Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

Two men thought long forgotten appear suddenly in support of the other candidate; Brian discovers a shocking secret from long ago regarding Justin.  Will it tear the four men apart or unite them in resolve?

This chapter is for you, Lee.:)



Next Morning – Fullerton, Pennsylvania near Allentown


Campaign RV – 6:30 a.m.


Brian groaned as he heard his cell phone ringing on the nearby night table.  He opened one eye, noticing Justin’s body lying stomach down across his chest, his hair tickling his skin as he reached across the slender frame to locate his phone and flip it open, not recognizing the number of the caller.


“Yeah?” he mumbled softly, not wanting to awaken his husband, although he suspected it wouldn’t disturb him too much anyway; when Justin fell asleep he wasn’t the easiest person to rouse.  He had found that fucking him into consciousness seemed to be the best method, but he suspected he wouldn’t be enjoying that particular pleasure this morning.


“It’s Adam Stewart,” a terse voice responded. 


Brian looked at the time displayed on his phone and growled, “Why the fuck are you calling at this time of day?  Our staff meeting isn’t scheduled for two more hours.”


From his place sitting cross-legged on his bed in the hotel room, Stewart fumed; for a campaign manager, Kinney certainly didn’t seem too concerned with why one of his staff would be calling him so early.  He was probably interrupting his fucking time with his queer husband.  Well, enjoy your perversion while you can, Kinney; your time is almost up. He took a deep breath so as not to betray his revulsion for the man supposed to be his superior and to keep the satisfaction out of his voice as he advised, “I just got a call from a college friend of mine who’s working for Turner’s camp.  He was bragging about some news conference being scheduled at 8:00 a.m. this morning by their campaign manager and being carried live by WALN.  Said it was going to be explosive information about our campaign that will destroy any chance we have of O’Connor being elected.”


Brian snorted.  “And you bought that drivel?  They’ll say anything to slant the polls,” he grumbled.  Noticing Justin beginning to stir in his sleep, he reached over with his free hand and gently trailed his fingers along the pale cheek in reassurance.  He noticed a small smile spread across Justin’s lips and couldn’t help returning the same expression.  He sighed at the other man's gullibility but nevertheless responded,  “Okay, Fin doesn’t have the next town meeting scheduled for Allentown until noon anyway; we’ll push the staff meeting back to 9:30; let everyone else know.”


Adam pursed his lips together in anger over the other man's arrogance; who did he think he was – a fucking servant boy?  He bit his tongue, though, knowing the end result would be more than worth his restraint as he replied evenly, “Okay. We’ll meet you here at the campaign bus at 9:30 then.”


“We’ll be there.”  Brian snapped his phone shut, wondering what in the hell that was all about.  Knowing the kid that Fin had recruited to work for him, though, he suspected he was blowing whatever it was way out of proportion and getting worked up over nothing.  He sighed as he dropped his cell phone down on the mattress next to him, turning his body to gaze into the now-open, half-drowsy blue eyes staring back at him.


“Something wrong?” Justin whispered as Brian reached down to intertwine their fingers together and raise them to his lips to give the pale knuckles a brief  kiss while his husband gazed up at him sleepily. 


Brian smiled at him in reassurance and shook his head as he let go of Justin’s hand.  “Nah – just Stewart turning all drama queen on me.  Said he got a call from some old college buddy of his who’s working for the ‘enemy’ (he used air quotes as he said it) who claims there’s some kind of news conference scheduled for 8:00 this morning that is supposed to severely affect Fin’s chances of being elected Governor.” 


Justin twisted his body so he could look more clearly into Brian’s eyes and frowned.  “He didn’t say what it was about?”


Brian shook his head.  “No, that’s about all he knew.  I told him I would push the staff meeting back to 9:30 so we can take a look first; it’s supposed to be broadcast live on Ch. 8.  Chances are it’s just a case of Turner’s people blowing smoke up their asses, though.” 


Justin scooted up in the bed so he could sit with his back against the headboard as Brian joined him.  “Broadcast live?  That sounds kind of serious, Brian.” 


Brian gazed into the concerned blue eyes intently.  “I’m sure it’ll be fine; you know how people can blow things out of proportion – not that I know anyone like that personally.” 


Justin rolled his eyes at the ‘queen out’ connotation as Brian smirked at him.  “No, me, either,” Justin murmured innocently as Brian grinned. 


“But you could blow ME if you want, though,” he added helpfully as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively at Justin. 


To his disappointment, however, Justin merely smiled back at him over his attempt at humor and disentangled himself from Brian as he started to scoot over toward the side of the bed; he was stopped by a muscular hand that promptly latched onto his wrist.


“Where do you think YOU'RE going, Sunshine?”


Justin twisted his upper body to look behind his shoulder and say, “If the press conference is going to be at 8:00 we need to get showered and dressed so we can watch it.” 


Brian huffed in disbelief.  “Have I taught you nothing?  A fuck a day keeps the critics away.  Or, in our case, three or four.  Now get that hot little ass back over here so we can wake up the right way.”




“Butt is right,” Brian quipped.  “Butt, ass, whatever you want to call it. Just get it back in bed.”  He promptly tightened his grip on Justin’s wrist and gave it a strong pull to drag him back over to his side of the bed, the blond winding up flat on his back with a solid ‘oomph.’ 


“Brian,” he chided him as his husband gazed down at him from above with that ‘little-boy’ curl of his lips that he still found so endearing.  “We are going to take a shower, you know.”  Of course, both men knew what ‘shower’ meant, and it didn’t just involve personal hygiene. 


Brian rose up on his haunches and rested his knees in between Justin’s legs to stare down into the wide blue eyes, so deep and expressive.  He always could tell what Justin was thinking merely by looking into his eyes, and this was no exception.  His voice may have been saying ‘later,’ but his eyes were definitely saying ‘go for it.’  He smirked.  “Yes, we are going to take a shower – after we fuck, because you’re always a very horny, messy little boy when we get down and dirty.” 


Justin snorted, not bothering to mention the fact that it was usually because Brian had his dick stuck up his ass and therefore had a more convenient method to avoid being quite so ‘dirty.’  Instead, he decided it wouldn’t be so bad to just play along as he said in mock resignation, “Well, then, it’d better be a thorough shower because I’m feeling especially dirty this morning.”


Brian grinned.  “I was hoping you’d say that,” he said, just before he swooped in for a deep kiss.



