Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Sickness & Health, Good Times & Bad

Chapter 21

Cynthia walked into Brian’s office. “I understand we are sponsoring soccer teams now.”

Brian smirked. “We have Mother Taylor to blame for that. She was signing John up for a summer soccer program and they needed a sponsor. Justin told me she told them she had someone who would be the sponsor. Not a possible sponsor but a sure thing.”

“Jennifer sounds likes she knew you wouldn’t cross her.”

“She is just a little scary! But who knows maybe we will get a couple local clients out of it. Our name will be on their jerseys and they publish a “booster book” and our ad is on the inside cover.”

Cynthia laughed; she knew that Brian respected Jennifer and tried his best to stay on her good side.

Carole buzzed Brian to say his mother was on the phone. Cynthia offered to get rid of her but Brian decided to bite the bullet and talk to Joan.

“Hello Mother, not that it isn't always a thrill to hear from you but just what do you want?”

“Brian you probably know that your sister is being released early.”

Yes mother, since I am the one who paid for her rehab stay and also to transport her to Philadelphia and back I am aware that Claire is not completing the rehab program.”

“She will be back tomorrow and is going to stay with me. I have ordered bunk beds for your old room. I think it is best to give Claire a day to get settled so I suggest you bring John & Peter back home on Sunday.”

Brian chuckled. “That is not happening. Anything else you want to discuss?”

“Brian now that their mother is back I think it is best to reunite the boys with Claire as soon as possible.”

“Mother, John and Peter’s custody is determined by Family Services. Claire has some requirements to complete before she can resume custody. I have been told that for now only supervised visits will be allowed between Claire and the boys.”

“That is ridiculous. Those boys need to be with their mother before their morals are completely corrupted.”

“Yes, I can see it would be an advantage for John and Peter to be in the care of their neglectful drug addict mother as soon as possible. She has done such a great job in the past year.”

“Your sister has had issues I understand that but I will be here to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

“Since I think you were a really shitty mother that plan makes no sense to me. My plan is to let Family Services do their job and they will determine when Claire is ready to resume custody.”

“Brian if you are not going to cooperate I want you to know that I plan to see a lawyer about resolving this and getting my grandsons away from you and your boy.”

“Mother, my partner Justin is 25 years old so not really a boy. I hope you have plenty of savings because the first time I get a letter from a lawyer is the last time I deposit any money in your bank account.”

“So now you are stooping to blackmail!”

“Just explaining that if you piss me off; I will not continue your vodka subsidy.”

A click let Brian know his mother had hung up. He sent off a quick email to Kathy Sacks to let her know about his mother’s call and cc’ed Justin.


About an hour after Joan’s call, Peter answered the door at home. Two Washington County Sheriffs stood on the front stoop. They told Peter they had to talk with an adult.

Since Alice had gone to the farm to get some eggs, Peter showed the sheriffs into the parlor and ran upstairs to get Justin from the studio.

While a paint splattered Justin went downstairs, Peter went to John’s bedroom to let him know what was going on.

Justin walked into the parlor. “Hello. I’m Justin Taylor. What can I do for you?”

“We had a phone call saying that two boys were being held here and needed to be returned to their mother.”

“My partner, Brian Kinney, and I have legal custody of his nephews. They are not being held here.”

John & Peter came into the room with worried expressions on their faces. Justin gave them a smile. “John, would you please go to the study and get a copy of the custody papers out of the file cabinet.”

The boys hurried down the hall together. Meanwhile Alice Simpson drove into the driveway and saw the sheriff department car parked there.

Alice stopped her car and hurried into the house. She heard Justin’s voice in the Parlor and headed there. She stepped into the room. “Justin what’s wrong?”

“The sheriff’s department got a call that we are holding John and Peter here, I guess, against their will.”

John arrived back with the copy of the custody papers which Justin gave to the sheriff.

The men looked it over. “This is just a copy, do you have the original?”

