Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

Brian and Justin discuss their relationship.  Will a certain brunet be able to finally confess his true feelings? 



Ten Minutes Later...


"Huh?"  Justin's heart pounded as he heard a thump, thump, thump on the apartment door; with as small a place as Daphne had, his makeshift bed was only about ten feet away, and the noise abruptly startled him awake, just as he had finally fallen into a somewhat fitful sleep.  "Wha....?"


Still groggy - and clad only in a short-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of loose boxers - Justin pulled the lightweight blanket away from his body and slid his feet onto the floor, wincing at how cold it felt against his bare skin. 


"What's going on?" Daphne asked as she came out into the living room, arms wrapped around a thin robe and her thick hair wildly askew, her face furrowed with half-asleep confusion.  Just then there was another loud rapping on the door.  "It's three o'clock in the fucking morning!" she snapped at their would-be guest.  "Nothing worth stealing here! Go away!"


"No can do," was the muffled response.


"Oh, for the love of..." Daphne muttered, a little disgusted with herself that she didn't instantly realize who it must have been; no one ELSE would be so persistent - or presumptuousness - to show up at this time of night.  She sighed as she peered over at her friend and patted his shoulder sympathetically.  "He's all yours; I'm going back to bed. Good luck!"


"Daphne!" Justin responded with dismay as she promptly turned on her heels and headed back into the bedroom, closing it behind her.  The pounding resumed again as, resigned, Justin stumbled over to the door and slid the security bolt back before opening it. 


Brian stood there hesitantly as he waited for Justin to come to the door, wondering what possessed him to think this was such a good idea in the first place; but as he heard the door being opened and his eyes attached themselves onto the tousled, sleepy-eyed man staring uncertainly back at him, he knew he had made the right decision.  He realized immediately just how much he had missed him. Everything about him - his nonstop chatter, his quirky, high-calorie food habits, his odd musical tastes, his ‘throw-everything-where-ever-it-landed habit,' and his passion for what he believed in, whether it was his art, his friends, or his myriad of causes; most of all, he had missed his presence in his life, and how right it always felt to have him by his side.  How could he have been so stupid to risk losing this, then; to risk losing him?


He cleared his throat as Justin stared back at him expectantly.  "Hey," he finally managed to utter, thinking how lame that sounded.  "I was just in the neighborhood, and..."


Justin rolled his eyes.  "Brian, like Daphne said, it's three in the morning. What do you want?" He huffed in protest as his lover nudged his shoulder and barged inside, coming to stand several feet away from him.  "Come on in," he told Brian dryly as he closed the door and turned around to join him.  "Don't sit down," he instructed firmly as Brian moved toward the couch, his sheet, blanket, and pillow still lying crumpled up in a heap where he had left them a few minutes ago.


Brian glanced down at the mass of tangled bedding, unable to keep from smiling slightly at the familiar sloppiness.  "Wouldn't think of it," he murmured as he turned back around to look at him.  "There might still be a body under there somewhere."


"I SLEEP here, Brian.  What did you expect it to look like at three o'clock in the morning?  Unlike YOU, I don't bring tricks back here."


Ouch. Brian winced.  "Justin..."


"Just say what you want to say, Brian, and then leave," Justin replied wearily.  That was actually the last thing he wanted, however, despite how Brian had treated him previously. At the moment, he wanted nothing more than to feel Brian's arms holding him, and his lips pressed against his.  He had missed him so desperately over the past week. But he had been determined not to go running back to him like he always did.  If things were going to change somehow, it would have to start with Brian and not him.   "Well?" he prompted when Brian remained silent.  It did give him a certain sense of satisfaction that Brian appeared atypically uncomfortable at the moment. 


Brian scratched the back of his head.  "You know...I wouldn't have had to come here in person if you had just answered your damn phone," he began.  "And you've trained your fag hag well, too," he added. 


"I don't have to answer my phone if I don't want to," was the curt reply.  "And Daphne is only watching out for me."


Brian shook his head.  Perhaps this wasn't the best way to start out their conversation, so he started again.  "Liam left about an hour ago," he told him.


