Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Chapter 29


Brian was nervous as he drove over to Teresa's house. He was doing something totally lesbionic, and holding Justin's hand while he drove. He looked down and saw their intertwined fingers, and couldn't help but feel how right it was. He never imagined it would do something so domestic. Driving the car while you were holding hands, didn't seem like a big deal to everyone. But to Brian it was huge. He knew it was huge to Justin, because these were the little things that Justin was missing with him. He didn't think he was ever capable of giving these little things to Justin, but he could do this. And he liked it. He thought back to the conversation they had right when they got into the car.


"I think I have an idea of what to do with all the stuff we took from Joan's house." Justin said. Brian looked over at him. "If you want to. Or we can put it in storage." Justin said. Brian looked at him while he started Justin's SUV.


"Well spit it out Sunshine." Brian said.


"We can give it to Teresa and Sawyer." Justin said.


So they packed up a few of the trash bags and threw them in the trunk. Not all of it. Justin suggested not overwhelming her. But it was a start. He drove down the long dirt driveway and parked behind her SUV. "Well we know she's here. The pink bubble gum bus is here." Brian joked. They got out of the SUV, and Justin walked around to stand near Brian, when the front door opened, and Brian's uncle Ricky came out.


"Get the hell out of the house before I beat you." Ricky groaned. A couple of Angela's kids came out.


"Auntie Teresa took her shoes off. I thought she was gonna murder Charlie." Paige, who was Angela's 13 year old daughter, laughed as she hopped down the stairs.


"I would have to with you fucking monsters. What did you do to her?" Ricky demanded, and looked at the oldest, Nick, who was 16. He held up his hands in defense.


"Don't look at me like that uncle Ricky. I'm not their babysitter. I was in the backyard." Nick said.


"Talking to some girl. God girls are so grouse" Ricky's son Carlo said, and shuddered. Ricky hit Nick. Carlo was Ricky's gay son, so of course he thought girls were grouse.


"I thought I told you to help Teresa with them today. Not text some girl." Ricky said.


"Oh Ariana I love you soooo much." Angela's daughter Penny, who was 12 sang. Nick reached around and hit her, making her scream.


"Shut the fuck up." Nick said.


"HE SAID FUUUUCK!" Penny said. Justin burst out laughing.


"They sound just like me and Molly." Justin laughed, and they started walking over. "Hey guys." Justin called. The kids stopped fighting and everyone looked up.


"Hey what are you guys doing here?" Ricky asked as they walked over.


"We came by to see Teresa. She's here right?" Justin asked. Carlo snorted.


"She's in a real pissy mood. Good luck with that." Carlo said. Ricky smacked him.


"Shut up and get in the van." Ricky said, pushing them all forward. "I gotta get back to Angela's house. Her animals have soccer practice of some crap like that. I'll see you later." Ricky said. Justin looked at Brian.


"You don't think someone else could have put her in a pissy mood do you?" Brian asked.


"Unlikely. Come on." Justin said, pulling him along.


"DON'T KNOCK. JUST WALK RIGHT IN." Ricky called to them from the car. The boys nodded and walked up the front porch steps and stood in front of the door.


"I feel kinda weird just walking in." Justin said.


"Well then knock." Brian said.


"But I don't want them hitting me or something because I knocked." Justin laughed.


"Then open the fucking door."


"You open the fucking door." Justin said. Before Brian could respond, the door opened, and Teresa was standing there, and jumped back a little bit.


"Oh geez you scared me. I thought Ricky came back for something." Teresa said. She looked between the two and stood back. "Come on in." Teresa told them.


"Did they forget something? Angela's kids always forget something." Genevieve said. She stopped and smiled. "Oh hello boys. Come on in." she told them.


"I was actually wondering if you'd..." Brian trailed off as he looked at Teresa. "If you'd come outside and um...talk to me." Brian said, scratching the back of his head. She nodded her head and grabbed her jacket and boots to slip on over her sweat pants. She usually was more made up then this. She was wearing sweat pants and a zip up hoodie. Something he hadn't seen her in. And her hair was in a messy bun.


"Sure. We'll be back mom." Teresa said.


"Well I can just feed my grandson something. Come on Justin." Genevieve said, holding her arm out to justin. Brian snorted.


"Music to Sunshine's ears. Food." Brian joked. Justin laughed and walked over to Genevieve. He shut the door behind Teresa, and walked down the stairs, and started walking around the house. "About yesterday..." Brian trailed off.


