Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction



Justin was pouring coffee into his mug when Brian came down. "Hey." Justin said. Brian rubbed his eyes and nodded. "I made some breakfast. Are you hungry?" Justin asked. Brian sat down on the stool and yawned. "How much sleep did you get?"


"Not a lot." Brian said. Justin nodded his head, and started making a plate for him, and then started pouring guava juice for him.


"I didn't sleep much either. I've been paranoid about our decision in not calling Teresa." Justin said. He turned around and handed the plate and glass to Brian, and then started pouring him some coffee, and pouring the sugar in. He handed the cup to Brian and sat down next to him. "Do you think we're doing the right thing in not calling her? I don't want this to come back and bite us in the ass. Well, you in the ass." Justin said, scrubbing his face. Brian chewed slowly.


"Honestly. I have no fucking idea." Brian said. Justin let out a deep breath. Brian noticed that he was holding his right hand close to him. He figured Justin's hand would start hurting him. And he didn't want to tell him that the reason why he didn't sleep, was because he was listening to Justin talk in his sleep. He knew Justin had nightmares about Chris Hobbs the night before.


Brian reached over and grabbed his hands, and started rubbing it. Justin smiled at him. "Thank you." Justin whispered. They sat there for a few minutes, while Brian dug into his hand. "I'm glad she felt comfortable enough to come to us for help. I would hate to find out that she had to deal with this alone...but I don't know if we're the right people to help her." Justin said sadly. Brian just stared at him. "If that were Daphne up there, telling me she was getting an abortion, I would be able to be there for her. I could lay in bed with her all night while she cried. I could hold her hair while she pukes in the toilet. Because it's Daphne...but we don't know Addison that well. She'll need someone to hold her while she cries...are we those people who are gonna sit on the bathroom floor with her and hold her while she cries? Because I can be that person...but does she want us to be those people?" Justin asked. Brian stopped massaging Justin's hand.


"The first sign...that we can't do this...I'm calling Teresa." Brian said. Justin nodded his head. They sat there for a few minutes before they heard foot steps. Addison walked in. Her long blonde hair sitting in a bun on the top of her head. Her face red and swollen from crying. Dark circles under her eyes from not sleeping. And standing there in sweat pants and a long sleeved t-shirt.


"Hey. How are you feeling?" Justin asked as Brian turned around to look at her. She walked in and sat on the other side of Brian.


"Sick to my stomach." she said.


"Let me make you something to eat." Justin said. She shook her head. "You gotta eat something. You have to have something in your stomach before the procedure" Justin said. Brian looked over at him and raised his eyebrows. "So I read that pamphlet that she had." Justin said, and looked back at Addison. "I'll make you anything you want." Justin said kindly. She nodded her head, and asked for just toast. Justin made it, and pulled out some fruit that they had. She chose a grapefruit and banana, and he smiled at her.


"Are you sure you want us to go with you?" Brian asked. She looked warily at him. "I don't mind. It's just...doing something like this...I would think you'd want your mother, or one of your sisters going with you." Brian said. She looked down at her plate and ripped at her toast.


"I do want my mom or one of my sisters going..." she said as she trailed off. Tears fell down her face. "But I don't want them to know that I got pregnant. I don't want anyone to know. Ever." she said, and looked up. "You two are the only people in my family, that I know won't tell them. I know you'll keep this a secret." she said.


"You barely know us Addison...how do you know that we haven't called Teresa already?" Brian asked. She wiped at her face.


"I know I barely know you...but you're family. You're my family...and families stick together right?" she asked. Brian and Justin looked at each other and then slowly nodded. "You know him...in a way that none of us knew him." she whispered, and cringed. "You understand why I'm...why I'm so ashamed and disgusted." she whispered to Justin, who instantly nodded his head. He knew that feeling. He gave Hobbs a hand job, and after his bashing, he felt like he wanted to light his brain on fire, just to get rid of that memory. "I just want this to all be over with. I want to just get today over with and pretend like it never happened." she said. Everything she said, were things that Brian and Justin couldn't help but understand.


"But they won't hate you. They're your family. They love you. It's nauseating how much you people freaken love each other." Brian grouched, making Justin chuckle. "They love you. We all know that. They'd want to be there for you." Brian told her. Justin smiled. He was impressed. But Addison shook her head.


"They've already been so disappointed in me. They wanted me to get rid of Chris the second that they met him. I never want to see that look on their faces again. And they'll try and talk me out of this. I can't tell them. They can never know. Please." she pleaded.


They drove her to the clinic after she ate, and they got dressed. Justin wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She was shaking terribly. "They give you every chance to change your mind. Everyone would stand behind you. You know that. We'd all be there to help you." Justin said. She shook her head. The woman at the desk took her name, and instantly brought the three of them to a private room.


"I should wait outside." Brian tried to say.


"This is a private waiting room for all the patients. Nothings happening right now. We just like to give the girls their privacy before anything happens." the receptionist said. Brian nodded and walked in after them. "Alright sweetie. Can I get you anything to drink? Maybe a Ginger-Ale to help settle your stomach?" she asked. Addison nodded her head, and she left the room. Addison covered her face with her hand. Justin just looked at Brian helplessly, and he took a deep breath, and walked over to bend down in front of Addison, making her look at him.


"You can do this you know." Brian told her. She shook and her tears fell down her face. Brian took his thumb and wiped them away. "You can chose this. Or you can choose to have it, and give it up for adoption. Or you can choose to keep it. But it's your choice, and me and Justin are gonna be here the whole time. You don't have to do this alone." he told her. Justin was stunned by his words. "And I know that you feel like you can't tell your family. And I'll stand by you with that. But just know that they love you. Look at how they reacted to me. I never even met them, and they've been throwing me fucking parties, and making speeches about welcoming me into the family." he grumbled, making her smile sadly. He smiled back up at her. "But they know you. And they love you. And I bet all of them would jump in front of a bus for you. And I bet anything, that anyone of them, would sit here in your place, just so you wouldn't have to be here." he said. Tears fell down her face again. "At the end of the day this is about you. What you want to do. What you feel comfortable with. And if you feel that this is what you have to do. Then you have to be ok with it. It doesn't matter what any other asshole thinks. This is your body. And you get to chose if you want to be a mother or not." he said. She nodded her head, as the receptionist came in, handing her the drink, and a nurse walked in behind her. The receptionist walked out and closed the door behind her.


