Justin moves to New York. He runs into an old acquaintance of Brian's, who is going to play a big role in their relationship, testing its strength. It's one of the most emotional stories I've written so far.
Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION,
Bottom Brian,
Could be Canon,
Out of Character,
Spoilers Characters: Brian,
Ethan Gold,
Original Character(s)
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 47
Completed: Yes
Word count: 82594
Read: 133247
Published: January 10, 2016
Updated: November 01, 2016
Story Notes:
Evan Steele is an original character from the QaF books, and if you haven't read them, there might be spoilers in this story, but I will do my best explain who he is even if you don't know much about him.
The name of the story was inspired by Billy Joel's song, of course.
Many thanks to Kathy and Annie for helping me. You guys rock!
I don't own anything Queer as Folk related. The idea and characters belong to their creators (Cowlip and Showtime)
Okay, so I'm adding here the qaf books that inspired me to write this story.
Every Nine Seconds by Joseph Brockton
Never Tear Us Apart by Quinn Brockton
Always Have, Always Will by Quinn Brockton
Evan appears in the last book.
PS: Like some of you noticed, Evan has appeared in another story posted on livejournal. I didn't steal him from there. So if anyone had a problem with that... forget about it. I was really excited to share this story, but if I get complains I'm too get really mad. No, I won't delete the story... But I'm going to react badly to all kind of mean words thrown at me.
1. Chapter 1: Moving In by addict_writer [Reviews - 24] (2242 words)
2. Chapter 2: Finding His Way by addict_writer [Reviews - 0] (967 words)
First of all, thank you for reading and reviewing. I will try to get back to all of you.
I will divide the emails from the story by page breaks like in The Intruder. ;)
I took liberties with the timeline...since I couldn't figure out what season could it be what with Cowlip's crazy timeline and the weather in Canada where they filmed. :)
3. Chapter 3: The New Job by addict_writer [Reviews - 8] (1537 words)
Thank you all for reading and leaving your thoughts.
4. Chapter 4: Ghosts of Past by addict_writer [Reviews - 11] (1174 words)
In this one we meet Evan.
5. Chapter 5: Sunshine's Crap by addict_writer [Reviews - 10] (1390 words)
A little fluff after the serious last chapter.
6. Chapter 6: An Insistent Admirer by addict_writer [Reviews - 9] (1402 words)
Thank you all for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it, and I love reading your thoughts on my story.
7. Chapter 7: Fireworks by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1494 words)
This chapter we have the reunion between Justin and Brian. The title says it all.
8. Chapter 8: Admissions by addict_writer [Reviews - 8] (1404 words)
9. Chapter 9: Is It Love? by addict_writer [Reviews - 0] (1751 words)
I know, I'm terrible at keeping in touch. Maybe one day soon, I'll get back to at least some of you. You all have every right to hate and be wary of Evan.
10. Chapter 10: Desire by addict_writer [Reviews - 1] (1408 words)
Reposting this chapter since there were site problems...and I just relaized the last two chapters are missing.
11. Chapter 11: Over-thinking by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (1635 words)
Okay, so this chapter we have the much anticipated moment...for which I know you will hate me. I want you to keep in mind that like I said before, it will get worse before it gets better.
12. Chapter 12: Sweet Temptation by addict_writer [Reviews - 16] (1562 words)
First of all, I want to warn you about this chapter. It's going to be tough...and I hope I'll still have some of you left by the end of it. Approach wiht caution.
13. Chapter 13: Reality Check by addict_writer [Reviews - 10] (1257 words)
14. Chapter 14: Confrontation by addict_writer [Reviews - 11] (1424 words)
*gasp* What do we have here? In the middle of the week? Surprise! :)
After being begged through reviews and comments on facebook, here we go.
At the end of this chapter, you'll either congratulate me or want to wring my neck.
