Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

The boys have a heart-to-heart talk, bolstered by a certain little boy's conviction to bring them together. Will it work? 




Justin had just left the driveway in his SUV a few minutes ago when Tricky's ears perked up suddenly, and Gus felt his tail wagging vigorously while he hugged him; the dog's entire body vibrated with excitement as Gus stood up at the sound of a car coming up the driveway.  He squinted his eyes, trying to figure out if it was his papa returning, but he didn't recognize the vehicle at all as it slowed to a stop near the front of the house.


No sooner had the passenger emerged from the vehicle, however - the door slamming as the car slowly drove off - did Tricky take off like a rocket, and Gus immediately understood the reason why.


"Daddy!" he shouted out in delight as he, too, came rushing down the sidewalk toward him, promptly dropping Xena's leash as she bounded along behind him.


His father's smiling expression over his son's greeting turned into one of dread as a blond, furry rocket came lumbering toward him as well.  "No! Don't even think about it!, you hairy mammoth!" he warned the dog as he came bounding over to him; he held his hands out defensively in front of him, but it was as if Tricky were deaf.  If anything, the dog's pace increased as Brian looked around desperately for anything to anchor himself from what he suspected would feel like a Category 4 hurricane coming ashore. He finally rushed over to a nearby oak tree and wrapped his arms around the large trunk, just in time to support himself as Tricky ran over and jumped up against him, bracing his front paws on Brian's shoulders as he pummeled him with lick after lick from his thick tongue.  "Aaargh!" Brian shouted, turning his face to the side to try and shield himself from the flood of saliva, feeling Tricky's wet tongue gliding all over his cheek, up and down, over and over again like he was some giant ice cream cone.  "Stop it! I don't want your tongue!" he growled as his son, Lindsay, Mel, and Xena all came hurrying over to his side.  He heard Mel chuckle nearby, and he rolled his eyes, knowing some sarcastic remark was about to be issued. He didn't have long to wait as he continued to try and protect himself from Tricky's overly enthusiastic greeting. 


"I never thought I would live to see the day," he heard her say dryly. "The day that Brian Kinney didn't like tongue." 


"Will you get him off me?" he yelled in exasperation, hugging the tree as he held on for dear life. He figured standing as Tricky attacked him was preferable to being splayed on the ground like a human pancake. 


He finally felt the heavy weight being lifted from him as he twisted his head to see Lindsay holding onto Tricky's collar.  His chest heaving from the onslaught, he silently was thankful he had a strong heart as he let go of the tree and turned around, still struggling to regain his breath.  "Shit," he mumbled under his breath as he straightened out his shirt and brushed his hand through his hair to flatten it back down.  He picked a couple of pieces of bark out of his hair as he greedily inhaled a deep breath before blowing it out, glaring down at his adversary.  "Don't they have some kind of doggie obedience boot camp for hard-core dropouts?" he muttered, noticing Tricky wagging his tail back at him and whimpering, still struggling to break free from Lindsay's hold. But thankfully, her grasp held firm as she reached down and hooked the end of his leash onto his collar before standing back up, holding on tightly to the other end, even as Tricky surged against it. 


Lindsay sighed.  "Believe me, we've tried it.  I'm afraid he's just going to have to outgrow it, Brian." 


"What? When he turns nine?  What's the life expectancy for labs?"


"Brian!" Lindsay scolded him as he rolled his eyes at her.  She sighed.  "I'll try to keep a better watch on him," she promised. But even she silently admitted that when it came to THIS particular canine, that was near to impossible, at least where Brian was concerned.  "Maybe it's some kind of weird pheromone thing," she suggested.


"Well, you got the weird part right," Brian agreed, scowling down at Tricky. He sighed then, deciding to focus on his son, who had remained inexplicably quiet during all this time.  "Gus? You okay?"  He frowned when his son shook his head.  "What's wrong, Sonny Boy?  Are you worried about Xena?  If you are, she's going to be fine," he assured him, glancing over at the other dog who was standing near Mel, seemingly none the worse for wear.  At least SHE seemed to have some restraint, at least where he was concerned. 


"No, it's not that, Daddy."


