Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
A loud scream pierced the air and then the sound of shattering glass as Tammy ran up the stairs, trying to reach her daughter. Tammy burst in Sara’s room, terrified of what she would find and she stopped short when she saw her daughter on her bed sound asleep and screaming out her fear.

For a second Tammy just stood there and stared, surprised because her daughter, to her knowledge, had never even had a nightmare but she was broken out of her thoughts as her daughter kept whimpering and crying in her sleep. Tammy quickly ran up to her daughter and climbed into bed with her and gathered her trembling body in her arms.

“Shhh, it’s alright. I’ve got you, you’re safe. Come on Sara, wake up.” Tammy continued to mumble reassuring words to her only child until she woke up completely.

Sara clung to her mother, trying to erase the horrible things that she could still see in her head. She listened to her mother’s soothing and allowed herself to feel protected.

“Don’t worry Sara, it was just a dream.”

“Was it, Mom?”

“Of course, baby girl.” Her mother answered in a slightly bewildered tone, wondering why Sara didn’t seem to be able to let the dream go.

Sara spent another couple minutes in her mother’s warm embrace before getting herself up and into the shower. Half of the day was gone because when she had gotten home she had gone straight to bed, even though it was already morning and Sara felt weird about sleeping in all day. As she stood under the spray of the shower, she tried to figure out what happened last night because she knew it couldn’t be what she seemed to remember.

By the time that Sara got out of the shower, she was determined to go back to the house she went to the night before and prove to herself that it was all a dream. So she quickly threw some clothes on and told her mom she was heading out, only having to stop for a moment to assure her mother that it was just a dream and she was fine.

About a half an hour later Sara once again stood in front of the Tudor style manor and stared at the sign that said Britin manor. Sara was trying to drum up the courage to go back in the house because even though her rational mind said that it was a dream, she could still see the two men in her head; they seemed so real to her.

Sara went into the manor and this time didn’t spend anytime checking it out, she went straight to the bedroom where she had been before. Upon entering the room she saw it just as it was yesterday, with the blood stains covering every inch of the room but this time there was nobody there. Sara breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that the two men had been a horrible dream and she quickly headed down the stairs so she could get out of there. About half way to the front door Sara turned and looked across the foyer, she could have sworn she heard voices.

After everything she had been through in this house, Sara wasn’t sure if she should be going to investigate the noise, but for some reason she couldn’t stop herself. Sara walked through the rooms much like she had did last night, keeping an eye out for anything potentially harmful, but mostly just checking out the house.

Finally Sara neared where she remembered the kitchen being and she once again heard voices and although she knew she should be scared, she wasn’t. She just walked right into the kitchen and as soon as she did, the two men from the night before were in her line of vision. The men where having a conversation that she could hear until they noticed her and they clamed right up.

“Why did you stop talking?” Sara asked and as she did, she watched as shock registered on the two men’s faces.

“You can hear us? And shit, we can hear you too. What the hell is going on?” The blond man said in a slight panic.

Before Sara could say anything, not that she knew what to say, the brunet came up behind the smaller man and wrapped his arms around him, offering comfort in a silent but loving way. It took a few minutes but once the blond was calm, the brunet refocused his attention on Sara, even though he never released the blond.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The intimidating man asked harshly.

“I’m…umm…my name’s Sara and I just had to come back to make sure last night wasn’t a dream and I don’t really know what, but I want to do something.” Sara stammered under the scrutiny.

“What do you mean, last night?” The blond asked quietly from within the other man’s arms.

Sara looked back and forth between the two men and realized that they seriously didn’t remember having somewhat met her and even more, they didn’t remember reliving their murder last night. When Sara realized this, she wondered exactly how much of what was going on these men actually knew. She wondered if they even knew they were dead.

The thought that they didn’t made her stomach clench because she was sure that she couldn’t tell them that, but she wanted to figure this all out. She wanted to get justice for them if that hadn’t already happened and for some reason she knew it hadn’t.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sara asked, trying to avoid the question as well as gather some information she need to solve what ever was going on here.

