Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Both brothers jumped at the unexpected, booming sound they recognized as a shotgun, watching in shock as the man who had just been pointing a revolver at Jared - and had threatened to kill Justin along with him - suddenly crumpled to the ground in a heap, his face frozen in an expression of profound surprise.  The gun fell from his now useless fingers as he lay there on his back, his legs folded underneath him, and his unfocused eyes staring up into the moonlit, star-laden sky.  They heard a few raspy breaths come from the man's chest before the sound ceased, signaling that McComb was apparently dead.


"Holy..."  Jared's mouth hung open in stunned disbelief.  Both he and Justin's hearts were beating furiously over their narrow escape from death as they looked around for the source of the shot.  It had echoed so much that they weren't sure where it had originated, but they were extremely grateful.  "What...what the hell happened?" Jared managed to ask breathlessly as Justin shook his head in response.


"I...I don't know," he whispered, peering down at McComb's body.  Just then, the back door swung open and their father charged out, and they instantly had their answer:  he was still clutching the 22 in his hands as he hurried over to the stranger now lying on the stone walkway leading from the gate to the back door.  He hadn't known for sure who the man was; but when he had heard voices from below his and Jennifer's bedroom window - and had seen him threatening his sons with imminent danger - he had acted instinctively, grabbing the shotgun from underneath the bed and immediately firing a shot at the man through the open window as soon as he knew Justin was out of harm's way. 


Kicking the revolver further away from the man to make sure his sons were completely out of danger now, he uncocked the weapon and placed the shotgun on the ground a few feet away.  "Are you two all right?" he asked them, his own heart thudding frantically against his chest.  He had never thought he would have to use his past experience at skeet shooting for this sort of use - disliking hunting, the activity his father-in-law had mainly used the gun for - but he silently thanked God that he had acquired that particular hobby when he and Jen had been younger. He was also grateful that he had proven to be good at it, or when he most needed to have an accurate aim, he wouldn't have been successful.   He somehow knew he would only have one chance to save his sons - and one chance had been all it had taken.  He noticed Justin just standing there ashen-faced as Jared walked over to them.  "Justin?" Craig called out quietly to his son with mounting concern as he peered at both of them.  "You okay?  Your mom's on the phone, calling 911 to tell Billy to get back out here." 


Jared nodded grimly, his heart still beating fast from their brush with death.  "Dad...it was McComb," he told his father as Craig nodded.


"I suspected as much," he told him as he peered down at the lifeless body. "Well...he won't hurt either of you anymore."  He creased his brow with worry as Justin continued to stand there motionless.  "Justin? Son, say something.  You're all right now."  He wondered if his youngest son was going into shock.


Justin swallowed hard.  The tumble from his horse had been nothing compared to this.  He trembled at the thought of how close he and his brother had come to being killed.  How could anyone be so ruthless as to snuff out two lives merely for the sake of money and greed?  But the man had already killed someone else - Dale - so he really shouldn't have been surprised.  He looked from McComb and then back over at his father, realizing he had saved his and Jared's lives.  "Dad..." he finally spoke at last.  "He...he..." He couldn't say anything else; he was too shaken up.  His father pulled him into an embrace and hugged him tightly, feeling his younger son trembling in his arms. 


"Shh...It's okay now.  You're going to be just fine," he whispered, his arms holding him securely.  It had been a long time since he had held Justin this way - he had been a pre-teen at the time, and had just witnessed the stillborn birth of a foal, which had upset him greatly - but he knew his son needed his comfort at the moment; both of them.  He continued to hug his son, until at last they pulled slightly apart; Craig kept one hand on his son's shoulder as he extended his other hand out toward his oldest son.  He knew despite Jared's air of being impervious to everything, below the surface there still existed a young man who needed reassurance.  He watched his son hesitate for a moment before he walked closer to him and allowed himself to be pulled against his father's body.  Craig held both sons tightly against him as he silently thanked God for sparing both of them, and for being in the right place at the right time.  For as long as he lived, he vowed no one would hurt his sons. 



