Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

With the inheritance check in hand Justin could breathe again. It was a lot more than the lawyer had described but then again they never talked actual numbers. There was enough to pay off his mother's mortgage and pay for Gracin's daycare for the next five years, while he went to school and tried to make a name for himself. Hell, he could even pay for the next two years' tuition.

Justin sat in the rocker, his mind swirling with the debate of whether to sell his house or pay it off and move in. There where many pros. The neighbourhood was great, there was a backyard, it was near the daycare center he wanted Gracin to attend.

He was startled out of his financial planning when his cell started to ring.

"Hello," Justin answered not recognizing the number.

"Justin?" The familiar voice asked.

Justin stared at the phone trying to register who was talking to him. After a moment it hit him. "Dad, how did you get my number?"

"Your mother kept me up to date with your contact information." Craig informed his son. "I was calling to discuss visitation with your sister. I'm willing to let her stay every other weekend with you."

Justin rolled his eyes. Obviously full time parenting was getting to his old man. "Sure. I'll pick her up Saturday morning and drop her off later that day."

"No. From Friday after school until Monday morning." Craig said crisply.

Justin smiled into the phone. He'd thought that after his mother's death his father would keep his sister from him until she was of age. 'Guess I misjudged his selfishness', Justin thought.

"Well?" Craig demanded.

"Yes that's fine." Justin said, careful to hide his excitement, not wanting his asshole of a father to change his mind.

"Molly will be expecting you on Friday." Craig said before hanging up.

"Well Gracin, looks like your sister is coming over to play with you. I guess that decided it for us. I'll call the real estate agent." Justin said softly, only to reciecve a toothless grin that made his heart soar with pure joy.

"Hello Mrs Janette? It's Justin Taylor. I'm calling about the house I placed on the market. I no longer need to sell it."

"Hello Justin, I've been meaning to call you. May I ask why?"

"My inheritance was more than I was expecting, and I've recently learned that I will need the space as well. Plus we weren't having any luck. I've had no bids."

"Yes while there have been no bids there has been a lot of interest in the mural on the wall in the nursery. I was wondering if you knew the artist your mother hired to have it done? I've had a few clients and friends wanting his number."

"Oh, well my mother hired no one. I painted it as a present for her."

"Would you mind if I passed your number along to the interested parties?"

"Umm..sure," Justin said after a moment of hesitation.

"Thank you. Just come into my office and we'll take the house off the market, no problem."


"Okay buddy, you're two months old and have had your shots. The doctors have cleared you for brief trips out in public and a sanitary childcare center. Ready to meet your Grandma Debbie?" Justin asked to his drooling brother.

Justin pushed the stroller into the quiet diner that was apparently between rushes.

"Debbie?" Justin said getting the warm-hearted woman's attention.

"Sunshine" she squealed in excitement that quickly faded to shock. "Who did you knock up?"

"No one" Justin said blushing. "Debbie, meet my brother Gracin. Gracin this is your...Grandma Deb."

"Grandma" she whispered choked up.

"I hope you don't mind, we don't have anyone else." Justin said bashfully giving her a hopeful sunshine smile. "I would have introduced you sooner but Gracin hasn't been allowed out until recently."

Debbie pulled him into a tight hug before pushing him out of the way. "Come to Grandma precious. Oh Justin he has your eyes. You're a mini Sunshine yes you are."

Justin laughed as Debbie babbled baby talk to her heart's content. "He's so small Justin."

"He's grown a lot, doubled his weight. His doctors are very pleased with his progress."

"You'll be at our monthly Sunday dinner?"

"I don't know." Justin replied wearily.

"Oh yes! You will. You won't be depriving me of my grandson." Debbie said.

Chapter End Notes:

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Once again this is a HEA story just be patient..

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