"I should have asked you first. I'm sorry Brian. And I'm sorry I blurted that out what she said. I was just so upset. I'm so sorry. I won't do anything like that again without your permission" Teresa said. He shook his head and stopped.


"You and Justin both apologized for what happened...you didn't do a damn thing wrong. So you have nothing to be sorry for. It was me...I don't..." Brian trailed off, running his hands through his hair again and started walking again. "I don't like people knowing I had cancer. I didn't even tell anyone at first." Brian said. He shot a quick glance at Teresa, who was staying very quiet. "I didn't tell anyone I was going to have surgery. I left, and Justin just thought I was going to Ibiza." Brian told her. Teresa furrowed her eyebrows.


"To Spain?" Teresa asked. Brian nodded.


"The whole Ibiza thing is a long story. But I said I was going there...I went to Johns Hopkins and had surgery. And I came back, and no one knew." Brian said. Teresa snorted. "What?"


"You are just like Sawyer." she said, looking at him. "He didn't tell anyone he had cancer either. I was the one that found out because I barged into his house. After he went to sleep that night, I went over to his parents house and told them. I told Meredith and Derek to. They called Sammy. And they came over the next day. Sammy was in college, so she flew in. But he didn't want to burden them with it. He wanted to suffer by himself. You two are just alike." she said, shaking her head.


"It's not something I wanted anyone to know...thought I could hide it...I thought I was doing a great job of hiding it." Brian grumbled. She just smiled.


"How did everyone find out?" Teresa asked. He looked at her.


"Justin." he said. She smiled, not surprised. He looked forward again. "He kept commenting that I looked tired. I thought that I was hiding it from him, but he found out early on. He's just to concerned for his own good." he grumbled.


"He loves you. That's what people do when they love you." she told him.


"Yeah well, he overheard my message machine. My doctor called. So he called the hospital to find out what he specialized..it's really hard to hide things from him sometimes...he was upset and went to Michael." Brian said, chuckling. "Mikey and him never really got along. So the fact that Justin tried to confide in my best friend...well he came over and blurted it out that he knew. That him and Justin knew I had cancer." Brian said. They walked for a few minutes down to their little wooded area.


"Walk through here. There's a lake further back with a small dock. Come on." she said leading him back through the path. They walked for about ten minutes until they could see a lake Teresa led him out to the end of the dock to sit at the end of it, dangling there feet over the edge. "The kids can't wait till it gets warm enough to go swimming. We have a slide and a rope swing. We get those rafts that float with the picnic table and everything. We do it across the lake way over there." Teresa said pointing to where he could see a slide and a bigger dock.


"Must be fun." Brian said.


"Yeah the kids love it. My brothers and dad built this dock years ago. They built that other one to. We all spend a lot of time up here." Teresa said to him. He smiled and nodded. "So what happened after Michael blurted it out?" Teresa asked. Brian looked down at the water.


"I waited for Justin. And he came in, he had movies to watch. He thought we could stay in and watch them...but I threw them out he door, and threw him out along with them." Brian said. He never realized until last night just how much he had hurt Justin that night. "Told him to get the fuck out, and not come back...he kept calling me though. Showed up at work...he finally stayed away from me. Bitched at Mikey, who came barging into the loft, trying to baby me. Then he yelled at me about how I treated Justin." Brian said, looking to the far end of the lake. "I told Ted though. I needed him to cover for me. He was the only one that didn't try and baby me. Just did exactly what I said...I got back to the loft, and there was that little shit." Brian said as he chuckled. "Justin was making me fucking chicken soup...I tried to pull him so I could throw him out again but..." Brian trailed off. He didn't know why he was being so honest with her. He took a deep breath. "But I ended up falling on my ass. He felt terrible that I may have hurt myself. But then, after he knew I was ok, screamed at me what a mother fucking piece of shit I was." Brian laughed. Teresa's eyes widened in surprise.


"Justin said that?" she asked. He chuckled again.


"I know. Who knew sweet, adorable Sunshine could say such an awful thing. But he did. He yelled at me for a minute, and told me to get back in bed you son of a bitch, and eat some fucking chicken soup." he told her. She just smiled. He turned back to the water. "I told Ted, Lindsay and Debbie, and then Emmett later on...but I don't make it habit of telling anyone else. I don't want them knowing that part about me." Brian said uncomfortably.