Justin couldn't contain his curiosity as he asked, "So he stayed with you after all?"


"I promised my angelic mother, didn't I?" Brian quipped sarcastically, before his face grew more serious.  "Yeah," he grumbled softly.  "He stayed with me."


Justin nodded.  "Must have been pretty crowded over there, then," he responded, lips pressed firmly together.  "Well, I hope that you were generous, and at least shared your discards with him afterward."


Brian walked closer to his lover, who promptly turned his head and averted his eyes; but not before Brian couldn't help detecting the hurt look on Justin's face - a look HE had caused.  "No," he replied quietly.  "There was more than enough room this week.  Because YOU weren't there...and neither was anyone else." 


Justin's head lifted in surprise, tinged with just a little skepticism.  "You mean, there was no one there when Liam was around," he replied, still in doubt.  With the other man's looks, he was certain Liam would not have been the type to avoid ‘sowing a few wild oats' while he was visiting, so he must have spent a great deal of time prowling the bars and the clubs during his time here. After all, he had had a brief sample of the man's charms himself, and he knew other men would no doubt react the same - and be a willing participant who didn't have the same hang ups that he did.  "Did you tag team at Babylon in the back room, instead?" he asked.  "Or maybe you played tour guide for him at the baths.  I bet there was standing room only for that."


Brian didn't know whether to be amused or insulted by that comment.  He supposed he deserved it, however.  He sighed.  "Justin..."


"Brian, I'm tired.  Physically and mentally.  Just...say your piece, and then go, okay?"  He closed his eyes, a rush of emotions swirling through him, as he felt Brian's strong hand grip his chin and force his head gently upward in his direction. 


"Justin, look at me," was the firm but soft entreaty.  "Come on...Open your fucking eyes." 


Slowly, reluctantly, Justin opened his eyes to peer up into the hazel ones he knew so well; except there was something different about them this time. Something he couldn't quite decipher.  "What?" he whispered at last.


"I'll leave," Brian told him.  "But not without you."  He moved closer until their bodies were touching, the smell of his cologne - and just him - threatening to overwhelm Justin. 


"Why would I?"  It was a simple enough question.  "Nothing has changed," Justin told him sadly.


"That's where you're wrong," Brian replied to his surprise.  He stroked the stubbled skin around Justin's chin and jaw, remaining silent for a few moments as if he were trying to summon up some courage to speak, before he admitted at last, "I've missed you."


Justin observed him doubtfully, pushing any hopeful thoughts that threatened to bloom inside him out of the way and trying hard to ignore the feeling of Brian's fingers stroking his skin.  "Really? Which part?" 


"Justin..."  Brian huffed out an exasperated breath.  "Will you cut me a little slack here?" 


"Why should I?"  Blue eyes focused intently on Brian's face, even though Justin's breathing was becoming a bit more shallow from the tactile stimulation of Brian's fingers caressing his face, and the mere smell of the man; just being within several feet of the man was enough for his pheromones to kick in; it had always been that way. The main difference now, though, was that Justin had learned to deal with it, and shield himself from it, to the point where he didn't wear his heart so openly on his sleeve anymore.  That still didn't mean that it didn't affect, him, however.


Brian appeared to struggle as he mumbled, "You know how hard this is for me."  He dropped his hand from Justin's face, only to grasp his upper arms with both hands as he pulled him closer; to his relief, Justin didn't try to pull away as his eyes lifted to meet his, a glimmer - just a slight glimmer - of hope flaring there.  "Justin..."  The blond's eyebrows raised as if he were saying, yes?  I'm waiting, as Brian let out a deep breath.  "You know what you mean to me..."


"Do I, Brian?  Or is it more like what I hope it to be?  Have I been deluding myself all this time that you really do care about me the way I care about you?" 




"No, let me finish," he told him, as he pulled free of Brian's grasp and turned around to face the window overlooking the street.  He needed space; he needed a way to tell his lover what was in his heart without Brian staring at him the way that he does; the way that makes him forget everything he wants to say. This was too important this time. He had a feeling it was now or never. He was tired of waiting, tired of second-guessing everything. 


