Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
[Reviews - 20] Printer

Sequel to "Keep on Fighting."  Justin confronts the ones who hurt Brian. How will he react when he finally comes face-to-face with his sister?  *See Author's Note*


**Thanks again to Kim (Predec2) ch. 1-5,  And now Melinda (Prisca512) !!! for Beta this story! :)

Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Angst, Brian/Justin, Cross Over, Hurt/Comfort, Out of Character, Romance, Violence Characters: Brian, Justin, Molly Taylor, Original Character(s)
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 11988 Read: 20700
Published: May 13, 2015 Updated: June 29, 2015
Story Notes:

This is a repost of the first four chapters, along with a new Chapter Five.  I'm sorry for deleting the story a year ago.  I took a break from writing altogether, and felt that it would be better to delete the story and post it again once I was back writing regularly... Which is now! Enjoy chapter 5! Chapter 6 coming up soon."

1. Liam by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 2] (1507 words)

2. Stone by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 0] (1217 words)

3. Good Luck! by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 0] (1274 words)

4. The Greatest Pain by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 0] (2146 words)

5. Wasn't as Careful by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 4] (1314 words)

6. Let's Make a Deal by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 3] (1328 words)

7. You Just Need To Relax by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 5] (1477 words)

Sorry for the late post! had some RL issues! :) please enjoy, ch.8 coming soon...

8. Emotions by StarShine-Green [Reviews - 6] (1725 words)