"Hi there Addison. How are you doing this morning?" she asked as she sat down. Brian stood up and sat down next to her.


"Pretty crappy." Addison whispered. The nurse smiled sadly and nodded her head.


"Well my name is Lauren." she said, looking at the boys.


"I'm Justin, and this is Brian." Justin said. Brian nodded and cleared his throat.


"I'm Addison's older cousin." Brian said firmly, and reached over and grabbed Addison's hand, squeezing it tight. Justin smiled at the scene before him. He knew that if Brian could hear his thoughts, he'd puke from the lesbionic thoughts, but it truly warmed his heart to see how Brian was reacting towards her. He barely knew her, but he knew something deep down inside Brian, whether he realized it or not, he felt a connection to her. He felt protective of her.


Justin noticed that that was how all of the men in Brian's family were raised. They were raised to be protective of their family. Of their mother, their wives, their sisters, their daughters, their nieces, and their cousins. The boys were raised to take care of the girls. And even though Brian wasn't raised that way, he proved that it was in his blood. He may not know Addison well, but he would take care of her. Because she was his little cousin.


"This is the cousin you told me about yesterday?" Lauren asked. Addison nodded her head, and Lauren smiled. She pointed at Justin. "So he's the cousin, and you're the fiance?" she asked. Justin nodded. "Alright good. She's going to be staying with you for a few days right?" she asked. Both Brian and Justin nodded. "Good I'm glad you decided to call some family. I'm gonna go let the doctor know that your here. If one of you gentlemen want to come out with me, I just have a few take home instructions to go over with you." Lauren said. Brian and Justin looked at each other, and Brian stood up.


"I'll go." Brian said. Brian followed her out of the room, and down the hall. The nurse led him into another room, and gave him a folder.


"I'll go over with everything to expect. She might be sick in bed for the next week or so. She's going to be experiencing some nausea, vomiting, severe cramping, and bleeding. And I'm gonna go over everything to look out for, incase you need to bring her to the hospital. And all the other side effects. But we want to make sure before she goes home, that your prepared for what she's going to be going through." Lauren said. Brian gulped. "She gave us the impression that she was afraid to tell her immediate family. And that she wasn't sure how you would even react to her asking you for help." Lauren said. Brian scrubbed his face.


"Can I be honest with you?" Brian asked. She nodded her head. "The asshole who knocked her up, is a sick fucking homophobic prick, who tried to kill Justin on their prom night." Brian said. Lauren's eyes widened, clearly not expecting Brian to say that. "Addison didn't know that. He manipulated her into having sex with him, without a fucking condom, and her family hated him. My mother recently just found me. The night that Addison met me, she brought him to our grandparents house, and that's when she found out what a real low life he was...she wants nothing to do with him. She's disgusted by him. And she feels like her family is going to hate her if they find out she got pregnant by him." Brian said. Lauren nodded her head.


"I take it you don't feel that way. About your family?" she asked. He shook her head. "Being ashamed of getting pregnant, and having an abortion, is something that many girls feel. It's hard for them to confide in their families. We just want to make sure that she has your support. And that you're willing to be able to care for her at this time. This is something very traumatic" Lauren said. Brian chuckled sarcastically.


"I'm used to cleaning up his messes...I'm the one who had to put my fiance back together...and I'll be the one to take care of my cousin." she nodded her head. They were there for about an hour before anything was going to be done. The doctor had spoken with Addison again, making sure that she knew that they were there to support any decision that she made, and that she could still change her mind. But Addison wanted to go through with it. As she was finishing up the paper work, they started going over with her the financial part of it. She was under her parents health insurance, and she instantly froze. She didn't want them to know. Brian had spoken up, and handed the nurse his credit card. He would take care of everything that she needed.


The procedure itself wasn't invasive. Addison had chosen to take a pill. She would have to take a second one, but she wouldn't have to be examined for another week. When the doctor handed her the pill, she stared at it for a moment.


"It's ok to not take it Addison." the doctor said kindly. Addison started crying and covered her face. Justin reached out for her hand, and Brian rubbed her back.


"It's ok to not be sure. It's ok to think about this." Justin told her. She shook her head. Before anyone could say anything to her, she swallowed the pill quickly, flushing it down with Ginger-Ale. The room was very quiet. Addison's tears seemed to stop. She was silent. She had stopped crying. Brian and Justin eyed each other. She looked like she was in shock.


They sat there with her for awhile. She hadn't experienced any pains or nausea, and they let her go home. The doctor told them, that she would have to take a second pill in 24 hours, and her symptoms could start showing up at any time. Brian kept looking at her in the mirror to watch her in the backseat. She just stared out the window.


"Are you ok?" Brian asked. She looked up and met his eyes.


"I don't know." she answered.


"Well is there anything that you need? Do you have all your stuff in your bag at the house? We can drop by your apartment and let you pick something up." Justin offered as he turned around to face her. She shook her head.


"I packed everything I'd need." she said softly.


"Well they said you need to try and eat something. What do you like to eat when your sick? I'm a pretty good cook. I can make you anything." Justin said kindly as he rubbed her leg.


"I'm not picky. I'll be good with whatever you make. I'm not hungry though." she answered. They kept a pretty good eye on her that day. Justin had brought down a pillow and some blankets so she could lay on the couch in the family room and watch T.V. She was pretty quiet. Never talked unless they talked to her. Justin ran to the store while she was taking a nap, and made her a sandwich when he got home. He stocked up on comfort foods. Soup, Ginger-Ale and saltines. Anything he could think of that she may want to eat or drink. By the time dinner came around, he had made her chicken soup, and they were sitting on the couch when she spoke for the first time in a while.


"Do you have Goldfish?" she asked. Brian snorted.


"No thank God. It's one thing I'm glad that Sunshine didn't want. I didn't want to have to deal with a fucking fish tank in this house. I'd get stuck feeding them. And I know he and Gus would name them, and he'd get all emotional when they died." Brian said. He looked up, and Addison was staring at him. She let out a small chuckle, and looked over at Justin.


"Is he being serious?" she asked. Brian looked over at Justin. He smiled.


"Unfortunately he is." Justin laughed.