"Do you remember when I came to see you soon after we met, and you had that guy in your loft?  The one you introduced me to as ‘Dr. Goodfuck'?" he asked him quietly, as he continued to stare at the streetlights below.  At this time of night, the road was totally deserted and empty, much like he had been feeling this past week. 


Brian frowned, wondering why he was bringing up that particular trick now. It seemed like ages ago, and in a way it was - at least dozens of tricks ago, if not hundreds of men, ago.  What Justin didn't know was that the guy had actually been a priest apparently; he suddenly realized that his mother's priest hadn't been his first fuck in that regard after all, then; this one had been.  "Yeah, I remember," he told him as he stared at the rigidness of Justin's back.  He tentatively reached out to curl his hand over Justin's shoulder - to squeeze it in silent assurance that he wasn't going anywhere - but he stopped at the last minute, suddenly unsure of himself.  He didn't like that feeling.  "Why are you thinking about him?"


"Because...when you came out after me? When you followed me out to the car?"


Brian walked a little closer.  "Yeah?"


Justin swallowed, his eyes glistening a little as he thought about their conversation back then.  He had never forgotten it, and never would.  "I started to tell you something then, but you interrupted me. Something important."  He paused before, summoning up his courage, he turned around to face Brian; he was no longer that scared, little 17-year-old boy anymore.  He gazed resolutely into Brian's eyes as he explained, "Right before you told me to go find some ‘pretty little girl' to be with instead, I was about to tell you that I...I loved you." 


Brian half smiled, his expression dubious.  "Sunshine, you had just met me.  You were practically a kid; you didn't know what you were getting involved with." He amended that.  "Who you were getting involved with; not really."


Justin firmly shook his head in disagreement.  "That's where you're wrong," he told him.  "Yeah, I was young. And I admit it - I didn't really know shit about having a relationship with anyone, or what it was supposed to feel like to be in love.  I had never been in love before."  He paused.  "But I knew somehow.  And I know now that I was right," he told Brian, his eyes boring into his, almost as if he were challenging the older man to refute what he was saying.  "I did love you."  He blinked, feeling the moisture on his eyelids as he added more softly, "I still do."  He swallowed, trying to compose himself as his previous defiance the past week slowly dissipated.  He still wasn't going to come running back like an obedient, little lamb, however.  He wanted more this time.


Brian inched a little closer, almost afraid he would spook Justin if he did or said anything too abrupt.  His heart lurched and threatened to stop over his declaration; he hadn't realized how anxious he had been that he had permanently damaged his and Justin's relationship until that very moment, not until he had heard those last three words spoken. Did he have the same courage to admit the same to him?  "I'm glad," he responded, their bodies mere inches from each other now, so close that Brian could smell the blond's shampoo, his soap, his sweat...him.  "Justin...I..."  Damn, this was harder than he thought it would be. But somehow he had to find the courage to say it anyway. 


Justin stared into his eyes, unblinking, sensing this was going to (hopefully) be a defining moment in their unconventional, hard-to-define relationship.  Would this proud, stubborn man have enough nerve to say what needed to be said, however?  To say what he had been waiting to hear for more than two years now?  What he had wanted to hear from practically the very first moment they had met? 


"...I had a long talk with Liam that day you left the loft," Brian continued.  He quirked one side of his mouth up wryly as he added, "...And he felt compelled to play psychoanalyst."


Justin's mouth hung open slightly in surprise.  "He did?"  He had sensed that Liam was a compassionate, understanding person that night at the park. And after seeing all the photos of the two of them together when they were teens, he also felt the two cousins had shared a great deal together growing up. But in light of Liam's attraction to him, he was still a bit caught off guard by his wanting to help push the two of them back together again. 


Brian nodded.  "Yeah...And he pointed out some things he thought that I should know...whether I wanted to hear them or not."


Expressive, blue eyes peered back at him intently.  "Such as?" Justin couldn't help asking.