One Hour Later – 7:30 a.m. – Outside Turner Logistics Main Headquarters – Wilkes-Barres, Pa


Richard Turner’s campaign manager, a swarthy-looking man by the name of Leo Underwood, pulled the heavy, navy-blue cotton curtains aside just enough to observe the bulging phalanx of media people standing impatiently outside Turner’s business, waiting for the candidate to appear for his much-heralded news conference scheduled in thirty minutes.  The 50ish, dark-haired, slightly overweight man turned to look at the two men who would be front and center at the news conference, still not convinced that they were doing the right thing by engaging in such nasty tactics as dredging up salacious details regarding Brian Kinney’s past sex life. 


It wasn’t that Underwood hadn’t seen such down-and-dirty means employed before; after all, this would be the fifth campaign he had managed, starting with an old friend’s run for city council back in his home town of Philadelphia, and in the twenty-plus years he had been running campaigns ever since he had pretty much seen and done it all in order for his candidate to be elected.   But this was a new one, even for him.  To go after the candidate’s gay son, who also happened to be his campaign manager?  He had to admit, though, that if the allegations were true, it would definitely have a negative impact on O’Connor’s insistence that his personal life was irrelevant to the campaign and his ability to run the state.  Even the most liberal of constituents would have to admit that the unsavory details that would emerge of Kinney pushing himself onto unsuspecting and unwilling employees and clients to satisfy his sexual urges was totally unacceptable and a poor reflection, fair or not, on his gay candidate father.


Pulling the curtains together again to preserve their privacy, he turned around and glanced over at his candidate who appeared to be nervous about the upcoming event as well – despite the early morning hour, Turner was presently nursing a half-warm scotch in his hand and jiggling his legs up and down restlessly while he sat on the edge of the office couch, right next to the two men who would be accompanying him up to the podium that had been temporarily set up on the front stoop of his corporate headquarters. 


He caught his candidate’s eye as Turner stood up and walked over to him.  Grasping him by the lower arm, Underwood pulled him over to a corner of his office, away from Thomas and Telson who were quietly conversing together, no doubt comparing notes about what they were going to say.  There was just something slimy about the two men that frankly bothered even him, but he knew what they were about to say would have a dramatic impact on the direction the campaign was going.  Turner was losing by at least 10 percentage points in the latest polls; they were going to need whatever leverage they could get, unsavory or not, to change that alarming trend.


Their backs to the other men as well as the other members of his staff speaking curiously to one another, no doubt wondering what was going on since they had been left in the dark so far, Turner leaned in toward Underwood to say, “You think we’re doing the right thing, going public with this?”  Despite what he had said to Stockwell yesterday, the whole thing still left an extremely sour taste in his mouth.  


“I don’t see that we have any choice,” his campaign manager flatly told him, his eyes boring into his.  “I’m going to be straight with you, Turner; your popularity is tanking big time.  You need something that’s going to take the wind out of O’Connor’s sails, and this might just do it.  If you ask me, you don’t have an alternative, not if you want to catch him by November.  We couldn’t have come up with something more damaging if we had scripted it.” 


Turner glanced over at the two other men; Stockwell had wisely decided not to show up today for fear his role in his campaign would be revealed.  “I’m still not sure…”


“Listen, Turner!” Underwood growled.  “I’m the best at what I do, and I know what I’m doing.  Your job is to stand up there on the podium, look like a leader and keep your fucking mouth shut after your initial statement is made so those two sleaze balls can do their dirty work, you got it?”


“Yeah,” Turner muttered as the man stomped off, not sure if  Underwood was better or worse than Stockwell.  His initial dream to run a clean campaign based on his hard-working, conservative work ethic had somehow dissolved into slimy smear tactics.  Was his dream of being elected governor worth sinking this low?  For years now he had hungered to run for political office, his ego boosted by business associates over the years who had assured him that his business acumen would be perfect for running the state.  They had told him how refreshing it would be to actually have someone in office who knew how to efficiently run an operation, telling him that his sort of talent at instinctively knowing how to coordinate and multi-task would be perfect for what was needed to straighten out all of the state’s economic woes.  And he had ultimately taken their compliments to heart, deciding that this was the year, this was the moment for him. 


Now, though, as he looked over at Underwood who had returned to the couch and was speaking quietly to the two men who were about to expose Kinney’s seamier side, he wondered if he had lost his way somewhere along the line.  He sighed; he felt like he was in too deep to back out now, though; he felt the weight of all the Republican constituents on his back, depending on him to come out victorious over the man they felt was morally incapable of being their leader.  He owed them big time - both financially as well as ethically.  No, he was in it for the long haul, one way or the other, and he would have to trust that this man who had been recommended to him to be his campaign manager knew what he was doing.


He watched as Telson and Thomas stood up and walked over to him, Underwood standing next to them.  He felt his heart begin to pound as they approached, and he had to take a hard swallow and a deep breath to calm his frayed nerves. 


“Okay, it’s time,” Underwood advised him.  “Gentlemen,” he acknowledged the two men with a nod.  “This way.”  The three began to walk toward the office door, Underwood turning as he noticed their candidate hanging back.  “Let’s go, Turner; you have to be there, too, you ARE the candidate.”


It seemed to Turner that Underwood almost spat that last word out as if he had tasted something sour or distasteful.  Nice of you to remember that…He grudgingly picked up his pace just a little as Underwood held the door open for him and the other two men; he could hear the bustling sounds of the crowd outside now as he walked out into the hallway. 


As he met back up with the three men, Underwood added, “Remember, gentlemen, we are NOT taking any questions afterward; let them all digest what we tell them and rake O’Connor and his fag son over the coals first.”  He smirked.  “This should be a lot of fun.” 



Same Time – Fin’s RV


Tony and Justin sat at the small kitchen table sipping from their mugs of coffee, watching as Brian fiddled with the remote while he searched for Ch. 8 on the flat-screen TV built in above the driver’s seat; Fin was finishing getting dressed back in his bedroom after being awakened earlier by his son, informing him of the news conference about to take place.


“You have no idea whatsoever what this is all about?” Tony asked from his seat.  “That’s all Stewart told you?”


Brian finally located the channel and turned to shake his head.  “That’s all he knew apparently.  Fucking strange, if you ask me.  I mean, the Governor’s race is important but I can’t imagine what would warrant breaking in live to cover a news conference.” 


“Me, neither,” Fin said as he walked up to the front of the RV, dressed in a pair of black linen slacks and a partially unbuttoned, maroon-colored silk dress shirt, his hair still damp from his shower.  He leaned down to smile at his partner and gave him a brief kiss on the cheek, reaching for the extra cup of black coffee that Tony had already poured for him that was lying on the table, before he carried it over to stand next to his son whose eyes were craned upward at the television set.


