Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Gus' POV

I turn around and am confused to see no one standing behind me. I gently rub my shoulder feeling completely perplexed. Moving my hand away I reflect on the sensation of the hand upon my shoulder. It had felt so strong and real. I shake my head and look back out to the yard. Strange things like that always seem to happen to me. Sara says I am touched by angels but it goes beyond that.


Often I know things before they happen or I feel someone touch me before they do or I hear a voice before the person actually speaks. It is baffling sometimes and I know Dad would think I was crazy if I ever talked to him about these things. I have never had the nerve to talk to him about it. Gwen and I have spoken about it often. She is so open and free that she has really helped me to have strength to be who I am and not give a shit what others say. I think that is why I am so drawn to Sara and Zack. They let me be myself and we all had an instant connection.


I watch as Dad lets out a breath of smoke and rests his hand upon his lower back and stretches. I know he has a lot on his mind and I probably made things worse by being such a dick. I wasn't expecting him to handle the situation like he did. Usually he would fly off the handle. I am so blown away by his confession about his troubled childhood. He has never talked to me about it before. I guess I have always known but to hear him say it out loud is so revealing. I can't even comprehend what life was like for him.


I'm so deep in thought that I'm startled when someone touches my shoulder again, but this time it is real. My mother's voice is soft and low in my ear, "Let him have a couple more moments."



Mel's POV

I can hear the phone ringing in the kitchen and Gwen shoots me a mischievous grin. I can't help but chuckle because I know exactly what she's thinking. God, I can't believe she is all grown up and getting married! In her younger years she was a phone-aholic. I used to have to run as soon as I heard it ringing to try and catch my important business calls. For old time sake I watch as she takes off running and quickly I chase behind her. I'm not as young or agile as I once was. She practically runs into the wall as she laughs and grabs the phone before I can.


"Hello?" she answers breathlessly. "Oh hey, Crystal." She sticks her tongue out at me playfully. "It's for me, Mom."


I laugh then speak in my most motherly tone. "Really mature, Gwen." She rolls her eyes at me, giggling, and then continues to talk to her best friend.


I walk to the refrigerator to get something cold to drink when I hear voices outside. I quietly approach the door and see Brian and Gus. I am appalled when I see Gus smoking. I sigh to myself; threesomes, smoking, God, what's next? I don't think I really want an answer to that question.


I have been trying all night to keep my mouth shut about Zack and Sara. I knew they where close friends and I adore both of those kids, but I had no idea until tonight that it was more than friendship. It seems like Lindsay has know for awhile. I wish she had told me sooner; now I have to hold in my feelings until after Gwen's party.


I realize I am standing right in front of the door. If Brian or Gus turned around I would be spotted, so I quietly move out of sight. I know I shouldn't be listening but I am intrigued at how Brian is handling the situation. He is calm and seems more concerned about Gus' safety than the actual relationship itself. I agree that is very important, yet he is still our baby and I hate to see him get hurt. His heart would be broken not once, but twice at the same time. I can't bear to think of him being hurt.


The more I listen to the conversation the more I realize I have no say about the situation. Gus is no longer a child; he is a young man now. If I say anything hostile I know I would most likely lose him. As much as I don't want to see him get hurt there is nothing I can do to prevent it. Listening to Brian is helping me to see that.


I sigh to myself as I realize how often I actually agree with Brian. I have never really hated him, but our personalities have always played a big factor in our disagreements. We are so damn alike, it's frightening sometimes. We are both so stubborn sometimes; well, okay, all the time. I think most of the time we argue just because we don't want the other one to be right. Neither one of us had it good growing up. He has never talked to me about it, but I can see it reflecting from his eyes. It's often mirroring my own pain.


Hearing Brian confess to Gus about having it rough growing up was astonishing to me. That is something Brian just does not talk about. It has always loomed as an unspoken shadow over the family.


When I first came to know Lindsay I was extremely smitten. We dated a couple times, but when I found out she had a kid at home I was even more taken by her strength. I admired the fact that she was a single mom who was very open about her sexuality and holding her own. I was very impressed to say the least.


She did tell me about Brian and I realized the situation was much more complicated than I thought. He took care of Gwen but he did not live with them. Brian had a full scholarship and was living in the dorms. Every extra cent he made went to support Gwen and Lindsay. It was not talked about much, but I knew he would do anything for those two, even jobs that would be considered shady and immoral. Brian went to college full time and worked on the side, busting his ass to make a better life for Lindsay, Gwen and himself.


When I met Brian I saw how much he loved the two of them. I couldn't help but be a little jealous and at times I think I still am. I know, have always known that Lindsay gave Brian a piece of her heart so many years before. She knew he could never return her love the way she wanted him too. I didn't think Brian was even capable of love on a romantic level until he met Justin.


When I heard that Brian and Justin were getting married I was completely flabbergasted. Who would have thought the great Brian Kinney did have a heart after all? Inside I have always known he was a good person. He has always been a decent father. He may not have always been the perfect role model and I never approved of his promiscuous lifestyle, but he has always cared about what was going on with the kids. He always had my respect for that. I'm not sure if I would ever tell him that though.


I am stunned when I hear Gus confess to being a virgin. I don't think I could be any more proud of him. It seems that his relationship with Zack and Sara is a lot different than I thought. Maybe it is not so bad, but I still am not sure what to think about it. I've got to give Gus credit; he has some balls to say what he did to his father. But knowing our son he will be feeling guilty afterwards.