"Then what?" Brian pressed him gently, a little worried now that he noticed what appeared to be partly dried-up tear tracks on his son's face. 


"Papa told me that you aren't getting married now," he told him.  "Is that true, Daddy?" 


Brian licked his lips nervously. He had briefly forgotten that Justin was already back here, and had no doubt had to explain what had happened at the vet's office. Apparently he had told them the wedding was off.  Was it? He was hoping that he and Justin could still work things out.  Was it too late?  "He told you that?" he asked his son softly, peering up at Lindsay, who nodded back at him in confirmation.


Gus, too, nodded his head sadly.  "Is it true? You're not getting married because you won't wear your ring after Xena poops it up?" 


Brian swallowed hard; nothing was worse to him than disappointing his son.  He would have normally at least smiled over his son's description, but at the moment he didn't find anything amusing.  "Gus, it's not that simple," he struggled to explain.  He wasn't sure HE understood everything, either. All he knew was that his and Justin's relationship was fucked up at the moment. 


"Don't you love Papa, Daddy?" his deep brown eyes bored into his father's as he stared up into his face without hesitation. 


Brian didn't have to think about that; there was one thing he was never in doubt about.  "Of course I do," he murmured, a little embarrassed to have to admit it out loud. But he WAS marrying him, for God's sake. That had to mean something, didn't it?  Well, at least he was supposed to marry him.  "You know I do," he added softly.


"Then don't you want to make him happy, Daddy?  You're always telling ME that you love me and want to make ME happy." 


Brian sighed.  How did he son always get him backed into a corner with his questions and his logic?  "Gus...think about it.  Xena's going to have to...well, you know," he mumbled. He knew he didn't have to spell it out.  "And when it comes out...let's just say it's not going to be pretty.  What if all that vomiting makes her have diarrhea? Do you remember when you were sick with the flu that one time, and what happened then?"


Gus wrinkled his nose.  He must have made a trip to the bathroom every other hour with HIS diarrhea. But he didn't have a ring in him, either.  "Can't you wear gloves like Mommy wears when she paints?" he asked.  "She just throws them away after she's done with them, and she doesn't get anything on her.  If you're afraid of getting poop on you, Daddy, I can wear the gloves and pick it up after it pops out.  Then I'll just go rinse it off real good in the creek before you put it back on. That's my job." 


Brian peered over at the two women helplessly, silently beseeching them to help explain this predicament to his child. But to his consternation, Mel merely grinned back at him sweetly, while Lindsay arched one eyebrow expectantly.  He shook his head slightly in exasperation.  "But...it's not that simple, Sonny Boy," he began.


Gus frowned.  "Why?  Whenever one of my toys gets dirty, that's how I clean it up. It washes right off." 


"But you don't have to wear a truck, or a yo-yo, or a Spiderman," he pointed out.  "There are health issues involved.  I...I could get sick from something."  Yeah, that sounded plausible. Well, it was the truth, wasn't it? 


"Sick?' His son repeated as Brian nodded back at him, thinking he had finally gotten through to him.  "What would you get, Daddy?" he prodded him.


Brian thought about making something up, but one look at the earnest expression on his son's face, and he just couldn't do it.  He finally settled on, "Germs, Gus. Lots and lots of germs."


"My teacher says sometimes germs can be a good thing."


"What?" all three of his parents replied, shocked. 


"Surely she didn't tell you that, Honey," Mel interjected.  "You told me she's always telling you to wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and come in from the playground. I can't believe she would say that."


"She did," Gus insisted.  "She told us that sometimes if we have germs, that it helps us not to get sick the next time. So maybe you NEED some germs, Daddy."


Brian let out a deep breath of frustration.  "Gus..." 


"Brian, Justin told us the ring could be completely sanitized," Lindsay quietly pointed out. 


"Or so he says," Brian countered.  "He's not the one who would have to wear it, though." 


"So let me get this straight," Mel interrupted.  "You're not willing to wear a ring that has been totally cleaned and sanitized.  But all your life you've never had a problem sticking your a...well, you know what," she replied, glancing down at Gus, who was absorbing every word, "in any willing receptacle and in any location.  But you have a problem with wearing this ring?" 


