Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

repost of a chapter lost in the transfer to new site.

Sickness & Health, Good Times & Bad

Post 513, Justin spent 18 months in NYC before coming back to Pittsburgh 6 months ago. Justin & Brian’s relationship remained intact during the NYC sojourn. I do not own the characters just the situations.

Chapter 23

Justin drove a few blocks away from Joan’s house before pulling over and parking. “Are you guys OK?”

John looked over from the passenger seat. “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.”

From the backseat Peter chimed in. “No bloodshed, I think we dodged a bullet. We have had a lot of experience with Mom and Grandmother. They acted pretty much exactly the way we thought they would.”

John shook his head. “You know just about every time we ever visited Grandmother when we got outside Mom would say to us “Just be glad you never had to live with that!”. Now she seems to think we should be jumping with joy at the prospect of moving into Uncle Brian’s old room. I’m not sure if she is still taking drugs or if she is just crazy.”

Justin chuckled. “If you guys are good so am I. I suspect we will be hearing from Family Services. John would you call Uncle Brian and tell him to call in an order for Chinese take-out. Tell him we’ll pick it up on our way home.”

The conversation on the ride home mostly concerned getting the boys bedrooms back in shape and the startup of their summer programs.

Brian had the kitchen table set when they arrived home with dinner. He gave Justin a what’s happening look but his partner just shrugged.

“So guys how did things go with visiting your mother?”

Brian was surprised when it was Peter who answered. “About what we expected. Mom cried about how sad her life is. Grandmother was rude and unreasonable. When we couldn’t stand it anymore we left.”

Justin and John laughingly agreed. After devouring the takeout, John & Brian put the first coat of white paint on his furniture and Justin finished the clouds on Peter’s ceiling while Peter moved his bed frames out of the hall and reassembled the beds in his room.

Later in the master bath Justin saw Brian staring at himself in the mirror.

“Brian, what are you looking at?”

“I am trying to decide who the fuck I have become. How did I become an uncle who helps a teenager paint his bedroom furniture? Furniture that is being painted at the request of my sort of mother in law.”

Justin laughed. “Don’t worry it will be our little secret. I am surprised you know so much about painting furniture, you are full of surprises.”

“Sunshine, I learned everything I know from asking Charlie, he was a font of information.”

“I wondered where that skill had been hiding. Come to bed now and I’ll reintroduce you to hot stud that I first fell in love with.”

A smiling Brian let himself be led to their bed.


The next morning Brian & Justin got an email from Ted letting them know there were no issues on the Bloom building title search. Ted had the financing in place so he had arranged the closings on the building and the gallery for Friday morning at Kinnetik’s office.

Justin had just finished reading the email when he got a phone call from Kathy Sacks.

“Hi Justin. I hear the meeting with Claire and her sons didn’t go so well yesterday. My supervisor got a call from a sobbing Claire this morning saying you disrupted the meeting.”

Justin sighed. “Not exactly an accurate report but it wasn’t a good meeting. John and Peter are pretty horrified at the prospect of living with their grandmother. They are also disappointed that their mother only wants to talk about what a hard time she has been going through without acknowledging what John and Peter suffered.”

“That’s why I’m calling. We need to be sure we have everything we need to protect John and Peter. No one here believes that living in that house is in their best interest.”

“So what do we need to do?”

“First I need to know if you and Brian are doing okay dealing with your nephews living with you.”

“Actually it had gone really well so far, better than we expected. I think the boys are happy here as well.”

“We need to have someone interview the boys about the meeting yesterday. We’d like to have someone come over from our Washington County tomorrow morning.”

“Sorry Kathy, that won’t work. Tomorrow is the first day of Peter’s summer program. John starts soccer practice on Wednesday.”

“Let me see if I can get someone to come out and meet with them today. Would that be okay?”

Justin agreed and went back to work on finishing his murals. A short time later Kathy called back to ask if he could take John & Peter to the Family Services office for their interview.

“When did they want us to come?”

“Could you be there within the hour?”

Justin made an exasperated noise but agreed.

John & Peter were just finishing breakfast when Justin went downstairs and let them know to get ready to head to the Family Services office.


When they got to the office John & Peter said they preferred to meet together with the case worker. They followed her into a conference room while Justin sat in the lobby with his art magazine.