"I understand that." she said. They sat for a few minutes in silence.


"I don't want everyone knowing that about me. People look at you with pity, and think your going to break. I don't like anyone seeing me..." Brian trailed off, looking for the right word.


"Less then perfect?" she asked. He looked at her then.


"Something like that." he said, and looked back at the water.


"I know what it's like though. To have cancer. To get Chemo...and to spend days in your bathroom just curled up on the floor, vomiting for what seems like years...wanting to just die...I know what it feels like. So I understand what you're talking about." she told him, taking a deep breath. "And Sawyer knows how you feel. He may even understand it better then I do. I instantly told my family because I needed them. I couldn't have done anything without them...but the two of you started out with no one, and only told someone, because it was beyond your control...but we get it. So you don't have to explain it to us." she said. He nodded.


"You didn't do anything wrong yesterday. And I'm sorry that I screamed at you, and made you feel like you did." he told her, and looked at her. "I warned you ya know. I told you I would make you cry." Brian told her, making her chuckle and roll her eyes. She hit his arm.


"I just...I needed to see her. I needed to talk to her." Teresa told him.


"Why?" he asked softly. He had no idea why she needed to talk to Joan. As far as he was concerned, she was already dead, and wanted nothing to do with her ever again. Why would Teresa want to talk to her?


"What if Lindsay and Mel didn't take care of Gus?" she asked suddenly. He looked at her strangely. "What if they screwed him up? Hurt him. What if they hit him? What if they never loved him? How would you feel?" Teresa asked. He thought about this. He sat there for a few minutes, the both of them very quiet. He was scared by this thought. Not by thinking that Lindsay and Melanie would do any of that. They were good parents. They loved Gus...but the part about not ever loving him...what if Gus came and asked him if he really loved him? He's sucked as a father Gus' whole life. He's trying to make up for it now. He shook his head, trying to remember what they were talking about, and not think about what a shitty father he was to Gus.


What if Lindsay and Mel didn't take care of Gus? How would he feel? He'd feel horrible. He helped them make a kid, and would piss him off that they didn't take care of him. He would feel worse, because he didn't do anything to stop it. He shuddered at the thought. "I'd want to kill them." Brian answered honestly. She nodded.


"I know she's going to die. She's on her death bed...but...I had to tell her how I felt. I had to make her own up to what she did to my son...I may have only been 13, and accidentally got pregnant, but that didn't mean that I loved you any less. That I didn't know how to love you. Because I did. More then anything in this world." Teresa said as she started choking up. "I thought I was doing the right thing when I gave you up. That it was your best chance. And for 35 years that's what I thought. And to finally have been told, no. It was the worst decision I could have made...I want to kill her. And I had to tell her that what she did was wrong...I can't say anything to Jack because he's dead, and he never made any promises...but your mother did. I was so emotional. I was only 13, and she promised me that they would love you, and give you the world. She lied to me and..." Teresa stopped talking and wiped her face. "To say that God was punishing you because you're gay is one of the most horrible things I had ever heard. She said those awful things to my son. She hurt my son...I just can't get over that. I just can't. It's my fault." she said. Brian whipped his head over to look at her.


"What?" Brian demanded.


"It's my fault. Everything that they did to you, is my fault. If we had kept you...you would have known what it was like to have two parents who love you. We were young, and kids, but you would have still been raised right because of my parents, and Sawyer's. You would have been around me more, because Sawyer's family was in Boston, but they were always going to visit, and you'd be there for holidays and summers. And me and Sawyer even decided, while our parents went to court to get you back, that we'd get married when we were 18, so the three of us could be together." Teresa said as she let out a sob, and wiped at her face. "Everything you've suffered through, is my fault. It's because of my poor decision. And when you suffer, I suffer. I know you don't understand it, because they made you not understand. But I love you, and your pain is my pain Brian...so I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Brian. And I hope that you can forgive me for being stupid and letting you go." Teresa cried, trying to wipe the tears, but they kept falling. Brian cleared his throat and moved around uncomfortably.


"It's funny, I came out here to apologize to you, and here you are apologizing to me. I didn't think it was supposed to work like that." Brian said, making her chuckle. "I did warn you ya know. That I would end up making you cry." he told her again. He was purposely avoiding what she said, not wanting to really talking about it anymore. He stood up, and then held out his hand to her. He helped her stand up. "I have something for you in my car." Brian said as they started walking away. "Well, Justin's car. Don't let him know that I said it was my car. I'll never hear the end of it." Brian joked.


