"What will Gus do to protect his baby sister when his mothers hit a rocky plateau in their relationship? And how will it affect Brian and Justin's lives?"
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION,
Alternate Universe,
Drama Characters: Ben,
Jenny Rebecca,
Original Character(s)
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18
Completed: Yes
Word count: 37691
Read: 94393
Published: January 25, 2017
Updated: April 22, 2017
Story Notes:
I started this last year, it's still not finished so be kind in waiting for updates, please. I do have 14 chapters. Thank you to my beta and friend Kim aka Predec2 and for the beautiful banner and picture within she made me.
- Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Shattered Glass by vic32 [Reviews - 13] (3628 words)
2. Worse before it gets better. by vic32 [Reviews - 13] (1925 words)
More drama ahead, truly hope you enjoy it. Thank for all who either just read the story or read and reviews it truly means the world to me.
I made a mistake to in my last note, the picture within is for a different story it's why I didn't pit it in.
3. No Matter What. by vic32 [Reviews - 12] (1618 words)
More tension here sadly but keep on going. Thanks again for the reviews and for reading all x
4. The Sound Of Silence by vic32 [Reviews - 10] (936 words)
Tons more drama and shocks. Thanks again for the reads and reviews.
5. Fear And Flight by vic32 [Reviews - 6] (1327 words)
More drama, your gonna need tissues.
Thanks again for all the amazing reviews and for reading my story.
6. Spooked by vic32 [Reviews - 9] (1146 words)
An upset bunch, so much emotions. Thanks for all the reviews and reading my story.
7. Amber Alert by vic32 [Reviews - 8] (2177 words)
More drama, with some tender moments. Thank you so much for the reviews and for reading my story x
8. Guardian Angel by vic32 [Reviews - 6] (1234 words)
Hope you enjoy this one. Thank you for the wonderful reviews and for reading my story x
9. Emotions by vic32 [Reviews - 5] (1183 words)
A bit of light relief here, so hope that you enjoy. Thank you again for all the reviews and for reading my story x
10. Our Children's Sake by vic32 [Reviews - 6] (1022 words)
Sorry for delay today I was helping look after my baby cousin. Enjoy, and thank you for the amazing reviews and for reading my story x
11. Words and Rhymes by vic32 [Reviews - 6] (1441 words)
A tad longer and light. Thank you for the reviews and don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.
12. Mysterious Adventure by vic32 [Reviews - 7] (1408 words)
Nice and light here, enjoy. Thank you for the wonderful reviews x
13. Anything For Family by vic32 [Reviews - 5] (1342 words)
Here is some more, really hope you enjoy. I've one more chapter written ready to post before I pause to write a bit more. I'll be as fast as I can. Thank you so much for the brilliant reviews and for reading my story x
14. Fun and Surprises by vic32 [Reviews - 8] (2151 words)
OK guys, this will be the last one for a tiny bit. I am working on chapter 15 right now, it is taking me a lot longer than I thought. RL is kicking me. I had an eye exam didn't go well so I have to be referred. So please don't me mad if I take a bit of time to get these to you. We don't have many left to write. Thank you for all the wonderful reviews and for reading my stories.
15. Dream Trip by vic32 [Reviews - 9] (3391 words)
Here you go guys, chapter 15 with one more to come, there may be a delay as I still have to write it. Truly hope that you enjoy it. Thank you for the amazing reviews and for reading my story x
16. Secret Project by vic32 [Reviews - 6] (3240 words)
Sorry for delay, I wanted this right. I know this was meant to be the last chapter but it had other ideas lol, enjoy.
Thank you for reading and reviewing, it means the world to me.
17. Preparations For Celebrations by vic32 [Reviews - 8] (1917 words)
Sorry took so long, RL and stuff kept me busy. I know this was meant to be the last chapter but it had other ideas lol.
Thank you for reading and for the reviews, truly means everything to me.
18. Happy Birthday by vic32 [Reviews - 13] (6605 words)
Well this is the last chapter for this part, I will start part two fairly soon. Really hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you to my beta Kim, who helped even though she was injured, that means everything to me.
Thank you for all the people who read my story and for the reviews xx