"Crackers." Addison said. Brian raised an eyebrow. "Goldfish crackers. For the soup." Addison said, as she put her hand up to her face to cover her smile. Justin started laughing. Brian rolled his eyes.


"I know that. I was just trying to make you laugh. It worked didn't it." Brian grumbled. Justin eyed Addison, to let him think they believed him.


"Yes it did. Thank you. So do you have some?" she asked. Justin shook his head.


"But Lindsay and Mel do across the street. Let me run over there and grab some." Justin said as he put his bowl down on the coffee table.


"No that's ok. I've already been enough of a bother. I don't want you running across the street for crackers." she said.


"It's really no trouble. I run over there all the time and steal their junk food. I'll be right back." he said, and ran out before she could protest. Brian chuckled.


"It's not so much the junk food that he steals. He just loves to eat, and when he's really hungry, nothing in our kitchen sounds appealing" Brian joked, making her smile.


Justin knocked and poked his head into the house. "HELLO!" Justin called. Lindsay started walking down the stairs.


"Hey Justin." Lindsay said.


"Come to raid our kitchen?" Melanie joked from the living room. He smiled and nodded and walked into the house.


"Where's Gus and J.R.?" Justin asked.


"J.R. is at Michael's, and Gus is upstairs sleeping." Mel said.


"He's starting to catch a cold so he fell asleep early." Lindsay told him. He nodded his head.


"Do you have any Goldfish?" he asked. Lindsay and Mel chuckled, and Lindsay went and grabbed the crackers and tossed it to him. "Thank you." he said, looking at them.


"Something wrong?" Mel asked. He looked up and smiled at her.


"You don't look like you slept well last night. Everything ok?" Lindsay asked as she sat down on the recliner. Justin took a deep breath and sat down on the other side of the couch.


"Addison's hiding out at our house." Justin said. Lindsay and Mel looked at each other, and then back at him.


"That's the one who was dating..." Mel trailed off. Justin nodded his head.


"Is she hiding from him?" Lindsay asked.


"Because if she is I can go put a restraining order on him." Mel said.


"No it's not like that." Justin said as he stared scrubbing his face. He knew he could tell them. They weren't Addison's family, so he wasn't breaking his promise to Addison by telling them. And they wouldn't call her family. "He got her pregnant." Justin whispered. Their eyes widened.


"Is she ok?" Lindsay asked.


"What did her family say?" Melanie asked. But Justin shook his head.


"She didn't tell her family. She didn't want them to know. That's why she came to me and Brian. She needed some place to stay, so her family wouldn't be mad at her." Justin said. Lindsay and Mel eyed each other, and then looked back at him.


"Didn't want them to know?" Lindsay asked. Justin looked up at her. "Didn't...as in past tense...you mean doesn't want them to know." Lindsay said carefully. Justin shook his head.


"Didn't." Justin said.


"Did she get an abortion?" Mel whispered. Justin nodded his head.


"We took her this morning." Justin said. Lindsay covered her mouth.


"The poor thing. Is she alright?" Lindsay asked. He shrugged his shoulders.


"She hasn't' cried since she took the pill. She has to take another pill tomorrow. We don't have to bring her back until after she...loses it." he said sadly.


"God that's awful." Mel said.


"Why didn't she go to her family? They're all so loving. They'll die when they find out she didn't go to them for help. That she hid this from them." Lindsay said. Justin sat back against the couch.


"I know. She has a hard time seeing it. She thinks they'll hate her because they all hated Hobbs, and she was stupid enough to get pregnant. She thinks they'll be angry with her. We don't know them that well. But we know them well enough to know that Brian's whole family loves each other, and would support her. They'd never hate her...but it's done. I mean, she already did it. She can't take it back...even if she wants to." Justin said.


"Well it should make you and Brian feel good. She trusts you both enough to ask you for help." Lindsay said. Justin looked up at her. "She doesn't know you well. But she didn't just go to a friends house. Or just do this by herself. She did go to family. You and Brian are part of her family. You both understand. It's Chris Hobbs. He's something that the family doesn't understand like you both do." Lindsay said.


It was true. Brian's family did hate Chris Hobbs. Because he wasn't good enough for Addison. She was young and impressionable, and he treated her like crap. It was just the icing on the cake when they found out he bashed someone's head in. Even if they loved Justin, and hated Hobbs for what he did to him, they couldn't understand that part, because they weren't there for it. They weren't there when he was in a coma. They weren't there when he was angry. They weren't there when Brian was taking care of him, trying to put the pieces of his life back together. And they weren't there when he became depressed, thinking he would never draw again.


"Me and Brian are afraid we're making a mistake though. By not calling Teresa. I really feel like this is the calm before the storm. That once she..." Justin couldn't even say it. He had read everything they gave her, on what to expect. And he had researched a little online. Once she started to actually lose the baby, he didn't know if he and Brian would be the right people to take care of her. She would need her mom. Or her aunt. "Me and Brian figure we'll have to call Teresa." Justin said.


"I have no doubt in my mind that you'll have to call Teresa." Mel said. Justin nodded his head. "Once she starts...bleeding, she may need someone to help her." Melanie said. Justin scrubbed his face with his hands.


"I don't know what she's going to do if we call her." Justin admitted.


"Well you're not going to have a choice." Mel told him.


"If you need us, we can be over there in a second. You can call us anytime." Lindsay said.


"Absolutely." Mel agreed.


"How do you think Brian's family is going to react? Brian and I didn't call them to let them know what was happening. I just don't want them to hate him." Justin said sadly.


"Sweetie I don't think that's going to happen. They're going to be upset because she went through this without them. That she didn't feel comfortable enough to go to them. They're not going to hate Brian or you at all." Melanie said, rubbing Justin's back.


"They're going to be so thankful and relieved that she was with you guys. That she was still with family." Lindsay said.


"Doesn't Teresa say that Brian's going to be able to get away with anything for a long time because he's the long lost nephew." Mel joked, making Justin chuckle. "Everything's going be ok. Just call us when you need us." Mel said.


He walked back over and handed the bag to Addison. "Why'd that take so long? Had to sit down and rummage through their kitchen?" Brian joked. Addison laughed, and Justin chuckled, sitting back down.


"Yeah something like that. I figured I'd bring some chicken soup over later. Gus isn't feeling well." Justin said, picking his bowl up.


