.


"Of course it won't be any trouble. The party is at my house. It's bad enough you people invade my house every other day. Now we'll just invite a million teenagers. Don't even bother asking me." Brian grumbled.


"Does anyone hear someone talking?" Sam asked, ignoring Brian. Later on in the day, Justin went up to his bedroom, and on the way back he heard Lilly. She was laughing. He walked down the hall and peeked into Molly's room. She was sitting on the bed with Lilly. She was laughing, but Molly was crying. Justin walked in and shut the door and walked over to the bed and sat down.


"Are you ok?" Justin asked his little sister. It was weird. He, Molly and Lilly had never been alone together. It was just weird to think that he had two little sisters.


"He just left her there. She was screaming when we left...and it was like he didn't even hear her. She could have died like..." Molly trailed off. "There was so much blood Justin." Molly said. Justin leaned forward and hugged his little sister. God she had to see that? What did she see exactly?


"Molly...there's gonna be some investigators coming tomorrow. They want to know what happened. They'll want to know details." Justin said. Molly pulled away and nodded her head. "You can tell me. If you want to. It might be easier. But that's up to you." Justin said. She looked up at him and took a deep breath.


"You're not leaving me." Craig yelled. Molly was sitting on the stairs listening to them argue. "You're not taking my child away from me." he yelled at Laurie.


"I only came back here so you could get custody of Molly. And you didn't even win. Jennifer's right in getting sole custody of her. You've completely lost your mind." Laurie said as she brought a suitcase to the front door.


"I already told you. I'll cut you off. You won't get one penny from me." he warned her.


"That's fine. I'll go to court and sue you. I'll make sure I get alimony and child support from you." she said as she walked passed him and he grabbed her arm.


"I'm telling you, you're not taking my child out of this house." he told her as she yanked her arm free.


"Haven't you noticed a pattern here? Your son left you. Your first wife left you, your daughter wants to leave you, and now your second wife is leaving you. Lilly's not getting a chance to leave you, because I'm taking her with me. Haven't you figured out that Justin isn't the problem? They're all fine without you. You're the problem. So what if he's gay. Who freaken cares. Get over it he's your son already." she said and stormed passed him.


"DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT THAT PIECE OF TRASH!" He yelled and threw something at the wall, shattering the large mirror on the wall.


"What's the matter with you? That almost hit me. This is exactly why I'm leaving you. You've completely lost all sense of reality." Laurie said and came out of the bedroom with her purse and grabbed the baby bag. "MOLLY LET'S GO!" she yelled so Molly would hear her upstairs, but she was sitting on the steps and could see and hear everything.


"You can't take her. She's not your daughter." Craig yelled.


"You can only have supervised visits with her. And I'm not supervising. I wouldn't leave her alone with you. You're sick and you need help." she said and walked towards the stairs.


"LAURIE!" Molly screamed as she watched her father come up behind her and stab her in the back with a large piece of mirror. He grabbed her and swung her back against the wall and she fell to the floor and he kept stabbing her. Molly ran to try and stop her father. The blood sprayed all over Molly, and she stood there in shock. Lilly screamed loudly. Her father stopped after a while and then stood up and walked away. Molly bent down, and started crying. Laurie was still alive and choking. "What do I do? Please don't die Laurie. Please don't die." Molly cried.


"Get...Lilly...out...here." Laurie choked. Get Lilly out of here. Get Lilly out of here. She nodded her head.


"Ok...ok I'll get her out. I'm so sorry Laurie." she cried. She watched Laurie die on the floor and let out another sob. She stood up and turned around, but she felt her father grab her and yank her towards the garage. "What are you doing?" she frantically asked.


"We're leaving!" Craig ordered.


"But Lilly. She's crying."


"GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!" Craig yelled. He shoved Molly into his car and got in and left. Molly was in shock. And she was scared. She didn't know what her father would do. He just murdered Laurie in front of her, and left a baby screaming in her crib. What would he do to her?


He got her out of the car and shoved her into a new one. They drove on a lot of back roads. Never on the highway or in any major city. He brought her to a motel the first night, and told her to change and wash the blood off. She didn't even realize that her father had a bag packed for her. She had Laurie's blood all over her. When Molly pulled the clothes out, she realized it wasn't her bag. It was Laurie's. She was wearing Laurie's clothes.


They drove around for a couple of weeks. Never staying in a hotel, always a motel. Never eating anywhere nice. Craig always kept Molly right next to him. Told her to not look at anyone. Keep her head down, and keep her hoodie on and have it hanging over her face so no one could see who she was. She had begged her father to let her go. Let her go home. But he screamed at her that she was never going home. He was her father and no one had a right to tell him he couldn't see her.


It wasn't until they got to Sunnyvale California that she saw an opportunity to leave. He let her go to the bathroom. She would have to walk by his table to get out the front door. She knew she couldn't leave. But when she got inside the bathroom, she saw a window. She couldn't reach it on her own, so she peeked out the bathroom door, and saw that her father was talking to a waitress. She grabbed the chair by the door and brought it into the bathroom. She stood up and opened the window and pushed her way through. It wasn't until she was halfway out, that she realized it was the same distance outside as it was inside to the ground. And she was hanging out the window, head first. But she didn't see a choice. She had to get away. So she pushed herself through and landed on her wrist.


