Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 108] Printer


Justin and Brian have been together for over twenty years. They have a large family, with all the good and bad it involves. One morning their world is thrown into turmoil. Got the idea from Safe Passage, good movie but changing quite a bit.

Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Family Characters: Blake, Brian, Carl, Chris Hobbs, Daphne, Emmett, Ethan Gold, Gus, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca, Justin, Lindsay, Melanie, Michael, Molly Taylor, Original Character(s), Ted, Tucker
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Completed: Yes
Word count: 65975 Read: 81219
Published: February 22, 2017 Updated: November 27, 2017
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author.  The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise.  No copyright infringement is intended.

1. News by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 10] (1822 words)

2. Planes, no trains and automobiles by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (1658 words)

3. Love Doesn't Exist by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 2] (1678 words)

4. Falling Apart by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 2] (1986 words)

5. Behind the Door by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (1957 words)

6. Treading Water by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (3098 words)

7. Pride by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 4] (1483 words)

This is short and mostly filler. Tomorrows will be longer and the rest of the video. Blake is the narrator of the video, so remember that's who's asking questions.

8. Just Answer by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 6] (4431 words)

9. Shorty by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 6] (2195 words)

Sorry it's taken so long for new chapter, I've been sick, but getting better now.

10. Lifetime Movie by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (1711 words)

Trigger warning. Sexual assault mentioned.

11. Pain by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (1505 words)

Warning mildly graphic violance.

12. Brothers by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (2500 words)


13. Kade by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 1] (3005 words)

I went back and forth on this chapter. I let it sit for a couple of days to see if I still wanted the story to go this way. Hope you enjoy.

14. The Unfortunate Incident by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 0] (2672 words)

Mention of animal death

15. Bad Moon Rising by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (2761 words)

16. Moving by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (3020 words)

Sorry it's taken so long. Mention of infidelity.

17. The Homecoming by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 6] (3249 words)


18. The Hit by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 4] (1737 words)

Sorry shorter than the last few.

19. Cody by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (2129 words)

20. Fate by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 2] (4260 words)

21. Help by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 2] (2037 words)

I just barely made my own deadline. Yay.

22. Sinners and saints by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 1] (3046 words)

23. Dead by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 4] (517 words)

Super short chapter. This one is to add a little humor after the beginning of the last chapter. Next chapter will be longer and pretty dark. 

24. Witchy Woman by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (1448 words)

25. Mistakes by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 2] (2370 words)

26. All Around by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 5] (2360 words)

27. Teenagers by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 3] (1761 words)

28. Epilogue by Neverbreeze [Reviews - 8] (3579 words)