Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Holiday Happenings

This story is a sequel to “Sickness & Health, Good Times & Bad”. You don’t have to read that story first but this story will make more sense if you do.
Brian and Justin are established partners, sharing custody of Gus and raising Brian’s nephews. This is how they I think they would celebrate fall & winter holidays.
I don’t own the characters just the situations.

Chapter 2

The day before Halloween Brian had a business dinner and did not get home until almost 8 PM. He heard John & Peter in the media room and stuck his head in there. The boys told him that Uncle Justin was in his studio. Brian continued up to his bedroom and changed into casual clothes before strolling over to the studio.

Justin was relaxing on the daybed and reading an art magazine. When Brian came through the door he hurried over to give him a welcome home kiss. The two men walked back to the day bed and curled up together.

“Seems like you might have missed me Sunshine?”

“I always miss you when you are not here. You know that!”

Brian leaned down for another kiss.

“So are we all set for Halloween?”

Justin scrutinized Brian. “Since when do you care about Halloween plans?”

“Since I found out from Greg today how much Kevin is looking forward to all four of us being vampires.”

Justin grinned. “You’ll like the capes they are black & red. Two of you favorite clothing color choices.”

“Why in the world would you think I would agree to dress in a costume to walk around while Gus and Kevin stock up on free candy?”

“Totally your call but Gus will be really disappointed if you aren’t a vampire too.”

Brian grimaced. “I think you are taking unfair advantage of my love for our son.”

Justin’s got a huge smile when Brian said “our son”.

“I told you it is entirely up to you whether you wear a costume or not. I won’t be the one disappointing our son.”

Brian sighed dramatically. “Sunshine just how long do you think you can manipulate me using the cuteness of Gus?”

Justin considered that for a few seconds. “I think probably another year or possibly two. After that you will be able to reason with Gus, Kinney to Kinney.”

Brian was suspicious at how easily Justin conceded. “So at the most two more years of embarrassing outfits?”

Justin chuckled. “I wouldn’t count on that if I were you. I figure as soon as Gus’s usefulness wanes I will have a little blonde haired child looking up at his Daddy with big blue eyes expressing sadness and disappointment if Daddy doesn’t do or wear something they want.”

Brian could help chuckling himself.

“You are shameless! I can’t believe you have this all worked out. It’s diabolical.”

“I like to think of it as having a plan in place.”

Brian tried looking stern. Justin gave him a full watt sunshine smile.

“You still sooooo adore me!”

Both men burst out laughing.

On Halloween Brian and Gus were home in time for an early dinner. After dinner everyone got ready for their Halloween plans. Gus, Brian & Justin got changed into their black slacks and white shirts. Justin had packed up their cape along with the white makeup, fake blood & fangs. They were already loaded into Justin’s SUV.

John & Peter both had an overnight bag packed since John was spending the night at the O’Briens and Peter was staying overnight with Josh. John got dressed in his Harry Potter costume and everyone loaded into the car.

Since no one would be home Brian pressed the remote to close the gate so no one would take the long drive up to the house expecting candy. Peter got dropped at the Gardners’ house first. The plan was for ten boys to be there for the party. Peter was the only one staying overnight.

Josh & Peter had planned the party activities together. Horror movies were rented to watch. They were going to bob for apples and form teams to play Scategories and Trivial Pursuit. Mary had purchased prizes for the game winners, along with tons of snack food. Pizza was going to be ordered for dinner. Bill had a Grim Reaper costume stowed in the master bedroom closet. He planned to make an appearance in the family room when the horror movies were being watched. Mary was going to throw the circuit breaker so the room would go dark. That would give Bill time to get into the room before she switched the breaker back on.

Kevin was watching from the dining room window so he was out the door as soon as Brian pulled into the O’Brien’s driveway. As Kevin ran towards the car, Gus released himself from his booster seat and got the car door open.

“Hi Kevin! We’re going to have so much fun tonight.”

“I know and we’ll get lots of candy!”

After Gus climbed out of the car he and Kevin hugged. As John came around the car Kevin gave him a hug around the legs.

