Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 53] Printer

Summary:  Brian makes a mental note to inform every one of those half-wit baristas what his name is tomorrow. 

Categories: FEATURED STORY, QAF-U.S. FICTION, Alternate Universe Characters: Ben, Brian, Daphne, Emmett, Justin, Michael, Ted
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: Yes
Word count: 9718 Read: 21024
Published: February 06, 2017 Updated: February 14, 2017
Story Notes:

Story Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Queer as Folk characters in this story.  They belong to Showtime and Cowlip. No copyright infringement is at all intended and no money will be made. 

Coffee AU because this fandom doesn't have nearly enough of them. Will be updated daily. Also, I'm sorry if there are mistakes. I don't have a Beta. :/

1. Monday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 7] (265 words)

2. Tuesday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 3] (336 words)

3. Wednesday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 3] (547 words)


4. Thursday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 4] (898 words)

5. Friday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 6] (1372 words)

6. Saturday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 9] (1795 words)

7. Sunday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 6] (1761 words)

8. Another Monday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 4] (1636 words)

9. Another Tuesday by Oliviatheolive [Reviews - 11] (1108 words)