“Hello John and Peter. I am Anna Simons. I appreciate you coming in today. I would like to discuss your meeting yesterday with your mother. She called our Pittsburgh office today to let us know she did not think the meeting went well.”

John snorted. “All my mother wants to do is complain about what a hard time she is having and how nothing that happened is her fault.”

Anna looked up from the pad where she was taking notes. “What would you like your mother to talk about with you?”

Peter answered. “We would like Mom to acknowledge how hard the last year has been on John and me. She completely ignored us the last six months we lived in Paul’s house. Hardly any food, no money, no interest in anything we were doing, it was horrible. Now she acts like taking drugs gives her a free pass.”

John nodded. “She has never been mother of the year; even when we lived in our own house she was often out late at night and we had lots of breakfasts with men we never met before. She always complained about grandmother and said we should be glad that we never had to live with her. Now she acts like we should be thrilled to share a tiny bedroom in grandmother’s house.”

Anna leaned back in her chair. “Your mother said that Mr Taylor interfered in your interactions with her and made you leave before you had much of a visit. She complained that having him there made the visit between you and her very awkward.”

John and Peter both shook their heads as John spoke up. “Grandmother made everything awkward from the beginning. She tried to make Uncle Justin leave us there without him. We all knew that it was supposed to be a supervised visit.”

Peter added to his brother’s remarks. “Grandmother said we had to come and live with Mom at her house because staying with Uncle Brian and Uncle Justin would corrupt us. She seemed really upset that we call Uncle Justin’s mother Grandmom Jen and that she took us out for the day. Grandmom Jen has taken more interest in us than our grandmother ever did.”

Anna did not seem surprised. “Do you feel uncomfortable living with two gay men or do you feel any pressure on you to behave in ways that are not comfortable for you?”

Both John and Peter looked surprised. John spoke up first. “The uncles have been great. Mr and Mrs Simpson have been really nice to us. Even Uncle Justin’s mother has been really nice to us. She checked on summer programs for us and got us signed up. There was no reason to do that except she was being kind.”

Peter again added his opinions. “We have clean rooms to sleep in, plenty of food to eat, both Uncle Brian and Uncle Justin talk to us and seem to be interested in what we have to say. Uncle Justin just painted clouds on the ceiling of my room because I said that was something I always wanted to have. Uncle Brian is helping John paint the furniture in his bedroom so it will look better. Grandmom Jen and her boyfriend are going to come and assemble some furniture for our rooms. Our Mom and Grandmother never did anything like that for us, never in my whole life has anyone been this nice to me.”

John had more to add. “Uncle Brian and Uncle Justin seem to be really in love with each other. Sometimes when they kiss it make us a little embarrassed but neither of us feels like they are trying to make us do anything we don’t want to do. They are fixated on each other not us.”

Anna smiled. “It sounds like you are both happy living with your uncles. Do you see a time when you would like to go back and live with your mother?”

John and Peter looked at each other before John answered for them. “Mom would have to acknowledge how badly she treated us and we would have to be able to have our own place to live. We never want to have to live with grandmother.”

Anna thanked them for being honest and asked if they had any questions.

Peter asked the question they both wanted the answer to. “Are we going to have to live at Grandmother’s house with Mom?"

Anna shook her head. “I cannot see a time when this department would recommend that happening. If something changed and Mr Kinney and Mr Taylor could no longer continue custody we would have to re-examine our options.”

The boys didn’t have any more questions for Anna. She went out with them to the lobby and thanked Justin for bringing them in to the office on such short notice.

On the ride home the nephews told Justin about their meeting and what Anna had to say. When they got home Justin sent Brian an email to bring him up to date.

John and Peter put a second coat of paint on John’s bedroom furniture before heading out to the pool.


After dinner Brian headed upstairs to check out the paint job John & Peter had done on the bedroom furniture. John followed him up.

“This looks good. You and your brother did a great job on the second coat. I have an easy day tomorrow. I’ll try and get home early and we can get the first coat of polyurethane on the furniture.”

“Uhm, that’d be great Uncle Brian.”

“I guess you’re anxious to be back into your own bedroom and not share with your brother.”

“Yeah, well we’re used to sharing so that was okay… it will be good to have my own room again. I appreciate you helping with all this… I know you’re really busy and well thanks.”

“Just ask me kiddo?” “Ask you what?”

“Whatever it is you are trying to work up the nerve to ask me.”

