Brian has to live up to his promise to his son to go on a double date.
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Alternate Universe, Brian/Justin, Humor, Romance, Valentine's Day Characters: Brian, Gus, Jack Kinney, Justin, Original Character(s), Other Canon Characters
Challenges: None Series: Entwined Universe
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes
Word count: 15463 Read: 12808
Published: February 14, 2017 Updated: February 21, 2017
Story Notes:
This is a Valentine’s Day story, in three parts. You can read about how the double date originated in the excerpt from Entwined that we have included at the beginning of the first chapter.
This story can be read on its own. You will, however, find it easier to understand Jack Kinney’s character if you have already read Entwined, which is an AU.
1. Chocolates and Flowers by Alois [Reviews - 15] (4860 words)
2. Burgers and Surprises by Alois [Reviews - 8] (5202 words)
Jack Kinney is a kind person in this AU. He suffered a brain injury in an accident when Brian was a teenager and is now a very loving, although childlike soul.
3. Movies and Kisses by Alois [Reviews - 16] (5401 words)