Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 33] Printer

Brian, his son, and Justin's best friend all have a secret they're sharing. What could it be?  Short sequel to "Love and Drama at the Sit-A-Spell." 


Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Family, Alternate Universe, Brian/Justin, Fluff, Romance Characters: Brian, Daphne, Gus, Justin
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes
Word count: 11178 Read: 6257
Published: March 16, 2017 Updated: March 20, 2017
Story Notes:

This story is COMPLETE, and will be two chapters long.  Hope you enjoy it!

1. Plan Set in Motion by Predec2 [Reviews - 13] (3384 words)

Brian prepares his son and Daphne to help with his surprise for Justin's early graduation. 

2. Flying by Predec2 [Reviews - 20] (7794 words)

Hi Everyone, this is PA Boi.  I'm posting this chapter for Predec2.  She apologizes for the delay in posting this chapter but she has a broken wrist.  Huge Bummer for her, very inconvenient & painful.

I know it would help make her feel better to have lots of reviews so I hope EVERYONE who reads & enjoys this story posts a review!!!!!!!!!!!