She pulled herself up and just ran. She wanted to run as far away as she could. She couldn't look back. She didn't want Craig to catch her. There was a wooden fence next to a building and she turned to follow it. She felt like she had been running forever. The building was huge, and never ending. And she couldn't see an end in sight. She finally turned around, and realized that Craig wasn't there. But she needed to hide. What if she kept running, and would run right into her father? She was scared, and looked at the window. She needed to get inside. She only had one good hand. But if she punched it with her good hand, she'd be down two hands.


Without thinking again, she took her bad hand and slammed it through the window. She didn't feel it. She didn't have time. She reached in and unlocked the window and pushed it up. She jumped and pulled herself through the window and landed on the floor. She looked out the window and didn't see anyone. He wasn't following her. Yet. She pulled the curtains to cover the window and looked around. It was a girls apartment. On the nightstand next to the bed was a phone. A landline. It was just what she needed. She snatched the phone up and ran into the bathroom and locked it. She called her house phone.


"Oh please pick up mom." she whispered.


"Hello?" a voice said. That wasn't her mom. But it was a voice she knew. The tears came then.


"Brian?" she asked. Oh she couldn't help it and started crying. She hadn't heard anyone's voice but her fathers in so long.


"He did it...right in front of you?" Justin whispered. She nodded her head. She held Lilly tightly to her. Justin rubbed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't cry. Don't be some weak faggot. It's all you've been doing since you came home. "I'm so sorry Molly. I don't know what else to say." he told her. What else could he say to her? This was all his fault. They stayed like that. The three of them for awhile.


"What's gonna happen with Lilly?" Molly asked her brother. It was something that he didn't know. What was going to happen to her? Would she go back with Laurie's family? He knew Laurie's family didn't want to take Lilly in. That just meant either give her up for adoption...or he and Brian adopted her. He gulped.


The next day the police came and spoke with Molly. Justin was really surprised by his sister. She got through it in one piece. She told them everything that happened, and didn't cry. He was proud of how strong she was. He went outside, and Daphne was sitting with her feet in the pool. He went over and sat down next to her and sighed.


"You doing ok?" Daphne asked. Justin scrubbed his face.


"My sister is safe and at home...now I just have to deal with my other sister." Justin said and sighed.


"Are you gonna keep her here?" Daphne asked.


"I have no idea. Me and Brian haven't discussed anything that's gonna happen. All that he's mentioned is keeping them here, and Lindsay, Mel and the kids until they catch him. Which who knows how long that would be. But that's it." Justin said. He rubbed his face and then slammed them down. "Talk to me about something. Anything else but all of this crap. I want to talk about someone else's life right now. So tell me what's going on with you and Jayden. How are you two doing?" Justin asked. Daphne instantly smiled.


"We're good. We're really good...I've literally never felt like this about anyone before...he's the one. And I know it with my whole heart." Daphne told him. Justin smiled at him.


"That's awesome. I'm really happy for you Daph. So what's next for you and him?" he asked. She smiled and blushed.


"Well. I was gonna tell you when we got back...we decided right after he wedding. You know his friend Eric? The one who got the job with Jayden at Kinnetik?" she asked him. Justin nodded.


"Yeah. I still haven't even met Eric." Justin admitted. That felt like a million years ago. Daphne, Teresa and Justin asked Brian if Jayden and his best friend Eric could work at Kinnetik as Ted's assistants.


"Well you'll meet him eventually...well they were planning on moving in together. They're making such good money. So they found a three bedroom town house. And already moved into it. It's actually in a building that Brian owns so you know they're paying good money...well. I moved in with them. So me and Jayden and Eric are living together." Daphne said. Justin's eyes widened


"Oh my God Daphne that's awesome." Justin said and hugged her. "God I wish you told me sooner." Justin said as he pulled back. She gave him that 'yeah right' look.


"There was never the right time. I've been dying to tell you. But I wanted you to get all excited for real, and not have to fake it." she told him.


"So wait three bedrooms. Does that mean?..." he trailed off and she laughed.


"Oh no we sleep together. I have my own room, and I'll go in there when I need to study. But I sleep in Jayden's room. The third bedroom is more so for my parents. They still think I'm a virgin. And I don't mind them thinking that way." Daphne joked.


"Yeah they have no idea that I took care of that." Justin joked, making her scream and hit him in the shoulder. "Does Jayden know?" he asked seriously. She sighed.


"Yeah I told him. He asked me about my first time. I didn't want to lie to him. I thought he was gonna act all weird around you. But once we found out about Molly, all of that just seemed to leave his mind."


"Don't let Brian know Jayden knows. He'll start talking about it more often." he laughed. She nodded her head and laughed with him.


"It's good to hear you laugh. I thought I wouldn't ever hear you laugh again." Daphne said seriously. He sighed.


"Neither did I." Justin admitted. Later that night, Sam pulled him and Daphne out into the yard and into the hammock. Sam and Daphne laid on one side, while Justin laid on the other side. His body in between the two girls and his feet between their heads.


