Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

Chapter added Thurs. 7/26/12


Chapter 44:  Stunned


                  After Brian had gotten back to Leo Brown and concluded his business with him, and then returned and wrapped up those additional calls, he was preparing to head into his last meeting of the day but Cynthia buzzed his intercom just then. 


“Yes, Cynthia?”


“Brian, I just got a call from French Spector’s office.”


“French Spector’s office?”  That amazed Brian that someone from that office would be calling him just then.  “What do you mean, Spector’s office, Cynthia?  Are they calling to speak with Bob are something?  Isn’t Bob Spector’s ass ALREADY in my think tank waiting for me to join him in there?  He has better be, damn it!”


“No, he’s not, Brian.”


“What do you mean he’s not?”


“That was his office on the phone just then.  His assistant informed us that he had to cancel.”


“Like the fuck he had to cancel with such short notice.  I rushed in here from my honeymoon to meet with his damn ass,” Brian blew up furious as he blasted the man for being so unprofessional.  However, he wasn’t half as upset as he let on.  In fact, he was damn glad the man had perfect timing.  He could hurry back home to Justin even earlier now – like right that instant.  Brian’s mannerism then mellowed considerably.


“Cynthia, call his office back and see how soon you can have the meeting rescheduled and let me know.  And, Cynthia, thanks to Bob’s sorry ass, I’m done for the day; and I AM out of here.”


However, Brian had a helluva lot of work to catch up on.  Way back inside his mind, he knew he shouldn’t be leaving work so early BUT WHAT THE FUCK!  There is just somewhere else he’d rather be that moment.  So, he grabbed his briefcase and then went about putting crucial tasks inside it that he would just have to work on them at home while Justin’s sleeping or something.  


Brian figured first he would swing around to his apartment and get some clothes to take back to Justin’s place [home]; and when he gets home, he’d ask his husband how his day went, have a good conversation with him, get him slightly drunk and a little high off weed during dinner, and then fucked him into a coma and while Justin lay spent and stretched out across the bed for the rest of the night, he’d attend to his office work – seemed like the perfect plan!


After Brian filled his briefcase he then looked on his desk to retrieve his cell phone from where he recalled leaving it.  “Fuck!  I can almost swear I left my phone right there on the desk.  I always leave it in that spot,” Brian then started looking all over the place for it… everywhere but inside his briefcase.  He was so sure he hadn’t put it there that the notion didn’t even occur to him to search inside his designer case.


Brian sighed frustratingly then as he got on his desk phone and called the damn cell.  However, a recorded message let him know that he cell was turned off.  “Turned off?” Brian mumbled to himself,  “What the fuck!  I don’t recall turning the damn thing off!”


Brian had been hoping that the ring tone would lead him to his cell and he could locate it that way, but no such luck it seemed.  He then buzzed Cynthia.


“Yes, Brian?”


“Cynthia, my cell’s around here somewhere.  If by chance someone (such as Ted or housekeeping) should find it and drop it off at your desk, keep it for me and give it to me in the morning, but… Fuck…” Brian started to stress when he thought of something.  “Harry,” he mumbled under his tongue when it concerned him that that was the only number he has, and Brian hadn’t retained Harry’s number to memory. 


However, he decided not to panic – he knew of maybe several people, who numbers he does know by heart, whom he could call and probably get Harry’s number from them.  So, Brian just relaxed then.


“Yes, Brian?”


“Umm, nothing, Cynthia.  Just call me immediately at my home number, the moment the phone’s found.  Oh and by the way, I’m moving out of my place today and into husband’s place, so let me give you Justin’s land number.  Brian gave her that, and then he headed on out of his office.   Usually, he locks his office anytime he leaves for the day but he decided to leave it opened that time for Ted and housekeeping.


“Hey,” Brian stopped at Cynthia’s desk on the way out.  “Have a nice evening, Cyn; but I left my office unlock.  Can you instruct Ted and housekeeping to lock it for me at the end of the day.”


“Will do, Boss.  Have a good rest of the day and welcome back.”


“Thanks, Cynthia.”  Brian smiled hearty at her.


