Summary: ***Featured Story for October 2017***
For 300 years, Brian Kinney has lived a life of loneliness and unhappiness. That is, until he meets a certain blond angel by the name of Justin Taylor. But not all is as it seems with this ray of Sunshine. Now, Brian is bound and determined to find out just what makes this boy so special. Even if it means consorting with his fellow immortals across the states.
Rated: NC-18
Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION,
Alternate Universe,
Cross Over,
VAMPIRES! Characters: Brian,
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Completed: Yes
Word count: 45440
Read: 90724
Published: July 27, 2011
Updated: October 01, 2017
Story Notes:
I do not own any of the characters within. They are strictly the property of Cowlip and HBO. No infringment of copyright intended in ANY way.
1. Chapter One: The Immortal One by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 3] (1594 words)
This is my first attempt at writing FanFiction... *bites nails* I hope you enjoy...Chapters will hopefully be updated daily. Thank you.
2. Chapter Two: The Special One by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 0] (2172 words)
3. Chapter Three: The Insatiable One by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 2] (3964 words)
This is a bit longer...I hope you enjoy :)
4. Chapter Four: The Sweet Taste of You by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (1940 words)
5. Chapter Five: The Old Friend by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (2680 words)
Please leave a review or suggestions :) I love to hear what you're thinking about the progression of the story! Thanks ever so!
6. Chapter Six: The Dilemma by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (3344 words)
Please leave reviewsss and suggestions :) I love to hear them! Thank yew!
7. Chapter Seven: The Explanation by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 9] (3569 words)
Reviews and suggestions pwease! :)
8. Chapter Eight: The Invitation by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 7] (3232 words)
Reviews and suggestions are very welcome! :) <3
9. Chapter Nine: The Preparations by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (3120 words)
Reviews are loved and welcomed! :)
10. Chapter Ten: The Blood Ball by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 11] (4179 words)
Sorry for the late update...This chapter is a bit longer. Please review! :)
11. Chapter Eleven: The Maker's Mistake by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (2446 words)
Sorry for the long wait...writer's block is not my favorite. Anywho, hope you enjoy! :)
12. Chapter Twelve: The Worrier and the Damsel by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 3] (3144 words)
I am so, so, so sorry for the UBER-long wait. :( Had a LOT going on...but here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy and please leave a review! They're always appreciated! :)
13. Chapter Thirteen: The Beginning of the End by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 3] (3661 words)
I am so, so, so, sorry for the UBER LONG wait. If anyone's still reading, here's the next chapter. The prelude to the end. Please review if you like. Thanks. :)
14. Final Chapter: The End is the Beginning is the End by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 5] (4069 words)
Well...this is it. The final chapter. I hope you guys enjoy and leave comments! :) Thanks for reading! *hugs*
15. Epilogue: Back to the Blood by KinnetiKart23 [Reviews - 10] (2326 words)'s the epilogue, I hope you guys enjoy it! It's a bit shorter than the last few chapters. :) Thanks for reading and reviewing! It means alot to me <3