"Tell us about your honeymoon. We didn't get to hear any details. We didn't even get to sit for hours and hours talking about the wedding." Sam said as they all got comfy.


"Oh I know. It was over and then we were gone. I was having so much fun, but I couldn't wait to come home and talk about every single detail with you guys." Justin laughed. The three of them stayed out there for a few hours just talking. Sam yelled for Sawyer at one point to bring them pillows and a blanket. Surprisingly he did this without arguing. He told them all the different places they went to. All the romantic things Brian did. All the places the fucked in. It made him feel more like himself. He started to remember what he felt when they got married. That excitement. The constant smiling and feeling happy.


"Well look who got their sunshine smile back." Sam said. She looked over at Daphne and sat up. "Told you that would work." she told her as Daphne sat up and smiled.


"You're right." she said and held up her hands.


"Knew what would work?" Justin asked as he sat up with them.


"You've been so sad since you came home. You deserve to be happy. Molly's home safe now. Yeah no one knows where Craig is. But that doesn't mean you have to stop living. And you were so excited about being married. You should still be able to feel like that." Daphne said.


"Just because you're home doesn't mean the honeymoons over." Sam joked. Justin smiled at them and leaned forward to hug them, sending them all sideways right off the hammock. They laid there laughing loudly, until Justin stopped, stood up and went running in the house. "We're fine. Don't worry about us." Sam said to him. Daphne helped her up. Justin went running up the stairs and into his bedroom where Brian was. He was startled by Justin running in. He was sitting on the edge of the bed reading an email on his phone.


"What's wrong?" Brian asked seriously. No joking. He and Brian needed to change that. He walked over and stood between Brian's legs. He took the phone out of his hand and tossed it behind him on the couch.


"You don't need that." Justin said. Brian raised an eyebrow.


"What are you doing Sunshine?" Brian asked, intrigued and amused by this sudden change in Justin.


"We've been home almost two weeks, and not once have we made love since we left Hawaii." Justin said as he slowly took off his own shirt and tossed it away. Brian smirked.


"I prefer the term fucking." Brian said. Justin smiled as he kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his socks.


"You can call it whatever you want. Making love. Fucking. Having sex. Screwing. Either way, I haven't felt your dick inside me for almost two weeks." Justin said as he pulled his belt through his jeans and wrapped the belt around Brian's neck, pulling him gently closer to him. "I can't go two weeks without having your cock inside me ever again. It makes me crazy." he whispered, and gently kissed him.


"How crazy?" Brian whispered back. Justin leaned back and dropped the belt to the floor. He stood back and slowly started unbuttoning his jeans.


"It makes me not feel like myself. I feel like I'm going insane." he said huskily, bringing his jeans down to the floor and kicking them away. Brian could see he was painfully hard. He stepped forward and touched the bottom of Brian's shirt. "Need help with this?" he asked and slowly brought it up. Brian raised his arms and let Justin take his shirt off and toss it away. "I feel like I won't feel sane again until I feel you inside me." Justin said and leaned down and licked his stomach. Leaving a trail from his belly button to his right nipple, where he licked it, sucked on it and then bit it...all to quickly for Brian's liking, and then repeating the same show on his left nipple, and then licking his way up to his ear.


"Kinda like a shot of meds." Brian whispered. Justin chuckled softly.


"A shot a day keeps the doctor away." Justin whispered. He pulled Brian up by his jeans and unbuttoned them and slowly brought down his zipper. Justin scraped his knuckled against Brian's cock, making him groan. He hadn't felt Justin's hands on him like this since Hawaii.


Justin came up from the water laughing. Brian's head popped up a minute later. They just jumped off a cliff, naked. Justin wrapped his arms and legs around Brian. "God I love you." Justin said. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin to hold him up. He squeezed Justin's ass cheeks, making him moan.


"Oh yeah? How about you show me." Brian said. Justin unwrapped his legs around his waist and swam backwards.


"Follow me." Justin said and turned and started swimming towards shore. Brian followed him, and as soon as he got to shore, Justin attacked him. He started kissing Brian but then stopped after a minute and wiped his mouth. "Gotta remember the sand." Justin said, making Brian laugh. But it didn't stop him from touching every part of Brian's skin.


Justin brought his jeans down and Brian kicked them away. Justin stood up and licked his lips. "No underwear. That's something that's always turned me on about you." Justin said.


"How about you let Dr. Kinney give you a shot and make everything all better." Brian said huskily. He could tell Justin practically came right there as he ripped his underwear off and shoved Brian on the bed, getting on top of them. Brian somehow moved them backwards so his head was on the pillow. They kissed passionately as Justin ground his cock against Brian's. Making them both moan.


"I haven't cum in so long. I don't think I'll last long." Justin said between kissing Brian.


"Good." Brian said. Justin reached between them and spit into his hand. Brian did the same thing and Justin wrapped it around Brian's cock, making him moan. "Let me help you with that." Brian said. He spit into his own hand, and then let Justin, and he went down and brought his fingers down to Justin's hole and rubbed it. Justin groaned and rested his head in his neck.


"God that feels amazing." Justin groaned. He smiled and pushed it, making Justin hissed when he pushed his finger inside. Justin was so horny that he started moving and riding Brian's finger.