Brian scowled at her.  "Mel, stay out of this," he warned her quietly. 


"Hitting a nerve, Brian?" she taunted him. 


"You're lucky that Gus is here," he told her, peering down at his curious son.


"Or what?"


"Or I would..."


"Brian! Mel!" Lindsay implored. "This isn't helping anything!" 


"I'm just being brutally honest," Mel replied, smirking over at Brian, who continued to shoot daggers at her. 


His eyes flashed at her disdainfully as he retorted, "Look, Ms. High-Faluting Lady Attorney! I don't need your fucking words of wisdom right now!"


"Brian, language!" Lindsay reminded him, still holding on tightly to Tricky's leash. She could tell the dog was getting restless, however.  Deciding to take her son out of the equation and also quell some of Tricky's nervous energy, she turned to Gus to ask, "Honey, why don't you take Tricky into the backyard, and Xena, too?  They're getting restless, and probably would like to stretch their legs."


"But what about your ring, Daddy?" Gus persisted as he peered up at his father. 


Brian sighed.  "Don't worry about it, Gus," he told his son gently.  "I'll go in and talk to your Papa.  I'm sure we can work something out."  Even if Justin was the most obstinate and sentimental man he had ever met.  That didn't negate his love for him, though, but boy, could he try his patience! 


"But he's not here," was his son's surprising reply. 


Brian had figured Justin had drove his SUV into the garage and parked it, but apparently that wasn't the case.  "What do you mean...he's not here?" 


"He told us he was going back into town to talk to YOU.  Didn't you pass him?" Lindsay asked in surprise. 


"No." The road that led to their driveway was a one-way street.  Which probably meant only one thing; he must have just missed him.  Otherwise, he would have been sure to notice his vehicle on the way back to Doc Thompson's office, since there was really only one way to get there from Britin.  "How long ago did he leave?"


"Just a few minutes ago," Lindsay told him. 


"Shit," Brian muttered, ignoring Mel's scowl over his language.  He had an idea she wasn't always mindful of that herself back home; it would go against her nature.  He thought briefly about hopping in his car, and heading back there, but he soon discovered there was no need.


"Daddy, look!  It's Papa!" Gus squealed. Sure enough, Brian watched as Justin's SUV slowly headed up the driveway toward them.  He felt a lurch in his stomach as he watched the vehicle come to a stop several feet away.  His gaze locked on his lover's immediately as Justin peered through the side window at him.  He couldn't detect any hint of the indignation or anger that had been present earlier as he observed Justin emerge from the driver's side and walk around the front of the SUV to hesitantly approach them.


"Papa!" Gus cried out in relief; no one thought to restrain Xena as both she and Gus took off at a run straight toward him. 


"Xena, no!" Lindsay shouted at the puppy; but just like Tricky - who was straining to join them - she did not pay her any mind, arriving at Justin's feet in record time. At least Xena wasn't quite large enough to knock him down, however, and Justin had a chance to brace himself against the side of the vehicle just before she began her assault.


"Xena!" Justin admonished her as the dog jumped up on her hind legs and wedged Justin between her and the car.  "Down!" he ordered her in a stern voice.  To everyone's astonishment - including Justin's - the puppy lowered herself to the ground, staring up at him as she let out a couple of sharp barks.  "Shh....It's okay, Xena!" Justin assured her, his voice a little tenderer. He looked up in time to see Gus launching himself at him as well, barely having enough time to prepare before the boy plastered himself against his body. 


"You came back!" he exclaimed in happiness.  To him, everything was going to be okay now; he didn't realize yet how simplistic that was.  "Daddy's here, too!"


Justin wrapped his hand around the child's body as he pulled him close, Xena whimpering for attention.  "I can see that," he murmured, looking over at his partner standing several feet away, his eyes fixed on him as well. He felt his face flushing in reaction as he told the boy, "Gus, could you take Xena and Tricky in the backyard for a while? I need to speak to your father." 


"You're not upset with each other now?" he asked, peering up at Justin with big, brown eyes. "You're still going to get married?"