"Are you two ok now?" Teresa asked. He smiled at her.


"Yeah we're fine. I shouldn't have yelled at him like I did. And he let me know it to." he laughed. They walked over to the SUV, and he opened the trunk.


"You brought me trash bags?" Teresa questioned. Brian chuckled and shook his head.


"This was Sunshine's idea. I wanted to throw this crap away. But he wanted me to keep it." Brian told her. She leaned over to peer inside, but then looked back at Brian.


"What is it?" she asked. He stood up straight and cleared his throat.


"When she told me I wasn't hers..." Brian trailed off. He knew Teresa knew what he meant. "I went storming into her house. I started taking everything that ever belonged to me. Every picture I was in...we bagged it up. Like I said, I wanted to throw it away, but he wanted to save it...Justin thought, maybe you and Sawyer would want it." he told her. Her eyes widened.


"This is all your stuff? From you growing up?" she whispered.


"Up until high school...they never came to any of my college stuff. Or barely saw me after I graduated high school...we cut me out of all their pictures, so most of the pictures aren't whole." he told her, as she opened a bag and pulled out some pictures. She covered her mouth with her hand and gasped.


"You were so little." Teresa whispered. He scratched his neck uncomfortably.


"You can do whatever you want with it. You and Sawyer. I don't want any of it...I have more at the loft, so if you want it, I'm sure Justin would love to go through all of it with you." Brian said, grabbing the bags and shutting the trunk, and then walking it up to the house, with Teresa following him inside. She put the pictures back in the bag and smiled.


"Thank you. I can't wait to go through all of it. I know Sawyer will love it to." she told him. He shrugged.


"It's no big deal." he said. Justin came out of the kitchen then, rubbing his stomach, making Brian chuckle. "Better slow down on all the Italian food Sunshine. To many carbs and you won't be able to fit into your tux." Brian joked as Justin walked over, and he put his arm around his shoulder.


"You don't understand. You're grandmother is one of the best cooks." Justin moaned, making them laugh.


"Do you boys want to stay for dinner?" Genevieve asked. Brian chuckled.


"We actually have to get back to the house. Sunshine's been dying to open all those presents." Brian said. Justin's eyes widened.


"Oh my God I totally forgot about all that. Let's go." Justin said excitedly Justin could barely contain his excitement. They went home, and brought all the presents into the living room. Brian wasn't to thrilled to sit there to open everything, but it was funny watching Justin. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning. Justin instructed him to write down who sent them what present, because Justin wanted to send thank you cards. He rolled his eyes and called him a twat. Brian refused to open anything, just wanting Justin to open them and enjoy it. But Justin's eyes widened at one point and he handed him a bag. "This one's for you. It's from my mom." Justin laughed. Brian took it and eyed him suspiciously


"What is it?" Brian asked. Justin shrugged his shoulders.


"No idea." Justin lied. He pulled out the two boxes and unwrapped the top one, and opened the box, pulling out a black B. "It's a book end." Justin told him.


"I can see that. The other one a K?" Brian asked as he turned it around to look at it.


"Just open it." Justin said, smiling Brian opened it to see a large black J.


"That's really nice." Brian said, holding them up. "Does she realize that our initials together like that look like a blow job?" Brian asked, making Justin burst out laughing.


"She didn't at first. It wasn't until she was in the car that she realized it. She came over and showed me. So now you can have a blow job on your shelf." Justin laughed. Brian raised his eyebrows and put the book ends on the table. Then he crawled over to where Justin was sitting.


"How about I have a blow job on the couch?" Brian said and raised Justin's shirt, unbuckled his jeans and slid them down, and gave Justin a hot blow job right on their couch. Of course after he was done, Justin gave him one equally as good.


The next week was a nerve wracking one for Justin. They were going to court for Molly's custody suit. Because of all the allegations Craig made against Jennifer, Justin, Brian and even Tucker, it wasn't going to be as simple. It was going to be a bit more difficult. The first day going over all the allegations against them. Melanie tried to get it, that it would stay simple, and just talk to Molly, but the judge didn't want to ignore what Craig was saying. So the next day, they brought Tucker up to speak.