“I guess we’re about to find out, though,” Fin observed as they watched the newscaster, a well-known blond-haired man, appearing on screen after returning from a commercial break.


“As we stated at the top of this newscast, we are breaking away live this morning to carry an impromptu news conference that is taking place at the business headquarters of Richard Turner, the Republican candidate for Governor.”  The man could be seen apparently listening to the mike stuck in his ear as he cocked his head and nodded.  “We’re going to cut away now for that event.” 


All eyes in the RV were trained on the television as they observed a large crowd gathered in front of a low-slung, brick building with the words “Turner Logistics” prominently emblazoned at the top; a small, serious-looking group was standing at the top of the steps behind a podium festooned with a bank of microphones from each of the three local stations as well as some national news networks. 


All four men immediately recognized Richard Turner, who was standing front and center, as well as his campaign manager, Leo Underwood; the other men and women standing behind him were mainly obscured at the present time, but it was apparent that there were approximately a dozen people milling around him as Turner began to speak.


“Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen,” Turner began somberly; his hands gripping the side of the wooden podium for support.  Only those that were standing within a few feet of him were aware of his need to grip something, anything, to keep his clammy-feeling hands from shaking.  This was a subject matter that he was not thoroughly comfortable with addressing, but he also knew his campaign manager, as well as Stockwell, had drummed into him that it was the only way to knock some of O’Connor’s impressive lead away from him. 


He took a quiet breath and paused for a moment as he intoned clearly, “I am not here this morning to make a speech as one of your candidates for Governor; that is best held for another time and place.  Nor will I – or those who will speak after me – be answering any questions this morning.  But some concerns have been brought to my attention by a couple citizens of this great state that I feel highlight some serious moral flaws in my opponent’s choice of campaign manager, Brian Kinney, who also happens to be Senator O’Connor’s son, that cannot be ignored and shine an ugly spotlight on just what sort of person will be leading our state if he succeeds in being elected Governor.  After hearing what they have to say, I think you will agree that we cannot let that happen.  Gentlemen?”


At the mention of Brian's name, Justin sucked in a breath.  What the fuck?  He glanced over at Brian, whose face was drawn into a tight scowl, no doubt wondering the same thing.


Turner held his hand out in invitation and stepped back as an older but instantly familiar man emerged from behind him; Justin couldn’t help letting out a shocked gasp like the wind had been knocked out of him as Brian merely muttered, “Shit,” under his breath. 


“Who is that?” Fin whispered but Brian and Justin simply stared up at the screen and ignored his question; he and Tony exchanged curious glances as they noticed a frown of disgust on Brian’s face and a look of dread on Justin’s. 


The dark-haired man, who appeared to be in his mid-thirties, walked up to the podium with a sort of swagger and looked out at the sea of faces; the crowd went quiet as he faced them and plastered a sort of nervous, almost scared look on his face.  He was wearing a plain, medium-brown, long-sleeved cotton shirt with the top two buttons undone and a pair of dark blue jeans; despite his relatively plain appearance and his average looks, the expression on his face changed to one of almost satisfaction at being the certain of attention as he cleared his throat before beginning to speak.


“My name is Kip Thomas.  Several years ago I used to work at an agency in Pittsburgh by the name of Ryder Advertising.  Soon after I started there, I was asked by Mr. Ryder to sit in on a strategy meeting regarding one of the agency’s clients where I met one of his top executives, Brian Kinney.  Mr. Kinney seemed to like my ideas for the campaign and asked me to remain in his office afterward to discuss them further.”


Fin frowned as he looked over at his son, whose jaw was set at an angry angle and his eyes were narrowed in what looked like hatred.  Whatever history there was between this man and his son was apparently not a pleasant memory.  He exchanged glances with Tony before he quickly returned his glance upward to the television screen as the man continued to speak, feeling his partner’s hand grasping his upper arm as if he, too, had a premonition that what the man was about to say was not going to be positive.


“After our meeting adjourned and the two other co-workers left, however, Mr. Kinney drew the blinds and locked the door.  He walked up to me and began to unbutton my shirt, telling me that if I wanted to move ahead in the company I would do whatever he demanded.” 


A gasp erupted from the audience as Brian’s face promptly turned red with rage. “Motherfucking piece of shit!” He spat out as Thomas’s lies smoothly rolled off his tongue.  He turned for a couple of seconds to look at Justin who had gripped his wrist and was staring back at him, his eyes full of something he couldn’t quite fathom – sympathy?  Dismay?  He wasn’t sure. 


Thomas hesitated as he rubbed his hand across his face as if he were trying to build up his courage to continue; if nothing else he was a consummate actor and was going to milk this for all it was worth.  Revenge was such a sweet taste on his tongue as he continued, “Afterward, he threatened to have me fired if I reported what had happened, and he told me that I needed to come to his loft later that week, supposedly to finish our business. Only it wasn't that kind of business," he said, his lips drawn tightly together as everyone made the connection.


"I really needed my job, so I agreed to go," he explained, his voice sounding like it was faltering, "but instead soon after I got there he forced me to submit to him again, repeating that if I wanted him to recommend me for a promotion I would do whatever he wanted.” He seemed to wipe away a couple of tears from his eyes as the crowd remained stunned into silence; he was fortunately just far enough away from the crowd for them not to notice how dry his eyes actually were.


“I’m going to kill that lying piece of shit!” Brian growled as his eyes flashed in fury.  He stood frozen in place, unable to move as he continued to stare in disbelief at the screen.  Justin broke off his grip on his wrist to silently slide his arm around his husband’s waist, feeling the tension underneath his touch.  Brian’s entire body was wired with electric fury as both of them watched the drama unfolding above them.


Thomas appeared to struggle to speak as he said, “I…I didn’t want to cause any trouble, being new and all, but I couldn’t take anymore after that, so I finally worked up the courage to file a sexual harassment suit agaiinst Kinney and report him to Mr. Ryder, the CEO.  The case was due to be mediated in court a few weeks later,” he advised, waiting a moment before he continued to emphasize it, “but I had to eventually drop it when I was subjected to blackmail at the hands of Mr. Kinney’s teenage lover.” 


As soon as the words were out, all the blood drained from Justin's face in shock as he dropped his hand from around Brian’s waist and shrunk back as if he had been hit.  God…No…  He didn’t dare look over at Brian, his father or Tony, not wanting to see the look in their eyes at the moment.  He had thought that secret had been buried once and for all. 


