When Brian Kinney was fired from Ryder’s advertising agency after being accused of sexual harassment, he never would have imagined becoming an escort. However, learning that his son was seriously sick wasn’t part of his plans, either.
One year later, he meets Justin Taylor, an artist who was attacked at his prom and suffered serious injuries. What happens when their worlds collide?
Rated: NC-18
Alternate Universe,
Out of Character,
Romance Characters: Ben,
Chris Hobbs,
Ethan Gold,
Jennifer Taylor,
Molly Taylor,
Original Character(s),
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 25
Completed: Yes
Word count: 115163
Read: 93509
Published: January 21, 2017
Updated: August 04, 2017
Story Notes:
This story is an AU, starting after episode 1.13. It is a collaboration between two crazy ladies (Alois and addict_writer). We have to thank our wonderful betas, eureka1, Gloria, and Alison for putting up with us and the constant changes. You’re wonderful!
DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
1. Prologue by Alois [Reviews - 1] (2700 words)
2. Chapter 1 by Alois [Reviews - 8] (6099 words)
** As always, our eternal gratitude to our wonderful betas eureka1, Gloria and Alison **
3. Chapter 2 by Alois [Reviews - 11] (4233 words)
** A warm thank you to our wonderful betas!! **
4. Chapter 3 by Alois [Reviews - 10] (3755 words)
** As always, we're very grateful for our wonderful betas **
5. Chapter 4 by addict_writer [Reviews - 7] (4621 words)
6. Chapter 5 by Alois [Reviews - 6] (5692 words)
** again, we want to thank eureka1 (Karynn), Alison and Gloria for their help on this story! **
7. Chapter 6 by Alois [Reviews - 4] (4528 words)
** Special thanks to our wonderful betas! **
8. Chapter 7 by Alois [Reviews - 7] (4293 words)
** Our betas ar the best. Thanks Ladies! **
9. Chapter 8 by Alois [Reviews - 7] (4427 words)
** Our betas are wonderful! **
10. Chapter 9 by Alois [Reviews - 8] (3124 words)
*** As always, we want to thank our brilliant betas for helping us improve this story ***
11. Chapter 10 by Alois [Reviews - 9] (4541 words)
** A huge shout out to our betas! **
12. Chapter 11 by Alois [Reviews - 7] (5118 words)
** As always, a huge thanks to Karynn, Alison and Gloria for being so amazing! **
13. Chapter 12 by Alois [Reviews - 6] (4244 words)
** Thanks to our wonderful betas, Karynn, Gloria and Alison. A special though to Karynn who has taken the time to help us with everything she has to face right now. We love you! **
14. Chapter 13 by Alois [Reviews - 11] (4767 words)
** As always, a huge thanks to our betas, who are doing an amazing job **
15. Chapter 14 by Alois [Reviews - 4] (4428 words)
We apologize for the delay, RL is hectic these days. But the next chapter is finally here a day ealier than our usual schedule :)
** Our betas are fantastic! Thank you Ladies **
16. Chapter 15 by Alois [Reviews - 0] (4513 words)
** Our endless gratitude to our betas **
17. Chapter 16 by Alois [Reviews - 9] (4154 words)
** Betas are fantastic. Thank you Ladies for your help, yet again **
18. Chapter 17 by Alois [Reviews - 4] (6126 words)
** again, we wouldn't be able to post without our betas's invaluable help. Thank you! **
19. Chapter 18 by Alois [Reviews - 7] (4209 words)
** Needless to say that our betas's help is greatly appreciated! A special thanks to Karynn for her extra help **
20. Chapter 19 by Alois [Reviews - 10] (6174 words)
* We couldn't have written this chapter without our betas's help and especially Karynn (eureka1) who has done a wonderful job. Thank you so much! *
21. Chapter 20 by Alois [Reviews - 7] (4900 words)
** A special thanks to our betas, to Karynn for being always there, and to the readers for being an inspiration **
22. Chapter 21 by Alois [Reviews - 4] (4045 words)
** A huge thanks to the persons who have helped on this chapter. **
23. Chapter 22 by Alois [Reviews - 5] (4168 words)
* Special thanks to our betas, as always *
24. Chapter 23 by Alois [Reviews - 9] (5949 words)
* Last chapter before the epilogue. So, please, don’t hesitate to share your feelings about this by leaving a comment. We love, love, love to read them and it’s almost the end. *
Thank you for reading :)
25. Epilogue by Alois [Reviews - 14] (4355 words)