15. Chapter 15: Pain by addict_writer [Reviews - 9] (1206 words)
16. Chapter 16: Thanksgiving by addict_writer [Reviews - 14] (2311 words)
17. Chapter 17: Bright Future by addict_writer [Reviews - 12] (1230 words)
18. Chapter 18: Decisions by addict_writer [Reviews - 7] (1290 words)
19. Chapter 19: Christmas by addict_writer [Reviews - 8] (1612 words)
20. Chapter 20: Revelations by addict_writer [Reviews - 6] (1685 words)
Justin trying to survive without Brian...but then again, Brian is not doing that well. I promise to explore Brian's depressed self in the companion story.
As for the friendship between Brian and Evan is only that...friendship.
21. Chapter 21: Ignorance is Bliss by addict_writer [Reviews - 3] (1743 words)
Yay! Finally updating here. So happy to be moved to the new domain.
A little progress in Brian's plan to get Justin back.
22. Chapter 22: Small Trinkets of Love by addict_writer [Reviews - 7] (1268 words)
23. Chapter 23: Secret Romance by addict_writer [Reviews - 6] (1626 words)
24. Chapter 24: The Mystery is Killing Me by addict_writer [Reviews - 10] (1564 words)
25. Chapter 25: Secret Unveiled by addict_writer [Reviews - 11] (1680 words)
26. Chapter 26: The Reunion pt. 1 by addict_writer [Reviews - 6] (1907 words)
Without further ado, I present you the much anticipated chapter!
27. Chapter 27: The Reunion pt. 2 by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1893 words)
*gasp* I answered some of the reviews. If you want an answer form me, please leave the review signed in, please.
Now, on to more romance.
28. Chapter 28: The Morning After by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (1825 words)
I couldn't include the big talk in this chapter or the following. It never seemed like a good time, but...but...but (insert Emmett's voice) I'm going to add it a chapter in The Devil's Snare. That story is not solely about Evan, though it revolves around him and his persona. It also has quite a lot of Brian too, so I will write the talk and add it there. I have no idea where to start writing that emotional conversation, but I promise to figure it out and share the big talk with you guys.
29. Chapter 29: Interruptions by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1882 words)
30. Chapter 30: Bliss by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1812 words)
31. Chapter 31: Basking In The Bliss by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (2209 words)
32. Chapter 32: Routine by addict_writer [Reviews - 3] (1828 words)
33. Chapter 33: Surprise In Making by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (1777 words)
Prepare for a lot of fluff.
34. Chapter 34: Surprise? by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1880 words)
I present you Brian's birthday and more kitty adventures :)
35. Chapter 35: Successful by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (2135 words)
Happy sinday! :)
36. Chapter 36: New Account, Old Acquaintance by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (1513 words)
It was too much fluff. We need some drama. A tiny bit...because evil author here. :)
37. Chapter 37: Lazy Sunday by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (1482 words)
A lot of fluff awaiting you. =)
38. Chapter 38: Protective by addict_writer [Reviews - 3] (2117 words)
39. Chapter 39: Father Figure by addict_writer [Reviews - 3] (1758 words)
40. Chapter 40: Gus's Birthday by addict_writer [Reviews - 3] (1998 words)
41. Chapter 41: Home by addict_writer [Reviews - 6] (1571 words)
42. Chapter 42: Gym lessons by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (2395 words)
A little fun at the gym for the boys. :)
43. Chapter 43: Romantic Gesture by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (1767 words)
We're in December now, quite the time jump, I know, but it's worth it.
44. Chapter 44: Best Birthday Ever by addict_writer [Reviews - 4] (2562 words)
45. Chapter 45: Dream Holiday by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (2357 words)
46. Chapter 46: Another Level by addict_writer [Reviews - 5] (2652 words)
This was supposed to be the last chapter. I just realized I can't leave it here, so we'll have an epilogue. More info at the bottom.
47. Chapter 47: Good Life by addict_writer [Reviews - 9] (3412 words)
It took me about an year to complete this, but here we are: the final chapter.