Thomas intentionally stumbled over his next words for effect as he explained, “I…I was propositioned at a bar a few days before the case was due to go to court by a stranger who encouraged me to take him home to my apartment for a drink.  He was young and beautiful and seemed attracted to me, so I admit I was flattered.  When we got there, though, he proceeded to try and seduce me before informing me that he was underage and would report me to his father, who had a violent temper, unless I agreed to drop my allegations against Mr. Kinney.  He told me that his father had beaten up someone else before for the same reason and the person had wound up in jail for being with an underage minor, so I agreed to do what he asked.  I soon found out the age of consent in Pennsylvania is actually 16, and that this ‘stranger’ was none other than Mr. Kinney’s manipulative, seventeen-year-old lover, the same man who is now his husband.”   Thomas spit out the last word as if it were the most distasteful sound in the world; even now the way he had been played by Taylor made his blood boil.  He wanted nothing more than to explain in graphic detail exactly how he had been masterfully tricked by that less-than-innocent looking teenage twink, but he knew it was important that he be portrayed as the hapless victim here.  The thought of making BOTH men squirm instead made him feel inordinately pleased with himself and helped to assuage just a little of the bitterness he had been carrying around for so long now - that and the generous payout he would be getting.


Brian’s eyes widened in incredulity; Justin had been responsible for getting Kip Thomas to mysteriously drop his lawsuit against him?  HE had been the reason why it had happened?  Had he possessed that little faith in him that he could take care of it himself?  All this time Justin had kept that a secret and he hadn’t said a word.  Didn’t he realize what a risk he might have been taking by going home with that volatile prick?  He could have been hurt – badly.  What was he thinking?  He turned to look at Justin, whose eyes were wide with what looked like remorse.  There was no doubt in that moment that at least Kip was telling the truth about that part; it was written all over Justin’s face.


“Brian…”  He began, but Brian quickly  pursed his lips together and held his hand up to silence him as Fin and Tony stared over at the two men, wondering which parts of Thomas’s story were truths and which were lies, because apparently there were both hidden in his statement.


“After I dropped the lawsuit, I was summarily let go from the company and I was effectively blackballed from working for any other reputable advertising agency ever since. Thanks to Brian Kinney’s inability to control his sexual appetite and his teenage lover’s blackmail scheme, I never was able to find a good job in my field again.  I have come forward today of my own free volition to bring these facts out into the open, to inform all the people of Pennsylvania just what sort of moral character – or should I say, lack thereof – that you will be entrusting your care to if you vote his father into office. Whether you accept me as a gay man or not doesn’t matter; what does matter is that this episode points out what sort of people are working for O’Connor’s campaign.  The apple does not fall from the tree, ladies and gentlemen; I hope you will keep that in mind and take heed. I guess that's all I have to say.  Thank you for your time.”


The crowd quickly erupted into a babble of shouted questions at Thomas as he turned to leave the podium, having been commanded to ignore any pleas for additional information as part of his agreement for payment.  That didn’t prevent the press from trying, however, as they continued to pelt Thomas with questions until he was swallowed up into the group behind the podium and another man, taller and older, emerged to take his place.


Justin’s blinked to keep the tears from falling that were stinging his eyes as he urgently tried again to get his husband’s attention; he knew there was going to be hell to pay soon, and not just due to the fallout from what Thomas was trying to do; there was going to be something much more personal that he and Brian were going to have to clear the air about.  He knew he never should have kept that from him, but how was he to know it would come back to haunt them now?  That had been years – and so many lifetimes – ago.  Why now?  How did Turner even find out about him?  How did he locate the fucker and persuade him to get up in front of a live television audience to spout such filthy, boldfaced lies?  There was no way he was doing it out of support for the other man; Kip Thomas didn’t do anything that didn’t benefit him directly.  He stood there in stunned disbelief, knowing that he had to make Brian understand why he had done what he had felt compelled to do; it was simply done out of love – deep, abiding love for him and his fear over what would have happened to him if no one had stood up to the other man. 


He took a deep breath and angrily brushed the moisture away, knowing now was not the time to come across as weak as he started again.  He reached out to try and take Brian’s arm by the wrist.  “Brian, please…”  But he was promptly shut down again as Brian moved just out of contact.


“Not now, Justin,” Brian told him with deadly calm as he fixed a steely gaze up on the television screen; he had just seen another face that was familiar to him and his blood began to boil with rage.  It had been years ago, but one trait that made him so valuable and excellent at what he did was the fact that he had an uncanny knack of always remembering a client’s face.  This was one time, though, that he wished he didn’t have that talent; if he could have, he would have reached into the screen and choked the fucking daylights out of both Kip Thomas and the asshole who was walking up to the podium to speak next.  Now he knew the other side was making a concerted effort to make him and his father look as bad as possible; this could be no coincidence.  He also began to realize just how much his past was about to come back to haunt both him and his father.


Fin bit his lip as he watched both the scene on television and the one in front of him playing out; he did not believe for one second that his son had forced himself on anyone, but from the way that he and Justin were acting he didn’t quite know what to think.  Obviously there was more to what was going on than he was privy to at the moment, and from the rigid stance his son was projecting as he gazed up at the next speaker on the television screen, there was more to come.  He glanced over at Tony as he felt him tighten his grip on his waist and instinctively wrapped his own arm around the slender frame next to him, somehow knowing he was going to need his support. 


Marvin Telson stepped up to the podium, a commanding figure with his tall stature and crisply-pressed suit and tie; he was wearing a dark, navy-blue jacket and pants with a tasteful silver pinstripe in them, a navy blue tie and a bright, white shirt, the epitome of a successful businessman.  Truthfully, his wife had taken him to the cleaners earlier during their divorce, but today he wanted to project himself as a man who demanded attention and respect.  He waited for the din of the crowd to die down somewhat before he began to speak, silently hoping his acting would be convincing enough to both bring desired shame and humiliation on O’Connor’s camp, Kinney in particular, as well as provide him with the compensation he had been promised for following through on his charade.


He tapped on the nearest microphone once, knowing after Thomas had just spoken that it had to be turned on, but trying to bide some time so he could compose his thoughts.  He reached into his pocket and retrieved a folded piece of paper to use a crutch to help him recall all that he wanted to remember as he lifted his gaze to look out over the sea of interested faces staring back at him.  Taking a breath, he began to speak, rather softly at first but picking up in both volume and confidence as he continued.