Justin shook his head. “That is in a safe deposit box at our bank in Pittsburgh. You can call Kathy Sacks at Family Services and she can assure you that Brian and I have legal custody of the boys.”

“It says here that you and this Kinney are partners. That means you’re gay right.”

Before Justin could say a word. Alice spoke up. “I know you. You’re Mike Fizzano. I’ve know your parents for years. I fail to see what Brian and Justin being gay has to do with this situation. You have a copy of the legal custody papers that is all you need. I know lots of important people in this county and I will call everyone one of them unless you leave now and never some back here with such a lame ass story. Do some research next time you get some bullshit phone call.”

“Ah, Mrs Simpson we were just doing a routine follow up.”

Alice glared at him. “Apologize to Justin for interrupting his painting for no good reason and get the hell out of here before I get really angry.”

Both men mumbled an apology to Justin and left. Alice showed them to the door and slammed it as soon as they were outside.

Justin and the boys were wide eyed when she came back into the living room. “Alice I never heard you raise your voice before or curse. You were pretty awesome.”

Alice was still a little red in the face. “Those homophobic buttheads! I am going to call our county commissioner and give him a piece of my mind. I know his parents too. I have a good mind to call Joan Kinney and give her a piece of my mind. We all know she is the one that made that stupid phone call.”

Justin came over and gave her a hug. “You need to calm down. The bad men have left now.”

John and Peter laughed nervously and Alice turned to them. “You boys go out to my car and bring in the stuff from the back seat.”

They had no desire to make Alice annoyed with them so they hurried to obey.

When they came back inside Justin assured them that this was not a big deal. The sheriff’s department has just overreacted and it had no effect on their custody. Then he went back up to the studio. He wanted the nephews to see that there was no reason not to go back to a normal routine.


Brian had a great presentation that resulted in a new client for Kinnetik. To celebrate he decided to go to the diner for lunch while Cynthia and Ted dealt with the paperwork.

Apparently it was Debbie’s day off since Brian didn’t see or hear her as he slid into an empty booth. He ordered his usual turkey sandwich and unsweetened ice tea. Shortly after he ordered Michael came through the diner door.

Michael spotted Brian immediately but hesitated for a moment before coming over to the booth. “Hey Brian. Mind if I join you?”

Brain shook his head. “Don’t mind at all. Have a seat Mikey. I heard you and Ben are back together, I’m glad.”

“Thanks. I guess you escaped without Boy Wonder today.”

“You know Michael, I’m not sure I ever thought that nickname was funny but I do know that both Justin and I are annoyed by it now.”

Michael flushed with embarrassment. “Sorry. I didn’t mean any harm.”

Brian chuckled. “Maybe someone who hasn’t known you as long as I have would believe that but I call bullshit on not meaning any harm. You have been aware for some time that Justin does not like to be called that. I don’t understand why I can be glad that you and Ben have patched up your relationship but you take every opportunity to try and put down Justin.”

“I don’t think Justin is good for you. He’s made you change who you are. I’m your oldest friend I just want you to be happy.”

The waitress dropped off Brian’s lunch and took Michael’s order, interrupting their conversation.

Brian took a sip of iced tea before relying. “Mikey we have been like brothers but you are mostly blind to what makes me happy. I love Justin and being with him make me very happy. I have changed but I don’t think it is correct to say Justin made me change. I changed because of him but I changed because I wanted to not because he made me.”

Brian ate his sandwich and watched Michael mull over what Brian had just said.

“You were happy being the stud of Liberty Avenue, why would you want to change.”

“Mikey I was self-destructive and kept myself walled off from people so I couldn’t get hurt. I was not really happy.”

“And now living out in the sticks and hardly ever going to Babylon, you are happy?”

“Mikey every morning when I wake up and see Justin next to me I am so happy; I’m always afraid that it might just be a dream because I never thought I could be so happy.”

Michael smiled at his friend but he still could not really believe that Brian was truly happy. It just did not match his image of Brian as the always young, always beautiful stud of Liberty Avenue.