It wasn't until the next day, after Addison took her second pill, that she was starting to feel sick. She stayed upstairs in one of the guest rooms with an adjacent bathroom. The first wave of nausea that hit, she didn't make it in time to the bathroom, and threw up all over the floor. Justin was surprised how well Brian reacted. He had jumped up and caught her before she fell, and helped her into the bathroom. He held her hair back as she was vomiting. Justin went to work on cleaning up the floor. He was impressed by how well Brian was taking care of her.


One of them always stayed with her. And it wasn't until late afternoon that her stomach cramps started. Justin told Brian that he was worried. "I think we need to call Lindsay or Mel over Brian. She's a woman." Justin whispered. Brian nodded his head, and Justin called them. Lindsay was over a minute later.


"How's she doing?" Lindsay asked as she walked into the room.


"She's sleeping right now. But she's either throwing up or crying from pain." Justin said as he started biting his nails on his fingers. The boys ended up going to bed a few hours later, because Addison had been sleeping for so long. Lindsay ended up going back home so Melanie could get some sleep, because she had been awake with Gus, because he had the flu. It was around 2:00 in the morning, that Justin and Brian woke up to a blood curdling scream. They both hopped up and ran down the hall and into the guest room. She was in the bathroom, and sitting in the bathtub, holding her head.


"Are you ok?" Justin asked, frantic.


"It's on the floor. It's on the floor." she cried hysterically. Brian and Justin looked at the floor, and realized that there was blood all over on the floor. They noticed that she had taken off her shorts, and underwear, because they were laying on the floor. But they knew exactly what she was talking about, that was on the floor. One particular spot. Justin and Brian stared at each other. She had lost the baby. She started crying. "It's on the floor. It came out of me. I killed it. Oh my God what have I done?" she cried hysterically. Brian ran over and grabbed a blanket and shoved it at Justin. He walked over carefully, trying not to step in anything, but averting his eyes as he walked over to the bathtub, and covered her with it.


Brian had run back out and called Lindsay. Justin sat on the side of the tub. "Addy it's ok. You knew this was going to happen. Just take a deep breath." Justin tried to soothe her.


"I killed my baby. What kind of monster does that. Oh my God I'm a murderer." Addison cried. Justin just stared at Brian. Brian ran his hands through his hair.


"Addison you're not a murderer. Just try and relax. You didn't do anything wrong." Brian said from the doorway. Lindsay had come in at that point and looked around.


"You should get some towels in here so we can clean this up. And you should run all those blankets down into the washing machine." Lindsay told Brian. He nodded his head and started pulling the blankets off the bed and left the room. Lindsay carefully walked in, and sat on the tub near her hear and put her hand on her shoulder. "I know this hurts. But everything's going to be ok Addison. It's ok." Lindsay told her. But Addison continued to sob loudly. Brian went to go clean up the floor, but Addison screamed.


"I lost it on the floor. Right there. Don't clean it up. Oh God. It has a face." Addison cried. Everyone's eyes widened. They knew they couldn't do this by themselves. Lindsay looked at Justin, who nodded. He got up and walked out of the room with Brian. They shut the bedroom door and went down stairs.


"Do you want to call Teresa, or do you want me to?" Justin asked. Brian gulped and grabbed the house phone and called Teresa's cell. It took a couple of tries, but she finally answered it.


"Hello?" she asked groggily. Brian gulped.


"I need your help." Brian said. Justin took a deep breath.


"Brian? Are you ok? What's the matter?" she asked.


"I need you to come over to the house. Right now." Brian said.


"I'll be right there." Teresa said. Twenty minutes later, she pulled up, parked right in front of the door, and let herself in. They were sitting on the couch in the living room and she walked right over to them and sat down. "What's going on?" she asked. They looked at each other, and then back at her.


"Addison's upstairs." Justin said. Teresa furrowed her eyebrows


"What's she doing here?" she asked. Justin took a deep breath, going to answer, but Brian beat him to it.


"She found out she was pregnant." Brian answered. Teresa's eyes widened and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "She asked us not to call you, or her parents. But we brought her to a clinic...to take care of it." Brian said. The color left Teresa's face. She was speechless.


"She was afraid for anyone to know. We tried to talk her out of it. But this was what she wanted." Justin said.


"Is she ok?" she whispered, tears forming and falling down her face. Justin shook her head.


"She lost it a little while ago." Justin whispered. Teresa closed her eyes and shook her head, wiping at the tears.


"She won't let us clean up the floor." Brian said.


"She lost it on the floor?" she asked. The boys nodded their heads.


"Lindsay's upstairs with her. I can hear the shower running, so she's helping her clean up." Justin said. Teresa nodded her head.


"Get me the smallest tupperware container that you have and a paper bag to put it in." Teresa said. The boys looked at each other, and went into the kitchen to get what she asked for. After they handed it to her, they all walked back up the steps, and into the bedroom. The water was off, and Teresa peeked her head in. "Addy?" Teresa whispered. Justin and Brian peeked over, and saw her sitting on the floor against the bathtub. Lindsay and helped her get dressed, and had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Addison looked up and her eyes widened.


"What are you doing here?" she cried.


"Brian called me." she said, and started walking over to her carefully, and bent down next to her. "Baby I'm so sorry." she said. Addison started sobbing again, and Lindsay got up so Teresa could sit down. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, and took her legs and draped them across her lap, and held her tightly, and rocked her. "It's ok. It's going to be ok." she said. Brian, Justin and Lindsay felt awkward, just standing there.


"I killed my baby." she sobbed.


"No you didn't. Addison it's ok." Teresa said. Brian could tell she was at a loss for words.


"How could I have done that? I'm a terrible person." she cried.


"No you're not." Teresa said, shaking her head. She looked up and around the room. "Honey. We have to clean this up."


"But the baby. I lost it on the floor. We can't just throw it away." she cried.


"I know. We're not." Teresa said, as she looked at the items on the counter. Brian looked over and cleared his throat. Lindsay stepped out of the room, and Brian bent down, doing one of the hardest things in his life. He tried not to look to closely at it. But he didn't have a choice. It just looked like a big blood clot, but with white mucus on it. But he knew. He knew that was her baby. He felt bile rise up in his throat, but pushed it down. He wanted to fucking kill Hobbs right now, for doing this to her. For making her feel like she murdered her baby. This wasn't her fault.