“My name is Marvin Telson.  I used to own a large business in the Pennsylvania area, and had heard of the Ryder Agency through a mutual business acquaintance several years ago when I was seeking an advertising agency to help me boost my market share in the tire industry.  I met with Ryder and his executives in their conference room to have a new campaign pitched to me, which incidentally I did not like.  The main executive trying to persuade me to use his marketing approach was none other than Brian Kinney, a cocky, arrogant, SOB who thought he knew best when it came to my business.  When he realized that I was not interested in his campaign, but would be taking my business elsewhere, though, he tried initially to get me to attend a baseball game with him, which I declined.”


“Son of a bitch,” Brian spat out as the lies rolled glibly off the man’s tongue.


Justin, who was standing silently next to him, had no idea who this other man was, still reeling at seeing Kip Thomas spewing his astounding secret for all the world to see.  He watched as the veins bulged in Brian’s neck and his face turned red, both indications that he was furious at the moment.  He reached out again to try and touch Brian, to reassure him that everything would somehow be all right, but Brian backed away as his eyes never left the screen above them.  Justin glanced over at Tony who wore a sympathetic look on his face, but neither man could remove their own attention for long from the man presently speaking as they, too, lifted their eyes to listen to him.


“Mr. Kinney was very persistent, however.  He found out which hotel I was staying at and somehow determined what my room number was, because the next night he knocked on my door.  Being brought up in the south where it was courteous to treat everyone with respect, I allowed him inside, which turned out to be a grave mistake.  Mr. Kinney proceeded to remove his clothing and try to engage me in nefarious activities in the deluded hope of obtaining my business, even though I was a happily-married man at the time.  Fortunately, his attempt was thwarted by an alarming call I received, telling me my daughter had broken her arm in a sports accident, and I was able to check out of the hotel unharmed after telling Mr. Kinney to leave.”


“That’s a boldfaced lie!” Brian shouted at the screen.  “Mother fucking piece of shit!  You’re lying!” 


“Brian…” Justin entreated as he reached over persistenly, this time successfully, to grasp Brian’s wrist.  But Brian violently grabbed it away as Justin’s eyes widened in surprise.  He whirled to look at his husband and the other two men, his eyes almost wild like a feral animal’s.  “He’s lying!” he repeated once more.  “He ASKED me to come there when we went to Babylon – he wanted me to fuck him!  He’s a closet fag and a lying bastard!” 


Justin bit his lower lip anxiously, not sure what to do; the entire RV was quickly becoming thick with tension as Telson continued his speech to the press and Brian began to pace tightly back and forth in the confines of the RV in high agitation. 


“Just like the other man before me, I volunteered to come here today, to subject myself to this abject humiliation for the sole purpose of  exposing Kinney for the man he really is – a perverted, aggressive, evil man who thinks nothing of forcing himself on others for the sake of his own distorted pleasure.  Is this the sort of man whose father who want running our state?  It doesn’t matter if he is gay or straight; that is not for me to judge.  What DOES matter is his moral character, and I am convinced that Mr. Kinney has no moral compass at all.  I implore all of the voters to think carefully about what sort of man is closely associated with one of your candidates for Governor.  If you do, I think your choice for that office will be made crystal clear.  Thank you.” 


Once more, a loud din erupted as Telson turned to leave the podium, reporters shouting out questions that would go frustratingly unanswered.  As soon as it was apparent that no one else, including Turner who silently left the stoop to return inside, would be speaking, viewers watched a virtual herd of reporters rushing off to no doubt report on the mind-shattering accounts that had just been given regarding O’Connor’s campaign manager and son. 


The news program broke back into its normal programming as the broadcaster appeared back on screen to conclude the live feed interruption, both his voice as well as his expression gravely serious.  He turned to his female co-anchor as he commented, “Well, that was certainly unexpected.  If these allegations are true, it could have serious ramifications indeed for the O’Connor campaign; at the very least, it has certainly cast an unseemly shadow on the frontrunner's reputation.”


His cohort, a redheaded woman in her early 30’s who had been teamed with him for the past five years – a virtual lifetime in the news business as far as tenure went – nodded.  “I guess it remains to be seen whether this is a last-minute, desperate ploy on the part of Turner’s team to retake the lead from the frontrunner, or if this really is a truthful account of what happened.  Also, it will be interesting to see if voters are able to separate the actual candidate from his son and fairly judge his qualifications on their own merit.”


The male commentator nodded.  “Yes, that’s a good point.  The allegations apparently happened some time ago and do not involve the Senator directly.  Only time will tell if his legislative record of leadership as a district senator will help him to overcome these very disturbing allegations.”


“Shut it off,” Fin demanded gruffly from his place near the television, noting that Brian was closest to the remote; he had seen more than enough.  His son, however, continued to stand there, rigid and inflexible as he remained fixed to his spot, staring up at the television screen with his mouth hung slightly open as if in shock, disgust, or both. 


Tony, noticing this, left Fin’s side to walk over to the dashboard of the RV and, picking up the remote, promptly aimed it at the screen and turned the television off, bathing the interior in an eerie silence.  He looked over at Justin, who took a shaky breath and appeared ashen, his heart going out to him.  He had a multitude of questions he was dying to ask him about his part in what had just been disclosed, but he knew it would have to wait.  From what he had seen, he had a feeling his friend and Fin’s son had a lot to discuss among themselves first.  And no matter which parts of the statements were true or not, there was going to be a hell of a lot of damage control that was going to have to be done; even without being a political expert, he could discern that easily.


He placed the remote down and walked back over to Fin, who reached to grasp his hand.  Their eyes bored into each other as they turned to look over at Brian and Justin, who remained stonily silent.  He was just about to pull on Fin’s hand to excuse themselves to the back of the RV and provide some privacy for the other two men when he heard Fin’s cell ringing, jarring the silence unexpectedly.


Fin sighed; he knew this was bound to be the first of many such calls he would be getting.  Flipping his phone open and noting who the caller was, he raised it to his ear.  “Yeah, Kirk,” he answered wearily.  “I saw it,” he responded before the man even had a chance to say anything.


“I figured you had,” his speechwriter answered tersely.  “We’re getting a shitload of calls about it already from the media, wanting a rebuttal.  What the hell are we going to say to them?”


Fin took a deep breath; he thought fleetingly of putting Kirk on speaker, but as he looked over at Brian he decided that wasn’t the best of ideas presently.  He was astounded to notice that his normally brazen, assertive, and confident son appeared surprisingly broken at the moment.  His shoulders were drooped and he was rubbing his face and the top of his head with his hand as he stared straight ahead out into the parking lot from the RV’s front window, apparently lost in thought.  He had to speak to Brian urgently to get his side of the two men’s stories, but he also knew his son and Justin had to hash some things out first. 