Brian then rushed over to the elevator, and when it arrived, he got on it and it took him down to the lobby; and when the elevator opened to let him out:  Wow!  Someone had accosted him at the elevator and bestowed on his a hug and kiss that was so powerful and forceful that it nearly knocked Kinnetic Enterprise’s CEO off his steady feet.  Brian was caught completely off guard and absolutely STUNNED!




                  “Wow!”  Michael looked over at Justin’s very long hair and commented.  “It is REALLY LONG.”


“It haven’t been trimmed in two weeks, Michael, what do you expect it might look like but what’s your excuse?  Your hair looks like shit… even worse than mine.  It even looks matted.  Never mind a trim, when was the last time you washed and ran a comb through it?  I have a legitimate excuse for my long goldilocks, but where’ve you been that you haven’t been able to have anything done to your hair?  Eck!  And it smells.”


“I’ve just been busy with my new position at Kinnetic and I guess I just let myself go a little bit.”


“Yeah, I guess when a person don’t have a lover in his life he can really let himself go… huh?  I can see you gained a pound or two as well, since I last saw you.  Why don’t you find yourself a man of your own, Michael, and finally leave other persons’ husbands alone.  It could work wonders for you, you know.”  It wasn’t a question but more of an order.


“Next,” the barber called; and the man who was sitting to Justin’s right and who had arrived just before him got up to get his cut while Justin and Michael remained sitting.


“So?  How was the honeymoon?  Where did Brian and you go?”


“Huh, Michael?  What do you care about Brian and mine honeymoon or where we went?”


“Hey!  I was only asking and trying to be sociable.  At least I wasn’t insulting you like you just did me.  Justin.”


“I don’t think you are ever just asking… fishing for information you can manipulate somehow is more like it, Michael; and you’ve never cared to socialize with me ever before in the past… what could possibly be different now.  And, what are you doing here at the barbershop at this hour anyway?  Shouldn’t you be at work?  And, you just ogling my husband, the way that you do all the time … is insulting in itself.”


“Oh, so what, Justin?  You think just because you are the boss’s wife you can hound Brian’s employees?  I don’t think his royal majesty would appreciate his fair maiden interfering with his loyal subjects and meddling in his business affairs.  And, I don’t have to answer to you as to why I’m not at work right this instant!”


“Loyal, Michael?  I don’t think there’s a loyal bone in your body when it comes to Brian.  Do I need to remind you how when Brian and you were a couple and you cheated on him with that con artist David Cameron?  How faithful was his loyal subject being to his King then?”


“There’s a lot about that situation you know nothing about, Justin.”


“I know enough about it; but, I’m sure there’s a lot about that situation I don’t want to know anything about.”


“And, you’re one to talk.  How loyal were you being when you filed for divorce and sued the virtual pants off Brian? 


“You sued him too, Michael.”


“And, boy do I regret that now.  If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn’t have.  Can you say the same thing, Justin?  Of course not!  You got far more of Brian’s wealth than I did.   No way would you ever part with all that dough.”


Justin had a difficult time refraining from smirking just then but he composed himself though as he thought:  IF MICHAEL ONLY KNEW, HOW WRONG HE IS!  And, that reminded him that he has better remind Brian that he needs to take some time off work so that he could come with him and they make those joint accounts.


“And, what’s your angle this time around, anyway?  I know that somehow you managed to manipulate Brian into marrying you this second time.  But I just don’t get it.  I can’t believe Brian’s stupid enough to fall for your bullshit two times in a row?  I’m sure he must have at least had enough sense this time to have a prenuptial drawn up?”


“That’s none of your business, Michael.  And, when are you going to finally move on?  Brian and you haven’t been a couple in almost a decade.  But you’ve been pining over him ever since you were twelve… what are you now… you’re what… thirty… thirty-one… or something.  That’s more than eighteen years of waiting.  That’s pretty pathetic.  So, when are you going to get on with your life?  When are you going to finally get it through that empty pea-brain of yours that Brian just doesn’t love you?  He’s my husband… not yours, Michael.  He’s never been married to you; and he never will be.”


Michael panted heavily just then; and Justin realized he might have made him upset and angrier that time than any time ever before.   He almost felt like saying he was sorry but he knew he mustn’t, because regardless of how firm he was with Michael just then, he didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, or anything that probably didn’t need to be said.


It grew very quiet and intense between the men as they sat quietly and waited for their turn in the barber’s chair.


