Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Sickness & Health, Good Times & Bad

Chapter 36

When they got home,they found Brian playing a card game with Gus on the patio. The smile on Brian’s face was canceled out by the horrified expression in his eyes. Luckily Gus was too involved in the game to notice. Justin actually chuckled when he first saw Brian, who happily threw in his cards.

Gus ran over to give his Papa a hug. Turning to John & Peter he asked. “Did you have a nice lunch with your mommy?”

John smiled at his little cousin and lied. “It was fine Gus.”

Brian looked over at Justin who rolled his eyes, conveying that lunch had not been all that great. Brian came over to Gus. “Hey Sonny Boy, how about you watch a video while Papa and I have a talk with your cousins.”

Gus happily agreed and hurried to the media room with his father following him. Gus checked through the extensive DVD collection and picked the one he wanted to see. As Brian loaded it and adjusted the TV, Justin came in with a small bag of pretzels and a bottle of water. “Here you are little man. If you need anything we will be in the study.”

Gus settled into the huge sectional sofa. Brian handed him the remote and gave him a kiss on the top of his head.

John & Peter waited in the study looking kind of nervous. Their uncles came in the room and shut the door. Brian asked what happened at lunch and John let him know what happened at the diner. Brian shook his head. “My sister never ceases to amaze me.”

The boy smiled half-heartedly unsure where this conversation was going. Brian looked at Justin who shrugged. So Brian continued. “When you guys came here none of us knew how long we would be together. Justin and I have been discussing something over the past couple days and we thought we should talk it over with you before making any decisions.”

John was looking angry and Peter looked like he was ready to cry. Justin & Brian exchanged puzzled looks. Justin decided to chime in on the conversation. “Especially after today it appears that it is going to be quite a while before your mother can resume custody. So we really need to start thinking about where you will go to school.”

John & Peter looked at each other and started to laugh. Justin asked them. “What is so funny about school?”

John was shaking his head. “We thought you were going to tell us that you didn’t want us to stay here any longer.”

Justin made an agonized noise and his eyes filled with tears. “Oh my God!”

Brain sitting beside Justin on the couch put his arm around him and pulled him close. “For fuck’s sake how can you say that to us? We have done everything to try and make you feel at home here. Now you turn around and say you expected us to tell you to get out.”

John came over and kneelt in front of his uncles. “I’m sorry, we both appreciate everything you have done but nothing in our life is permanent. Every time Mother does something stupid, Peter and I think is this the time the Uncles have had enough. Even if you guys are okay with us being here there are people from the state who have control over our lives.

Every day we worry that someone will knock on the door and say we can’t stay here anymore. I really don’t want to hurt your feeling or appear ungrateful but Peter and I just wish something in our life was permanent.”

Justin had tears running down his face. “I am so sorry. I guess we don’t understand how you are feeling. From our perspective we see things as kind of settled and we didn’t think about things from your perspective. I’m sorry. “

Brian kept hold of Justin. “We’ll meet with our attorney this week and see what we can do about making your life have some permanence. I think we can all agree that Claire is not going to get her life on order for a long time. We need to work on a way to prevent Claire or Joan interfering in your lives.”

A surprised, but very pleased Justin, gave Brian a kiss followed by a huge smile. “So how about we try discussing schools. Uncle Brian and I were thinking about Washington Academy. You both have a friend who goes there. The have a very open policy and a strict no bullying policy. What do you guys think?”

John had moved back to his chair and he and Peter looked at each other. Peter spoke first. “Isn’t that school really expensive and there are two of us you’d have to pay tuition for.”

“We’ve always just gone to public school so that would be OK with us.”

Brian answered. “You weren’t living with your two homosexual uncles when you went to public school. I think that is going to make a difference.”

John nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right about that. We could try the public schools and if it gets too difficult we could switch schools.”

Justin shook his head. “I’d rather we didn’t take that chance. Disregarding the cost what do you think about attending the Washington Academy?”

John & Peter exchanged glances again. Peter spoke this time. “We’ve heard good things from Josh and Patrick so I think we’d both be happy to go there.”

John nodded. They continued to discuss school and how to deal with the custody issue. Justin was going to look into getting the boys in the Academy and talk to Kathy Sacks about the disastrous lunch at the diner. Brian was going to contact their lawyer to see what could be done about the uncertain custody situation.

John & Peter headed upstairs to change into bathing suits. Justin headed to the kitchen to put the casserole he made earlier into the oven. Brian went to the media room where Gus was still watching his video and wanted his father to join him on the sofa.

After sticking the casserole in to cook slowly Justin headed up to his studio. He had only a few details to complete on the second PPG mural.

After the video was over Gus and his daddy joined John and Peter in the pool. When dinner time approached Brian started the charcoal and grilled some vegetables. He took the casserole out of the oven and while John & Gus set the patio table for dinner Peter was dispatched to bring Justin down form the studio.