“You’re going to have to hold them off for now, Kirk,” he responded as he continued to stare over at his son and son-in-law.  “Obviously, I’ve got to talk to Brian about this first and then we will develop a game plan to counteract the damage.”




“That’s my decision, Kirk,” Fin told his subordinate brusquely.  “Just tell them we will be issuing a statement shortly and let it go at that; I’ll get back to you.  In the meantime, the staff meeting is postponed until further notice.”  He promptly slapped his phone shut before the man could utter any further protest and let out a tense breath.  He looked over at Tony before he said to him impulsively, “Let’s take a walk.”  He was extremely grateful at that moment that Brian had managed to find a location to park that was secure from the media.  His son had been diligent about preplanning spots along the route that were either out of the way or actually locked at night so the media could not intrude.  Brian had surmised that at the end of each day, the four of them would need this brief oasis to refresh and regroup.  He knew, however, that at the time he had arranged it Brian had no idea just how critical it would turn out to be.


This morning, they were parked at the rear of a large RV dealership, arranged through the salesman who had rented the vehicle for them.  They had been assured that once they parked in the fenced-in area after the dealership was closed for the evening it would be firmly locked down and patrolled by security guards all night long until it reopened at 10:00.  The rear of the lot’s perimeter was bordered by a park-like setting with tall, mature shade trees and even a couple of picnic tables for employees to enjoy during their lunch breaks.  Now, it would serve as a much-needed escape for them while it provided some privacy for Brian and Justin as well as a means for him to clear his head and calm his own swirling emotions currently inside him. 


At the sound of Fin’s voice, Justin turned to look at him, his eyes reflecting his gratitude for his thoughtfulness.  Fin nodded as Tony and Justin locked eyes briefly before the two men walked over to the RV’s door and Fin opened it, quietly closing the door behind them.


Justin sighed heavily in anxiety as he bit his lower lip and turned around to look at Brian.  He felt incredibly sorry for the man he loved, while at the same time he was extremely worried about Brian’s silence, which spoke volumes to him.  He knew by the rigid stance of his body and the set of his jaw that he was very angry in a deadly calm sort of way.  He suspected, however, that that quiet was not going to last for long, and he turned out to be absolutely right.


As if he were coming out of a coma, Brian whirled around and turned to face Justin, his eyes a dark brown, almost black as he carefully enunciated each word as his voice increasingly rose in volume.  His own problems were temporarily forgotten as he rubbed the top of his head in frustration and asked, “What in the HELL were you thinking, Justin?  Were you out of your fucking mind?” 


Despite his predicament, Justin rose up in indignant righteousness as he replied, “I was trying to save your ass when no one else seemed willing to.” 


“So you were going to save my ass at the sake of sacrificing your own?  Did he get to enjoy it as much as I do?”  Brian swallowed hard; just the thought of that slimy weasel even touching his husband made his skin crawl and his stomach queasy.  


“Fuck you, Brian!” Justin shouted back at him, his eyes flashing.  “He didn’t even get to blow me!  Nothing happened!”


Brian put his hands on his hips as he replied, “Well, something must have happened or he would have just kicked you out on your perky little ass and told you to go to hell; he didn’t just drop the lawsuit for nothing, Justin!”  He shook his head in disbelief.  “We even talked about this at Babylon later, and that was the perfect time to tell me what you had done and you didn’t!  We promised each other that we would never lie to each other again, and now this!  What the fuck, Justin?” 


Justin huffed out an angry breath.  “It’s not like this just happened, Brian; it was years ago, even before Ethan!  I have not lied to you since then – about anything!  I even came clean about Fin before the wedding, remember?”  He sighed.  “I never thought the subject would ever need to come up again; it should have been put to bed a long time ago!  How was I supposed to know it would come up now?  It was dead and gone – I didn’t see a need to dredge up the past.”


“You didn’t see a need,” Brian repeated dully.  “You didn’t think it was important to tell me that you put your fucking life in danger under some misguided mission to save me from having my reputation ruined or losing my job?  Why did you think you needed to interfere in the first place?  Didn’t you think I had enough sense to get out of it myself?  It would have been his word against mine, Justin!  The man didn’t have any proof whatsoever of his allegations!  Even Michael knew what had happened, because I told him about it the next day in the jeep!  And you were there when he showed up at the loft – for business.  The man would never have won!”


Justin harrumphed.  “Come on, Brian!  Yes, I was there!  For about two seconds; long enough for you to let him in.  I couldn’t have testified as to what happened afterward, and neither could Michael!  It would have been total hearsay and not permissible in court!  You’re going to stand there and tell me that there was no chance you would have lost your job or had your employer fined if you had been found guilty?”


“You’ve been around Cassinelli way too long,” Brian snapped.  “I didn’t need your help to win, Justin!  It was his word against mine – period.  If you want to get all legal on me, then fine.  No jury in their right mind would have sided with him without a preponderance of the evidence, and they didn’t have that!  I can’t believe you did that; you didn’t know that fucker.  You could have been hurt, Justin!  Hurt really badly!  Kip Thomas is  a very vindictive, hateful individual; you…you could have been in deep shit for what you did!” 


Brian choked up unexpectedly, having to take a deep breath to calm himself down.  That was the main reason why he was so upset; not because it appeared that Justin hadn't had enough confidence in him to take care of the situation himself.  He knew better than that; Justin practically worshipped the ground he walked on back then.  It wasn't even the fact that he had admittedly done something incredibly selfless to try and help him when no one else seemed willing to go to bat for him and had lied about it.  No, the real reason was because he had placed his life in jeopardy in order to do so.  Even with John, the evil spawn of his sister, it had been Justin then, too, who had saved his ass.  Not his best friend, not his boss, but his husband - the man who was presently the unwarranted object of his fury. 


In shame he looked over at the man who loved him so unconditionally and his anger began to dissipate at the sorrowful, tearful look on his face.  God, what was he doing?  He was pouring all of his frustration and hatred out on the one man who didn’t deserve it.  Truthfully, if this irreversibly affected his father’s campaign, he would have no one to blame but himself.  Yes, they were telling bold-faced lies about him and he would need to discredit them, and yes, he had matured a great deal and had long ago abandoned his free-wheeling, sexual escapades, but in the long run it had been his promiscuous lifestyle before that had caused what was happening now. 