At some point Justin looked over across the street at the Kinnetic Building and he smiled when he saw one of the elevators open and his husband stepped out.  Michael noticed the dazzling smile on Justin’s face and he looked in the same direction as he, but Michael only looked even more solemn when he saw Brian come out of the elevator.  


However, in less than a mere second, it seemed those two men had instantaneously swapped countenances.  Suddenly Justin was the one frowning and Michael was now the one with the magnificent grin stretched across his lips. 


“What the…?” Justin’s eyes bulged forward as he looked completely stunned as he watched a man race up to husband and even from that distance he could see the man was quite handsome; and the moment Brian had walked out into the lobby, they tightly embraced and kissed passionately on the mouth.


Michael looked totally happy when he saw the two men smooching; and he was filled with even more immense pleasurable joy when he noted the crushed expression on Justin’s face.  That live portrait of the dismay painted across the artist’s face was for any rival artist’s canvas to die for! 


“Are you okay, Justin?”  Michael smirked and he only asked just solely for the purpose of being spiteful. 


“Fuck you!”  Justin spat without looking away from Brian and the other man; and Michael couldn’t tell rather that venom was directed at him or the two men across the street that were hugged up with their lips locked together.  However, he could care less.


“Hey!  It might not seem so, Justin, but I am sincerely concerned for you.  Are you okay?”  Michael echoed.


“What the fuck do you think, Michael!” Justin scoffed him but he didn’t look at him.  He still kept his eyes engaged on Brian and that man.  “How the hell do you think I should feel while watching my husband and another man hugging and kissing all over each other like that, especially when Brian and mine marriage is only two weeks old, damned it!  The ink on our marriage certificate is barely dry.”


“Yeah, and I guess it doesn’t help when it’s one of the ex boyfriends… first boyfriend at that…huh?”  Michael wasn’t the least bit sympathetic and Justin could tell that by the mockery in his voice.  “Well, it looks like we both lose out, Justin; and to Brian’s first love at that.”


“So, that is he, Michael… Brian’s first boyfriend… Harry?  You for one would know exactly what Harry looks like?”


“Huh?”  Michael looked almost as stunned as Justin just then; and he wondered why Justin had kept referring to Brian’s ex as Harry instead of his rightful name Cary.


“Yeah, that Brian’s first boyfriend but…” he started to tell Justin that his name was Cary and not Harry but he hesitated and he thought he put his suspicion to the test and watch Justin’s reaction.  “Yeah, that’s him.  That’s Harry, alright.”


“Fuck,” Justin mumbled to himself, “I knew it,” and Michael watched as tears formed in the corner of Justin’s eyes just then.  And, Justin kind of thought that maybe Daphne was right when she said if Brian’s having an affair he’s a fool to think he’s not fucking the guy.  He just can’t imagine them kissing like that if they aren’t having sex together.  But he hated thinking that Brian could just lie so coldheartedly and deliberately to him like that.  His husband had seemed so sincere to him this morning when he told him that he hadn’t and wouldn’t fuck anyone else as long at they stay married.


“Sorry, Brian’s cheating on you with his ex-boyfriend, HARRY,” once more Michael put extra stress on the name.  “I always figured that flame hadn’t completely flickered out.  It seem there was always some glimmer left burning there and those two hadn’t really resolved their issues.”


“Fuck you, Michael.  Would you just shut the fuck up… will you!”


“Hey!  I’m not the one getting fucked, Justin.  But I’m sure Harry is though by Brian and vice versa,” he couldn’t hold back the giggle.  “I recall Brian telling me that his first boyfriend Harry was the best sex he ever had and he told me that AFTER he met you Justin.”


Justin looked away from the window and looked at Michael for the first time then.


“We all know how Brian loves GREAT sex… don’t we?”  Michael taunted.


Justin was too upset and feeling so ripped inside too even give Michael the usual spunk he usually toss his way.


“I sympathize with you, Justin, though.  I know exactly what you’re going through; and so would Brian’s second boyfriend Dan know.  This is exactly what I meant earlier when I said that there is just some things you know absolutely nothing about that had influenced me to cheat on Brian all those years ago.”