Five Minutes Earlier - Walker Farm


Brian's eyes flew open as a gunshot sounded and he heard what appeared to be Solomon barking a few seconds later, his heart thumping madly in his chest in response to the sound.  What the hell?  He immediately bolted upright from the bed, all kinds of horrifying thoughts rushing through his head, as he hurried to grab whatever jeans and shirt he could find and, taking just long enough to slide his feet into his sneakers nearby, he was out his bedroom door and rushing down the steps helter-skelter within seconds, unmindful of possibly awakening his aunt and uncle.  A couple of seconds later, the back door slammed behind him and he was running at a full sprint toward Windswept Farm, his mind only on one thing:  getting to Justin as soon as he could to make sure the boy he loved so deeply was unharmed.


"Brian!" He heard his uncle calling him a few seconds later from his upstairs window - no doubt having heard him rushing outside - but he didn't even acknowledge his presence.  He felt like his lungs were about to explode in his chest as he continued to run toward the white farmhouse now coming closer and closer to him.  He thought he could make out figures standing near the back gate as he approached, his eyes squinting to try and make out who they were.  Was one of them Justin?  He wasn't ashamed to admit that at the moment he was the only one on his mind.   


"Justin!" he shouted frantically as he neared the farmhouse, his arms pumping rapidly back and forth as he continued to head toward the Taylor's back gate.  He had never run so fast in his life - not even during high school track - but he had never had such a vital reason, either.  "Justin!" he urgently called out the younger boy's name again.


"He's okay," Brian heard someone reply at last, recognizing Craig's voice clearly in the nighttime quiet. There was someone else lying on the ground next to them, still and lifeless...but he could tell it wasn't Justin.  He let out the breath he had been holding in as he finally got close enough to recognize Craig standing next to Justin and Jared, his arms around both boys. 


It seemed at that moment that Justin suddenly woke up from an extended sleep, as he pulled away from his father's side to rush toward Brian.  "Brian!" he shouted at him, running through the open gate to crash into the other boy's body. Brian wrapped him tightly against his taller frame, and slid his arms around Justin's back to hold him close as Justin did the same, seeking the warmth and familiar touch of his lover. Brian could feel Justin's heart thumping against his chest, and the slender body shaking in his arms, indicating to him how upset he was. But that also meant that Justin was alive.  He was alive.


Craig watched the interplay between the two boys, unsurprised by how tightly his son was holding onto the Walkers' nephew.  He felt just a temporary twinge of what could have been jealousy before he realized this other boy was what Justin needed right now.  He turned to peer at his older son as he released him, keeping a light touch on Jared's upper arm as if to anchor them together.  "Are you okay?" he asked him. 


Jared let out a deep breath before nodding, glancing over at his younger brother and Kinney, who were still holding each other.  "Yeah," he told his father shakily, still trying to come to terms with what had just happened.  It was almost as if he had been watching a suspense movie - except that he knew this had been all too real. "Yeah, I'm okay...now."  He licked his dry lips to wet them and studied the shotgun lying nearby on the ground before turning his attention back to his father.  "How...how did you know?"


Still in each other's arms, Brian and Justin turned their faces to stare over at Justin's father as he explained, "You know how hot it can get in the house during the night when it stays muggy.  Your mom and I had the windows up to let some air into the room, so it wasn't hard to hear you talking right below us."  He carded his fingers through his sleep-tousled hair as he added, "I just never thought I'd wind up doing what I did."  He had never hurt anyone physically; let alone killed someone, not even an animal in a hunt. But this man had given him no choice, and he had acted instantly without really thinking. 


"Justin! Jared!" Jennifer called out to them, as she hurriedly opened up the screen door coming from the kitchen and ran out to them.  "Oh, my God!" she cried out in horror, as she looked down at the man lying on the ground nearby, a small puddle of blood surrounding him as his eyes stared straight ahead, seeing nothing.  She rushed over to Jared, who, despite his age, threw himself into his mother's arms. Finally feeling secure enough, the tears began to fall freely with no move or pretense to appear stoic.  "Mom...Mom...he was going to kill me!" 