Justin felt like he was seventeen again as he licked his dry lips and whispered, “I’m sorry, Brian.  I...I should have told you when it happened.”  His breath hitched a little and he added softly, unable to meet what his assumed would be his husband’s reproachful gaze, “At the very least I should have told you later when we promised not to keep any secrets from each other or lie to each other anymore.”  He swallowed hard as he gazed out onto the parking lot, “Thanks to my stupidity, Fin’s campaign is in deep trouble now.” 


“Shit, Justin!” Brian growled as he reached over and grabbed Justin to pull him into his arms as he embraced him tightly against his chest, both their hearts beating furiously.  He heard Justin hold his breath for a moment in surprise before he, too, wound his arms around Brian’s waist and pulled him even closer.  They stayed that way for several seconds, Brian’s hands slowly caressing his husband’s back before finally he pulled apart to stare down into Justin’s tearstained face.  “If anyone is to blame for this mess, it’s me,” he told him firmly, his hands coming up to cup his face as he tenderly wiped the tears away from his cheeks.  “If I hadn’t been so intent on fucking everything with two legs and a dick, they wouldn’t have been able to get up there and spout those preposterous lies today.  So if anyone’s to blame, Sunshine, it’s me.”




But Brian shook his head.  “No, it’s true.  I’m the one who should be apologizing to you – and thanking you for what you did for me back then.  Because you DID save my ass, Justin; I was just too damn proud to admit it a while ago.  I was scared shitless that he really WOULD manage to have me fired – or worse.  He could be very persuasive when he wanted to be and he was a smart little fucker.  He might just have succeeded – if it hadn’t been for you.” 


Justin closed his eyes briefly as relief washed over him that Brian was no longer angry with him; he knew now that his fury had been directed more toward his safety than over what he had done.  His eyes fluttered open as he felt Brian’s lips tentatively touch his, almost as if he were asking to be forgiven.  Their eyes met before his parted his mouth willingly to deepen the kiss, one that was emotion-felt and spoke volumes of their abiding love for each other.


They finally pulled back after several seconds to catch their breath as Brian leaned his forehead against his husband’s and whispered in frank admission, “I’m not sure this is repairable, Justin.  Even though it’s not directed at Fin specifically, I’m expert enough in advertising to know that this is bad for Fin’s campaign…very bad.”


Justin eyes widened; this wasn’t like Brian.   Surely he wasn’t just giving up? He shook his head in protest and opened his mouth to speak, but Brian’s fingers on his lips stopped him.


To his relief, Brian told him firmly, “I’m not going to take this lying down, though, Justin; I’m going to fight those fuckers for all they’re worth.”  He winced.  “I suspect after today, too, that they’re worth a lot more.” 


“You mean…?”  he whispered in understanding.


Brian nodded.  “I have a sneaking suspicion that both men were paid handsomely to get up there and tell their sordid lies; what other motive would they have after all this time?”


“Maybe,” Justin said thoughtfully as Brian moved his hands to lightly place them at his waist.  “But they sounded so bitter, Brian; sometimes that can be the greatest payback of all.”  He looked into his husband’s eyes that resembled burnt umber, dark brown and fierce in determination.  “What exactly did happen with that other man?” he asked softly, wanting to have everything out in the open; this was the first he had ever heard of this other accuser.


Brian’s jaw clenched in recollection.  “The man was a client of Ryder’s; that much was true.  He came to the agency for a preliminary meeting so I could pitch our campaign to him and he seemed bored at best.  I did suggest that perhaps we could continue our discussion of the merits of my campaign at a baseball game - normally clients are more receptive to new ideas when they're in a more relaxed setting - but again he rebuked my suggestions.  Later, though, I ran into him and he told me he had thought of something he would like to do while he was in town – go to Babylon.  That was when I realized that Marvin the ‘family man’ was actually a closet fag.” 


Justin eyes widened at this disclosure.  “He wanted to go to Babylon?”


Brian nodded. “Yeah.  He even picked me up in his rental car and drove us there.  It was cock night – you know where they take out the ruler and do the measurements?”


Justin nodded with a smile; he and Brian had attended one of those nights and his husband kept being urged to participate himself before the event.  Of course, Brian had refused; after all, everyone knew he was well-endowed and he felt he didn’t have anything to prove, nor was he the type to make a show of it – at least not in such a flagrant display.  It wasn’t as if he had to go stand on stage and advertise it anyway – all a curious guy had to do was visit the backroom to see it up close in its glory; at least in the ‘good old days.’


“Well, after the contest was over I asked good old Marv if he saw anyone he was interested in; I even volunteered to introduce him to the winner.  But again he wasn’t interested.”  For a moment, Brian went back in time; he could still remember standing up on the catwalk, watching the proceedings and the sly smile that had emerged on Telson’s face when Brian had asked him who he was interested in.  It hadn’t really surprised him, though; he had pretty much expected his response.  He had no idea at the time, though, how much it would come back to bite him in the ass later.


“You mean he wasn’t interested in any of them,” Justin replied astutely as he gazed up into Brian’s face.  “He wanted YOU.”  He knew it was silly, but the thought made him just a little disgusted as well as jealous.  Any time another man made an overture toward Brian, no matter who it was, it always made him feel that way. 


Brian nodded.  “Yeah…He said if I came to his hotel room the next night and ‘performed’ for him as he so eloquently put it, he would agree to sign with my agency for his advertising, which at the time was in the six-figure range.”  He shrugged, almost embarrassed now to admit how crazy it all sounded.  “I figured what the hell; I’d satisfy his prurient curiosity, let him blow me and I’d be out of there that much richer within the hour.”


“So he made up the part about his daughter?”


Brian snorted.  “Not quite; he was telling the truth – at least in a way.  His clueless wife did call to tell him that his daughter had broken her arm, but he didn’t want to leave.  He said there wasn’t anything he could do to change it and it didn’t matter if he left right then or the next morning. As soon as he got off the phone, he figured it was going to be 'business as usual,' but I decided that it was time instead for him to check out, so I called the front desk to oblige him.”  He curved one side of his mouth up wryly.  “Apparently Old Marv didn’t like being interrupted just as he was about to sample the goods.” 


Justin nodded; relieved that that was all there was to it.  He had never believed for one moment what the man had said, but hearing that all the old pervert got to do was ogle Brian was oddly reassuring.  And knowing that Brian had made the decision to sacrifice a possible lucrative business deal in exchange for a daughter having her father come home to comfort her made him feel very proud of him.  He wasn’t really all that surprised, though, because Brian had always been a fantastic father to his own child and he could imagine him being empathetic toward another one in need, even if the man was a total asshole and didn’t deserve her respect or her love. 