Tucker was being accused of hitting on Molly, and even hitting her. And making Jennifer kick her out so they could be alone. He was even being accused of bringing different women into Jennifer's home. Justin felt terrible for his mother, she looked mortified. He leaned forward and put his hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him, and remained strong. He was going to be strong to. Not act like some fag who cried because his daddy didn't love him. He would be strong through this.


Both lawyers went after Tucker, and then they brought Jennifer up. After lunch, they came back, and had Molly come up. Melanie spoke with her first, going over everything regarding Tucker. Then Craig's lawyer came in, and tried to confuse her. Trying to get her to trip up, and admit to things about Tucker, that just wasn't true. Melanie stood up every time, and wouldn't give Craig's lawyer an inch. Justin was so thankful for Melanie. When it was her turn again, she asked Molly, to just talk about her and Tucker's relationship. What did she think about him, and the fact that he's dating her mother, and even their age difference. Molly looked over at her mom, and Jen smiled and nodded her head.


"Well. I always liked him when he was my teacher. Everyone loves him. He doesn't treat us like kids. And he makes us laugh all the time...it was kind of weird when he was dating my mom at first. I thought everyone was going to start making fun of me because my mom was dating him...but they kept it really quiet. No one even knew until recently. And whenever he came over, he was still the same nice guy. He still never treated me like a kid...and he made my mom really happy. I don't think I had ever seen her that happy...he's never even flirted with me. All that stuff isn't true. And he's never ever hit me. I would have told my mom, and she would have killed him if he ever laid a finger on me." Molly said. Melanie nodded her head. "I think it's weird for every kid when their mom starts dating...but Tucker's awesome. We have fun together and I like when he comes over." Molly finished. She walked back over and sat next to Justin. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.


"You did good." Justin whispered and kissed her forehead. Brian leaned forward.


"Way to go kid." Brian said. He peered over her head, and saw Craig glaring at him. Brian just smiled and wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder. Not backing down. He wasn't going to back down from Craig Taylor. He didn't want Brian and Justin flaunting their gay life style, well fuck him. He'd sit next to Justin every day that they had to come to court. He'd sit there and wrap his arm around Justin's shoulder. He'd hug Jennifer, and Molly. He'd do, just what he did before. That day he walked into their house, and told Craig off, taking Justin with him. He'd stand by him.


The judge dismissed them for the day, and they all stood up. Jennifer came around to hug Molly. "Are you ok sweetheart?" she asked her daughter.


"Yeah it's no big deal." Molly said. She looked uncomfortable as Craig walked by with his lawyer. He stood there and stared at the group.


"I think you need to keep walking." Melanie advised.


"I don't need some fucking lesbian telling me what to do." Craig said. Brian stood in front of the group and crossed his arms.


"I suggest before you make a bigger ass out of yourself that you keep walking. Unless you want to go to jail again tonight." Brian said. Justin pulled him back a little bit.


"He's not worth it Brian." Justin said, glaring at his father.


"No he's not. Come on. My mom is making some fabulous dinner for this girl over here." Teresa said, rubbing Molly's back. Craig's lawyer pulled him out of the room.


"Is he going to do that every time he sees us?" Molly asked. Jen wrapped her arm around her.


"Don't worry about him. He did this to himself." Justin said. They did go back to Britin. Genevieve had made dinner for everyone. Genevieve had asked the day before if she could make dinner for them. Justin of course agreed instantly, being a huge fan of her cooking, and said for her and Robert to stay at Britin to cook. Justin was thrilled when he handed them their own key to the house. They were feeling more and more like family.


"How'd it go?" Brian's grandfather Robert asked, as they walked in the door.


"It's the calm before the shit storm." Brian said.


"Something smells so good." Justin said, making Brian laugh.


"You know I should have taken your warning seriously all those years ago." Brian told Jennifer. She tilted her head and hung up her coat. "That he eats like a football player." Brian joked, making Justin hit him in the stomach. They hit each other all the way to the kitchen.


"Good you're just in time. I made meatloaf." Genevieve said as she started cutting it up. Brian and Justin looked at each other and chuckled. They remembered a few years back, Justin making a joke about him making his moms meatloaf. "And I have mashed potatoes, baked macaroni and cheese, and a salad. And I have the bread all cut up on the table." she told them.


"My mouth is watering." Justin said. Lindsay came in with Gus, and then they sat down, and dug in.


"How did today go?" Genevieve asked.