Jennifer rocked her son gently back and forth in her arms, her hands making light up-and-down movements on Jared's back, just like she used to comfort him when he was a child.  "It's okay," he told him softly.  "Everything's going to be okay."  She glanced over at Justin, who was currently being held by Brian, and knew he, too, was seeking comfort.  Oddly enough, it didn't bother her that it was Brian he had gravitated to; at that moment, she just felt extreme gratitude that both her sons were all right, and that Craig had had the presence of mind to grab her father's shotgun out from under the bed and shoot the bastard.  "Justin, are you all right, Honey?" she asked her other son.  She watched him lift his head from where he had it tucked under Brian's chin, and silently nod before burrowing back deeper into the older boy's embrace.  She looked over at Craig to inform him, "The sheriff's on his way," as her husband nodded.


"Brian!"  Brian turned his head slightly at the sound of his uncle's voice, observing his aunt and uncle hurrying towards their group.  Will took one look at the scene several feet away - including the body lying on the ground - and immediately held his wife back from proceeding any further.  "Sarah...that is far enough." 


"Will, let me see..."  She insisted, aggravated that he was treating her like some delicate flower, and not understanding why she couldn't go any further; it was then that she noticed the body crumpled on the ground between the back gate and the Taylors' door.  "Dear God!" she gasped, clamping her right hand over her mouth in horror as she pulled up short and stood there in shock.  "What...He..."


"I shot him," Craig explained flatly.  "He was threatening my sons."  His jaw clenched in anger as he added, "Billy's men did a damn poor job of protecting them." 


Sarah's mouth opened into an ‘o' shape of disbelief and repulsion as she struggled to speak. "This is the man who...?" she began to say, but as she looked down at the body of the dark-haired stranger - the man who she sensed was the one responsible for her son's death - she couldn't finish. 


"Yeah," Craig answered her unspoken question.  "It's McComb, all right."  Impulsively he reached out with his boot and lightly kicked the man's leg to make sure he wouldn't somehow come back to life, satisfied when the man remained motionless. "Well, at least he's not going to do anymore harm to anyone ever again.  And I hope he rots in hell where he belongs!"  He peered first at Jared and then Justin as he stated in a quieter tone, "Billy's going to need to talk to both of you about what happened. But there's no reason why you need to stay out here in the meantime. Why don't you both come in the house while we wait for him?  You, too, Jen. And Sarah...you're welcome as well."  He figured Will could handle staying outside, although by the look on the man's face, he wasn't convinced that Will wouldn't pick his father-in-law's shotgun up and riddle McComb's body with more bullets, just to obtain some satisfaction of his own.  If he did, he couldn't say that he would blame him.


"Will..." Sarah clutched her husband's arm, averting her gaze from the man lying nearby.  She couldn't stand to see him, not only because of his present state, but also because she didn't want to look at the man who had been responsible for killing their son.


"Go on, Missy," her husband told her quietly.  "Craig and I will stay here until Billy arrives. I think the danger is over now." But his wife remained by his side, her eyes wide with concern.  "I'm okay, Sarah," he assured her, his eyes softening.  "Go now."


She hesitated until finally she nodded, turning to head toward the house with Jennifer following along behind her.  The boys, however, remained where they were as if they were shellshocked, the enormity of what had happened finally beginning to sink in.


"Jared...Justin...it's all right. Go on in with your mom."  This time, there was no indecision regarding whether or no Jared would be allowed back in the house; at that moment, the family's troubles where quite trivial and unimportant compared to what was going on now. 




"No, Honey," Jennifer replied in response to Jared's voice as she stopped to stand next to him.  She squeezed his shoulder.  "Come in the house with me."  Her son seemed a little calmer now, but she knew he was shaken up inside. Anyone would be after having such a close brush with death, she thought.  "Jared," she firmly called out his name; it was the voice she always used when she wouldn't take no for an answer.  This was her child, her flesh and blood.  Just like her husband, she wanted to protect both her boys. "Come inside," she softly repeated.


Jared let out a tense breath before he finally nodded; Jennifer slid her arm around his waist as she looked over at her youngest son.  Justin was still standing next to Brian, who had his arm around his shoulders as they stood side by side, their bodies lightly touching.  She knew that Justin was deriving a great deal of security from the other boy, and she strongly suspected he would not want to leave him.  "Brian...Justin?" she called over to them.  "Come in the house with us. Please." 


Just as she suspected, Justin peered up into Brian's eyes, seeking confirmation that he would remain with him.  "I'm not going anywhere," Brian told him firmly.  They would have to physically pry him away from Justin to separate them.  


"In a minute, Mom," Justin responded. She paused for a moment before finally nodding, turning to head into the house. 