I watch as Brian gets up and I can hear him whisper to Gus. "I'm proud of you." I can't move as I watch Gus stand up as well. I want to go out and talk to him, but it takes me a moment to get my feet to move. So I stand there for a while pondering what I might say to him when I get out there.


Finally I take a deep breath and open the door. I gently touch Gus' shoulder and he seems startled. I talk to him softly, not wanting to disturb Brian out in the yard. "Let him have a couple more moments."


Gus shakes his head no. "Mom, I was kind of mean to Dad. I need to tell him I'm sorry."


When he turns around I see the concern in his eyes and I take hold of his hands gently shaking them. "He knows. Plus you know your Dad. He'll just say sorry is bullshit." Gus turns to walk inside and I call to him, "Gus."


He turns back around. "Yeah, Mom?"


"Don't think I didn't see you smoking," I say sternly, pointing my finger at him. "We will be having a talk about that later." He gulps heavily, and then looks at the ground nervously, nodding his head. "Now get in there and make sure your sister gets off the phone. She's hogging the line again," I tease.


He chuckles. "Okay, mom, you coming in?"


I nod my head yes. "In a minute." I lean against the beam of the house enjoying the cool night breeze. I look at Brian and part of me wants to go over and talk to him. To maybe make some sort of amends, but I know he needs his time to re-group before going back inside so I decide to let him be.


I am about to go back inside when Brian calls to me. His voice cracks slightly. "Thank you, Mel." I turn around and can see he is trying to hold back his emotions. "Thanks for intervening. Gus doesn't need to apologize. What kind of life have I given my kids? What kind of role model have I been?" I am shocked he has confided this realization to me and I can tell by his expression that he is as well.


I shrug my shoulders. "Well, I wouldn't say you were the best role model."


Brian barks out a laugh. "Leave it to you to rub more salt on the wounds." He turns his head, trying to avoid eye contact with me.


I find myself wanting to comfort him and make him see how wonderful he truly is with the kids. I move closer to him. "Brian, you haven't been a bad father; quite the opposite in fact. I know I give you a hard time about your lifestyle, but you have always been there when the kids needed you. You were there for Gus tonight and you didn't judge him or make him feel bad about himself. You were honest about how you feel and you told him to be safe." He tenses slightly at my confession of hearing more of the conversation than I am sure he thought I did. "I know I shouldn't have listened and I'm sorry for not respecting that boundary, but telling our son to be safe and to make sure his partners are safe; that to me is a good role model." I shudder slightly at the thought of Gus, Sara and Zack. "God help us; partners." I sit down on the porch and Brian sits down next to me. "Shit, we did this to him. We fucked his head up so he doesn't know what he wants now; boy, girl, both at the same time." I run my hands through my hair. "Well shit!"


Brian barks out another laugh then speaks in a sarcastic tone, "And what is your honest opinion about that Mel?" I am about to answer him, when he cuts me off. "I don't think Gus is confused at all. In fact, I know he's not. I think we have given him the strength to be himself, even if it means going against the norm. Gus seems to really love them both," he laughs. "God forbid," he growls. "Love."


I rest my hand on my knees clinching my fists slightly. "I wish he would just date one at a time. I know he's going to get hurt. I just don't see how it could work."


Brian shrugs his shoulders and stands up; putting out his cigarette he extends his hand to help me stand up. "No one thought I would ever fall in love and get fucking married either. If it doesn't work out with the three of them we'll all just have to be there to help pick up the pieces." Brain wraps his arm around my shoulders then looks down at me with a smirk playing across his lips. "You do realize this is the most civil conversation we've ever had?"


"We better not tell anyone about it then." I wink at him and he laughs.


"Well, Mama Bear, you ready to go back inside?"


"Hey, I don't growl that loudly," I respond with mock anger.


"The fuck you don't," he chuckles.


When we walk back inside I watch as Brian gracefully moves toward Justin. He wraps his arm around him kissing him tenderly upon the lips. I am so amazed how life can alter so swiftly. Who would have thought; Brian Kinney in love?


I notice Gwen is talking very animatedly about her conversation with Crystal. It seems as though she has some good news. I walk over to Lindsay and gently put my hand in hers. Lindsay looks at me with all the love in her heart and kisses me softly. "What's all the excitement about?" I whisper.


Lindsay beams from ear to ear. "Crystal called; she was disappointed she wasn't able to come to the birthday party but she was able to get the time off to come to the wedding and the shower. Crystal talked to the girls in their belly dancing tribe and they agreed to perform at the shower. Gwen is just beside herself."


I can feel the smile spreading across my face. "That's wonderful! I know how much Gwen loves belly dancing but we've never see her perform before. Do we know if Gwen asked her to play the violin when she walks down the aisle at the wedding?"


Lindsay nods her head yes. "That's another interesting thing. Apparently Justin knows Crystal. His partner Ethan was her violin tutor many years ago."


I raise my brow. "You're kidding."


Lindsay laughs, and then lays her head against mine as she speaks in a lovestruck, romantic tone. "No, and apparently, Justin went to several of her performances and Brian went to some of them too." She sighs and giggles again, "Fate has brought them together. Of course, that was obvious with how they first met."


"Lindsay, they hooked up at Babylon."



She nods her head yes. "See fate works in odd ways. It's good to see him happy. I don't think I've ever seen Brian this content." I have to agree with her. This is the most content I have ever seen him.

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