How was the best way to answer that? Justin pondered.  He didn't want to lie to him.  "No, Gus. We're not upset with each other anymore."  At least he hoped not, anyway; he wouldn't know that for sure until he spoke with Brian.  "I don't know about the wedding happening on schedule," he answered him honestly, his eyes continuing to stare into Brian's.  "But I still want to marry your Daddy...very much." 


Gus nodded nonetheless, encouraged.  "So when you DO get married, I'll get to bring you and Daddy the rings after Xena poops Daddy's up?" he asked. "I told Daddy I would clean his for him."


Justin couldn't help smiling a little in amusement at that.  "Well...that's very thoughtful of you, Gus." He swallowed hard, trying to offer some reassurance to the child as he glanced down at Gus's earnest face.  "I don't know..."




Justin's heart raced as he heard Brian quietly addressing his son from a few feet away; he hadn't noticed him drawing closer while they had been talking.  He turned to peer over at his lover, his eyes trying to ascertain how Brian was feeling.  But while Brian's voice was gentle with his son, he still couldn't tell his mood from the neutral expression on his face.


"Gus, take Xena and Tricky out to the backyard like your mommy asked," Brian gently urged his son.  The voice was firm at the same time, however, telling his precocious child that he meant it. 


"Okay, Daddy," Gus replied reluctantly, biting his lip as he looked between his father and Justin.  "Daddy?"


Brian sighed, rubbing his face with his hand.  "Yes?" he responded softly. 


"Are you still mad at Papa?" He had to ask. 


Brian gazed over at the man he deeply loved; nothing would ever change that, no matter WHAT happened.  "Gus...Please do as I say, okay?  We'll talk about this later." 


Gus looked like he wanted to say more, but he finally nodded.  Patting his lower leg invitingly, he urged Xena to follow him. "C'mon, girl," he called to her.  To everyone's relief, the puppy seemed to understand the importance of leaving the two men alone as she turned and followed Gus back to his two mothers; the little boy pulled gently on Tricky's leash, beseeching father and daughter to follow him as he walked around the side of the house toward the gate leading into the backyard. 


Brian stared over at Lindsay, who gave him a brief nod and a smile of what appeared to be encouragement, before - with her hand on Mel's shoulder - the two women turned and reentered the house, leaving the two lovers alone. 


There was a tense moment or two of awkward silence between them before Brian finally spoke up.  "They said you left a few minutes ago."


Justin nodded.  "I did.  How did you get back here?"


"The doc dropped me off."




"But you didn't know that.  So why did you come back? Change your mind about wanting to talk to me?"  There was a hint of accusation, but also hurt and vulnerability in his voice as he spoke. 


His partner shook his head, his eyes studying him carefully.  "Not exactly," he responded quietly but firmly, trying to convey his sincerity.  "I called the vet's office to make sure you didn't leave, but got their answering service instead.  They told me everyone had left for the day.  I didn't know what to do...so I decided to come back here.  I knew you would return eventually." 


"How, Justin?  By helicopter?  Horseback?  Only we don't have horses, and Tricky wasn't available."  His lips were pressed firmly together, the heat of their previous argument still a little too fresh.


Justin sighed.  "Brian, I'm sorry I just ran off and left you there.  I...I wasn't thinking."  He averted his gaze, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.


"Oh, you were thinking, all right. But you were only thinking of yourself."


"That's not entirely true!" Justin maintained as he lifted his gaze to meet his partner's, his eyes flashing.  He scratched the back of his head, a gesture that Brian immediately knew Justin did whenever he was anxious.  "Brian, I don't want to fight with you.  I always hate fighting with you." 


Brian sighed, letting some of the tension flow out of him.  "You think I don't feel the same way?"  He shook his head in frustration.  "Justin, how did our wedding plans transform into this fiasco?  It's just a damn ring." 


Justin nodded, licking his lips to wet them, his throat dry.  "I know that," he told him softly.  "But you know what it means to me."  He lifted his hand to quell any counterargument from Brian as he added, "But you mean more."  To his relief, Brian remained quiet, allowing him to finish.  "Brian...I still want to marry you. With or without a ring.  That is...if you feel the same."  He let out a deep breath and averted his eyes, his heart thumping in his chest as he wondered whether or not Brian might just decide to make him squirm a little before he answered...or decide not marry him at all now.  He hoped not...but perhaps he deserved it. 