The two old friends chatted while they ate lunch and each hoped that their friendship was back on track.

When Brian returned to Kinnetik carrying takeout containers with lunch for Cynthia & Ted, the paperwork for the new customer was completed, imaged and sent to the customer’s attorney.

Brian was having a great day which continued into the afternoon when he nailed down an appointment with a prospect he had been pursuing for a few weeks. It meant he had to spend a couple days in Atlanta. The good thing about travel was the welcome he got from Justin when he returned home.

Figuring the day could only go downhill Brian left for home about 3 PM.

When he came into the kitchen Alice was on the phone. He gave her a quick wave hello and headed upstairs to change his clothes before heading to the studio.

Justin was excited to see him. He was showing him the almost completed first PPG mural when someone knocked on the studio door. Justin called for them to come in.

Alice came through the door. “Sorry to bother you but I have a couple things I need to tell you.”

Justin turned to Brian. “We had a couple of visitors today.”

Brian looked puzzled. “A couple people from the sheriff’s department came to the house. They had a phone call saying we were holding two boys here.”

Before Brian exploded Alice spoke up. “They had no right to come here like they did and when I got home I let them know they were out of line.”

A wide eyed Brian looked at Justin. “Brian it was really okay. Alice had gone to the farm. Peter answered the door. He came and got me, I showed them our custody papers. They asked if I had the originals and I told them they were in the safe deposit box. That is when Alice came back.”

“Justin is being too kind. Those boys were rude and when they asked if you and Justin were gay I gave them a piece of my mind.”

Brian turned to Justin again. “Brian it’s not like that was the first time someone asked if I was gay.”

Brian turned back to Alice. “You said you had something to tell us.”

“Well Charlie drove over to the sheriff’s office and found out those boys had not really followed procedures. They should have checked a database to see if there were any entries for state cases under your names. Instead since the caller told them you were gay and that the boys were in danger they came over here right away.”

Brian was just barely keeping his temper under control. “I’ll be sure and let our attorney know that before he sends the letter complaining about this situation.”

Alice nodded. “That sounds like a good idea to me. I called our county commission; I’ve known him since he was a boy. With just a little persuasion he told me that the caller was Joan Kinney. That was the name she gave and the phone number the call came from is the one at Joan’s house. I’m sorry to have to tell you that but I doubt you are shocked.”

Justin came over and put his arm around Brian’s waist. “Thanks Alice. We appreciate your loyalty and Charlie’s.”

Alice gave Brian and Justin each a kiss on the cheek and went back down to the kitchen.

“Sunshine how could you not tell me about this visit.”

“Brian I was going to but I didn’t want to hit you with it as soon as you came home. It was really not that big a deal. Those guys were kind of obnoxious but since that was Alice’s first time to see official homophobia it was way more upsetting to her than to me.”

Brian nodded. “You should have called me at the office.”

“And what would that have accomplished? Other than upsetting you. I tried to downplay the whole thing so John and Peter didn’t get too upset.”

“Well I am going to make sure Joan is sorry she made that call.”

Knowing how angry Brian was Justin was concerned about he planned to do. “What are you thinking of doing?”

“I am going to stop her monthly deposit for 2 months. Every time she does something like this I am going to make sure she knows there will be serious consequences.”

Brian picked up the house phone extension and dialed Joan’s number. “Hello mother. I just wanted to let you know that you will not receive any money from me for the next two months. Maybe next time you want to try harassing Justin or me you’ll think about the consequences.”

Brian listened for a few moments. “I know that you made the call to the sheriff’s department.”

He listened again. “Yes I know that Claire living with you will mean you have higher expenses but you have to understand that your actions have consequences. I have no legal obligation to give you money.”

Brian laughed and put down the phone. “She hung up.”

Justin came over and gave Brian a hug. “I love you!”

“I love you too Sunshine. I’m going to go down to the study and email our attorney and Kathy Sacks to let her know what is going on with Joan and Claire.”

He gave Justin a quick kiss and went downstairs.