After he was done, he brought the bag into his bedroom, and came back. Brian, Justin and Lindsay went about cleaning the bathroom, and the floor of the bedroom. Teresa just held her as she cried. They ended up sitting on the bathroom floor with her. Just sitting there, no one talking. The only sounds were Addison's cries. They dozed off against the wall here and there, but didn't get up to move. Around 7:00, Lindsay went back to her house. Brian and Justin went downstairs after she started bleeding again, and Teresa helped her back into the tub.


"I'm going to call her parents in a little while. They need to be here. And she needs them." Teresa told them.


The boys made coffee, and sat at the kitchen island again, rubbing there faces. It had been a long night. "I never want to go through that again." Justin said. Brian nodded his head. The doorbell rang and Brian growled.


"Who the fuck is that?" Brian demanded. He walked over to the door, and swung it open. Preparing to yell at whoever it was. Daphne and Jayden stood there, smiling.


"Hey. We brought over breakfast." Daphne said cheerfully, and pushed him aside.


"What the fuck are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Brian demanded.


"Almost 8:00. I told Jayden this was the perfect time to come over. You get all cute and grumpy when you get woken up. I told him you'd answer the door naked. For once you have clothes on." Daphne said, still smiling at him. Jayden smiled apologetically as he walked in.


"I hope you don't mind. I wanted to thank you for the job. Ted hired me and Eric. We start next week." Jayden said.


"Why are you wearing so many clothes? It's only 8:00 in the morning." Daphne said as she started walking towards the kitchen.


"Is that auntie Teresa's car in the driveway?" Jayden asked. Brian knew this wasn't going to be good. He hadn't thought about her car. Addison had asked if she could park her car in their garage, in case any of her family had dropped by, so Teresa hadn't seen it when she got there. But he had seen Teresa's. Who wouldn't miss the pink SUV?


"Hey Justin. We brought some breakfast over." Daphne said, making Justin jump.


"What are you guys doing here?" Justin asked as Daphne put bags onto the counter.


"Ted hired Jayden and Eric. We're celebrating." Daphne cheered.


"It's just a trial basis. I don't officially have the job." Jayden said, smiling at Brian.


"Oh please, you're awesome, and Brian's not going to fire you. He'll have to live with that guilt for the rest of his life if he fired his little cousin." Daphne said, taking food out of the bags. Brian glared at her, and she just smiled at him.


"Thanks a lot. This really is great. Wertshafter was the most boring place to work. Me and Eric just had that job handed to us. And all those guys were constantly standing over our shoulder watching us. Thinking we were going to take their jobs because they were so old." Jayden chuckled. "Thank you. I won't let you down. I promise." Jayden said. Brian just smiled and nodded his head.


"I'm sure you'll be great." Brian said as he went to sit down, looking at Justin as he passed him.


"So what's Teresa doing here?" Daphne asked as she got some plates down. "We have a ton of food. We have everything you can think of. Fried eggs, scrambled eggs, omelets, pancakes, waffles, french toast, crepes, bacon, sausage, ham, hash browns, potatoes, biscuits and gravy. Everything." Daphne said. Jayden looked over at the guys. Justin looked down at the counter, and Brian took a very long sip of his coffee.


"What's going on?" Jayden asked as he looked between the two boys. "Is auntie Teresa ok?" he asked warily. The boys looked back at Jayden.


"Teresa's fine. It isn't about her." Brian said, running his hands through his hair. "It's about your little sister Addison." Brian said. His eyes widened.


"Addison? She's here?" Daphne asked as she walked around the island so stand with Jayden.


"She's upstairs with Teresa." Justin said.


"What happened to her?" Jayden demanded.


"She's alright Jayden." Justin tried to reassure him. But he knew, that if something was wrong with Molly, know one could reassure him. Brian took a deep breath and scrubbed his face.


"Hobbs got her pregnant." Brian said. Daphne gasped, and Jayden's face went red. The kitchen was silent for what seemed like forever, before Jayden spoke up.


"I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard." Jayden said. Brian shook his head and walked around the island to stand in front of Jayden.


"You're not going to do anything." Brian told him.


"The fuck I'm not. I'm going to beat his fucking face in." Jayden said as he went to walk passed Brian, but he stopped him.


"You're not going to do a fucking thing, because your little sister is up there sobbing because she went and had an abortion, and she lost the baby on the fucking floor." Brian said. Daphne covered her mouth with her hands. Jayden's mouth dropped, and the color from his face drained, just like Teresa's.


"She?..." Jayden trailed off.


"Is she ok?" Daphne asked. Brian shook his head.


"She's beating herself up pretty badly. She's not doing well at all." Brian said. Jayden stood there in shock. "She needs you. She came to me and Justin, because she thought you all would hate her. That you would be angry at her." Brian said. Jayden was stunned by that.


"I...we could never...we wouldn't..." Jayden couldn't even say it, and just shook his head.


"We all know that. But she doesn't see that...so right now, she needs you to go up there and make her understand, and see what we all do, that you don't hate her. That you love her. And she doesn't need you going anywhere near Hobbs." Brian said. He could tell that Jayden was willing himself not to cry. He looked around the kitchen, and Justin grabbed him to a chair for him to sit down. He buried his face in his hands, and Daphne rubbed his back.


"What am I supposed to say to her?" Jayden asked.


"None of us know what to say." Brian admitted.


"Just keep telling her that you love her. That's all anyone can say." Justin said. Jayden nodded and wiped his face, and got up. He followed Brian down the hall and up the stairs, with Justin and Daphne behind him. Brian knocked on the door before he opened it. Teresa was sitting behind Addison on the bed, brushing through her hair.


"Jayden and Daphne stopped by." Brian said. Addison's eyes widened.


"You called my brother?" Addison cried.


"Shh it's ok Addy." Teresa said. Brian shook his head.


"I gave your brother a job. He and Daphne stopped by to thank me." Brian said. Brian opened the door further and Jayden came in. Justin and Brian stayed in the doorway, and Daphne just stayed in the hall. Jayden went over and instantly hugged Addy while she cried.


"Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Addison sobbed. Jayden shook his head.


"I'm not mad. God Addy I couldn't never be mad at you for this. I'm sorry you couldn't come to me. I'm so so sorry Addy." Jayden cried. Teresa stepped away from the bed, and pushed the boys out the door, shutting the door behind them.


