Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
To be prepared for a slap and actually receiving it are two different things. Clive really wasn't sure, but it was almost like his head had spun completely around.

"What was that for?" he asked, appalled.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. Are you mad? You are actually standing there, telling me that you didn't only allow, but you insisted in the impregnation of our daughter with an alien spawn!"

"Fran, get a hold of yourself. I wasn't exactly sure if that was what happened until recently. Can you honestly look at Julius and say ‘alien spawn’?"

Francine looked into the chocolate brown eyes that looked up at her with so much love and trust. She melted, taking Julius in her arms just so she could smell him. There was something about the way he smelled. Sure, it was like all babies, but then there was something else that made it different yet intoxicating. She stilled, holding tighter when she realized that it was alien. She smelled his alieness.

"I suggest you tell me everything. Tell me everything that makes you think he's the Doctor's. Also, tell me why you've kept this a secret."

Clive took a deep breath and sat down beside his wife. He knew she wasn't going to like this story much, and he didn't know in the end who she would feel sorrier for, their daughter or the Doctor himself.

Clive watched impatiently as the Doctor paced back and forth in front of him frantically.

"Doctor, what do you need? He could be coming back any moment, man!" Clive shouted, unable to hide his uneasiness.

"Calm down. If this is really happening, we've got plenty of time for him to come back, discover us, and then kill us while he laughs and jumps around a bit."

"What?" Clive shouted, clearly freaking out.

"Think! Think!" the Doctor shouted to himself as he paced the floor and pulled at his hair and suit, becoming even more disheveled. "We just have to give it to someone for safe keeping. I can just zap into the time stream and zap back."

"Wait, if you can leave here, why not zap us all away?" Clive asked, confused.

"Zap you all away, he says. We could hold hands and I could wish us away. I'm not a teleport! This is a one shot deal, and only I can go. No passengers. Now, to choose my host." He pondered.

Clive nearly jumped into the Doctor’s arms when the doors leading in opened. They both let out a sigh of relief when it was only Tish who entered. She was wearing her maid uniform and she was carrying what looked like a turkey with all it trimmings.

"What's all this?" Clive asked.

"He told me to bring it in to you,” she told them, looking around with wild eyes, “Told me to say congratulations, it's a boy."

"No. No, no, no! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," the Doctor choked out.

Before Clive could ask what he was apologizing for, he grabbed Tish's face and gave it a good lick.

"Doctor!" Tish shrieked, looking both stunned and appalled.

"So sorry. I needed something to trace. Back in a sec." he explained, touching the loom.

Before Tish or her father could ask anything, he vanished in a blink of an eye.

"That doesn’t make it so. He said he needed a trace. He traced Tish. Maybe he gave it to her. The man can control time. You said it yourself. He might bring it to Tish in the future. Besides, he has to be bonded. Isn't that like a marriage?" Francine asked. Clive must have had his wires crossed.

"Well…" Clive sighed, unable to look his wife in the eye.

"Well what? Clive Anderson Jones, stop beating around the bush and tell me this instant!" Francine shouted.

"Did Martha tell you about 1969?"

"Oh, no. Clive, they bonded."

Martha looked at her phone wondering why it hadn't rung. It was getting later and later for her, which meant it was getting earlier and earlier for her mum. She hoped everything was alright with Julius. She was thinking so much right now. They were on their way to face the Lokni. She should be afraid, but she wasn't the least bit. She had the Doctor. Well…Jamie. She had to remember to call him that, but he never corrected her when she didn't. She couldn't believe he actually said marriage. She remembered the last time they had that discussion.


"Married? Did I hear you correctly; did you ask me to marry you? Martha, I'm flattered really, and though I'm quite fond of you, you see there's this...what I mean is...Martha you and I..." He stuttered, clearly flabbergasted.

"Doctor, it wouldn't be real. I know you don't want me. It's your fault I'm stuck here, and it will not be like last time. I will not simply be your property because of the color of my skin. Times have changed. I mean they're not as vast as they are in my time, but a man loving a woman like me isn't unheard of. The people are turning us down as lodgers because they think we're living in sin. That I'm your piece on the side! Well, enough of that! If I have to work in that shop and have people look down to me like I'm dirt, then at least I get to come home to my husband, the Doctor!" she shouted.

"Martha, that wasn't me. I had literally changed my genetic makeup and became a screeching scared human that was afraid of my own shadow. And a bit racist, maybe," he explained, making a face.

"Well then, it's simple. Be the better species and make an honest woman of me. Put a ring on my finger and the next house we approach, we introduce ourselves as Dr. and Mrs. Smith."

"That's the thing, Martha. I can't lie about union. They will pick up on it. We need that connection. We would have to bond."

"Well, come on then. Do what you must. I trust you. Let’s get bonded, because I'm not sleeping another night in the gutter, mister."

"Alright then, off we go," The Doctor shouted cheerfully as he climbed into the van.

"So, Doctor, about the Lokni. How do we stop them?" Martha asked as the other two looked on.

"Well it's simple; they want energy for fuel, we give it to them. One big, massive dose shoved right down their throats."

"Are you talking about sacrificing yourself? Jamie, that's suicide!" Lily added from the driver's seat.

"Doctor, you can't! I've only just got you back!"

"Martha, please, I know what I'm doing. You trust me, don't you?" he asked cautiously. How was this going to work if she didn’t think of him as the Doctor?

"Of course I do, Doctor, with my life," she told him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. They were both totally lost in each other. They didn't notice the rolling eyes of the van's two other occupants.

"Well then, on to the circus! Allons-y!"

"Okay, now that he's down, back to the story. Why would you think it's Martha he went to?" Francine asked as she put a sleeping Julius in his cradle.

"When he came back -- and I mean, it was in a second -- the first word from his mouth was Martha, and then he just collapsed.”

"Then what?" she asked.

"The Master came back, enraged. He said that he could smell the vortex all over the Doctor. He demanded to know what he had done with the baby when he discovered it was gone. He tortured the Doctor for hours, but he had no idea what the Master was talking about."

"What do you mean?"

"The Doctor erased it from his mind. At least that's what the Master said when he entered it. It was horrible. I don't know where you were, there were no women around but he did everything to get out him. The Doctor screamed and begged him to stop. Jack was killed over seven times because he kept trying to reach the Doctor. After hours of torture, he realized the Doctor really didn't know anything. He had erased it from his mind. No one knows what happened in those seconds that he was gone, not even him."

"That poor man. He went through a lot that year to protect us. He really doesn't know?" she asked, unable to believe it.

"No, he took everything the Master could dish out and the Master even went inside his head. He doesn't know. Then, the Master went inside Lucy's head as well, made her think the baby died. She snapped after that, never taking off that damn dress. And then, you know the rest."

"This is horrible!" Francine shouted.

"I told you all of this to finally convince you that the Doctor’s a good man. He didn't force himself on her. If he did this, then their bond is still intact."

"That's not what I mean. He just towed us back here all safe and sound and we have no idea where he is. We don't even know if he's alright. He got back his precious Rose, but what about Martha and Julius? He just--"

"He left to give Martha that happiness that he craved. He thought he was doing the right thing."

"Well, that ends now!" she shouted, grabbing her purse with determination.

"Where are you going, woman? It's six in the morning. We've talked the night away."

"That we did. And if you would have told me this long ago, then I could have fixed it. First, a talk with Tom and then Martha."

"You can't tell them, Francine!"

"Of course not, but it doesn't mean I can't work my magic." She kissed him on the cheek and left before he could object.
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