"Melanie was amazing." Jennifer said. Mel shook her head as she wiped her face with her napkin.


"She wasn't that good." Brian joked. Justin hit his shoulder and Melanie rolled her eyes at him.


"Mommy were you amazing?" Gus asked.


"Mommy's always amazing Gussy." Lindsay told him. Brian pretended to choke.


"Oh God. I think I just threw up in my mouth." Brian said. Justin rolled his eyes and smacked his back.


"Melanie really was amazing. She went over all of Craig's allegations towards Tucker, and always managed to turn it around and put the focus back on Molly. Thank you so much Melanie." Jennifer said.


"Don't thank me yet. Justin and Brian are up tomorrow. All of Craig's anger is geared towards them anyways. Craig was never to focused on Tucker. He only had ammunition because he was Molly's teacher, and your age difference. But with these two..." Mel trailed off. Justin had looked down at his plate. Before someone could say anything, Teresa knocked her shoulder against his.


"Hey I get to be involved to. I did punch the bastard. Idiot thinks he can sue me." Teresa joked, stuffing her mouth and laughing.


"I guess it's proof I'm related to her. Such violence." Brian joked. The doorbell rang, and Brian's eyes widened in fake surprise. "Oh Gus. I think that's for you." Brian said and smiled at his son. His eyes widened and he dropped his fork as Lindsay helped him push out his chair. Gus was barely out of it before he was running to the front door, with Brian behind him.


"Who is it?" Lindsay asked Justin. Justin just smiled at her. Gus ran to the door and swung it open.


"GRANDPA!" Gus screamed as he jumped into Sawyer's arms.


"Hey there kiddo. I've missed you." Sawyer said. He smiled over at Brian.


"What are you doing here? I've missed you so much." Gus cheered. Brian couldn't help but smile at the scene before him. Gus loved Sawyer from the moment that he met him. He had a fleeting thought of himself running and jumping into a teenage Sawyer's arms, but he shook his head after the image popped into his head. There was no reason to think of things like that. He missed out on that. And he couldn't change that. He couldn't stop a little of the sadness wash over him from time to time, the more time he spent with his family, wishing that he wasn't just now getting to know them.


"Hi Brian. Everything go ok today?" Sawyer asked as he walked in, with Gus still in his arms. Brian reached out and pulled his suitcase in.


"Pretty well. Glad you could make it." Brian said as he shut the door, and led the way towards the kitchen.


"Well I had to come. Grandpa wants to see if grandma's gonna get in any trouble." Sawyer joked as they walked into the kitchen.


"I heard that you..." Teresa trailed off, wanting to cuss, but not in front of Gus.


"What did you wanna say honey?" Sawyer joked. She smiled.


"I'll just tell you later. But know that I'm thinking it, and it's really not nice." Teresa smiled. Sawyer made his way around the table, kissing and hugging everyone, before he sat down with Gus next to him.


"Are you hungry?" Genevieve asked.


"For your cooking? Always." Sawyer said.


"Are you going back to grandma's house to sleep?" Gus asked Sawyer.


"Actually Gus, grandpa is gonna stay here." Brian said. Justin looked over and smiled at him. Brian started thinking about the night before.


"Hey Teresa just texted me and said Sawyer was flying in tomorrow a few days early. He was orginally gonna come next week for Gus' grandparents day.." Justin said as he walked into the bedroom and sat down on their bed. Brian had been sitting on it with his legs stretched out, working on his MacBook on a new account. Justin leaned over and looked at it. "That looks nice so far." Justin said. Brian nodded.


"Yeah well what can I say? Brown Athletics love everything I come up with. It's like taking candy from a baby." Brian said, making Justin snort.


"You don't need anyone boosting your ego. You do that all by yourself." Justin laughed. Brian smiled at him.


"But honey, I love when you boost my ego." Brian joked. Justin just laughed at him.


"So I have a question." Justin told him. Brian looked over at him, waiting for Justin to ask. "Well...can we ask Sawyer to stay here? He's always stayed with Teresa and her parents when he's visited, but we have a big house now, with guest rooms. And Gus would love having him right across the street." Justin asked him. Brian looked back at his MacBook.


"That's fine. Gus would love it." Brian agreed.


"But would you?" Justin asked. Brian looked over and smiled.


"Yeah. It'll be nice. Go ahead and call him." Brian said, turning back to his computer again and started typing. Justin leaned forward and started kissing his neck.