“Are you and Patrick going to dance with girls tonight?”

“Well I guess we hope we are.”

John’s answer made Kevin laugh. He shouted hello to Uncle Brian who picked him up and spun him around which resulted in squeals of delight from Kevin.

Justin was gathering Halloween stuff from the back of the SUV. Kevin came over to observe.

“Hi Uncle Justin. What are you doing?”

Justin gave Kevin a gentle pat on the head.

“Hi Buddy. I’m just getting all the things we need for our costumes.”

“I can help!”

Justin handed Kevin a bag to carry in the house.

“Here you go, you can carry this. Thanks for the help.”

Gus appeared beside Kevin.

“I can help too Papa.”

Justin gave Gus his and Kevin’s capes to carry in the house. Reminding him not to let them drag. The boys hurried into the house with John, Brian and Justin following behind them.

Patrick, wearing his Indiana Jones costume, and his mother were waiting in the foyer. Justin gave them a smile.

“Patrick your costume is great!”

“Thanks Uncle Justin.”

Brian looked Patrick over.

“I like the whip. I might want to borrow it sometime, it’s kinky.”

Justin smacked his partner on the arm. “Brian!”

Gus and Kevin looked mystified. John, Patrick & Roxanne all laughed.

Justin gave them a stern look. “Don’t encourage him!”

Kevin looked at Gus who just shrugged.

“My Daddy said one of those things that kids don’t understand. He does that sometimes. If you ask him to explain he’ll just say we’ll understand when we’re older."

Kevin just nodded, completely satisfied with his friend’s explanation. Greg came down the stairs. Brian looked up at him.

“How come you don’t have to wear a ridiculous costume?”

Greg chuckled. “I am in costume. I’m going as an adult.”

Brian turned to Justin.

“That sounds like a costume I could get used to.”

Justin shrugged. “It’s up to you if you don’t want to be a vampire like the rest of us.”

Brian looked down at two woe begotten little faces looking up at him.

“But Daddy we are all going to be vampires! That was part of the fun for all of us to be the same.”

Kevin joined in.

“Uncle Justin has vampire capes for all of us. It won’t look right if you don’t wear your cape.”

Brian knew when he was beaten.

“Okay! No problem. We will all be vampires. I was just kidding.”

Justin smirked at Brian, who frowned back at him as they all walked down the hall to the family room.

Justin worked on Gus, slicking his hair back, putting white makeup on his face, giving him red lips with little dribbles of fake blood at the corners, while Roxanne worked on Kevin. As a final touch the boys got the fake fangs put over their teeth.

Roxanne did Justin’s makeup and he was just finishing up Brian when the doorbell rang. Greg wondered if the first Trick or Treater had arrived as he walked down the hall to answer the door. Jennifer & Tucker walked into the family room.

Gus & Kevin screamed “Grandmom Jen!” and hurried over to her.

Jennifer dramatically ducked behind Tucker. “Save me from these little vampires who are about to attack me!”

Gus and Kevin laughed. “It’s just us Gus and Kevin.”

Jennifer came out from behind Tucker.

“Oh my goodness everyone will be too afraid not to give you guys candy. You look very scary. I didn’t even recognize you.”

Jennifer brought Gus & Kevin candy bags that she made for them. They were heavy black cotton with handles for easy carrying and a jack o lantern on the front. On the back, one bag had an orange “G” and the other a “K”.

John and Patrick got Halloween cards with some money inside. Grandmom Jen insisted upon pictures being taken. She sat on the couch with a little vampire on either side of her and Indiana Jones and Harry Potter behind the sofa. Much to Brian’s dismay she also insisted on a photo of her and the four vampires. Greg and Roxanne posed with their sons.

Jennifer and Tucker left first, followed by Greg with John & Patrick. Roxanne stayed at home to give out candy and the four vampires hit the street for candy collection.

Kevin was not completely sold on the idea of Trick or Treat. In the past Kevin had gone with Patrick to just a few neighbors’ houses before getting dropped off back at home.