"You horny little boy. Can't even wait for my cock." Brian said as Justin groaned and tried to ride him faster. Brian pulled his fingers out, making him moan for more. "Oh I got something for you." Brian said as he reached into his nightstand and pulled out the matching cock rings. "You don't want to cum so quick. So let's put it on you." Brian said and flipped Justin onto his back and straddled his legs. He worked on getting Justin's cock and balls through the ring, all the while Justin groaned non stop. Brian chuckled, and then got off his legs, and then flipped him over onto his stomach. "You like getting fingered don't you. How about I finger you till you're begging me to let you cum hmmm?" he said into his ear and then shoved a finger inside of him.


"Oh fuck." Justin groaned.


"Oh you like that huh?" Brian asked as he pumped him in and out, and then added a second finger, making him groan louder.


"Fuck yes." Justin growled.


"I have a couple more steaks from the grill." Sawyer said as he came into the kitchen and put a large pan down that had the steaks.


"Oh a baked potato to." Sam said as she grabbed a fork and pulled it off the pan to her plate.


"Aren't you full yet? You've turned into a human garbage disposal." Sawyer said.


"I'll go let Justin know the steaks are done." Jennifer said.


"Oh I wouldn't go up there right now." Sam said as she cut open her potato and started slathering it in butter.


"Why not?" Teresa asked as she pushed forward a tray that had different things to put on the potatoes


"They're having a moment. Probably several moments. Probably all night moments." Sam said as she sprinkled on some cheese.


"Oh." Jennifer said. Sawyer chuckled.


"I'm surprised she said it so nicely." Sawyer whispered to Jennifer.


"Lui probabilmente come si fa sodomizzare cosi forte da Brian che ha intenzione di passare fuori. Solo per svegilarsi e pregarlo di piu. Uomini gay amano il cazzo. Egli non puo mai mangiare di nuovo. Salvo quanto Brian puo dargli." Sam spoke. Sawyer covered his face and Teresa dropped what she had in her hand. Emmett laughed softly.


"What did she say?" Emmett asked Sawyer.


"Something disgusting. I don't want to hear that. I'm his father." Sawyer told Sam. She just shrugged her shoulders.


"Conoscete il detto come padre, come figlio." Sam said to Teresa. "Magari si salta su che prima che si accartoccia e scompare." she said. Teresa's eyes widened and she left the kitchen.


"Uh oh. I heard my wife speaking Italian. That can't be good." Josh said as he sat down between Sam and Emmett at the island.


"A rimanere fuori del mio lavoro. Si sta mettendu in imbarazzo Teresa. Non voglio parlare di lei sposarmi mai piu. Quella nave ha navigato e per una volta nella tua fottuta vita fastidioso vi fara rispettare questo!" Sawyer said and stormed out.


"Wait he can speak Italian to?" Emmett asked.


"What did you say?" Josh asked.


"Say it in here." Emmett said as he reached across and held his phone in front of Sam. She repeated what she said and Emmett looked at his phone and burst out laughing.


"What did she say?" Daphne asked. Jayden chuckled. He understood a few words.


"He's probably getting his ass pounded so hard by Brian that he's going to pass out. Only to wake up and beg Brian for more. Gay men love the dick. He may never eat again. Except for what Brian can give him." Emmett said as they all laughed.


"What pissed Sawyer off though?" Josh asked. Emmett put his phone to her mouth again and she spoke into it. Emmett's eyes widened.


"You know the saying like father like son. Maybe you should jump on that before it shrivels up and dissappears." Emmett said. She smiled.


"Sam." Josh said and shook his head.


"So what did Sawyer say?" Daphne asked. Before Sam could answer, Josh did. He spoke Italian to and repeated it for Emmett.


"You stay out of my business. You're embarrassing Teresa. I don't want to talk about her marrying me ever again. That ship has sailed and for once in your fucking annoying life will you please respect that...and go have hot sex with your husband." Emmett said. Sam was already chuckling while the others laughed.


"I added that last part." Josh said and smiled.


"Oh God Brian." Justin groaned and panted. Brian had fingered him hard. Harder then ever before. All the while Justin begged him to take the cock ring off. But Brian didn't want to. He wanted to make this last. He finally did stop fingering him roughly, and got behind him and pulled him up to his knees and filled him with his own cock. It had been a couple of weeks since he was inside Justin. It felt like home. He was plastered to Justin's back as he fucked him hard. Justin's face was down on the bed, and their arms and hands were intertwined. Sweat was dripping off their bodies.


"Please Brian. Fuck!" he groaned. Brian was moving inside of his so hard and fast. Hitting his prostate over and over again. Brian knew he could last. He sure as hell wanted to cum right then. But he controlled himself. He wanted Justin to enjoy this for a very, very long time. His hard fingering on his ass would have made him cum in a minute. Thanks to that cock right over Justin's cock, he wasn't able to. He was over stimulated. And he knew even after all the begging, he knew Justin wanted to keep going. And he couldn't help it. He loved hearing Justin beg him.


"Fuck your ass feels good Sunshine." Brian grunted in his ear.