John looked down at the floor still uncomfortable. “Kiddo, I told you before you can ask me anything you want. If I don’t think it is a pertinent question I’ll tell you but I won’t get angry.”

John looked up and blurted out his question. “How long are you and Uncle Justin willing to let us stay here?”

“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that. It isn’t something that Justin and I have really discussed. We knew that it would take months rather than days or weeks for your mother to get her life together.”

“The thing is Uncle Brian we don’t want to have to go and live at Grandmother’s house. We don’t mind sharing a bedroom but that tiny room at Grandmother’s is just too small. We’d be on top of each other all the time. There is nowhere else in that house to go and be alone. In just over three years I will be 18 and then maybe I could get custody of Peter myself but will you let us stay here that long?”

“John, I still have hopes that Claire will get her act together. I can’t see her being able to put up with living with Joan. I know what it is like to live in that house.”

“That’s the problem Uncle Brian, living in that house with Grandmother. All she ever does is find fault with whatever Peter and I do.”

“It really is not Justin and my decision to make but I will tell you that we will try our very best to make sure you never have to move in with Joan. That is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. The good news is that Family Services isn’t in favor of you going there to live.”

“But Uncle Brian, if Mom stays there for a long time, for years, where else do Peter and I have to go.”

“John there is no time limit on how long you live with Justin and me. As I said it is not really our decision to make but we all seem to be getting along so I don’t see us putting you guys out on the street anytime soon. You and your brother can stay here as long as you need.”

John turned away so his uncle couldn’t see the tears of relief in his eyes. Brian came over and out his arm around John’s shoulders.
“Try not to worry John. You are not alone anymore. Uncle Justin and I are on your side.”

John grabbed at Brian and sobbed against his chest. A horrified Brian patted John’s back and wished Justin would appear. He felt sure his partner would know what comforting words or actions would make John feel better. Brian had no idea what to do or say and was grateful when John pulled away and wiped his face.

“You go ahead downstairs Uncle Brian. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Brian went downstairs to the kitchen, gave Justin a look and headed to the study. “I’m just going to check my emails.”

Justin turned to Peter. “You and John have whatever you want for dessert. I have to talk to Uncle Brian.”

When Justin opened the study door he saw that Brian had already poured himself a glass of Beam and was taking a sip.

“Brian. What’s wrong?”

“Oh my god Sunshine! John is really worried about having to move in with Joan. I tried to reassure him and I told him you and I were on his side. Than he grabbed me and cried and cried. I had no fucking idea what to do or say. You know I hate all that emotional stuff. Why couldn’t he cry on you?”

Justin couldn’t help smiling at just how panicked Brian was. “Brian, John feels comfortable with you and that is a good thing. I think he is a little bit too much like you to have too many crying sessions with you. He must have been super upset and will probably be embarrassed.”

“I don’t want him to be embarrassed but god it was awful.” Brian took a big gulp of his drink and sat down.

Justin laughed. “Don’t worry if anyone looks like they are going to cry tonight I will grab them and protect you.”

Brian still didn’t see any humor in the situation. “Thanks for the support Sunshine.”

Justin came over and gave Brian a kiss. “Come on out to the kitchen while I have some dessert. We don’t want John to think you are avoiding him.”

Brian finished his drink and stood up. Justin put his arm around Brian’s waist and they headed back to the kitchen.

John’s attention was focused on his slice of pie. Justin started to talk to Peter about the first day of his summer program. The first thing he was going to learn about was the Heinz factory and on Thursday they would actually tour the factory.

After that they talked about soccer practice starting on Wednesday and eventually John seemed less self-conscious.

The next morning Justin took Peter to his session. When he got home John was sitting in the kitchen. “Hi Uncle Justin, can we talk.”

“Sure John. What’s up?”

“I think maybe Uncle Brian is annoyed with me. I’m sure he told you about me losing it and crying last night.”

“Yes he told me. You have to let that go. Your Uncle Brian does not want you to apologize or even talk about what happened. He will pretend it never happened and you should do the same. It has nothing to do with you. Uncle Brian has a hard time when faced with any emotional outburst. He feels bad that he didn’t do anything to comfort you but that is just who your Uncle Brian is.”

John looked relieved. “So he isn’t mad at me.”

Justin smiled. “NO! Really both Brian and I just want you and Peter to know we are on your side. If you are living here or in the future you are living somewhere else you can always depend on our support.”