Gus, on the other hand, had always fully embraced the concept of Trick or Treat. He was dedicated to collecting as much candy as possible. Kevin kept a firm grip on Gus’s hand as they walked in front of Justin & Brian. At each house Gus would squeeze Kevin’s hand so they could say “Trick or Treat” together.

Brian was amused by Gus’s enthusiasm and Justin thought the boys were adorable. They waited on the sidewalk as the boys walked up to the door at each house that had a light on. Brian and Justin were standing in front of a house about a block away from the O’Briens’ house while Gus & Kevin walked up to the front door. A group of older boys walked up from the opposite direction.

One of the boys looked up toward the house.

“Look. There’s Kevin O’Brien, we can goof on him.”

Justin turned to say something to the boy but Brian beat him to it.

“Hey Snotnose! You aren’t going to goof on anyone.”

The boy turned to Brian.

“Take it easy. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

Brian took a step forward.

“I know just what you meant Snotnose. I know you are a cowardly little bully.”

“My name isn’t Snotnose, it’s Tony. You don’t know me. Do you even live around here?”

Brian snorted.

“No I don’t live around here. I live in a much nicer house than any house around here. I don’t know you but I can tell you are a snotnose little bully and I HATE bullies. You think it make you a big man to pick on kids who are smaller than you or aren’t able to defend themselves.”

The boys that were with Tony had already started to back away.

“I told you I didn’t mean anything by saying we were going to goof on him. I never do anything to hurt him. We just tease him some.”

“Well Snotnose teasing is still bullying. The problem with being a bully is you eventually run into someone who is bigger and bader than you and recognizes that you are a snotnosed little bully. Even your buddies are backing off. I suggest you follow them.”

Tony looked a little nervous.

“I’m going to tell my Dad you are giving me a hard time.”

“Oh the little Snotnose is going to run home and tell his Daddy someone was mean to him. Tell you Mommy too, Snotnose. I don’t give a shit who you tell. Just get out of here NOW.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

Brian laughed.

“Well I can tell you that you’ll be really sorry unless you get out on my sight right now Snotnose.”

The other boys were already running down the street and seeing he was deserted Tony followed them.

The homeowner had stepped out of her house and was standing with Gus & Kevin while Brian confronted the bully. She said something to the boys and gave a thumbs up to Brian & Justin.

Gus ran up to them.

“When Kevin saw those boys he said that boy, Tony Lucce, was always mean to him. That lady said we should stay by her. I told her and Kevin that my Daddy and Papa would never let anyone be mean to us. The lady said that was a good thing.”

Kevin gave Brian a hug. “Thanks Uncle Brian. My Mom always says to just avoid Tony because he is a mean boy. I guess he was afraid to be mean to you.”

Brian gave Kevin a smile.

“He is a bully. They never pick on people bigger than they are. We HATE bullies.”

Kevin looked a little concerned.

“Mommy says we shouldn’t hate anybody.”

Justin spoke up.

That’s true Kevin but we make an exception for bullies. It is okay to hate bullies because they are bad people.”

The four of them continued on to the next house. A short time later Gus and Kevin were up at a house getting candy when man came hurrying down the street. He spotted Brian and Justin and came over to where they were standing.

“Hey! Did you give my son and his friends a hard time?”

Brian turned to him.

“Who is your son?”

“I’m Anthony Lucce, my son is Tony Lucce.”

“Oh yeah, he’s the little Snotnose that likes to bully kids smaller than him.”

A wide eyed Kevin and Gus had walked back down to the sidewalk. Brian looked to Justin.

“You and the boys should continue on.”

Justin gave Anthony a look that communicated his disgust. He turned to Gus & Kevin.

“Come on guys, let’s go to the next house. We’ll wait for Brian there!”

Anthony started to walk closer to Brian who took a deliberate step in Anthony’s direction which made the other man stop a short distance from Brian.

“I don’t appreciate you giving my son a hard time.”

“I think you have me confused with someone who cares what you think. I merely explained to your son that he is a cowardly snotnosed little bully. I told him I hated bullies and that he needed to go away.”