Brian sighed.  "Such as what a prick I was for treating you the way I was. Or words to that effect, anyway.  And...how I might lose you to someone else if I wasn't careful."  He swallowed hard at the thought. 


"He said that?" 


Brian reached up to grasp Justin by the upper arms, and this time he didn't rebuff him.  A good sign, Brian decided silently, as he nodded in response, his fingers slowly drawing circles on the thin cotton of Justin's tee-shirt.  "Yeah.  And how I shouldn't assume that you are aware of certain things, even though I told him that you're a smart man and should be able to figure it out."


"What sort of things? Maybe I'm not as smart as you think." Justin replied quietly, needing, demanding to know.  He decided - no more ambiguity, no more questions about how Brian did or didn't feel.  


Brian half-smiled as he shook his head.  "No, you are," he insisted.  "But he also made me realize that sometimes - as fucking hard as I find it to do - you still need to hear the words."  He inhaled a deep breath and blew it out between his lips, steadying himself.  "Justin..."


The eyes boring into his both bolstered him as well as made him intimidated in a way with their intensity as he paused briefly, knowing Justin was waiting for him to continue. Obviously, he was going to have to do this on his own without any help from him. He supposed that was only right.  "Justin, I have thought about that same thing so many times before."


Justin furrowed his brow.  "Thought about what, Brian?" he whispered, almost afraid that if he spoke too loudly his lover would promptly close back up, and retreat back into his own shell.  He reached to slide his hands up Brian's chest as they came to rest on either side of his neck, trying to reassure him that he was listening and wanted to hear what he had to say. 


Brian rolled his lips under briefly before replying, "Thought about how someone will come along and take you away from me, that's what."  There...He had said it. It was out in the open at least now...


Justin increased the pressure slightly on Brian's neck in surprise.  "Why would you think that?  I just told you that I lo..."


"I know," Brian replied, interrupting him.  "But why, Justin?  Why would you stay with me?"


"You mean because you can be a real asshole sometimes?  Because you like to always be in control, and never show anyone your true feelings? Because you try to never let me forget my mistakes?" 


"Yeah," Brian grumbled grudgingly.  "Something like that."  He huffed.  "I think I see where the 1500 SAT came from now." 


Justin chuckled dryly.  "Maybe."  The grin on his face disappeared as he replied honestly, "But I'm not done yet.  Don't talk," Justin ordered as Brian opened his mouth to speak, only to shut it again.  "There're also a lot of reasons why I WOULD stay with you," he told him.  "You're generous - overly generous - to your friends, and even to your family.  You could have told your mother, for instance, about Father Butterfield being queer, but you didn't.  And you could have gotten that brat of a nephew in big trouble over the horrible lies he told the police. You could have refused to sign over custody of Gus to Mel and Lindsay, but you did it anyway.  You could have pried Michael away from David, but, instead, you deliberately created a rift between the two of you to try and make him happy.  You could have walked out of my life when my father ordered me to stay away from you and deny everything I was and everything that I felt. But you didn't; instead, you let me come and stay with you, and you spoke up for me and supported me.  And even the first night we met - when you could have been rough with me, and threw me out into the street afterward like all your other tricks, you didn't. Instead, you knew I was scared out of my fucking mind...and you were gentle with me." 


His fingers slowly feathered the soft hair at the back of Brian's neck for a moment before he continued.  "Remember that night at the loft?"  He blushed as he added, "When we were in your chaise lounge - with the ice cream?"  He knew he would never forget it; it was the first time he and Brian had had sex in that chair - and the first time he had wound up licking ice cream off Brian's chest and face, as well as parts further south. He had been very clumsy that night - deliberately. And they had wound up having some of the most incredible sex he had ever remembered.  He could almost feel Brian's sense of loss over Michael that night - in the methodical, almost tender way he had made love to him, in the lost look in his eyes; in the way he had quickly dismissed him afterward when he brought up Michael's name. 


Brian smiled then.  "I won't ever forget that, either..."


Justin's cheeks warmed as he nodded.  "Well, remember what I told you when I got dressed - when you were attempting, as you so often tried to do, to dismiss me?" 