Jared turned to face his brother with a quizzical expression on his face.  "Yeah?"


"Could I...talk to you for a minute?"


Jared turned to look at his mother, who nodded silently in agreement, before he stopped and headed back down the steps; this time over to the old oak tree that was situated several feet away from McComb's body.  He paused there near his brother, facing him and feeling surprised to realize he actually felt nervous for some reason as he brushed some hair back from his forehead.  "I'm...glad that you're okay," he finally told his brother softly before Justin could say anything. And he meant it.  Whether or not he could convince Justin of that, though, remained to be seen. 


Justin nodded, Brian's arm lightly resting around his shoulders as if to support him.  Jared had noticed the older boy had practically been glued to him ever since he had rushed over from the Walkers' farm.  "Me, too," Justin responded.


Jared nodded.  "You...You probably saved my life," he told him.  "If you hadn't stalled him when you did...and if you hadn't refused to take him to me, I would probably be dead right now."  He paused before half-smiling.  "And you were pretty fucking amazing before, when you stepped on his foot, and he let you go.  If you hadn't gotten away from him, Dad would have never shot him, because he would have been afraid of hurting you.  And nothing would have stopped that bastard from carrying out his plans."  He shuddered as he realized how close he had come to being a dead man.  "Thank you, Justin," he whispered hoarsely, suddenly choked up with emotion.  It was surprising how much life flashed before your eyes when you were staring straight down the barrel of a gun that was aimed at you. 


Justin felt inexplicably embarrassed; after all, it wasn't every day you saved someone's life, not that he had really done that. But it had provided their father with just enough time to get off one, accurate, life-or-death shot.  "It was Dad who did that," he murmured back at him.


Jared studied his younger brother for a few moments, wondering when he had suddenly grown up so much.  It seemed he had done that virtually overnight.  He wondered how much of that was due to the Kinney boy standing so protectively next to him.  For whatever reason, though, he realized Justin was no longer just some kid to toss aside or ignore.  "Well...Dad wouldn't have had a chance to take his shot if you hadn't diverted his attention."


A ghost of a smile appeared on Justin's lips then. "Yeah, well, I had practice," he told him.  "Remember that horse from the Stewart Farm?" 


Jared's mouth hung open in realization.  "Yeah...he got you good that day."  The horse had inadvertently stepped on his insole before a race, back in the stables, when a rat had scampered out suddenly from one of the side walls, and spooked him. It had hurt like crazy, too.  Perhaps that had been his inspiration for what he had done earlier.


Justin nodded.  "Yeah...Right where I let McComb have it, because I knew it would hurt like a motherfucker." Brian eyed him curiously, silently vowing to ask Justin more about that later.


Jared eyed his brother quietly before he asked him, "When did you get to be so smart...Squirt?" 


Justin smiled.  "I always was...Sport," he reciprocated in kind.  "You just didn't notice." 


Jared peered over at him before he finally nodded. "Yeah," he agreed softly.  "I guess I didn't." There was a mixture of regret, along with a newfound respect, in his voice as he added, "Well, whatever your inspiration was for it, I'm glad you thought of it, or I might be over there where McComb is lying."  He stared over at the man's lifeless body, his eyes fixed upward in a glassy stare as they gazed into space.  There was no doubt that McComb was dead, and he didn't feel one bit of regret over it, either; just like their father had said, the man deserved to rot in hell. 


Justin shifted awkwardly.  "Jared...you didn't have to come out of the barn when you heard me and McComb.  You could have just stayed in there. I wouldn't have taken him to you, no matter what happened.  Why did you do that?  You had to know he was after you, not me.  That was pretty brave of you to speak up like you did; if you hadn't...he would have never known you were there, and you could have run off before he even noticed."    


Jared peered over at him in stunned disbelief.  "But I would have KNOWN!" he exclaimed, shaking his head.  How could he make him understand?  "Justin, you're my brother!  Do you really think I could just hide out in the barn while you were in danger, or run off and leave you here?  I...No matter what's happened - or what a dick I've been - I couldn't let anything happen to you.  I..."  He couldn't quite push out the "I love you" that he wanted to say, but he hoped nonetheless that Justin somehow heard it anyway.  It used to be they were so close, they would instinctively know what the other was about to say; almost to the point where it was like they could reach each other's minds.  Hopefully, a tendril of that was still there.  "You'll always be my little brother," he finally murmured helplessly in explanation. Glibness had never been one of his strongpoints.  "That will never change."  And I'll always feel the need to protect you, he added silently, suddenly feeling very vulnerable at the moment.