“I don’t even know why you are in this neighborhood. You don’t live around here. We don’t appreciate adults coming here and giving our children a hard time.”

“Listen. I’m not interested in having this discussion with you. Your son is a bully. Kevin is a very sweet, kind little boy and I refuse to let some snotnosed little bully make him feel bad. You and Snotnose should be grateful you don’t have to face the challenges that Kevin does.”

“I have told you my son’s name is Tony!”

Brian just shrugged. “I don’t care.”

“I think you’ll care if I call the police.”

“Call whoever you fucking want. I have my corporate attorney on speed dial, the police threat doesn’t bother me. I think we’re done.”

“I think you owe my son and me an apology.”

“And I think you and your son are assholes. There doesn’t seem to be any value in continuing this discussion. You call whoever you want or do whatever you want. I’m done talking to you.”

Anthony turned and started to walk away. Brian just shook his head and turned to catch up with Justin and the boys. Justin had been watching Brian from a distance. He was relieved when Anthony Lucce started to walk away. The boys spent their time looking through their collection bags and checking out the candy inside.

Justin smiled as Brian walked toward him until he noticed Anthony suddenly turn and walk quickly in Brian’s direction.

“BRIAN turn around!”

Brian turned around quickly and Anthony stopped in his tracks.

“Well I can see where Snotnose learned how to be a bully.”

Anthony didn’t say anything he just turned and hurried away. Brian stared after him until he turned onto another street and was out of sight.

Brian walked down to where Justin and the boys were waiting. He bent down to kiss Justin. Gus & Kevin looked at each other and giggled. Brian smirked and kissed Justin again before treat or treating resumed.

At the Gardner home the partygoers were all watching a horror movie and eating popcorn in the family room. Bill snuck into the kitchen in his Grim Reaper costume, his face obscured by a black see through mask. Mary smiled and slipped quietly out the garage door.

A few moment later the family room was plunged into the darkness. The groans of disappointment were replaced by screams of terror when the light came back on and the boys saw the grim reaper standing in front of the TV before slowly walking toward them. Bowls of popcorn went flying as the boys scrambled to get away.

A smiling Mary met them at the family room door. “Did Josh’s Dad scare you guys?”

Bill, laughing the whole time, pulled off his mask. “I just wondered if you guys were ready to order pizza?”

Now major face-saving was going on as the boys all claimed they really knew it was not the real Grim Reaper but they just went along with the joke. Bill & Mary expressed skepticism before the conversation turned to what kind of pizza should be ordered. Meanwhile the boys got the job of picking up popcorn off the family room floor before resuming watching the movie.

At the Washington Academy Dance; Greg O’Brien was doing his best to pretend not to be watching his son and John Kinney while watching them as much as possible. He noted that Patrick danced with several different girls and spent some time talking with his friends. John spent time talking with friends but only danced with Patrice Anton. Patrice did dance with a couple other boys but mostly hung out with her girlfriends when she wasn’t spending time with John. Greg was pretty amused. It almost made up for the time he had to spend clearing out the men’s room and being sure no one was smoking or drinking alcohol in there.

Brian was beginning to think that trick or treating would never end when Justin suggested to Gus & Kevin that they really had enough candy. Kevin quickly agreed that he was ready to go home. Gus thought they could go to a few more houses but agreed to head home when Justin said he was getting a little tired.

As they walked back to the O’Briens’ Brian managed to whisper “Thank god.” to Justin who chuckled. When Gus and Kevin complained their bags were very heavy Justin agreed to carry them the rest of the way. That meant the boys could run ahead, laughing and waiting at the corner until Brian & Justin caught up and they all crossed the street.

When he got home Kevin ran with Gus into the house to give his Mom a hug.

“We had so much fun! We saw Tony Lucce and Uncle Brian made him go away!”

Roxanne smiled. “That Uncle Brian, he’s a good guy to have around.”

Justin and Brian came through the door in time to hear Roxanne. Justin started to say something but Roxanne shook her head. She looked down at Gus & Kevin.