“Thanks Uncle Justin. I’m going to go help Charlie weed the vegetable garden.”

Brian came home early and on his way home he picked up Peter. Brian and John put the finish coat on John’s bedroom furniture. Both of them were pleased that they could ignore the previous day’s awkward interaction.

After lunch on Wednesday Justin took John to his first soccer practice. Grandmom Jen was going to pick him up after first collecting Peter so that they could go to Pier One and pick out chairs for their bedrooms.

At Kinnetik Brian was having a good morning. He was just considering what to do about lunch when Carole buzzed him. “Brian your sister is here to see you.”

Brian surprised both women when he answered he would be right out.

He emerged from the office in his casual attire of rust colored cashmere sweater and brown Armani slacks. Brian recognized Claire’s outfit as being one Justin and the boys had purchased for her.

“Hi Claire. I was just going to go for lunch. How about I treat you to lunch at the Liberty Diner. I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve been thinking that we should get together and talk.”

Brian took his sister’s arm and led her out of the building. He kept up small talk as they walked the few blocks to the diner.

Brian was grateful not to see Debbie at the diner. Looked like it was her day off.

Once they were seated in a booth and had ordered Claire asked her brother. “Okay Brian what’s going on? I can’t remember the last time we had a meal together.”

“Well I think we need to talk about John and Peter and their custody.”

“You need to return my sons to me, it isn’t right that you are keeping them from me.”

Brian sighed. “Claire can we keep this conversation based in facts and not melodrama. I have nothing to do with you losing custody of your sons. You lost custody because your sons were living in a house with two drug addicts. In a filthy house where no one was paying much attention to them and in a house where there was no food.”

Claire’s face flushed, Brian wasn’t sure if it was caused by annoyance or embarrassment.

“I’m sure there was something there for them to eat, it just wasn’t what they wanted to eat.”

Brian shook his head. “Claire, the reports from the police and the social worker both state that there was NO food in the house. John has told us that he used the last can of tuna for dinner the night before your OD and the last of the peanut butter and bread for their lunch.”

“It wasn’t my fault, there was nothing I could do about it. Paul wasn’t giving me any money.”

“You are the mother Claire! You need to be responsible for what happens to your children. You had them living with a drug addict and now you want to move them in with our mother. I guess you won’t be responsible for the hell their life will be under Joan Kinney’s thumb.”

“I don’t have any alternative. I will be there to keep mother from being too overbearing, I’ll take care of my sons.”

“Like you took care of them in Paul’s house for the last year?”

Their lunch got delivered before Claire could reply. She concentrated on eating her sandwich for a few moments before replying.

“Mother was very upset that you sent John and Peter to visit with your boy instead of coming yourself. It was awkward to have him there listening to everything we said.”

“Claire, Justin and I have known each other for seven years. I will admit he was a boy when I first met him but he is almost 25 years old now and you are both well aware of his name. I prefer never to go to Joan’s house and since the state requires your visits to be supervised Justin brought the boys to visit you. John and Peter say that their grandmother was the one who made them feel ill at ease.”

“If you don’t want John and Peter and I to live with mother you can well afford to pay for somewhere else for us to live.”

Brian ate some of his salad and stared at his sister before he answered her.

“You know Claire you and I are really the only people in the world who know how horrible it was to have Jack and Joan Kinney as parents and what hell it was to live in that house. We both made plans on how to get away from that hell. My plan was to work hard at school so I could go to college and get a job to earn money so I would never have to live in that house again.

It seems to me that your plan was to wait for some prince charming to ride up on a white horse and rescue you. You thought that Ron Townsend was that prince charming but that didn’t work out. According to your sons there were quite a few other prince charming tryouts along the way. Somehow you thought Paul, the drug addict, is going to solve all your problems. Now, for reasons I cannot begin to understand, you think I am going to bankroll your life.

Claire, the bottom line is that my plan worked and I think you need a new plan. The new plan should involve you doing something instead of sitting around waiting for someone to rescue you. In the meantime I am going to do everything I can to prevent John and Peter having to live in Joan Kinney’s house!”

Claire slid out of the booth. “Fuck you Brian! I am NOT going to let you steal my sons from me you degenerate faggot.”

Perhaps not the wisest thing to say in a diner full of gay people. Claire exited to a chorus of boos, insults and threats.

Brian finished his lunch and headed back to Kinnetik still amazed at how delusional his sister was.

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