Justin walked a little closer toward his brother as Brian reluctantly dropped his hand to his side, choosing to remain silent as he listened intently to their conversation.   


Justin reached over to grasp his brother's wrist.  "And you'll always be my big brother," he whispered, his voice cracking slightly.  Despite everything that had happened the past several weeks, he had missed Jared.  He had missed being able to confide in him, teasing him, even fighting with him.  Well, to some extent.  Perhaps squabbling was a better term.  He had never doubted that Jared loved him.  Not really. But it was good to see and hear clear evidence of that.  He shook his head wryly.  "Asshole," he muttered affectionately. 


Jared smirked at him.  "But I'll always be the older -and best - asshole you've ever met." 


Justin grinned.  "For once we are in complete agreement there."  He hesitated for a moment before the two brothers abruptly met for an impromptu embrace, both brothers' arms wrapping tightly around each other before they let go after a few moments. 


From his vantage point - and by virtue of the bright moonlight, and the back porch lights now shining out onto the backyard - Brian watched as Jared briefly closed his eyes as if in relief before he opened them. Their gaze met as a silent message passed between them.  Brian nodded curtly at him with grudging respect for what Jared had done before the brothers pulled back from each other.  He still didn't quite trust Jared. But for once he had to admit he was grateful for what he had done, because if he hadn't made his presence known before, the boy he had grown to love so deeply might not be standing here with him right now. 


Jared cleared his throat, feeling a little embarrassed as he changed the subject slightly. "Well, at least the Walkers have some kind of justice now," he commented, as he turned back around to look at his brother and Brian. 


"Maybe some justice," Brian spoke up then at last.  "But they'll never have what they really want:  their son back." 


Jared nodded.  "No," he whispered, his voice tinged with regret; regret over any envy he might have felt toward Dale's success, and most of all, regret that he had been unable to prevent Doug's part in both that, as well as his brother's injuries.  He let out a tense breath.  "I'm...going to head in," he told them, suddenly feeling extremely weary.  "You coming?" he asked his brother, somehow knowing what his answer would be before he said anything.


"In a while," Justin told him as he glanced up at Brian.  "I...think I'll take a walk; clear my head. I'll let Dad know." 


Jared nodded again as he turned and quietly walked up the stone pathway to the back steps, entering the house a few seconds later as the screen door banged loudly in his wake. 


Justin leaned into Brian's side as Brian's arm slid tighter around his waist.  "Want some company?" Brian asked, his breath warm against Justin's ear as he spoke.  Justin nodded with a smile, his face warming. 


"Stay here," Brian urged him in a whisper, wanting to keep an eye on him. "I'll tell your father and my Uncle Will."  Justin nodded back once more as Brian left to walk over to the two men who were quietly conversing near the scene of the shooting.  He had to clear his voice to be detected, as Justin's father and his uncle both turned to peer over at him expectantly.


"Uh...I just wanted you to know that Justin and I are going to take a walk. We won't go far," he assured them, figuring Justin's father might not be too keen just yet on his youngest son being out of his sight. 


To his relief, Justin's father studied him for a few seconds before seemingly coming to a decision as he finally nodded in agreement.  "All right. But be careful," he advised him.  The silent admonition that he'd better take good care of Justin was clearly heard in the tone of his father's voice as Brian solemnly nodded.   "And don't stay away too long; I'm sure Billy will want to talk to Justin about all this."


"Yes, Sir, we won't. And I'll keep a close eye on him. You have my word," Brian added after a slight hesitation.  Craig nodded curtly as he watched him turn and walk back over to Justin, noticing him deliberately steering his son away from where McComb's body lay as they walked to the gate, and Brian opened it for him. 