"I have to go downstairs and call my brother." Teresa said and scrubbed her face. "Anthony and Rebecca are gonna be devastated" she said as tears formed in her eyes.


"We should have called you sooner." Justin said. She took her hand away from her face, and looked at both boys.


"You didn't do the wrong thing. Neither of you did. She asked you not to call. She asked you to keep this a secret. And you did as she asked. You took care of her. That's not wrong. That's what family does...and you were smart enough to be able to ask for help. You calling me when you did was the right thing to do. You did the right thing by calling me when you did. And Lindsay." she said.


"Are Anthony and Rebecca going to see it the same way you did? It's their daughter." Justin said. He was worried about how everyone would react. Not for him, but for Brian. He would hate for them to be angry with Brian.


"I know my brother and sister-in-law very well. I've watched them raise their babies for the past 29 years. I know how they feel about those babies. And I know how they feel about their nieces and nephews. Their going to see this the same way that I did. Thank God she came to you, and never did this by herself. They won't be upset at you." she said and leaned over and kissed both Brian and Justin's cheek. She took a deep breath. "I'll have to call her brothers and sisters and call them over to. Isabella's going to be sad...but I know Nico, Luca and Maggie are going to take this hard. They've been fighting with Addy so hard for awhile now because of him...especially Maggie...and Cecilia, Charlene and Landon love her. They adore her. She's like their baby sister. Their going to take this pretty hard to..." she trailed off and looked at Justin. "Once you marry into this family, it's like you were born into it. Your one of us." she said, smiling sadly at him. She looked over at Daphne. "And you just remember I said that." she joked, making Daphne chuckle and wipe her eyes.


After Teresa had called her brother Anthony, and told him over the phone, he and Rebecca rushed right over. Before they had gotten there, Teresa had called Addison and Jayden's other brothers and sisters. Nico, Luca, Isabella and Maggie. The three oldest kids were married, and had to drop their kids off with other family members before coming over. By the time Anthony and Rebecca got there, Jayden came back downstairs, while his parents stayed with her.


"How's she doing?" Daphne asked. He shrugged.


"I guess she's ok. She keeps crying that she lost the baby on the floor, and that she murdered it. What am I supposed to say to that?" Jayden asked.


"There's nothing you can say. Just hug her." Teresa said. Brian, Justin, Daphne, Teresa and Jayden sat in the living room waiting for the rest of his siblings to arrive. They hadn't been told over the phone what had happened, but just knew that it was important. Maggie was the first one to come over. Brian hadn't noticed that Maggie and Addison looked just like twins. Brian had to chuckle at the fact that she was grumpy and agitated that she had been woken up to rush over her.


"Daphne and Jayden brought over breakfast. How about we go feed you. I'm sure you'll feel better." Teresa told her. Justin served them all something for breakfast, when the doorbell rang again. Isabella and her husband Landon had come in, and sat down with them to eat breakfast. Not even five minutes later, did Nico and his wife Cecilia, and Luca and his wife Charlene arrive. They all sat down to eat breakfast in Justin and Brian's kitchen.


"So wait a minute. You two brought over breakfast? Together?" Isabella asked. Jayden's eyes widened.


"Wait a fucking second. You slept over girlfriend's apartment, and went and picked up breakfast together?" Nico asked. Jayden's face turned beet red.


"Ya did. My baby brother got laid." Luca cheered. Charlene hit him.


"Luca leave him alone." Charlene said. Justin pouted.


"What?" Daphne hissed at him.


"With everything going on...me and Brian didn't even think of that. You're going to have to tell me every detail later." Justin said. She smiled and nodded her head.


"I lost my Mojo" Brian grumbled.


"Now you used protection right? Can't be knocking Mrs. Chanders up to soon." Nico said. Jayden went from beet red, to ashen white. He, Daphne, Justin, Brian and Teresa all widened their eyes in shock.


"Oh God. Don't tell me you already got her pregnant?" Luca asked, he and Nico laughing.


"Will you two shut up." Teresa ground out through her teeth. Both Luca and Nico looked at her, and then at each other.


"Where's Addy? I've been trying to call her for the past two days?" Isabella asked Maggie. She just shrugged her shoulders


"She hasn't been home for the past week. I told her to text me every day at least. Cause if she didn't I'd call the police. But she told me she's fine. She alive. In West Virginia, but she wants to be left alone." Maggie said hotly, and shoved some pancakes in her mouth.


"Is she still not talking to you?" Cecilia asked. Maggie shook her head.


"All she does is go to school, and comes home and lays in her bed. She doesn't want to talk to me. I have no idea what's going on in her head. I don't know if she's mad at me, or embarrassed. I just know she wants me to leave her alone." Maggie said. Brian caught Isabella staring at Jayden suspiciously. He glanced over and saw that Jayden was leaning his elbows on the counter, and he was hiding his face in his hands, and Daphne was rubbing her hand up and down his back.


"Alright Jayden. Spill it. Why isn't Addy here?" Isabella said. Jayden looked up at her. "I know you know something. So out with it. Why'd auntie Teresa call all of us to get our asses down here. And where are mom and dad? Because their car's out front." Isabella demanded


"Stop giving him the third degree." Teresa told her. She looked around. "Are you kids all done?" she asked. Everyone nodded and she stood up. "Just come in the other room with me." she said. They all stood up and followed her.


"I'm just gonna stay here and clean up." Justin said.


"Me to." Daphne said as she started helping him grab some plates. Brian sat down at the table and scrubbed his face. Teresa just stood there for a moment after the others left the room.


"You three don't have to stay in here. You're family." Teresa said.


"It's better this way. We're fine in here." Brian told her. She nodded and left the kitchen.


"I so didn't expect this when we came over this morning. Jayden was so excited. Now he's just a mess. I feel so awful." Daphne said.


"How do you think we feel." Justin said. She put her hand on his arm.


"Just sit down. I got this." Daphne said, pushing him softly towards the table. Justin sat down next to Brian, and he laid his head down on the table. A moment later, he felt Brian scratching his head, running his hand through Justin's hair. He moaned slightly. Brian applied more pressure with his fingers.


"That feels amazing." Justin said.


"Don't start getting all horny at the table. It's so not the right time." Daphne said as she sat down on Brian's other side. She was sitting at the head of the table. Justin just opened his eyes to look at her, while Brian continued to rub his head.