Brian shook his head, his hand reaching out to grip Justin's chin and gently force him to look him in the eyes.  "Justin..." his voice was so compelling, that it made Justin's pulse race, and he couldn't look away.  He knew he was about to get his answer, whether it was the one he wanted or not. 


"Sunshine..." At the sound of his nickname, Justin's hope surged, but he tried desperately to tamp it down, just in case. 


Brian's lips curled under briefly in that ‘little-boy' look that was always so endearing to his partner, as he gently scolded him. "You can be such a drama queen."  His thumb quickly came up to caress Justin's full, bottom lip, a subtle but clear directive for him to not speak; a gesture that, fortunately, Justin understood as he remained silent, his blue eyes staring back intensely at him.  "But I guess I can be one, too," was the quiet admission.  Brian smiled softly then, deciding it was time to put Justin out of his misery.  "Of course I still want to marry you.  You make my life...interesting - and extremely frustrating.  But...you also make my life complete," he told him.  "And...I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with than you.  Or be another father to my son, who already thinks of you that way, anyway."  He saw a flash of relief wash over Justin, as he slid his hand around to grip the back of his partner's neck, pulling him closer.  He took a deep breath, always needing, even now, to steel himself before he made any overt emotional, heartfelt statements.  But at least he could say them now...from time to time.  "I love you, you stubborn, pig-headed, romantic sap." 


Justin smiled in relief then, his eyes prickling with moisture as he slid his hands up to rest them, palms down, on Brian's chest.  The kiss that immediately followed was passionate, both of them using it to express their feelings for each other, much like it always did. But this time the emotions were so strong that it threatened to overwhelm both of them as they continued to kiss deeply for several seconds before they finally broke it off, breathless and panting. 


Brian smirked at him in that ‘see, I can always take your breath away, even now' sort of way, causing Justin to roll his eyes at him and Brian to grin.  He turned his head as he caught a flash of movement in their home's doorway.  "I think we have an audience," he told his now fiancé (again).


"Hmm?" Justin murmured, nuzzling Brian's neck and feeling vastly relieved that he and Brian had settled things. 


"Take a look." 


Justin reluctantly pulled back to peer in the direction Brian was indicating and had to chuckle at the sight of Daphne and Emmett standing in the doorway, grinning back at them like a pair of fools.  He thought he saw tears in Emmett's eyes as his friend placed his hand over his heart like he was going to pass out soon...and knowing Emmett, he thought that was a real possibility.


"Do you two mind?" Daphne then called over to them.  "We're trying to rehearse for a wedding here, and it's not like I get to be a maid of honor just any time," she reminded Justin, an eyebrow raised at her friend meaningfully, her hands on her hips. By the look of relief on both their faces, it was obvious that they had been told what had happened. 


Justin laughed.  "Okay, we're coming," he told her. 


"You go ahead," Brian told him as Justin took his hand and started to tug him toward the house.


"Brian?" Justin frowned; he had thought everything was okay.


Brian smiled softly at him before leaning over to peck him reassuringly on the lips.  "I just want to talk to Gus and make sure he knows that everything's alright now.  And to let him know that his duties as ring bearer are still needed."


"At least for one of the rings," Justin couldn't help replying a little wistfully. 


Brian lifted an eyebrow at him.  "We'll find some substitute for it," he promised him.  "Gus will have two rings." 


Justin nodded, as Brian studied him thoughtfully for a moment.  "I'll meet you out back at the tent as soon as I round up Gus - and corral the horses."


Justin laughed as he nodded back at him, his heart lighter now that he and Brian had resolved their problems.  He had a wedding tomorrow to look forward to.  "Well, good luck, Tex," he told him with a distinctive southern drawl. 


"Thanks, I'll need it," was the dry response; Justin stood there for a few moments, watching him stroll over to the side yard and disappear around the corner. Sighing a little resignedly that the ring was not going to be making an appearance, he pushed that melancholy thought aside before moving to join his friends, choosing to concentrate on what was really important. 




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