"Please Brian. God I need to cum." Justin begged. He moaned and sucked on his ear. He wanted to make Justin harder. He knew a way to do that. It wasn't something he ever did. But hey, he was always up for something new. He sucked below his ear.


"I love hearing you beg me baby." Brian whispered. It was something that he swore he would never do. And he just did. He called Justin a pet name. It's not like when he called him Sunshine. But he called him baby. Justin moaned and groaned louder.


"Oh God Brian. Please let me cum. I need to cum so bad." he begged him. He turned his face to look at him. "I have to Brian." he moaned. He kept fucking him and placed his lips on his ear again.


"I love fucking you Justin Kinney." he whispered. He knew these words alone could cause Justin to combust. That cock ring was killing him. "I love fucking my husband." he whispered. Justin let out a strangled cry. It was to much for him. "Do you wanna cum for me Justin?" he asked him.


"Oh yes please. I want to cum for you so bad Brian." he all but cried out.


"You want to cum just for me? Only for me baby?" he whispered in his ear. He cried out again.


"Yes please. I only want to cum for you. I need to cum just for you. I love you please let me cum for you." Justin begged. Brian smiled. He was so close himself. He wanted to cum now to. He reached down and adjusted the cock ring so he could pull it off of Brian. Justin practically screamed as he pulled it off and instantly started cumming. Brian couldn't help it and came with him. He collapsed down on top of Justin as they panted heavily. He ran his fingers through Justin's hair. "Oh...my...God." Justin panted out. Brian let out a breathy laugh.


"Dr. Kinney to the rescue. Ten shots a day and you'll be good as new." Brian breathed out making Justin chuckle. Brian ended up rolling off of Justin so he could breathe. Justin was to exhausted to move.


"You called me baby...twice." Justin breathed out. He looked all dreamy and Brian chuckled and wiped the sweat off his face.


"Yeah well...don't spread it around. You'll ruin my reputation." Brian grumbled at him. They ended up skipping dinner, and when Justin recovered they started again. They fell asleep for a few hours, only to wake up around 4:00 in the morning because Justin was starving. His stomach growled loudly and Brian chuckled. "Let's go feed you." Brian said as he stood up and pulled Justin with them. Brian put on sweat pants and nothing else. But Justin grabbed some of Brian's sweat pants and one of Brian's tank tops. He looked hot. No one was awake in the house, so they quietly found there way to the kitchen and started pulling things out of the fridge.


"Can I ask you something?" Justin asked. Brian rolled his eyes and huffed.


"Yes dear I like your cock size just the way it is. Even if it is smaller then mine." Brian said. Justin laughed and hit him.


"My cock in 9 inches thank you very much. It's barely an inch shorter then yours. And that wasn't what I was going to ask." Justin said. Brian chuckled and waited for him to talk. "It's about Lilly." Justin said nervously. Brian shrugged.


"What about her?"


"About where she's going to live." Justin said. Oh. He hadn't thought of that. All this time, all anyone ever thought about was if Molly was gonna come home. Now that she was home, and even though Craig was still out there, they needed to start moving on. Why hadn't he realized that Lilly technically didn't have a place to live? Brian looked over at him.


"What are you thinking?" he asked honestly. Justin's mind could be anywhere.


"Laurie's family doesn't want her. I mean, Laurie's father is really sick, and her mother is taking care of him. She's spoken with my mother, she said she can't take care of a baby and her sick husband." Justin said and scratched the back of his head. "And my mom said that it sounded like Laurie's sister wanted to take Lilly, but the sister just got married and the husband flat out said he doesn't want the baby. He doesn't want to have to be responsible for her. Especially after what my dad did to his sister in law." Justin said sadly and scrubbed his face. "Laurie doesn't have any other family. So Lilly just has me and Molly." Justin said. Brian nodded his head. God. Was he really going to take in a baby? Was he really going to be responsible for another life? Brian sighed.


"Look. This is your little sister we're talking about. I would never make you give her up. It would eat away at you every day, knowing you just let your sister go off and be adopted...not knowing if you'd ever see her again. If she was ok. I'd never do that to you Justin." Brian said seriously. Justin looked at him. "So if you want to do this...If you want Lilly to live here...then I'm behind you." Brian said. Justin gulped.


"We'd basically be giving up our lives that we have right now. Just the two of us. It would be the three of us. We'd be the one's raising her...are you even ok with that?" Justin asked. Brian snorted.


"Of course I'm not ok. We shouldn't be raising your baby sister. Her mother should be. But we're dealing with the cards that we're given. And I'm not gonna let you lose your little sister. I'm not gonna let her be raised by some straight people." Brian and said and shuddered. Justin smiled.


"Really? Do you promise this is ok? I don't want to lose you because of this." Justin said quietly.


"That's what you're worried about? That you'll lose me?" Brian asked. Justin nodded sadly. Brian picked up Justin's hand and brought it to his mouth and kissed it. "You're fucking stuck with me. If I leave you, then I'll have to go back to picking up guys at Babylon, and have to put a condom back on. And no one has a tight enough ass like you do." Brian said and smiled. Justin laughed and hugged Brian. "Do me a favor though." Brian said. Justin pulled back.