"Speaking of getting horny darling, someone seems to be getting awfully cozy with my little cousin. Spending the night with him now?" Brian asked. Justin chuckled as she blushed.


"Was it everything you dreamt of and more?" Justin joked.


"Does he measure up?" Brian asked. Daphne smacked Brian's arm.


"Shut up. He measures up just fine." Daphne said. Brian turned to Justin and made a face.


"Just fine. That can't be good." Brian said, making Justin laugh again. She hit him again.


"He has no problems in that department. And I mean, really, no problems." Daphne said, raising her eyebrows. Brian gave Justin another funny look, making Justin chuckle.


"Well. Seems my little cousin just might be related to me after all." Brian joked. Justin moved his shoulders


"Rub my shoulders." Justin said.


"What do I fucking look like? Your massage therapist?" Brian demanded.


"Please?" Justin asked and smiled at him. Brian rolled his eyes, and moved his hand down Justin's neck and started rubbing, making Justin groan.


"You two are turning into one of those couples that are sickening to watch because they're so in love with each other. No one will be able to sit in the same room as you." Daphne said. Brian glared at her while Justin chuckled.


"We will never be those people." Brian informed her. Daphne just rolled her eyes.


"A little to the left." Justin said. Daphne smiled and Brian slapped the top of his head.


"I think I've finished my Maid of Honor speech. It's going to better then my first one. I was going for humorous and epic all at the same time." Daphne said.


"You think you can write a better speech then Mikey?" Brian asked. She snorted.


"Please. I know I wrote a better speech. Did you not hear me? Epic!" Daphne said.


"Mikey's my best friend. We've known each other a lot longer then you and Sunshine have."


"That doesn't mean anything. Just because you two are old." Daphne said, making Brian glare at her again. "We've known each other since we were 4 years old. You two met in Middle School. You've technically only known him a few years more, because me and Justin were babies. Me and Justin know each other better then you and your precious Michael do." Daphne said. Brian smirked and tilted his head.


"Oh really?" Brian asked.


"Oh God." Justin said, closing his eyes.


"Care to make a wager darling?" Brian asked. Daphne smiled and raised her eyebrows.


"Bring it on old man." Daphne said.


"Oh God. This isn't going to be good." Justin laughed.


"I have no doubt in my mind, that me and Justin will win. Because let's face it. Michael is the weakest link." Daphne said. Justin opened his eyes and sat up.


"Oh your just opening a can of worms big mouth." Justin said.


"How is Michael the weakest link?" Brian asked.


"You know Michael very well. You know everyone really well. But Michael doesn't know as much about you, like Justin does. If we were talking about what couple knows each other, you'd win hands down. But like I said, Michael is the weakest link. I've come up with a great speech, that's about the two of you, with me thrown in of course, but most of Michael's speech is going to be about you and him, and not so much you two as a couple." Daphne said. Justin scrubbed his face and groaned.


"Open mouth, insert foot." Justin groaned into his hands.


"What are you babbling about exactly?" Brian demanded. Justin took his hands away from his face.


"Daphne's just being weird. Forget it." Justin told Brian, glaring at Daphne. She chuckled.


"I'm just messing with you. Trying to psych you out. Apparently it's working. See, I am going to win." Daphne said, and smiled. "So. How do we figure out who knows who best? And what do I get when I win?" she asked. Justin chuckled.


"You mean when I win, you're going to tell my sweet little cousin who you lost your virginity to." Brian said. Daphne instantly stopped smiling and glared at him.


"And when I win, you send me and Jayden on an all expensed paid trip to London." Daphne said. Brian rolled his eyes.


"Why does anyone bet me with paid trips? Everyone loses." Brian said.


"Hey you cheated with me. I almost had him." justin said, referring to that new guy, who ended up sucking Brian off, and telling him he felt a lump. And of course, when he bet Sam that Emmett could teach her how to do a better blow job, he won.


"Is it a deal?" he asked, holding out his hand. She smiled and shook it.


"It's so a deal. How are we gonna do this?" she asked. Brian looked over at Justin.


"Emmett. We'll have him write out a bunch of questions and we can answer them. Like one of those fun game shows." Justin said to her.


"Oh like how they did it on Friends? They asked what the name on the T.V. guide was?" Daphne asked excitedly


"CHANANDALER BONG!" They both laughed out.


"Oh my God this is going to be amazing." Daphne said excitedly


"You girls are gonna give me a headache." Brian groaned.


"And we can have everyone take a vote at the wedding on who's speech is better." Daphne said. Justin laughed.


"You girls done giggling?" Brian asked, annoyed. Justin leaned over and kissed his cheek. Teresa walked in a minute later and sat down at the table with them. They sobered up quickly, all the laughing gone.


"How'd they take it?" Justin asked. She let out a deep, long breath.


"Like I thought they would. Maggie is taking it the hardest. She feels awful that Addison didn't come to her in the first place. Nico and Luca want to kill him, but feel guilty that they weren't able to get him out of her life sooner before he got her pregnant...they each take turns on blaming themselves." Teresa chuckled lightly.


"Are they all still in the living room?" Justin asked. She shook her head.


"No. The calvary all went upstairs to see her. Nothing like a big fucking family to hop on the bed and say I'm sorry, no I'm sorry. I'm to blame, no I'm to blame." Teresa said. Justin looked over at Brian.


"God you two sound just like mother and son, it's scary." Justin said. Brian chuckled and rolled his eyes. Teresa smiled and looked over at Daphne.


"You know. That's gonna be you some day. Being sucked into this big family. Once you get sucked in, you can never get out. You have to many people sinking their claws into you, keeping you here." Teresa joked. They all chuckled.


"Don't you guys think you're rushing things?" Daphne joked.


"Yeah but we know a keeper when we see them. Just like my beautiful almost son-in-law." Teresa said as she looked over and smiled at Justin. He smiled back at her. Then she looked over at Brian, and became serious. "What did you do with the paper bag?" she asked.


"It's up in my room." he answered. She nodded her head. "What are you?..." Brian trailed off.