The next morning Brian was up early with Gus. They had breakfast together and while Brian took a shower and got dressed Gus climbed into bed with his Papa.

When Brian was ready to leave he found Gus curled up against Justin and both of them were sound asleep. Brian gave Justin a quick kiss and got his normal good bye groan from his lover.

Half an hour later Justin woke up while being gently shook by a seven year old. He opened his eyes to see Gus staring into his face. “Are you going to wake up now Papa?”

Justin grabbed the boy, gave him a quick kiss and a tickle. “Yes Little Man I am awake. Did you have your breakfast?”

“Yes, I ate with Daddy. When we came upstairs so he could get ready for work I got into bed with you and fell asleep again.”

“Well let me go in the bathroom and get dressed, then we’ll go downstairs so I can get some breakfast.”

When they got down to the kitchen Alice was bustling around while John & Peter were having cereal with fruit for breakfast. Gus sat with his cousins while Justin said hello to Alice and got himself a cup of coffee. He toasted a bagel and loaded it with cream cheese. Alice put some cut up fruit in a bowl. “If you don’t want Brian to know how much cream cheese you used; you’ll eat all this fruit.”

All three boys laughed along with Justin. Gus sat across the table. “After you eat are we going to the studio Papa?”

“I have a couple phone calls I have to make so how about you watch a video or TV while I make those calls and then we’ll head up to the studio.”

Alice came over to the table. “Gus, I’m getting ready to make some oatmeal raisin cookies. How about you help me make the cookies while Justin makes his phone calls?”

Gus happily agreed. He knew he would get to taste the cookie dough and have first crack at the cookies when they came out of the oven.

Justin looked over at the nephews. “What do you guys have planned for today?”

John asked. “Can Patrick’s mother drop him off for the afternoon?”

“Sure, that’s OK but can you tactfully suggest he not stay for dinner. I think Uncle Brian has had enough company in the last week.”

John agreed. Peter was planning to swim and read his book. Once Justin was done breakfast he got a second cup of coffee and headed to the study.

He tried Kathy Sacks first and was pleasantly surprised to find her in the office. Justin brought her up to date on what happened during John & Peter’s lunch with their mother. He told her that the boys had asked him to call her and let her know they thought that Claire was taking drugs again.

“Justin, you know that there is no actual proof that Claire was on drugs so there isn’t anything I can do. We have requested drug tests from her several times and she just ignores the requests.”

“I understand. John and Peter just wanted me to call and make sure you heard their side before Claire or Joan called you. I do have a question for you. Brian and I are going to look into getting permanent custody. The boys are feeling that there life is lacking stability.”

Kathy was excited. “Justin that is great news. Of course our department doesn’t make those decisions but we would certainly give you and Brian a very positive report. You will have to go to court and John and Peter will have to testify so you all need to be prepared for that. I will note in the file that the boys felt their mother was under the influence of drugs and that she left when they confronted her.”

“Thanks Kathy. I’ll let you know what happens.”

Next Justin called the Washington Academy and made and appointment to see the Dean of Admissions on Wednesday afternoon.

When Justin got back to the kitchen, Gus was happily emptying ingredients into the mixing bowl under Alice’s supervision. “Hey Gus, ready to go up to the studio.”

“Mrs Simpson says she needs my help with the cookies. Our first batch is almost ready to come out of the oven. I am in charge of tasting them once they cool a little.”

Alice smiled at the little boy’s enthusiasm. “Gus is fine helping me Justin. Go ahead up and get some work done.”

“Okay but Gus remember no going out near the pool unless Daddy or I are with you.”

“I know Papa. When the cookies are done I’ll come up to the studio.”


When Brian got to Kinnetik he asked Carole to set up a phone call with his lawyer for some time today or tomorrow.

He had been working at his desk for about an hour when Carole buzzed him. “Lindsay is on line 2. She says she needs to talk with you.”

Brian pushed the button for line 2. “Hey Linds. What’s up?”

“Melanie and I have been packing like mad and getting things settled up here. I need you to transfer some money to me for the movers. You haven’t told Gus about us moving back to Pittsburgh have you?”

“I haven’t said anything to Gus, we agreed we’d tell him together. I think he will be thrilled so I’m not sure why you want to wait to tell him.”

“Well it’s a big change and I just want to be sure he is not upset. Now about the money for the movers.”

“Just have the moving company call Cynthia, she’ll take care of paying them.”

There was a pause before Lindsay answered. “I think it would be easier just to transfer the money to our account.”

“Interesting to know. Since I am paying, I get to decide how the movers will be paid. Have their office call Cynthia and she will take care of all the arrangements for payment. From my perspective that will be easy for you.”