Brian nodded, knowing exactly what he meant.


"I told you that I was onto you, and that you couldn't push me away like you did Michael.  I meant that."


"But I almost did," Brian pointed out.  "And I almost succeeded," he whispered painfully, recalling when he had practically shoved him into Ethan's arms by his stubborn pride and self-righteousness that had prevented him from showing - or telling - Justin how he really felt.  He recalled how Lindsay had even called him out on it after they had broken up. He had almost thought he had been proven right after Justin had come back to him later, practically dragging his tail between his legs. But now...now he realized that if the right person had come along back then- one that had been faithful to Justin, and had treated him right and cherished him the way that he deserved to be cherished - he could have very well succeeded, and lost the only man who had ever allowed his heart to feel, his heart to love. Somehow in an ironic twist of fate, it had taken his own cousin to make him see that.


"But you didn't manage to do it, though," Justin told him.  He sighed.  "I'd be lying if I said I liked the feeling of being another notch on your bedpost."


"But you're not," Brian blurted out.  "I've never felt that way about you."


Justin grunted with a sort of ‘huh' noise.  "That's nice to hear, at least.  I was hoping that was the case."  He shook his head slightly as he whispered, "But why have you never told me that before, Brian?"


A muscle in Brian's jaw twitched.  "Liam told me basically the same thing.  He said you were the kind of person who needed to be told those kinds of things."  He dropped his hands from Justin to rub his right hand over his face, perplexed.  "Just what did you see in me, Justin? What did you see in me that first night that made you keep coming back?  I know you were looking for someone to be your first, and I was certainly willing to assume that role.  But we were different in so many ways. I kept trying to push you away - kept trying to deny that it would ever work between us - but you kept coming back, anyway. Why?" 


"I told you, Brian," was the gentle reproach.  "I fell in love with you that first night. I...I...know it sounds crazy.  But I saw a future with you.  I knew you were the one."


Brian shook his head in amazement.  "And...You still feel that way? Even after the way I treated you?"


Justin stared into his eyes for a moment before he nodded.  "Yeah. God help me, but l still do." 


Brian smiled in relief, moving to curl his hand around Justin's neck to pull him in for a kiss, but Justin shook his head and pulled back slightly.  "What?"


"I still love you, Brian. But I won't keep being just a handy convenience for you; not anymore.  Not even if I AM the guy you fuck more than once. I need more than that; I deserve more than that." 


Brian nodded.  "I know.  I agree. So...come back to the loft with me, Justin."


To his disappointment, however, Justin shook his head.  "This is a start," he told him.  "But it's not enough.  I need more, Brian."


Brian frowned.  "Like what?"


"Like you not bringing tricks back to your place if I'm there.  Like not kicking me out of bed, just so you can satisfy your libido with your latest conquest."  He paused.  "I'm not naïve enough to think that you'll change overnight, Brian.  I know you can't promise me monogamy; at least not yet."


"Maybe never," Brian softly replied.  "I'm just being honest," he told him truthfully with a shrug. 


Justin stared intently into his eyes for a moment before he nodded.  "I know," he told him with just a tinge of sadness.  "I hope that one day, though..."  His words trailed off as he inhaled a deep breath and let it out. 


Brian felt like a total dick for saying that, but he was being honest with Justin. He felt that was at least a step in the right direction.  Even though he had to make a conscious effort to be more open about his feelings, that still didn't mean he was going to lie, either.  He reached over to curl the palm of his right hand around his lover's cheek, stroking his skin with his thumb as he admitted, "I care about you, Justin.  A lot," he added as Justin stared into his eyes intently.  He took a deep breath.  "More than I've ever cared about any man.  You...You make me feel - and do - things that I never thought I would ever experience.  And maybe, just maybe...I can learn to change. To be more the person that you want me to be, the person you need me to be."