"Do with it?" she asked. He nodded her head. "Anthony said he'd ask her. But burying it over at my parents house seems like the best way to go." she said. Brian and Justin eyed each other. "There have been a couple of miscarriages in our family. And to a woman...we can't just stomach the idea of them taking it away and just disposing of it like it was garbage. No matter how small...even if it doesn't look like a baby." she said. Brian gulped. "They're buried on my parents property. They may not have had any kind of start in life. But they were apart of us. And we don't just let family go so easily." she said sadly.


"I don't know how you guys get through that. Losing a baby." Justin said, looking down at the table.


"I never had a miscarriage myself. But...when my family has...they just hold on to the rest of us. They keep going. They wait till the scenery changes, and one day realize that it doesn't hurt as much as did before." she said. Justin had remembered Debbie telling him, wait till the scenery changes, when he was dealing with his hand. "Anthony said they'd bring her back home with them. They just wanna make sure she's up for the drive home." Teresa said. The boys both nodded. "You still excited about having your first holiday party over here?" Teresa asked. Justin had completely forgot, that in just a few days, he and Brian would be having everyone over for a Mother's Day brunch.


"God I completely forgot...maybe this weekend isn't such a great time." Justin said, looking over at Brian.


"Are you kidding me? This is the perfect time to be getting together. Do you know how sad it would make Addy if she finds out you cancelled it because of her?" Teresa asked. Justin shook his head.


"I'm not in a real festive mood. Besides, I can still just go over to my moms that day. Maybe just take her out to lunch or something. Well and you to of course. I'm sure Michael and Ben could do something at their house for Debbie, Mel and Linds. And I'm sure they'd understand." Justin said as he looked back at Brian. "It feels weird celebrating Mother's Day with what happened to Addison." Justin said. Teresa reached across the table.


"Well I wouldn't understand. And neither would my mother. And we love Addy. She's been a joy in our life for 19 years...do you think that their canceling having their Mother's Day?" Teresa asked. She looked at both boys. "They'll be at Anthony's house, celebrating what wonderful mothers Rebecca, Isabella, Cecilia and Charlene all are. And their going to loving on Addison just that much harder that day. But they're not going to forget that day doesn't exist. And you shouldn't either. You're mother just went through hell and back with getting to keep your sister. That woman deserves a day to be celebrated." Teresa said. Brian chuckled, and pointed at her.


"I'm calling bull shit on you woman." Brian said. Teresa pulled back, and sat up straight in her chair. "You just want everyone loving on you and giving you all this crazy attention because you finally get to spend Mother's Day with your precious baby boy." Brian mocked. Her eyes widened, and Daphne burst out laughing. She reached over and smacked him.


"You know, you are a little shit head." Teresa said. Justin and Brian joined in on Daphne's laughter, and Teresa hid her face with her hand. A moment later, she took her hand down, and couldn't help but be laughing with them. "So sue me. I want to spend this Mother's Day with you boys. Does that just make me a terrible person?" she asked. The boys just laughed at her and she huffed and rolled her eyes at them. "I meant everything I said about your mother. You jerk." she said. They sat down in the kitchen for awhile, until they heard a lot of foot steps. Anthony and Rebecca had come into the kitchen, followed by Jayden. Daphne went over and hugged him, and Teresa left the kitchen. Rebecca had surprised Brian by walking right over to him and hugged him tightly. Brian was to stunned to move. She pulled back and patted his cheek.


"Addy told us, how...amazing you two were with her." Rebecca said, and hugged Justin tightly. "Thank you so much. For being so kind to her. For taking care of her. You'll never know how much that means to us. To all of us." Rebecca said. Both boys were to stunned to say anything. But Justin let out a deep breath and wiped at his face.


"God. I thought you'd be so angry with us for not calling you." Justin said. Rebecca and Anthony looked at each other.


"Why the hell would we be angry with you?" Anthony asked them. They didn't know what to say. "We know the tough situation that she put you in. You were trying to take care of her. Be supportive of her...but you knew when you needed help. Thank you for calling my sister when you did." Anthony said. He stepped forward and hugged Brian tightly. It was awkward for Brian. He never had an uncle hug him before. Anthony stepped back. "You did good kid. Don't ever worry if I'm gonna get angry at you for taking care of one of my kids." he said, getting choked up. He hugged Justin quickly and pulled back when Teresa came in, and handed him the bag. He nodded his head. "Nico already carried Addy down. She's sitting in his SUV." Anthony told them.


"We'll come out. Say goodbye." Brian said. Justin nodded his head in agreement. Teresa wrapped her arm around Rebecca as they walked away, with Daphne and Jayden behind them. Anthony turned back around to Justin and Brian.


"Isabella came downstairs earlier to get her purse. She overheard your conversation. About canceling your Mother's Day brunch." Anthony said. The boys just looked at each other, and then back to Brian's uncle. "I would feel awful...my wife...my kids. Especially Addison...this is Teresa's first Mother's day with you." he said to Brian. "Please don't take that joy away from her. Because she's been waiting a long fucking time to celebrate Mother's Day." Anthony said. Brian nodded. They followed him out to the SUV, and Brian opened the back door. Addy was sitting with her legs curled up under her, facing Brian. He smiled and pulled himself up to sit next to her, and rubbed her shoulder.


"You gonna be ok kid?" Brian asked her. She shrugged her shoulders. "You will be. Look at Sunshine here. After that idiot bashed his head in...it messed up his hand. And he thought he'd never paint again. He thought his whole world fell apart, and look at him now." he said. She moved her eyes to Justin, who was leaning in the door, and he smiled at her. "You're gonna be ok. You can be sad for awhile. But don't stay sad...I told Justin all the time, how he gets even with that asshole, was to become a big fat fucking success. Be happy. Because nothing pisses a straight guy off more is when a fag is happy." Brian said, making Addison chuckle. "I also said have a lot of sex, because that really pisses off a straight guy." he told her, making her laugh a little louder. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him.


"Thank you for calling my mom and dad." she whispered. He nodded his head, and pulled back.


"I don't have a little sister...but helping you...kinda made me know what it's like to have one." he said as he looked at her. She smiled at him. "So you can come hang out at our house. You're ok." he said, making her smile again. He kissed her forehead, and got out. Justin swung himself up to hug her.


Brian, Justin and Teresa ended up standing there, watching everyone pull away. "She'll be ok." Teresa said. She turned to look over at them. "I think you boys did an ok job for your first family crisis. I think you'll make it." she said.




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