“Brian, does everything have to be done your way?”

“When it is my money paying for something, yes it has to be done my way.”

A curt good bye from Lindsay and the call was over. Brian hung up the phone and shook his head wondering if it really was such a good idea for the munchers to move back.

The rest of his morning was busy with meetings and conference calls and he managed to put the whole Lindsay situation out of his mind. Around noon Ted stopped by Brian’s office. “I’m going to walk over to the diner for lunch. Interested in going along.”

Since there were a few business issues Brian wanted to discuss with Ted he agreed to lunch. Debbie was at the other end of the diner when they went through the door but she shouted a hello, pointed out an open booth in her area and told them she would be with them in a couple minutes.

Ted sat facing the door, he and Brian were discussing Kinnetik business when Ted muttered. “Oh fuck!” Brian turned around and saw Michael coming through the door.

He turned back to Ted with a smirk. “Oh well. It’ll be fine.”

Michael spotted them and made his way over to the booth sliding in next to Brian. “Hi Guys. Brian I had a call from Lindsay this morning. She was pretty upset at the way you are treating her.”

“Mikey, I’m not sure why Lindsay would have called you but whatever is going on between her and I is really none of your business.”

“She was upset and trying to understand why you were acting the way you were and she just wanted to see what I thought. Brian, Lindsay is the mother of your son!”

“She is? Just the other day I was trying to remember where Gus had come from. I thought did a stork drop him down the chimney, did we find him in a cabbage patch or was he left in a basket on the front steps. Thank you for reminding me just where my son came from.”

Ted chuckled and Michael blushed with embarrassment. Debbie chose that moment to come over and take their orders.

After Debbie took their order and left, Brian attempted to keep the conversation on a light note. Ted was amazed to hear Brian ask about Hunter’s summer plans and business at the comic book store. Ted realized that Brian was trying not to argue with Michael but he was still surprised at Brian’s patience.

Michael was determined to bring the conversation back to Lindsay’s phone call. “Brian, Lindsay doesn’t understand why you are trying to control her life. I mean she appreciates your help but it’s not fair to treat her the way you have been.”

Debbie came up to the booth with their food. “Michael what the fuck are you talking about? Lindsay is complaining about how Brian treats her?”

“Yes Ma. She called me today and was really upset about Brian insisting on controlling their move back here.”

Debbie placed the food on the table and took a deep breath. “How is that any of your business Michael? Those girls decided to run off to fucking Canada taking Gus & JR away from their fathers. Once they got there they found out that life there was not so perfect. Both of them have told me that they depended on the support Brian sent them to get along financially. The only thing Lindsay should feel for Brian is gratitude for all his financial help.”

“Ma, this doesn’t have anything to do with support. Lindsay wanted Brian to send her the money for their move but he insisted that it be handled by Cynthia at Kinnetik. Lindsay doesn’t like her personal business being known by everyone.”

Debbie pushed Ted further into the booth so she could sit and face her son eye to eye. “As far as I can tell Lindsay is being a self-centered whining bitch! They get themselves in bad financial trouble and can’t afford to stay in Toronto so Brian and Sunshine agree to help them. They agree to pay their moving expenses and offer them a totally free place to stay here in Pittsburgh so they can get back on their feet financially. Brian has every right to want to control how HIS money is spent. After all the years Cynthia has worked for Brian she is hardly likely to suddenly start telling people his personal business.”

“It’s not like Brian doesn’t have plenty of money. Why does he have to humiliate Lindsay that way? She feels he is just trying to embarrass her.”

“She and Melanie should be down on their knees thanking Brian and Sunshine. They should be embarrassed to have let themselves get in such bad financial trouble. It doesn’t matter how much money Brian and Sunshine have. It is their money, no one gave it to them, they earned it. You should know better than most people how generous Brian is. Don’t forget who gave you the money to start your store and the support he sent to the girls has partially gone to take care of your daughter. Plenty of times when Brian or Sunshine eats here when I clear the table I find a hundred dollar bill under a dish. Of course both of them tell me they don’t know anything about it. So I know how generous they are and I’m ashamed my own son isn’t sticking up for them instead of siding with those ungrateful girls.”

Debbie stood up, gave her son a smack to the side of his head and walked away.

Michael looked a little shocked. Brian smiled. “Well Mikey I guess not everyone shares your view of how put upon poor Lindsay is. I agree with your mother that it really is none of your business so let’s just drop it.”

The tree men concentrated on their food and there was little lunch conversation. On the walk back to Kinnetik glanced over at a pensive Brian. “Debbie really seemed to be gunning for Lindsay. I was kind of surprised at how negative she seemed to be.”

Brian chuckled. “That conversation has Mother Taylor written all over it.”

“I didn’t know that Jennifer felt that way about Lindsay. They always seemed to get along okay.”