Justin shook his head; that sounded wrong somehow.  "I'm not asking you to change, Brian," he corrected him as he stared into his eyes.  "I don't want you to change; not really.  I fell in love with the person that you are right now.  I...I've already told you that I know you're nothing like the image you project to everyone; I know there's a lot more to you than that.  I just need for you to be honest with me. And that includes being honest about how you feel. I just want you to talk to me more...and not flaunt your sexual escapades in front of me back at the loft.  If you can't do that, if that is something you're not willing to do, then there's no way I'm going back there with you.  I can't keep lying in bed there, wondering if I'm about to be kicked out before your next appointment arrives." 


Brian nodded slowly; he had expected as much.  "Fair enough," he agreed as he inched a little closer, dying to kiss the lips he had been missing all week.  "I won't do that anymore." 


Justin nodded back at him, his emotions all over the map as he tried to remain objective.  It was hard to do, though, with Brian so near to him.  "Promise me, Brian," he whispered, knowing if he did promise he would, indeed, follow through on it.  For there was one thing Brian had never done; he had never reneged on a promise he had made to him.  He wished silently that he could say the same; however, he had made great strides in rectifying that since running astray - and in making sure that Brian knew how much he had regretted what he had done. 


Brian stared into the blue eyes he knew so well.  Surprisingly, he found that it wasn't hard to utter the words this time.  "I promise."


Justin nodded back at him, his heart a litte lighter now. 


"So, Mr. Taylor. Will you please come back home now?" 


Home.  Brian had never used that word before with him.  He liked that word.  At last, he smiled, his eyes glistening, despite his intention not to appear too weak or sentimental.  "Are you sure about this?" 


Brian leaned over so their foreheads were touching as he whispered, "More than sure."  He pulled back, just enough to gaze into Justin's eyes, before he slid his hand around to the back of his lover's neck and pulled him closer to finally achieve what he had been wanting to do for days now:  kiss Justin as if he never wanted to let him go again. 


Justin instantly responded to Brian's kiss, sliding his hands around Brian's waist to link them at his back and pull them closer together until their bodies were touching from head to foot.  He felt his desire growing as they continued to kiss, and he threw all of his pent-up emotion from the past week into their embrace.  How he had missed this man, and everything about him!  He sighed in contentment as they finally broke apart, their breaths intermingling in the closeness.


Brian smiled.  "I take it that's a yes?"


Justin appeared contemplative as he replied, "Uhh...let me give that some thought first."


"Justin..."  Brian squeezed the back of his neck in frustration.


At last Brian was rewarded with a smile.  "Okay...It's a yes."


Brian nodded in relief.  "Good," he whispered.  "Now go collect all your designer duds and artwork shit, so we can go..."  He nuzzled Justin's neck, rubbing his face against the pale skin and hearing Justin's sharp intake of breath; apparently he wasn't the only one affected by being apart this past week.  "Hurry," he added, his voice low and seductive.  "I'm horny as hell, and fuck, I may have to take you here and now if you don't get moving." 


Justin blushed over the tone of Brian's voice; he always felt a certain thrill over being able to hold so much power over this magnificent man.  Brian wasn't the only one who had keenly felt the loss from their separation.  He arched his neck slightly to give Brian greater access as he whispered, "I'm not in any hurry to leave."


Brian frowned; that wasn't what he had been expecting to hear.  Had Justin just changed his mind?  His lover's next words, however, quickly put his mind at ease.


"I think I should take a little bit of the edge off first...don't you?" 


Brian smiled then.  "I like the way you think, Sunshine."  He held his hands out in a ‘have your way with me' type of gesture as Justin reached to unbutton his shirt, openly admiring the lightly-muscled surface before he slowly glided the palms of his hands up the taut, smooth flesh, swirling the pad of his thumbs in a circular motion over the dusky-color nipples that quickly hardened under his touch. He was rewarded with an arch of Brian's upper back and a soft grunt of appreciation as he used his teeth to gently nip at the left bud while his hand worked on the right, feeling Brian fist some of his hair on the top of his head in an unspoken signal for him to continue. 


His hands moved down then to unsnap Brian's jeans before eagerly sliding inside his briefs, easily finding the hard, leaking cock.  Pushing the obtrusive material down further, he knelt down to grip the base of the shaft as his lips fastened onto the hot, silky skin, his tongue flicking out to steal some pre-come from the tip as his hands squeezed Brian's buttocks to push him even deeper inside.