During dinner Brian and Justin discussed what was happening with Joan and Claire and tried to assure their nephews that they would not be sent back to live with their mother until she had her life in order. The boys were still impressed and amused by Alice taking apart the county sheriffs. She played along warning all 4 of them to be careful not to get on her bad side.

The house phones ring during dinner and Alice answers. She hands the phone to Brian who has a brief conversation before ending the call.

“That was the psychologist for the state. The same one you guys talked to when you were staying at the group house. She wants to come tomorrow to talk with you guys.”

John look annoyed. “Is this the start of going back to Mom?”

Bran smiles. “I think it might be just the opposite. I get the feeling that Family Services wants to have all their bases covered in case Joan and Claire make trouble. I think they want it on record that the psychologist spoke with you and can report that Justin and I have not irreparably screwed you up.”

John & Peter laughed. “So are you saying we should lie?”

Justin shook his head. “All kidding aside. John and Peter you need to take this visit seriously and answer whatever questions the psychologist has for you honestly.”

The boys agreed and Alice told them with a smile that is they didn’t behave they would have to answer to her.

The painters would be working on their bedrooms the next day so their day would get off to an early start.

Brian decided he would work from home so he didn’t miss any of the excitement.

The next morning did start early for Brian and Justin with a long hot shower that included a very satisfying love making session. Brian thought about going back to bed to recover his strength. Instead Justin insisted that Brian get the nephews up while Justin started breakfast.

Just as they finished breakfast the painter arrived with his crew. Justin answered the door. “Justin I’m sorry we couldn’t get here until today but I brought an extra guy so we should be able to get both rooms done today.”

“No Problem. Come on upstairs and we’ll go over what I want done.”

Meanwhile Brian supervised John & Peter’s clean-up of the kitchen before he headed to the study to check his emails.

When Justin came back to the kitchen the boys let him know they were going to check out the pond and the creek. Justin reminded them that the psychologist was due to arrive at 11:30. He headed up to the studio while John & Peter headed out the back door.

A little before 11 o’clock Justin decided to go and get changed out of his paint clothes. His cell rang and he saw Brian’s name in the display. “Hi Bri, I’m just heading over to our room to get changed.”

“Yeah, you can skip that; Dr Austen just arrived.” “Shit”

“Exactly! Any idea where John & Peter might be?” “They were going exploring at the pond and the creek.”

“Did you tell them the good spots to fall into the creek?” “Ha, Ha. I’m headed downstairs.”

When Justin got to the entry hall he say Brian, dressed in comfortable ripped jeans and a black wife beater, standing with a woman neatly dressed in a business suit. Justin had cleaned any paint off his hands but his clothes were still paint splattered.

He extended his hand. “Hi Dr Austen. I’m Justin Taylor. Sorry you have caught us a little off guard. We weren’t expecting you for another half hour.”

Susan Austen smiled. “I know I am early.“

Just than they heard the back door open and Peter and John come in the house arguing about something. The three adults were able to make out the words: “Idiot, shithead & maggot.” Before Alice shushed them and told the psychologist was already here.

Two sweaty, fairly muddy boys came into the entry hall. Justin just shook his head.

Susan Austen just laughed. “I swear I did not plan to come early but it certainly caught you all off guard and that is not a bad thing. Maybe the idiot and maggot can get a little cleaned up while I talk to Mr Kinney and Mr Taylor.”

John & Peter looked sheepish, Brian looked completely amused and Justin exasperated.

Brian led the way into the parlor. He shut the pocket doors to the entry hall and Justin shut the doors to the cross hall.

Brian and Susan sat but Justin remained standing. “I’m not sure I am completely dry so I don’t want to get paint on anything.”

Brian pulled an embarrassed Justin onto his lap. “I’m used to getting paint on me.”

Susan Austen laughed again. “I just wanted to let you know why I am here today and relieve any anxiety you may have about this evaluation. Of course we always visit kids who are in foster care or living with relatives other than their parents. On this case we moved the evaluation forward so that if Mrs Joan Kinney or the boy’s mother decides to try legal means to regain custody we want to have everything we need to evaluate that or to fight it.”