"Yeah anything."


"Let's not make this decision tonight. Let's discuss it with your mother first. She's the one who went out of her way to get Lilly here. She found her at the house. Let's talk it over with her first." he said. Justin nodded.


"I think I'm done eating. How about we go upstairs and make love. Gently. My ass still fucking hurts." Justin joked. Brian chuckled and pulled Justin closer to him and rubbed his ass cheeks gently. Justin chuckled and kissed him.


When Justin woke up the next morning, he felt more like himself. He was starting to move on from this tragedy. And he wanted to unpack all his suitcases that had been lining the walls of his bedroom. He wanted to unpack all the souvenirs that they bought. He wanted to start opening all the things that had been shipped to them that were to big to take in suitcases. It was exciting for him. He was finally starting to feel like most newly wed couples. Coming home and being excited about sharing every detail of their honeymoon and wedding. His dad stole that from him. But he couldn't let his father steal everything from him. Was he going to live his life blaming himself? He did blame himself for what happened to Molly and Lilly. But he knew he couldn't stop living.


They were downstairs in the kitchen, and Justin and Brian were joking around. Justin couldn't stop touching Brian, and Brian couldn't help but smile. "Well I sure have missed that smile." Teresa said to Justin. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head.


"Aww see what you did? You embarrassed him." Brian joked as he pinched his cheeks.


"Alright I'm off. The cabs out front." Josh said as he came in, with Sam pouting behind him. "But I promise I'll be back the day before Gus' birthday." Josh said as he looked at Sam who had her arms crossed. "Come on Justin's all happy again. I'm sure you can find some type of trouble to get into him with." Josh said.


"Yeah but it's no fun without you here. You don't really have to go back to work do you?" she asked sadly. Brian laughed at her. He walked in a poured some coffee into a travel mug.


"I have some Pre-Madonna artist that is asking for 80 percent of sales." Josh said and rolled his eyes. Josh ended up leaving, leaving behind a sad and mopey Sam. Brian was answering his emails on his phone.


"Why don't you go back to work to?" Justin asked. Brian looked over at him. "There's nothing really to do around here. I'm just gonna unpack all my stuff and find places for all my souvenirs You should go surprise them at work. Oh scare Ted when you walk in. you know you love doing that." Justin said. Brian's eyes widened.


"Are you sure?" Brian asked. Justin nodded his head, and Brian didn't have to be told twice. He ran upstairs and got ready. Brian was excited to be back. He walked in the doors of his baby. "THEODORE!" Brian screamed through the building, making everyone jump.


"Jesus Brian." Cynthia said as she started cleaning up her drink that she spilt on her desk.


"Jesus Brian what's wrong? What are you doing here?" Ted asked as he ran over, startled. Brian smiled.


"Daddy's back. Now let me see what you've fucked up since I've been gone." Brian said and walked into his office. It was weird to see his father sitting at his desk. He was having a web cam conference with a client.


"Yes I'm sorry. I see that my son has surprised us. Scared the whole office sounds like." Sawyer chuckled. Brian straightened up and walked behind the desk as Sawyer made a move the get up.


"It's ok. Sit." Brian told him. Sawyer smiled and sat back down.


"As you can see Mr. Kinney is back at work now. I can sit down and give him a run down of everything going on with the campaign. I'm sure you're eager to have him back working for Brown Athletics" Sawyer said professionally.


Justin and Brian did wait a few days later to talk with Jennifer. She was sitting in the living room talking with Molly. Tucker was sitting on the back of it with his arms crossed. "Please. Will you just think about it?" Molly asked.


"Think about what?" Justin asked as he and Brian sat down.


"There's two more weeks of dance camp left. I go every year, and I want to go on Monday. They said they'd let me come late. Please mom." Molly asked.


"She'd be safe there Jen." Tucker said.


"There isn't any security there. There's security here." Justin told her.


"Come on. I can't not go to dance camp. I go every year. I missed the other weeks. I just want to go to the end and be with my friends." Molly pleaded.


"I could send some security up there. So she'd still be protected." Brian said. Justin sighed and Molly's eyes brightened.


"Oh please mom please. If there's security then nothing can happen to me. I swear they can hang outside my room every night, escort me breakfast lunch and dinner. I don't care just please say yes." Molly pleaded with her mom. Jen looked over at Brian.


"You really think she'll be ok? I don't even know if they'll allow security there." Jen said.


"If they do can I go?" she asked.


"I don't see the harm Jennifer." Tucker said. Justin rolled his eyes, and Brian nudged him.


"I can have someone call the camp. Get the layout. See if it's feasible" Brian said. Jennifer sighed.


"I'm not making any promises. But if they'll allow security there, and if the security team thinks it's safe...then yes you can go." Jennifer said. Molly screamed and hugged her mother, thanking her.


"Listen. Can me and Brian talk to you about something?" Justin asked. Jennifer looked at them.


"Is everything alright?" she asked.


"Yeah it's fine. It's just...what are we going to do about Lilly?" Justin asked. Jennifer looked back at Tucker, and Molly sat back into the couch. "Laurie's family can't take care of her. And me and Molly are the only family she has. I don't want to give her up." Justin said.