"Ahh...Justin," Brian moaned loudly as his hand gripped the top of his lover's head tightly, his other hand cupped around Justin's cheek as his cock slid fluidly in and out of his mouth.  He glanced down to watch, thinking it was the most damned erotic thing he had ever seen.  It felt so good, so right; it felt like he was complete again.  "More..." he demanded greedily.


Justin readily complied, taking Brian deep to the back of his throat, the hairs at the base of his cock tickling his skin.  He inhaled the heady scent as his fingers tightened their grip on Brian's ass cheeks.  He could tell Brian was close...so close, as he swirled his tongue around the underside of his cock and increased the pressure of his sucking and the tempo.  At last, he heard Brian cry out with a loud moan before he shot down his throat, his body quivering in response to his climax.


He slid his lips off Brian's cock just before he heard a muffled, familiar voice nearby.  "Do you mind? I'm trying to sleep in here!  Jeez...go back to Brian's place if you're going to fuck, okay?" 


Justin chuckled as he rested his cheek against Brian's belly, feeling his lover lazily stroking his hair from above.  He took a moment to lightly caress Brian's buttocks before he slowly rose to his feet to share some of his essence with him in another passionate kiss. 


Brian stroked Justin's cheek softly and huffed in indignation as they broke apart.  "I wasn't that loud."  He noticed that Daphne's bedroom door was still closed.


Justin grinned.  "Yes, you were," he reported with a smug expression, secretly pleased that he could make Brian come that hard merely by sucking him off. 


Brian smirked at him.  "Oh, I was, was I?"  Justin nodded with a grin.  "Well, let's see how loud YOU can be," he told him, as he reached down toward the loose waistband of Justin's pants.


"Uh, uh, uh..." Justin admonished him as he batted his hand away.  "Later."  He was painfully hard, but he couldn't help wanting to finish what they had started in more comfortable surroundings.


Brian groaned, his mouth practically watering over what he was missing.  He sighed.  "We could take a shower..."


"Brian!"  Justin laughed softly.  "Poor baby," he cooed at Brian's disappointed expression.  "I'll hurry if that will make you feel better."


"You'd damn well better hurry," Brian told him as he admired the delectable ass scurrying to pick up what would be needed for the loft.  "And bring plenty of clothes along with your art supplies," he advised as Justin turned around with a furrowing of his brow.  "I don't intend on you coming back here for a long while," he explained as Justin beamed in understanding.  If ever, came unbidden to Brian's mind as he watched his lover puttering around the small space and picking up his various items scattered about the room.  He couldn't help smiling as he watched him, feeling at once both relieved as well as grateful.  Grateful to a certain cousin who had finally made him see things clearly.  Perhaps one day he would let him know how he had helped repair his and Justin's relationship. For now, however, he had more urgent matters in mind.



"Ready?" he asked a couple of minutes later as he took Justin's overstuffed, canvas duffel bag from him.


Justin nodded as he hefted his art portfolio onto his right shoulder.  "Just let me write a quick note to Daphne, explaining where I'll be."


Brian guffawed.  "You really think that's necessary now, Sunshine?"


Justin appeared sheepish.  "No...I guess not," he told him with a grin. 


Brian nodded as he pulled him closer with his free arm.  "Come on.  I may even let you drive the Jeep home."


Justin's mouth hung open; Brian had never let him drive before.  "You might?  Why?"


Brian grinned.  "I'm talented. But even I can't drive and suck you off at the same time."  He reached inside his jeans pocket and fished out his keys, tossing them to his lover, who deftly caught them in his hand. 


Justin beamed a radiant smile back at him, relishing the coldness of the metal keys in his hand. This was really happening, he couldn't help thinking.  Pecking Brian on the lips, he pulled back to whisper, "Let's go home, then." 
































Chapter End Notes:

One more short chapter to go (epilogue). Thank you once more for reading, and for the comments!:)

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