Thank goodness that is over and done with. Not only did the Truffaut exhibition run for another day but I also had to help them close it down and do yet more tiresome admin.
"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Michael is sprawled on the sofa. His jumper has ridden up a bit and he is stroking his stomach. Well I hope that's what he's doing, as I really can't watch.
"Michael stop that; it's repulsive." Grady berates him and I could just kiss him.
He scoffs at him and stops. "Had no idea you were this delicate." He's being obnoxious again.
"I'm not. I just don't appreciate you digging at yourself like you're a baboon in tick season. In our suite. Save your grooming habits for your room."
Before this escalates into yet another argument between the two of them, I stand up. "The plan was to meet Gus and Jenny at the country club but they didn't want to go there so we're going to Steelhead Brasserie & Wine Bar at one and..."
"Fine. Are you guys ordering room service?" He gets up, looking at us hopefully.
"No we're heading out in about an hour. My lady deserves a cocktail or two for all the hard work she's done this week."
"Okay. Shall I meet you back here or in reception?"
"Neither, this is a date for just the two of us. You will have to find something else to occupy your time. Now excuse us, we need to get ready."
Grady stands and opens the door. With one baleful look at me, Michael stomps out.
"This is a date for just the two of us." I mutter once I slam my door shut in frustration.
Fucking dick! Actually, how I wish I was fucking his dick. It's been so long since I've had company.
I can't believe Lindsay is not pregnant yet, though I have been looking up early pregnancy symptoms and I think she's displaying some of them. Might start to drop a hint or two.
So I'm going to go revisit my old haunts. See how much this place has changed or not, as the case may be!
I almost barfed when Michael was playing with his stomach. Ugh, and he wonders why he's single! He doesn't have a bit of decorum or class. We're meeting up with Matt and Hunter on Sunday before we go back to New York, surprisingly enough Lindsay still had Hunter's work number. It will be just Lindsay and I, as we thought with Michael there, it would be too contentious.
I'm still waiting to see if the brothers want to meet. I contacted Zeus and he said he would call back and so far I'm still waiting.
Lindsay has finally stopped bitching about having to slog it out with the minions, as she calls them; for the last two days. Apparently, this Truffaut guy was very demanding and on top of that the guest of honour at the party treated her like shit. So hopefully this evening and tomorrow will improve her mood.
I look at Stuart and can't believe it's the same guy that we took on almost two years ago. He looks so healthy and more importantly happy. And we still couldn't believe it when he and Miranda started dating! It was so out of left field considering his major crush on Brett Keller, but they are still going strong.
I head back to the office to complete the week's paperwork and even Ted can't believe this place is doing as well as it is. Brian and Justin have reduced their share in it and soon, if it maintains its profitability, it will be 100% ours.
I look up as the door opens and I can't believe my eyes. Michael Novotny is in our store!
"Excuse me..."
"I don't need any help, I used to own this place." He tells me smugly. "I'm just going upstairs to..."
"Actually no you're not. You're barred for life, remember?" Blake picks that moment to come out of the office.
Michael's stops and heads to the door, scowling. He looks me up and down. "At least your staff has improved. What happened to the lost soul that you took under your wing? Relapsed, did he?"
"No. I'm fine thanks. Now leave or I shall have you arrested for trespass."
I took great pleasure in slamming the door in his stunned face.
I can't believe fucking Blake! And that was Stuart?!
I wave at the barman for another beer and look around for some action. The clientele has improved since I've been away. I spot a guy at the bar, who looks like he could use some company. I make my way over.
"Hi." I smile at him and he smiles back. He reminds me of Grady in a way. "The name's Michael and you are?"
"Zeph and..."
"You are a beautiful man. First time out?" I run my hand up his thigh. He moves it away.
"Thank you. And I'm not out at all. I'm just having a quiet drink before meeting my friends."
"I could keep you company." I move closer to him.
"No you couldn't even if I was gay, which I'm not. I'm not interested in anyone who invades my personal space from the get go and starts feeling me up. You need to hone your technique."
"If you're not gay, what are you doing in a gay bar?" I demand.
"One, they do great beer." He drains the rest of his bottle and stands up. "And two; there's no law that says that only gay people can go to a gay bar. Only a heterophobe would believe bullcrap like that. Bye."
He grabs his coat and leaves and I look round to see if anyone noticed our interaction but it doesn't look like it; so I take that opportunity to retreat back to the hotel for another lonely night.
We decided to get here early and take our places at the bar and wait. Dead on time, in comes Lindsay. She's with another man, who I've not seen before.
"Jenny!" She comes over as if to give me a hug but I step back. "Um, where's Gus? I thought he would be here."
"He is. He's in the bathroom." I look behind the two of them. "So Lindsay, no Michael?"
She flinches a bit but keeps that stupid smile on her face. "He's just coming."
Judging by her gasp, Gus is coming back. "Lambskin you've..."
"Hated that when you were my mother, hate it even more now. My name is Gus."
"Honeybun!" Michael comes towards me, smiling. Seriously these two are fucking smiling!
"Jenny." I step back further.
Gus nudges me in the ribs. "Before we go, who are you?"
"Grady, Grady Holster. I'm a friend of your mother's and..."
"You can't be. I've not seen you round Squirrel Hill at all." Gus cuts him off.
Michael's eyes narrow but he doesn't say anything and an awkward silence descends.
"Shall we go to the table now?" I prompt.
"Yes let's do that." Michael gets between Gus and me. I grit my teeth and say nothing.
"Hunter! Matt! What are you doing here?" Lindsay gasps.