"Of course not Justin. I don't want that either. None of us do." Jen said nervously and fidgeted with her hands. She looked back and forth between Tucker and Molly.


"What are you guys not telling me? You're acting weird." Justin asked nervously. Brian leaned back and put his hand on Justin's neck and started squeezing it.


"Well...we've also been talking about Lilly...and Molly came to us the other day and asked us about her...we want to keep her. Molly wants to have her in the house and...Tucker and I want to raise her." Jennifer said. Justin was stunned. What? This was not where he expected this conversation to go. He squeezed the bridge of his nose.


"Wait a minute. You said you and Tucker. It would be you raising her. It's your house. And someone has to adopt her." Justin babbled.


"We both wanted to adopt her. Tucker and I together." Jen said. Justin narrowed his eyes at her. She was hiding her hand. Holy shit. He gulped. "The night before this all happened...Tucker proposed to me." Jen said and held up her hand and showed a diamond ring. "We want to get married. Nothing big. And we talked about it. We want Lilly to stay with our family." Jen said, waving her hand, meaning Brian and Justin and Molly...and Tucker. "We were gonna bring this up to you after the party. We didn't expect you to want to keep her to. I just thought with you getting married..." Jen trailed off. He looked over at Brian. His face was completely calm.


"Did you know about this? You don't seem the least bit surprised?" Justin demanded.


"Calm down Sunshine. I didn't know that they wanted to take Lilly. But...I saw the ring. So I kinda figured..." Brian trailed off. Justin had been blind sided.


"We can talk about Lilly. If you really want her Justin...both you and Brian really want her, I would never fight you. You and Molly get a say in this. More then me. If you really want her, then you can have her. I'd be more then happy for her to live with you. I just didn't think with you just getting married...that you were ready for that. This is completely up to you Justin." Jennifer said. Justin didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. He had been nice to Tucker. Pleasant. But he never thought this was going to last. He thought it would run it's course, and then his mother would find someone her own age. Now they want to get married? And this guy who's only a couple of years older then him, wants to raise his little sister. Well correction, it would be both of his sisters.


"I really want her to live with us Justin." Molly said softly.


"It's not like I wanted to take her. I just..." Justin trailed off.


"You were going to just do it. We know...you didn't have a choice. But now you do. So we can talk about it. It can still be open for discussion." Jennifer said. Justin sat there. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder when it came to Lilly. He didn't know how to be a father. And he would have to be a father to a little girl who he didn't know, and didn't know him. He wanted a family of his own...but he wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to raise a little girl. Justin wiped his eyes.


"I don't know how the raise a baby." Justin admitted.


"So is Lilly still staying with us then?" Molly asked. She was happy. Justin nodded her head.


"I still want to help you with her. As much as I can. I don't want to just show up and hang out with her. She's my little sister. And you shouldn't have to do this alone. I want to help." Justin said. She smiled and scooted over and hugged him.


"She's gonna need you and Molly. You're her family. You're her big brother." Jen said. He ignored everything about Tucker. It made him sick. He ended up getting up and walking upstairs and pacing his room. Brian came in a few minutes later.


"Is she fucking kidding me? He's half her age and she wants to marry him?" Justin said. Brian stopped him.


"When are you gonna stop being hypocritical. I'm twelve years older then you. You were a minor when I started fucking you." Brian said. Justin pushed his hands off his shoulders and put his hands to his face and groaned. Brian chuckled. "He's not such a bad guy. If you gave him a chance. He really does love your mom. And Molly. And he already loves Lilly." Brian said. He let his body fall into Brian and groaned. The next day the house was full of family again. Sawyer's whole family came down for Gus and Molly's party, and so did Justin's. And then the day after was the actual party.


Brian griped the whole time about the inflatable crap that they were putting in the yard. Not only was Brian's whole family there, and the small Liberty Ave family, but Justin's family was there. Then all of Gus' friends from school, and a bunch of Melanie and Lindsay's friends who they invited every year to Gus' parties. And then there was all of Molly and Jennifer's friends that were there to celebrate Molly being home. It was massive. And Brian hated every minute of it. Justin had caterers there, and they were grilling up hamburgers and hot dogs. A huge Barbecue And they had separate little stands. Like they have at carnivals. Handing out snow cones, pretzels, ice cream, cotton candy. It was sickening. He needed something to do. He was sitting at the table and looked over and focused on Sam. She was eating again.


"Alright that's it." Brian said. She stopped and looked at him. He stood up and grabbed her by the arm.


"what are you doing?" she asked. He looked over at Josh.


"Upstairs." he told them. Justin followed them as he dragged Sam by the arm upstairs into his and Justin's bedroom and shut the door.


"what is the matter with you? I didn't do anything. I was sitting there minding my own business eating-"


"EXACTLY!" Brian said. Justin covered his mouth to hide his smile, as he watched Sam get mad. She put her hands on her hips, and hers narrowed at Brian.


"And what exactly is your fucking problem that I'm eating? I'm tired of this bullshit. I'm tired of you talking about my eating habits. I eat a lot! Who fucking cares!" Sam said. Brian smiled and crossed his arms.


