Story Notes:
This is Deborah (kellankyle), posting on behalf of Miss Miko. She has graciously given me permission to post her wonderful stories on MW, and I am thankful.
Miss Miko told me that she wrote these stories during the run of the show and about a year after...that would put her completion date somewhere in 2006. The entire series is a little over a million words, and spans around 40 years of Brian and Justin's lives - with many trials and tribulations along the way. It is complete and I will be posting it in 5 parts.
I hope you all enjoy it, as much as I have.
Authors Notes:
Ratings: All stories are NC-17+ (some NC-17+infinity)
Note: All stories are in chronological order
Warning: These stories are not for the QAF purist and feature non-canon characters and situations. If you're only interested in reading about Brian and Justin as they are on the show, don't waste your time with these stories, just pop in your DVDs or VHS tapes and knock yourself out.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Chapter 1 - Jambalaya by Miss Miko [Reviews - 10] (2139 words)
Summary: It's always better the second day.
2. Chapter 2 - Bad Boys by Miss Miko [Reviews - 0] (2549 words)
Summary: Justin is punished for lying to Brian. Takes place while they were living together.
3. Chapter 3 - Love Me by Miss Miko [Reviews - 0] (3336 words)
Summary: Brian and Justin negotiate the terms of their relationship. This story takes place two days after Brian visits his dad at the bar.
4. Chapter 4 - Close Shave by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (1910 words)
Summary: A brief interlude in which the Boy Wonder experiences the wonders of erotic shaving.
5. Chapter 5 - Trick or Treat by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (2024 words)
Summary: Brian's online trick plays a trick on him! Takes place during the time Justin lived with Brian. (No deep story here, it's all about sex!)
6. Chapter 6 - Room Service by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (3245 words)
Summary: A look back at happier (kinkier) times.
Not a lot of plot, just a lot of Mmmm, I wanna mmm mmm mmm...
7. Chapter 7 - Couch Song by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (3323 words)
Summary: Takes place after Justin moves out of the loft. Brian begins to suspect that there is more to his relationship with Justin than just sex.
8. Chapter 8 - "...Talking of Michelangelo..." by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (4589 words)
Summary: Justin's generosity towards a fellow student brings him closer to Brian.
9. Chapter 9 - ...For Ice Cream by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (3179 words)
Summary: Mikey and Brian aren't speaking, what's a guy to do for entertainment?
10. Chapter 10 - Distractions by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (3622 words)
Summary: Justin's trying to study for his SATs and Brian just wants to play.
11. Chapter 11 - Promises by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (4872 words)
Summary: Brian tries to come to terms with his feelings for his father and Justin. Takes place the night of the Leather Ball and the day after.
12. Chapter 12 - Want/Need You by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (7913 words)
Summary: How Brian got his bracelet. A story of lost love.
13. Chapter 13 - What I Want by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (4095 words)
Summary: It's Justin's 18th birthday and Brian gives him the best present of all: himself!
14. Chapter 14 - First Steps by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (3477 words)
Summary: Brian and Justin take a small step towards becoming a couple. Takes place a few days after Justin confronts Chris Hobbs outside of Woody's.
15. Chapter 15 - Idioteque Variations by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (876 words)
Summary: 10 brief vignettes; musings on Brian and Justin's relationship.
16. Chapter 16 - Shotgun (Number 1 with a Bullet) by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (4520 words)
Summary: Brian takes a stroll down memory lane, starting with number 10 and working his way up to number 1.
17. Chapter 17 - Funeral Games by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (4509 words)
Summary: Brian struggles with his father's death.
18. Chapter 18 - A Fine and Fancy Ramble by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (2903 words)
Summary: Brian, Justin, and Gus have a perfect day.
19. Chapter 19 - Toys by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (4809 words)
Summary: Justin and Brian have a playdate; you'll never look at kiddie toys again in the same way!
20. Chapter 20 - Fairy Tale by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (10663 words)
Summary: Brian falls ill while he and Justin are babysitting so Justin tells Gus the story of Prince Sunshine and Prince Charming/Alarming to keep them both occupied.
(Note: This one's for Colleen, who wanted a 'totally Justin story.')
21. Chapter 21 - Hide and Seek by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (3975 words)
Summary: Brian and Justin play an erotic game and make an unexpected discovery.
22. Chapter 22 - In My Dreams by Miss Miko [Reviews - 3] (5428 words)
Summary: Someone dreams of Brian and Justin on a fantasy trip to NYC.
23. Chapter 23 - Last Goodbye by Miss Miko [Reviews - 2] (4070 words)
Summary: Brian has to let go of the past in order to have a chance at a future with Justin.
24. Chapter 24 - The Body Remembers by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (5177 words)
Summary: The truth about The Most Famous Shower Scene Since Psycho.*rape reference
25. Chapter 25 - Eyes In Love by Miss Miko [Reviews - 1] (4176 words)
Summary: Brian deals with rejection on two fronts.
26. Chapter 26 - In The World by Miss Miko [Reviews - 6] (4541 words)
Summary: Justin and Brian attend a show while Jennifer watches from the balcony. Occurs between Episodes 20 and 21. Inspired by Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim.
Note: This is the final chapter in the first part of the series