"It would mean a lot more coming from you." Justin told him. Brian turned his head and chuckled.


"Are you setting me up for some amazing father son moment?" Brian asked. Justin smiled and shrugged his shoulders


"You may not think these things are big deals, but they are. The more time you spend with him, the closer you'll get. And I really like spending time with him. Besides, he's the only dad we're going to have, since mine hates the fact that I breathe the same air as him. At least we have my mom, Teresa and Debbie." Justin said. Brian rolled his eyes and laid his head back against the overly huge headboard.


"Leave it to queers to not have two normal moms and two normal dads. We have three moms and one dad." Brian chuckled.


"I like how nothing about us is normal. I never did like normal and predictable." Justin said. Brian nodded his head. They sat there for a few minutes in silence before Justin spoke again. "But I do love the fact that Sawyer likes to take time off to come and see you. I think it's awesome that he wants to be here for a few days while we go to court. It's amazing having such a big support system like your family." Justin said.


"Who knew anyone related to me could be nice and loving." Brian joked.


"You are loving. You just don't like to admit it. You care a lot about your family." Justin said. Brian knew he didn't mean the family he was related to, that he was talking about his family with Gus, Michael, Lindsay and Debbie and the rest of their gang. "And you're loving having all these different relatives pop up all over. You even don't have to admit that you like some of the attention. Even if all the love makes you uncomfortable." Justin joked as he pinched Brian's cheek. Brian rolled his eyes and shoved his hand off.


"Stop it you lesbionic twat." Brian grumbled. It just made Justin laugh, and he handed him Brian's Iphone.


"Call him." Justin said. Brian rolled his eye and grabbed the phone. He didn't completely listen to Justin. He just texted him.


If you want, you can stay at our house while you here. Gus would love it.


He showed the text for Justin's approval, who rolled his eyes and nodded his head, chuckling at him. He got under the covers and grabbed his Ipad and started playing around. A few minutes later Brian's phone beeped and he picked it up to read it.


I would love it to. Thank you!


Sawyer wrote back.


The stupid things Justin and Gus made him do. He was a sucker to do anything for for both of them. "Can I sleep here to?" Gus asked. Brian and Justin laughed as each of them remembered just last week, when Gus got to sleep over for the first time.


Justin had made the three of them dinner, and they had sat in the family room watching 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2' on their T.V. Brian laughed every time Justin's stomach would grumble, because the movie was just making him hungrier. Gus was so excited that he was finally going to be sleeping in his Rage bedroom for the first time. When it was time for bed, they let Gus know that he could come into their room if he woke up, and they were right down the hall.


Mel and Lindsay let them know that he woke up a lot in the middle of the night. Either he wanted a drink of water, had a bad dream, or just woke up and wanted to sleep with them. So they said goodnight to Gus, and walked back downstairs. Justin cleaned up a bit, while Brian worked on a campaign for awhile. Justin ended up going to bed first, but Brian came up there soon after him and was getting undressed and went to pull of his underwear, when Justin stopped him. "No you have to leave them on." Justin laughed.


"Why? I never sleep with clothes on." Brian asked. Justin rolled his eyes.


"Because Gus is here. What if he wakes up and comes in here?" Justin asked. Brian forgot about that. He rolled his eyes and pulled them back up and got into bed. It was weird to be going to bed with clothes on. It was very rare that they did this. But Justin was right. Around 2:00 in the morning, Gus had woken up and came crying into their room, shaking Brian awake.


"Daddy." Gus cried softly. Brian shook his head to wake up.


"Are you ok?" Brian asked. But Gus shook his head.


"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep here with you and daddy?" Gus asked. Brian cleared his throat and started sitting up.


"Sure you can Sonny Boy. Come on." Brian said as she helped pulled Gus up to his bed and laid in between him and Justin. He got him under the covers, when Justin rolled over and opened his eyes.


"Hey Gus." Justin said tiredly.


"Hi daddy. Did you have a bad dream to?" Gus asked. Justin shook his head.


"No I didn't. I had a really good dream. You ok?" Justin asked, trying to find a comfortable spot. Whenever he turned over, he usually draped himself on Brian's body. But with Gus in the middle, that wasn't an option.


"I dreamed there was this giant spider with blood dripping out of his mouth, and he grabbed me and was flying me away from my house." Gus whispered. Justin opened his eyes, shocked, then moved his eyes to look at Brian behind Gus' head. Brian leaned over and kissed the top of Gus' forehead.