"You're pregnant." Brian said. Justin and Josh's eyes widened, and Sam's face turned red.


"That's not even funny to joke about." Sam said. Brian pulled out his phone and sent a text. "What the fuck are you doing?" she demanded. Almost instantly he got a text back. He smiled and sent another one.


"Good you're already to go. I'll give you the address for my doctor in Pittsburgh. Go excuse yourself and drive down there. He's waiting down there for you, and will take a blood test. If you're pregnant you can come back and I'll accept why you're eating like a fucking cow." he told her, making her eyes bulge out. "And if not, then he's gonna take even more blood and do some extensive blood work on you to find out what the fuck is wrong with you. Now go. I'm tired of watching the little piggy eat." Brian said.


"Brian!" Justin scolded.


"Yeah you know what. You're gonna feel really shitty when I come back and I'm not pregnant." she said and stormed out. Josh rubbed his head and looked at Brian.


"I hope to God she is pregnant. For your sake. I know we all joke about her being angry...but telling her she's pregnant...you have no idea what you just did. You just crossed a line." Josh said disappointingly at Brian and turned and walked out. Justin's face fell.


"My God Brian why did you do that. You know how she is about wanting to be pregnant. She's been fine lately. And now you went and stirred things up. They'll never forgive us." Justin said.


"Not us. me." Brian told him. Justin rolled his eyes.


"We're married. We're an us."


"Well don't worry drama queen. That heffer is knocked up. Did you see how many burgers she ate? Four! And that's not including breakfast, and all that snacking she did. And with every burger she goes and fills up her plate full of potato salad and pasta and all that other crap." Brian said. Justin stood there sadly.


"I hope you're right Brian." Justin said sadly. They went back downstairs to the party.


"CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION!" Melanie yelled. Everyone got quiet and stood around her and Lindsay. "We just wanted everyone to raise their glasses for a minute. Because Molly is home safe and sound. And there's nothing better then having her here with us to celebrate. And to thank her for letting Gus have all these Superhero decorations and not caring that she was sharing her welcome home party with a seven year olds birthday party." Melanie said.


"She's a very special young lady, and her mother Jennifer are two ladies that are very near and dear to our hearts. So just raise your glasses to Molly coming home." Lindsay said. Everyone cheered. Justin stepped forward.


"I just want to thank everyone. Me and my mom. Everyone was there for us. Day in and day out, they sat with us and took care of us. Making sure we ate something. Reminding us to stay positive. Thank you for being there for us." Justin said, raising his glass. After a minute, Lindsay stepped forward again.


"I just wanted to say one more thing...Gus has had six birthday parties. And they've all been so special to Mel and I. We had all our friends, and our little family." Lindsay said, referring to the Liberty Ave gang. "But one thing that we've always wanted for Gus, is to have cousins to play with. Aunts, uncle and grandparents. This is a very special birthday party for him, because all of you get to share this with him. So thank you for all being here." Lindsay said.


"Enough with the fucking speeches already. Feels like that damn party of ours." Brian said, referring to the wedding.


"BRIAN!" A bunch of people scolded. Cussing in front of kids. He was sitting at the table later on.


"Where are Sammy and Josh?" Julianna asked.


"oh you know. They're upstairs." Brian said. He moved his hand up to his cheek, and pretended to move it. Meaning she was giving Josh a blow job.


"Oh my God do you remember in college? I constantly walked in on them. They never locked the door." Cecilia said to Nico, who just laughed. She was Nico's wife. Jayden's sister in law.


"You went to college with Sam?" Emmett asked. Cecilia nodded her head.


"Her, Josh and her best friend Stephanie came here for college." Nico told them. Sam and Josh were gone about three hours. Brian had one of the security guys let him know when they came back. He motioned to Justin to follow him, and they walked up the stairs.


"They didn't come right back out to the party. Brian she's not pregnant. God she's gonna be a mess." Justin said sadly.


"She's fucking pregnant Sunshine." Brian said. They walked over to their room, and Justin was about to knock, but Brian opened the door. Sam was leaning against the bed with her hands over her mouth. She was crying. Justin closed his eyes. "God no." Justin whispered. They couldn't see josh. They could hear him in the walk in closet unzipping their suitcase "We're so sorry." Justin said. Sam looked up. Her eyes were puffy and red. Josh peaked his head out of the closet, and he to had been crying. Justin looked up at Brian. Brian raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. He looked annoyed. Justin's blood started to boil. "Brian stop it." he hissed at him. What was the matter with him? He looked back at Sam and Josh who were standing next to each other. Sam was trying to catch her breath and Josh was wiping at his eyes.


"Oh I seriously can't even do it. I want to, but I just can't follow through with it." Sam said to Josh. He chuckled at her.


"I know. I can't keep an angry look on my face." Josh admitted to her. Justin's eyes widened, and Sam walked over and handed them a picture.


"I'm 8 weeks pregnant. It's for real." Sam said. She let out a sob and laugh at the same time. Justin was stunned. He was speechless. Brian held out his arms.


"I FUCKING TOLD YOU!" Brian said. Sam and Josh laughed. Josh held out his hands this time.


"We're gonna have a baby!" Josh cheered and hugged Sam to him.




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