Brian nodded. “I figured that was why you were here. I told the boys that and that there was nothing to be concerned about. We told them just to be honest with you.”

“Great. Do either of you have any questions?” Neither Brian nor Justin had any questions.

Susan wanted to see the boys individually and said she would like to talk to Brian and Justin again after the boys.

John & Peter after being cleaned up by Alice were waiting in the entry hall. Dr Austen asked John to come in and chat with her.

Peter looked at his uncles and how they were dressed. “I guess Mrs Simpson didn’t have a chance to clean you two up.”

Brian swatted Peter on the bottom and Justin just shook his head and headed upstairs. He and Brian changed into clean casual clothes and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Peter was seated at the counter having milk and cookies until John came into the room a couple minutes later and told his brother that Dr Austen was ready for him.

Alice asked him if wanted milk and cookies and when he said he did she got them for him. Brian asked him if they found anything interesting in the creek and John told the about finding tadpoles in various stages of developing into frogs.

When Peter emerged; Brian & Justin went back into the Parlor.

Dr Austen greeted them with a smile as they sat together on a sofa. “I have to commend you. I know John and Peter have only lived here with you a short time but I found two very different boys today than I encountered right after they were placed in foster care.”

Those remarks caused a full watt sunshine smile on Justin’s face. As always if Justin was happy Brian was happy.

Susan continued. “The boys are of course feeling much more secure in a material way. They have gone from being hungry and never having enough money to being indulged by both of you.”

Justin frowned. “I’m not sure I agree that we have indulged John and Peter.”

Susan smiled. “I did not mean that in any negative way. The boys certainly feel indulged but I understand that mainly you have simply provided them with things they needed. I do feel that what you have mainly done is make both boys feel very secure and they both expressed that they feel both of you genuinely care about them. That is huge!”

Brian spoke up. “We have tried to let them know that even when they go to live with Claire that we will still be interested in them and care about them.”

“Both Peter and John said that they had less apprehension about going to live with their mother knowing that they were no longer alone as they were for this past year. Another major change is that John does not feel as responsible for his brother.

He had so many issues in the last year of school because he felt the need to protect Peter both at home from Paul Clark and from bullies at school. That is a lot of responsibility for a young boy. Peter shows more self-confidence and I attribute that largely to you Mr Taylor. He feels a strong bond with you and that does make John feel a little jealous. He has been number one in his brother’s life without any real competition up until now.

It is a good thing for John to realize his brother has other people to rely on but I don’t think he completely understands that fact. John feels more comfortable with Mr Kinney and he believes that Mr Kinney understands him better.”

Brian had listened carefully to everything Susan had to say. “So that all sounds good what do John and Peter not like about being here with us.”

“They are both somewhat embarrassed by displays of affection between the two of you. That does not concern me because I don’t believe it comes from any homophobic feelings. They are not used to being around people who are in a strong partnership and who love each other. I don’t believe they are any more embarrassed by you then they would be by a heterosexual couple showing affection.

Both boys are in fact impressed by your strong partnership and how you look out for each other. Again this is something they have not experienced before. All in all I feel you are doing a great job and my advice is just keep on doing what you have been doing.”

Brain and Justin thanked her and walked her to the door.

When they got to the kitchen Alice, Charlie, John & Peter were all sitting there waiting to hear what they had to say.

Brian looked very serious and said. “Well guys it has been nice having you here, we’ll miss you.”

A horrified Justin gave him a hard smack to the ass. “BRIAN! That is not even a little funny! Dr Austen just said everything seemed good and we should all just keep doing what we have been doing.”

Brian looked suitably chastised at the look that Justin gave him. Alice lightened the moment by announcing. “Well now we know who the maggot really is.”

She softened her words by patting his cheek. Brian tried to put his arm around Justin’s waist but knew he was in serious trouble when his partner stepped away from him.

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