Both men silently watched them go, studying the two figures as they reached over after a few moments to clasp each other's hands almost instinctively as they began to slowly walk down the shared dirt road between their two farms.  They knew the relative serenity of the moment would soon be interrupted by the garish sight and sound of Billy's car, along with other various law enforcement personnel, converging upon the scene of the shooting.  But for now, only their breathing and the various sounds typically heard during the night - hundreds of crickets, tree frogs, an occasional mooing from one of the cows up in the pasture, or a lonely-sounding train whistle - could be detected.  It was both comforting as well as surreal, knowing what had happened just a short time ago. 


Craig let out a deep breath as he continued to observe them.  "Your nephew is very protective of my son," he commented. 


Will nodded as he, too, studied the two silhouettes that had become almost inseparable over the past few weeks - one tall and lanky, the other shorter and slender.  "Yes, he is." He continued to watch them as he told Craig, "He shot out of our house like a rocket when he heard your gun go off; got here well before Sarah and I could, and didn't pay us any mind when we shouted at him not to leave.  I don't think even the largest fence in the world would have kept him from coming over here to check on him, though."  He turned back to look over at his neighbor.  "Brian is very...taken with your boy."  He half-smiled.  "Don't know if that's for the best in the long run, seein' as Justin's planning to go to college. But I also don't think there's any way to keep them apart now." 


Craig had to smile slightly back at him as he nodded, glancing once more at the slowly retreating figures underneath the bright moonlight that abruptly reappeared from behind a cloud.  "No, I don't rightly think there is." He paused.  "So Brian's definitely staying here with you?" 


Will nodded.  "Seems so.  I think this is the best place for him now."  He thought back to when his nephew had first arrived, feeling the boy was definitely a fish out of water, and nothing but a troublemaker.  But now...now even HE felt Brian was where he belonged, and with whom he belonged.  He never thought he would ever feel that way, but now it felt...right.  "Not sure what his future holds for him," he felt the need to add.  "But he's welcome to stay with us as long as he wants." 


Craig nodded in response.  Sighing, he replied, "Well, first we have to take care of this."  He pressed his lips tightly together as he stared down at McComb.  "I never thought I would ever have to use that old gun to take a life.  But in this case, I can't say that I'm sorry."  He eyed the still body with repulsion; no one threatened his boys.  NO one.  Deciding he didn't care to be in the man's presence any longer, he suggested to Will, "Why don't we go sit on the porch?  I reckon Billy will be here soon enough - and he's not going anywhere now." 


Will nodded as the two men turned and headed back up the stone walkway to the back porch, Will reaching inside his denim pocket to fish out a pipe he carried with him.  He had tried to keep from using it over the past several weeks, mainly due to Sarah's gentle chiding that it wasn't good for his health, but tonight he felt the need to use it.  Taking a seat in one of the wicker chairs next to Craig, he lit it up, the aromatic smell wafting into the chilly, night air, figuring it would be some time before any of them were able to get any more sleep - if at all.



Neither boy said anything as they continued to walk along the dirt road so clearly illuminated by the moonlight. The full moon cast the entire area in so much light, it was akin to daybreak.  Despite what had happened earlier, Brian had to smile in recollection as a thought occurred to him and he finally spoke up.  "You know what this reminds me of?" he asked softly.


Justin shook his head as they slowly shuffled down the road.  "What?" 


The two of them stopped in the middle of the road, halfway between the Taylors' farmhouse and Brian's aunt and uncle's.  "That night when we visited the cows...and I decided to showcase my singing talent." 


Justin smiled wistfully at the memory.  "Neither of which you were very good at, as I recall." 


Brian peered at him in mock insult.  "Hey!" he replied indignantly, hoping to earn a genuine smile from Justin.  But he didn't quite succeed; too much had happened tonight. "Yeah, maybe you're right," he admitted.  "I don't remember too much about what happened that night after drinking that shit that Dale had concocted.  But I do remember one thing very vividly that both of us were really good at."  He gently grasped Justin's shoulders so they were facing each other as Justin slowly lifted his gaze to stare into his eyes.


"You do?"  Justin whispered, knowing full well what Brian meant; he recalled it quite accurately.  In fact, he would never forget it, just as he would never forget any moment he spent with him.


