Wrtten for the QaF giftxchange 2017.
GIFT REQUEST: Not really fussy about the genre as long as it's BJ, the characters are recognizable and they have a happy ending. Would like it to be Christmas themed, but don't have any particular storyline in mind. Sorry it's so vague, but really any bj fic where they wind up together is fine with me.
NOTE: I haven't written QaF in a while, but I make sure to always do this exchange. Wren, I did the best I can, and I hope you like it. Also, this was betaed by the wonderful predec2.
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin Characters: Jennifer Taylor
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 1634 Read: 1388
Published: January 06, 2017 Updated: January 06, 2017