"It was only a dream. It wasn't real." Brian whispered to him. Gus was facing away from Brian, but he held his hand. Justin rubbed his arm up and down.


"Yeah don't worry about that Gussy. It was only a dream. You're safe now kiddo." Justin told him. Gus squeezed Brian's hand tightly and pulled his arm closer to him, while he slid closer to Justin. Brian and Justin just stared at each other. This was the first time Gus had ever slept over, and was totally content that he felt safe enough to sleep in between them. They each kissed his forehead as he fell asleep. Justin smiled at Brian as he settled himself down to snuggle up behind Gus, and with Justin's arm draped over his arm, and Gus' body. "I could definitely get used to this. I like being a dad. And I love hearing him say that." Justin said. Brian smiled at him, and wondered when Justin would finally ask him if they could have their own baby.


Brian shook his head, trying to escape the memory. Not the fact that Gus slept in their bed. Because that was actually cute. It was one of those moments that he never knew he enjoyed, until it happened. Comforting his son after a bad dream. It made him feel like a real father. "Of course you can sleep here again. It's your house to." Justin told him, and then smiled at Brian.


"Absolutely Sonny boy. As long as it's ok with your mommies." Brian said, pretending to be grown up about that, but then rolled his eyes.


"Of course you can. You just gotta make sure he's ready for school. I can pick him up-" Lindsay went to say, but Brian shook his head.


"We have time in the morning to drop him off at school." Brian told her.


"Oh so you can yell at the secretary again." Melanie said, and chuckled.


"Hey that bitch started it." Brian told her. Lindsay gasped and covered her face, while Molly laughed.


"Mommy he said a bad word." Gus told Lindsay.


"Sweetie I know. Daddy can't help himself." Lindsay said, glaring at Brian.


"Daddy Justin is just going to have to spank me again won't you Sunshine?" Brian joked, playing with that back Justin's neck. He shoved his hand away and groaned into his own hands. Molly laughed. "Oh I'm sorry. I forgot the 12 year old was sitting at the table." Brian groaned. Molly's mouth dropped.


"I'm not 12 years old. I'm 15 years old. And I'm not stupid. I know what you two do behind closed doors." Molly said. Jennifer gasped while Justin groaned louder.


"Molly." Jen hissed. Teresa burst out laughing and wrapped her arm around Justin's shoulders, pulling him closer and kissing the top of his head.


"Oh she's fine. Like she said, she's 15, not stupid. Give the girl some credit." Teresa said, smiling at Molly. She leaned forward and smacked Brian's shoulder. "What's the matter with you? Do you make it your personal mission to embarrass your fiance?" Teresa asked.


"Yes." Brian, Justin, Lindsay and Melanie all said at once. After they ate dinner, Justin's family went home, and Teresa took her parents home, and Mel and Lindsay walked across the street. It was just Brian, Justin, Gus and Sawyer.


"Daddy can we watch the meatballs again?" Gus asked Justin. Justin's eyes lit up.


"Yeah of course. It's still in the Blue-Ray player." Justin said. Brian laughed.


"Great. Now Sunshine's gonna be hungry again." Brian said, and then looked over at Sawyer. "It's a cartoon with all this food that's turned into animals, and he practically drools through the whole movie." Brian laughed. Justin hit his shoulder.


"Come on Gus. Let's go get ready for bed, and daddy will get the movie ready." Justin said as he took Gus' hand and led him upstairs. Brian laughed and got the movie ready, and sat down on one end of the couch, while Sawyer sat on the other end.


"So how'd it really go today?" Sawyer asked. Brian let out a deep breath.


"Justin hates seeing his father. But deep down, he wishes his father would say he's sorry and accept him. He misses having a dad. He would forgive him if Craig asked him to. It would take awhile, for Justin to trust him again. But he would eventually." Brian said, scrubbing his own face.


"He looks like he's doing ok." Sawyer said as Brian nodded his head.


"He's not gonna let Craig get the best of him anymore. He's gonna be strong, and keep moving on with his life. He's going to enjoy what he has." Brian said, making Sawyer nod.


"That's how I've gotten through most of my life. Be happy with what you have, and hope some day I get back what I lost along the way." Sawyer said. Brian looked at him then. He knew what he was talking about. He meant, that he lost Brian as a baby.



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