“Those “country club manners” disguise a lot of stuff. Actually I don’t think Mother Taylor cared much one way or the other about Lindsay but this last visit changed that. She was super annoyed that both Lindsay and Melanie seemed to have issues with the nephews. Justin has probably told her all about the Toronto financial issues and Mother Taylor is a tigress when she feels her son is being taken advantage of. I’m sure she has let Debbie know that she thinks the munchers are ungrateful.”

“I think Jennifer is that protective tigress for both her son and her son in law!”

Brian just smirked and shrugged his shoulders but didn’t disagree.

When Brian got back to his office Carole told him that the lawyer was going to be in the area the next day and could stop by Kinnetik for a meeting around 11 AM. Brian said to confirm the meeting. He emailed Justin to let him know about the meeting.


When Justin broke for lunch and went down to the kitchen he discovered cookie baking was completed. Alice and her assistant has moved on to banana bread.

Alice looked over and smiled. “We had some overripe bananas and I told Gus how much his Daddy likes banana bread so we decided to make some.”

Gus has some flour on his nose and in his hair and a huge smile. “Mrs Simpson says we can surprise Daddy after dinner so don’t tell him about the special bread for him okay.”

Justin chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me little man.”

The doorbell rang and Justin went to answer. It was Molly with her latest boyfriend Mark. She gave her brother a kiss and introduced him to Mark. “We came over for a swim, hope that is okay.”

“You know you are always welcome. I was just about to have some lunch. Have you guys eaten?”

“Nope. What’s on the menu?”

“I was just going to make grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and there are some just out of the oven cookies for dessert.”

Molly glanced at Mark who nodded. “Lead on brother dear, we will be delighted to join you for lunch.”

Gus was delighted to see “Aunt Molly” when they got back to the kitchen. One of the things he liked best about staying with Daddy and Papa was there was so much “family” that he got to spend time with.

Justin told Alice he was going to make grilled sandwiches for lunch. She got the deep fryer out of the pantry and announced she would make sweet potato fries to go along with the sandwiches. Molly went over to the refrigerator and took out two beers. Her brother shook his head. “No beer for you Mollusk and I have to see Mark’s driver’s license before he gets one.”

With a dramatic sigh Molly replaced the beer and instead poured two glasses of ice tea. Alice chuckled. “Justin you got that out before I could even open my mouth. Your mother would be proud of you.”

Molly glanced over. “Justin always was a goody two shoes. That was why it was such a shock that he wouldn’t go back in the closets when he was told to.”

Mark looked a little shocked but brother and sister both laughed. “And Molly was always a problem so it was a shock when she actually graduated high school and got into college without any bribes being paid.”

Molly stuck out her tongue at Justin which made everyone even Gus laugh.

Justin had the ingredients spread out on the counter and the griddle heating up when his cell rang. He looked down and saw the call was from Sidney Bloom. “I have to take this call. I’ll be right back.”

Justin answered as he headed into the dining room and shut the door. “Hi Sidney.”

“Justin. I just finished the interview with the final candidate for our gallery manager. I’d like to get together with you and discuss how I think we should proceed.”

“That sounds good. I can stop by the gallery tomorrow. What time is good for you?”

Sidney laughed. “I am calling from my car. They have started the remodel in the basement and it is too noisy to meet here. Actually we have moved the office upstairs to one of the apartments because it is quieter on the second floor.”

“Okay. How about we meet at Kinnetik around 10 AM. Not sure which room we will be using so just ask the receptionist.”

Both men said good bye and hung up.

Justin headed back to his sandwich making. John, Peter and Patrick joined the others for lunch. Alice insisted that everyone wait half an hour before going in the pool. Molly & Mark followed the boys to the tennis court with the three remote control cars. Molly told Justin she would keep her eye on Gus so her brother returned to the studio after lunch.

When Justin called Carole to schedule a conference room for his meeting with Sidney she told him about the 11 o’clock meeting with the lawyer. A short time later there was a knock on the door and John came into the studio.

“Sorry to bother you Uncle Justin.”

Justin smiled. “I know Uncle Brian says not to bother me when I am in the studio but it really is okay.”

“You told me that Patrick could come over as long as he left before Uncle Brian got home. His Mom just called him and Kevin needed some additional tests so they are stuck at the hospital. She is going to have a neighbor come and pick him up. Could he please stay here?”

“Sure he can. He might just as well spend the night. You and Patrick can sleep in Peter’s room and he can sleep in your bed tonight. I’ll call Mrs O’Brien and let her know.”

“Thanks a lot Uncle Justin.”

Justin call Roxanne who sounded pretty frazzled. The good news was that Kevin’s test results were all good but all three O’Brien’s were worn out from an afternoon of testing and she appreciated Patrick spending the night.

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