Hunter stands up and pulls out her chair. "Thought we'd kill all the birds with one stone. Besides we now have plans with the family tomorrow. It's not a problem, is it?"
"Thank you. And of course not."
"So what do you want to eat? Order whatever you want." Grady tells us.
"Why are you here?" Gus asks, looking at Lindsay.
"I-I want to rebuild the relationship we had and..."
"No, I don't want that relationship. It was based on lies."
"So Michael, is that what you want too? And are you going to include Hunter in this as well?"
"I would prefer you to call me dad as..."
"Well I wouldn't, Michael." I retort. I hold back my wince as Gus kicks me under the table.
"And I would like to get a chance to know you all better, especially my new son-in-law. I can't believe my baby boy is married! So when did it happen?"
"September in South Africa." Matt replies. "Excuse me waiter, can we order some wine please? The South African merlot and the chardonnay. You want beer babe?" Hunter nods.
"The family must have loved it." Lindsay gets misty eyed. "Do you have pictures?"
"No it was just us so we're having a blessing in Portland, over Christmas."
"May I see the rings?" Grady asks and they hold out their hands. "You can take them off."
"We could but we're not going to." Hunter responds.
The wine arrives and Michael looks round the table. "They're too young to have wine."
"You don't get to do that, so cut it out!" I snap.
"You are only 15! You aren't old enough to..."
"16, I'm 16! And I'm old enough for a lot of life experiences..."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" He demands.
"Again. You don't get to do that!"
Gus clears his throat. "What are your intentions towards Lindsay? Are you her boyfriend or something?"
She blushes and they look at each other. "Well we are in a relationship, which we both hope has a future."
Michael scoffs into his water and rolls his eyes.
"You don't seem happy about that?" I turn to him.
"It just came a little of the blue, that's all." He retorts. "From the pair of them."
The look that Grady gives him is not friendly. "Don't worry Michael. There's someone out there for you somewhere..."
"You know who you three remind me of?" Matt pipes up and they shake their heads. "The herd from Ice Age."
I snort into my drink and we all just stare at him.
"A rag tag of people brought together by opportunistic circumstances as opposed to love, trust and friendship. Lindsay you're Diego, Grady you're, obviously, Manny and lastly, Michael. You're a combination of Sid, for the looks, and Scrat...continually chasing things that don't want to be caught, well not by you anyway."
The food arrives and the one thing we can agree on is that it looks delicious. And of course eating the food that Zee and Alice prepare means that we have built up our tolerances so the ghost wings were nothing for us but for them, well judging by the bright red faces Michael and Lindsay are sporting, I'll go with too much.
Fuck me those wings were hot! My nose is running and my eyes are watering. I wipe my hands on the napkin and then go to wipe my eyes.
Hunter stops me. "Uh Michael, I wouldn't touch your face with that if I were you. Use another napkin, you'll thank me in the end."
I scowl at him and wipe my lips dab my eyes. Within about 10 seconds, the stinging starts.
"Ow my eyes!" I yelp and spring up. "Where the fuck is the bathroom?!" I scream at the nearest waiter.
"Just by the stairs sir."
"Do I look like I can fucking see to you?!" My eyes are streaming and I daren't blink.
"Of course sir, my apologies. Come with me."
Fifteen minutes later my eyes feel better and by the time I get back to the table they seem to be finding something amusing.
"What's so funny?" I ask, sitting down.
Grady beams at his baby boy. "Matt was just telling us how he proposed to Hunter whilst he was spear fishing and in surprise, he almost shot him in the foot."
"I see. So where did you get the rings?" I take a sip of my water. "Where's my food by the way?"
Matt waves to a waiter and he comes back with a covered plate. "We had them keep it warm for you."
I shake my head at the waiter. "Could I just have another serving of this?"
Lindsay's eyes widen but I ignore her.
"Diamond district." Hunter replies. "Mom and Papa Faal insisted on replacing the ones we bought and dad and Papa Steve are doing the engraving in time for the blessing."
"Mom? Papa Faal?" I question.
"Yes that's what he calls Aunt Zee and Uncle Faal and he calls papa, Papa Steve." Jenny tells me, grinning. "It's really quite sweet but can be a bit confusing when we're all together."
"Where is the diamond district in South Africa?" I ask and Lindsay rolls her eyes.
"There isn't a diamond district in South Africa. Actually, the whole country could arguably be called a diamond district. We got them in New York." Matt says.
They are just so fucking smug and self-satisfied, it's annoying.
"How's Zee feeling now that her dad's in prison?" Grady glares at me so I ignore him too.
"She couldn't care less. He stopped being a father a long time ago. Something you two should be familiar with." Matt snaps.
"Look can we please just not fight?" Lindsay pleads. "We're trying to rebuild the relationship, not make it worse."
"Speak to him with his bitchy, not witty, bon mots." Hunter spits, glaring in my direction.
"What the hell do sweets have to do with this?"
Unfortunately, I took that moment to throw my hands up in the air, which coincided with the arrival of my food. Which I bumped out of the waiter's hand. Who in trying to save it from hitting the table, knocked over both bottles of almost full wine, which thankfully didn't hit anybody.
"Wow just wow." Hunter shakes his head. "Can't take you anywhere."
"Well I think that this lunch is at an end." Matt declares.
"I'm...I just don't know what to say." Lindsay sighs and glares at me again.
"You could always invite them to your engagement party instead. You know that's one of the reasons we're here, isn't it?"
And the moment the words left my mouth, I knew I had made a huge fucking mistake.