Both men look at her for a minute, obviously not fooled by her quick change in subject and then they looked at each other for a minute and had what appeared to Sara to be an entire conversation without opening their mouths. And then after a second, they looked back at her and it seemed that the older man had been nominated to talk for them.

“We’re dead.” He said bluntly and Sara solemnly nodded in acceptance of what he said.

“Well, do you know how you died?” Sara asked hesitantly.

“No, we just woke up like this one day and we go through everyday like normal except that we can’t leave the house and the nights…” The blond started but he couldn’t seem to finish his thought.

“The nights? What happens at night?” Sara asked as if she didn’t already know.

“We don’t fucking know.” The brunet snapped.

“Brian, calm down. It’s not her fault.” The blond said soothingly and now Sara had a name for the older man. Brian, for some reason the name seemed to fit, like she had said the man’s name a thousand times before.

“You don’t know that this isn’t her fault. She could be behind this whole thing.” Brian said, his paranoia raising.

“Brian, she’s just a little girl. Shit, she looks like she’s twelve or something.”

“Thirteen.” Sara interjected.

“Ok, thirteen. See, what could she have to do with this.”

“Fine Justin, but I think I will reserve judgment.” Brian said in what Sara could only think of as a sulky voice.

Sara almost laughed at Brian but she knew that wouldn’t get her what she needed to know, so she curbed the impulse. She knew she had to get information out of Brian and Justin without them getting too suspicious, so she had to stay on their good side.

For the next twenty or so minutes, Sara and the couple hung out in the kitchen while Sara gently questioned them under the guise of getting to know them better. Not that she didn’t want to get to know them better; she just was more focused on helping them if she could. Then suddenly, she made a big mistake.

“So, do you guys have kids?”

Up to this point Justin had been answering all the questions, with Brian adding a snaky comment every now and then. Some questions had made Brian stiffen up in his natural need to be a private person but with this question, both of them stiffened up and Brian’s face turned red.

“Who the fuck are you, really? Why in hell are you asking these questions? And don’t give me some lame assed thing about getting to know us. You had better tell me what’s going on right the fuck now.” Brian screamed in Sara’s face.

Sara looked from one man to the other and she knew she was going to have to be truthful, she just didn’t know how they were going to take it. So slowly Sara told them of her want to help them and tried to get across that was all she wanted.

After she had finished talking, she waited in the silence for either of them to say something and finally Brian broke the silence.

“I’m done for today.” He said flatly and walked out of the room.

Both Justin and Sara watched Brian leave the room and Sara felt like she had just failed but then Justin turned to her with a smile and tried to reassure her.

“Don’t worry, he’s not saying you can’t come again. It’s just too much for him right now ok? So if you want to come back, go ahead, just leave him be for today.” Justin paused and Sara started to leave the kitchen, unhappy with what had gone on, when the sound of Justin’s voice stopped her. “And Sara, I want you to leave this alone. We were murdered and I don’t want you messing with whoever this is because I don’t want you to get hurt too.”

Sara looked at the concerned blue eyes and knew he meant what he said, so she just nodded although she had no plans on listening to him. Justin looked at Sara for another minute and she knew he didn’t believe her but he let it go and walked her to the door for which she was grateful.

A couple of hours later Sara shut down her computer and looked at what little information she could get off her computer, once again cursing the parental lockers her parents had on her computer. When she had gotten home from her trip to Britin, she had grabbed a note book and written down everything she could remember learning and then looked it up. She hadn’t learned much because of the parental locks so she decided to go to the library after school tomorrow.

As Sara lay down to sleep she worried about what Brian and Justin were doing now and if she knew, she’d be even more worried. Once again the two were going through their horrific ends but without someone there calling out warnings, it was over much quicker. And as they had every other time since the first, as soon as they were dead, their souls tried to float out of the house but couldn’t go through the roof and so they were stuck in the attic and they once again missed the fifth man when he walked in.
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