Michael then paused just to watch and see if there would be a sudden change in Justin’s demeanor just then, but if there was it was so small he could barely detect it.  So Michael continued with his insensitive banter.  “Brian cheated on Dan and me with Harry as well.  I don’t think he can help himself when it comes to Harry.”


“You’re lying,” Justin finally said something.  “Brian’s no cheat.”


“Oh no!  Are you deaf, dumb and completely blind?  You just watched that passionate kiss between Brian and his ex.  Are your own eyes going to deny you the truth?  I just saw it too, Justin.  And, it’s not the first time I saw it.  It happened just like that when I used to be with Brian.  I saw them kissing and hugged up in public; and one evening I actually discovered Brian and Harry inside Brian and mine bed together.  It was terribly upsetting because Harry was the one on top with his dick inserted inside Brian, and I knew how much Brian hates being the bottom.  Has that changed any, Justin?  I ask because Brian was JUST LOVING IT THAT NIGHT!”


“You are so lying, Michael.  It was you who cheated on Brian with that guy David Cameron.  He never cheated on you.”


“Oh, and why do you think I betrayed Brian like I did, Justin?  I did it because he had cheated on me first.”


“If that is so; and Brian’s such a cheat like you claim, then why do you want Brian back?”


“Because I love him and so much that I’m willing to put up with just that one flaw of his.  All Harry is to Brian is a good roll in the sack.  He’ll never be inside a relationship with him again.  It just occasionally when those two run into each other it’s hard for them to keep their hands, mouths and dicks off one another. 


“I guess you know,” Michael continued, “that Harry was Brian’s first boyfriend but did you also know that Brian was Harry’s first boyfriend as well?  But it’s always short lived because when it really comes right down to it they hate each other’s fucking guts.  So, regardless how great the sex is, they eventually go their separate ways.  So, my advice to you, Justin, is to just look the other way, Harry will be gone quicker than you can blink an eye.   However, while he’s in town, Brian and Harry WILL fuck.”


“Shut up, Michael.”


“Hey!” Michael informed Justin.  “That guy’s finished now and the barber’s chair is finally available again.  Looks like it’s your turn in the barber’s chair… or should I say the hot seat.”


“Next,” Justin heard the barber say and he was looking directly at Justin.


“Well, Justin?”  Michael asked sharply, “Are you taking the chair or should I?”


“Fuck you,” Justin said and then he walked over and sat down in the barber’s chair and looked back at the Kinnetic Building and his husband and the man was no longer at the elevators.  Instead, he scanned the lobby and located them now seated inside one of the fine dining restaurants inside the building that his husband owns.  They appeared to be having a good time smiling and conversing lively with each other.  And, Justin watched as a hostess gave them their menu and they sat perusing them.


Justin felt like he was watching, through a fiery glass, his entire world crumbling in front of him, while Michael gloated as he looked on at the same scene and continued to rat on and on, milking it for all he could.




                  “Hey!”  The barber must of tried for what seemed like the millionth time to get Justin’s attention.


“Huh?”  Justin finally yanked out of his trance.


“The cut is done.  Anything else you need?”  The barber asked.


“No.  That’s it.  How much do I owe you?”  Justin asked while ascending from the chair and was retrieving his wallet from his pants. 


The barber quoted the price of the haircut and Justin paid him and just then his phone rang. It was his grandmother calling to let him know that she and his grandfather were ready for him to pick them up.


“Sure, grandma.  I’ll be right there,” Justin solemnly told her.   He took just one more long glance at Brian and Cary [whom he believed was Harry the same man that had been constantly calling Brian].  And he watched as Brian and Cary sat inside the restaurant.


“Have a good day, Mr. Taylor-Kinney,” Michael nastily mocked as he sat in the same barber’s chair that Justin just abandoned.  “Oh, by the way – swell hair cut.  I’m sure your new hubby Brian would love that style on you.  And, Justin, did I ever congratulate you on your second marriage.  Well, congrats, Justin… and best wishes.  But heed my advice, if you want to stay married to Brian, you’ve better be sure to look the other way.  I’m telling you, Justin, it’s just a fleeting thing… that affair will be over before you even know it.”


Justin, with his aching heart shattered in a million little pieces, hurried out the door and looked over across the street at his husband and the other man again, and he swallowed deep as he shook his head worrisomely and then he got in his car and drove back to the doctor’s office to pick up his grandparents.

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