Brian nodded as he leaned in closer.  "Yeah...let me refresh your memory," he offered, as he tentatively pressed his lips to the other boy's, hearing Justin sigh in pleasure as they began to kiss.  Their arms wound around each other then as the kiss deepened, lips opening to allow their tongues to duel.  Brian grasped the back of Justin's neck to angle his head and kiss him passionately as he pulled him even more tightly against his body, feeling like he could die right now and never be any happier than he was at that moment.  It was an odd realization in a way, knowing what had just occurred a short time ago. But knowing that the danger that had been facing the boy he loved more than his own life had now passed with McComb's death made his heart beat joyously, grateful that nothing had happened to Justin, and that he was here, with him, warm and full of life.  As usual, whenever they kissed - or even when he held Justin - it brought out feelings in him the likes of which he had never experienced before; it both scared him, but also grounded him, and made him feel whole.  It made him feel important and needed.  It made him feel loved. 


Reluctantly - more to catch his breath than anything - Brian pulled back from their kiss to gaze into the bright blue eyes of his lover, his heart pounding at the sight of him.  Justin's hair was gleaming in the moonlight, his eyes a wonder of colorful prisms, as he stared up into Brian's face, short pants of breath escaping through partly open, kiss-swollen lips. He took his breath away all over again, and the words flew out of his mouth almost involuntarily then:  "You are so fucking beautiful," he murmured.  Even though the moonlight washed out the color of their complexions, he was sure at that moment that his lover was blushing.  


"Brian..." Justin whispered in protest.  "I'm...You're..."


"You are," Brian insisted in response.  "God, I love you so fucking much. If anything ever happened to you..." He shook his head at the thought. If that ever occurred, he wouldn't want to live, either.


Justin's heart caught in his throat as he reached up with his right hand to gently place his fingers over Brian's mouth to stop him from saying anything more.  He would never grow tired of Brian's heartfelt words - or the way that Brian was looking at him right now.  It sustained him; it made him whole, and made him want to conquer the world.  He forced the knowledge from his mind that one day they would have to part, deciding, instead, to concentrate on the here and now.  There would be time later to contemplate the heartbreak he was sure would follow when that happened as he slid his hands up to link behind Brian's neck.  "I love you, too," he whispered back.  "So much...You...you make me feel so...special." 


Brian smiled at him tenderly.  "You ARE special...Farm Boy." 


Justin grinned then, unable to help it; he hadn't heard Brian use that nickname in a long time, but he didn't mind it. He liked it, because it brought back some more good memories between the two of them.  "I could call YOU that now, too, you know."


Brian scoffed, but he knew it was true.  "I am not, nor will I ever be, a farm boy.  That sounds so...rural."


Justin considered that.  "Rural.  That's different.  Yeah...I don't think I would ever call you rural."  Brian rolled his lips under in reaction.  "Well, if it helps any, you're the sexiest farm boy I've ever seen." 


"No," was the surprising answer as Justin peered up at him curiously for an explanation.  "YOU are."  His voice was husky and velvety as he stared into Justin's eyes, uncaring or unseeing of anything or anyone nearby. 


Justin couldn't help smiling back at him.  "You are such a flirt, Brian Kinney."  He chuckled then at Brian's look of indignation as he quickly added, "But that's a good thing.  You know just the right words to say."


Brian gazed into his eyes, relieved to finally see a smile appear on Justin's face.  "They're not just ‘words,' Justin," he replied quietly, feeling like his heart would explode at that moment.  This must be what it felt like to be in love, he decided.  He had never been in love before, but it was like...like being on a roller coaster with only the exhilarating highs and none of the lows.  It was like the rush he received when he was drag racing in the most powerful of all race cars, and no one could beat him. It was almost damn near indescribable. But even HE knew it was the real thing.  "I mean all of it."


Justin nodded, a lump in his throat, as he caressed the back of Brian's hair with his fingers.  The sound of a siren in the distance, growing louder and louder, reminded both boys that the night was not over yet, and there was some unfinished business yet that needed attention. 


Sighing, Brian told him, "We'd better get back to your house.  I'm sure that's Billy arriving, and he'll be looking for you.  I promised your father," he added softly, his hands coming back around to grip either side of Justin's neck as the blue eyes peered up at him. 


Justin smiled in understanding, disappointed that they wouldn't be able to spend more time alone together, but secretly pleased that Brian was trying to stay in good graces with his father.  He nodded as Brian once more took his hand and they headed back toward Windswept Farm.

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