“How about you guys each pick two pieces of candy from your bags and go into the family room and watch a video. It’s all set up to go. Kevin you know how to start it.”

The boys retrieved their bags from Justin and each chose two pieces of candy. Roxanne looked it over before sending them into the family room. Once the boys were out of sight she smiled at Brian and Justin.

“You guys have made quite an impression in the neighborhood. I’ve had a couple phone calls about you.”

Brian smirked and Justin rolled his eyes. “Brian always likes to make an impression.”

“My first call was from Connie Epwright. It was in front of her house that you encountered the charming Tony Lucce. She was pretty impressed with how you handled Tony!”

Brian made a face like he has eaten something unpleasant.

"That kid is a snotnosed cowardly little bully. I tried to impress upon him the error of his ways but settled for just sending him away.”

“My second call was from Tony’s mother, Megan. She was horrified that someone had upset her precious son. She actually told me she was going to call the police. I suggested that might not be the wisest thing for her to do since Connie had seen everything. I said it was not against any law that I knew to chase a bully away from younger children.”

Justin chuckled.

“Did she tell you her husband came to talk to Brian? When Brian was done talking to him and walked away Tony’s father tried to attack him from behind.”

Brian just shrugged.

“I informed him that I could see where his son learned to be such a snotnosed little bully.”

Roxanne laughed. “I think I talked to Megan before that encounter. Everyone who has young children dislike Tony. He is such an Eddie Haskell to parents but a little tyrant behind our backs. The first time I went to talk to Megan about his behavior; she told me she thought I was being over sensitive regarding Kevin’s problems.

We have to practically threaten Patrick to keep him from beating up Tony. Luckily there aren’t many opportunities for Kevin to encounter Tony.”

Justin looked very serious.

“Well you know that we take bullying very seriously. Sorry if we caused you any problems but neither Brian nor I can stand by and watch a bully without saying something.”

Roxanne reached out and touched Justin’s arm.

“You haven’t caused any issues. I’m sorry if this run in with Tony upset you. I don’t believe Tony is at all dangerous.”

Brian looked from Roxanne to Justin.

“I think the worst way to handle a bully is to let them continue to bully people. They are cruel and cowardly people! No one thought Chris Hobbs presented any danger to anyone but they were wrong!”

Justin stepped close to Brian and put his arm around his waist.

“Sorry Roxanne, this is a hot topic for both of us. I agree that all bullies are cruel and cowardly. I don’t think anyone can be sure what a bully will do when they are trying to save face. I know that not every bully is capable of taking a bat to someone’s head but better not to let things go that far without intervening. I know you’ll do what’s best but give what we have said some thought.”

Roxanne looked for a moment like she might cry but pulled herself together.

“I appreciate your concern. Greg and I will discuss how we should handle Tony. Perhaps ignoring him is not the best solution.”

Brian decided he had enough of bullies and bullying for one night.

“Well we should be on our way home.”

The three adults walked into the family room. The video was playing while Gus & Kevin slept on the couch. Brian walked over and picked up Gus who woke up about halfway.

“Time to go home Sonny Boy.”

Gus smiled, nodded and went back to sleep. Justin grabbed Gus’s bag of candy and followed Brian out to the car.

At home Brian carried Gus upstairs, cleaned the makeup off his face, changed him in his pajamas and tucked him into bed without Gus ever fully waking up.

While Brian was busy with Gus, Justin made sure the house was locked up and set the alarm before going upstairs and cleaning the makeup off his face and getting undressed.

Brian walked into the Master Bedroom, locking the door after him.

“How about a nice shower Sunshine?”

“I’m too tired tonight Brian.”

Justin had a hard time not laughing at the astonished expression on Brian’s face. Once he heard the shower running Justin got out of bed. He turned out the light and lit some candles before putting on his new leather jockstrap and his vampire cape.

When Brian came back into the bedroom Justin was sprawled on the bed in his special Halloween costume.

“Come on over here stud. I want to bite your neck and then work my way down your body.”

A grinning Brian happily came over to have some fun with his favorite blonde vampire.
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