Brian misread Justin’s silence for doubt as he assured him, “That’s all there was to it, Justin – and with that fucker Kip.  He came on to ME – both times.  I admit I didn’t stop him; you know me too well,” he said as Justin smirked at him.  “I wasn’t going to turn him down.  But it was consensual – totally consensual.  When he ran into me later at the office and at Babylon, though, he kept pressuring me to encourage Ryder to promote him when I knew he wasn’t ready.  He thought that because we were both queers that was reason enough for him to get ahead, qualifications or not.”  He snorted. “I straightened him out pretty damn fast on that assumption.  That’s when he got so vindictive and tried to sue me for sexual harassment.” 


Justin raised his right hand to gently brush away some errant hair from Brian’s forehead as his husband told him, “I have no idea how Fin feels right now, but I imagine he’s fit to be tied at the moment.”  He laughed ironically.  “I don’t think this is going to prove to be a great bonding experience for us.”


“You might be surprised,” Justin maintained as his hand settled at the back of Brian’s neck to idly feather the soft tresses there.  “Surely he understands how you might have needed to sow your wild oats back then.  I imagine he did a little of that himself, at least in college.”


Brian huffed out an amused breath.  “Justin – this isn’t just sewing your wild oats as you so quaintly put it; let’s face it – I had my dick up practically every gay man’s ass in Pittsburgh.  And now it looks like my father might have to pay for it – that is, if I can’t manage to do enough damage control to thwart it.  But I’m sure as hell going to try, though; I have a feeling this will be the most important advertising campaign of my fucking life.” 


Justin stood on his tiptoes to kiss the warm lips reassuringly, placing his hands on Brian’s biceps to steady himself.  His breath was soft on Brian’s skin as he whispered, “You’re the perfect man for the job, Brian Kinney.  I know you're up for the challenge; you always are.”


They pulled back enough so Brian could gaze into the soft, baby-blue eyes of the man he loved so dearly – the man who had risked so much to be with him; the man he wasn’t sure even now that he deserved, but he was so thankful that he was there with him by his side.  He was going to need Justin’s love and support in the next few days, particularly after what had just transpired, and just knowing that he would be there made him feel more confident already.


“I love you, Justin Taylor-Kinney,” he breathed out in return as he nuzzled Justin’s cheek with his own.  “So fucking much.” 


Justin’s eyes glistened with tears over the heartfelt statement as he whispered back, “And I love YOU.”  They pulled back once more as he said to Brian fervently, “Now let’s go find your father and get ready to kick some Republican ass.”


Same Time


Fin sat on top of the worn and weathered wooden picnic table, his feet on the seat as Tony sat next to him in companionable silence.  They had walked quietly hand in hand around the back of the wooded lot for a short time, stopping at the edge of the lake to silently observe some white swans and Canadian geese gliding smoothly over the glassy, still water.  The peacefulness was so welcome after the raucous sounds that had burst forth from the news conference earlier; presently only the rustle of the leaves from the wind and an occasional bird song could be heard as they stood there side by side, watching how the scenery reflected off the surface.


After a few minutes, Fin had squeezed Tony’s hand briefly before leading him over to the picnic table as he plopped himself down unceremoniously on top of the surface and sat there, his hands on his knees as he stared out over the water.  Tony didn’t say a word, knowing Fin would speak when he was ready to. 


Finally, he heard Fin say quietly, “You know…When I made my announcement that I was running for governor, this all seemed so simple and straightforward.  Well, maybe not simple but at least clear cut.  What I needed to do was get out and let the voters get to know me, to know what I stood for, and to see the passion that I have for wanting this wonderful state to heal itself and make itself bolder and brighter for the future.  I naively thought that my strong legislative record for championing the rights of the downtrodden and forgotten, and my sincerity to make this world a better place for our children and children’s children would be sufficient enough for me to come out victorious.  I didn’t think it would be easy, necessarily; but at least I thought the voters would listen to me with an open mind and judge me on my merits, not fling slime and sleaze all over my efforts.”  He sighed heavily as he finally turned to stare into Tony’s intense blue eyes with a twisted curve of his lips.  “Boy, was I an idiot.” 


“No, you’re not an idiot, Fin O’Connor,” Tony promptly chided him as he reached over to grasp Fin’s sleeve.  “You’re exactly who you just said you are; someone who’s not been jaded or influenced by lobbyists and who sincerely wants to make a difference in the lives of his constituents.  It’s not your fault that your opponent doesn’t hold himself to the same high standards as you do.”   


Fin smiled in gratitude for his beautiful, sensitive partner.  “You always do know the right thing to say to me, Counselor,” he admitted.  “You’re very persuasive; I guess that’s why you’re the attorney in the family.”  His smile faded, however, as he added, “I wish your confidence in me was going to be enough to erase the damage that’s been done.” 


Tony looked into his sorrowful face as he asked softly, “I really didn’t get a chance to ask what your reaction was to what those men said.  Are you angry at Brian?”  He certainly could tell that BRIAN was angry – of course, he had a right to be.  He – as well as the rest of them – had been blindsided this morning.  He probably felt sorry most of all for Justin, because he could certainly understand how a man could do all sorts of illogical things to protect the man that you loved.  God knows he had certainly done his share of just that while he had tried to disguise his and Fin’s true relationship for fear it would harm his career.  It was ironic, then, that now that their relationship was out in the open, it appeared that his son’s lifestyle was about to do the most harm. 


Fin sighed as he shook his head.  “Right now I’m not sure how I feel.  I guess I’m a little disappointed that Brian didn’t clue me in on what might be dug up during the campaign about him, but on the other hand it really shouldn’t make a difference.  Brian isn’t the one running for governor; I am.  What he did in his younger days shouldn’t have a fucking thing to do with whether or not I’m capable of running this state.  I think that is what really makes me angry.” 


He blew out a pregnant breath as he looked over at their RV, which seemed oddly silent.  He wasn’t sure how soundproof the vehicle was, but after seeing the look on Brian’s face, he had expected to be able to hear his son and Justin really battling it out.  He had a feeling that Justin could give as good as he got, though; he didn’t doubt that both men would be clearly making their opinions known, but at the moment he couldn’t hear a thing.


“I wonder what’s going on in there,” he mused to Tony as he placed a hand on his partner's knee.  “You think they’re having a real donnybrook in there?  When Brian had figured out what Justin had done, he looked furious.” 


Tony shrugged.  “Hard to tell.  All I know is that they definitely needed to clear the air.” 


Fin nodded as he rubbed his face wearily with his hand.  “Shit, Tony; I’m not sure I know how to fix this one.”


“But you’re not giving up,” his partner answered as he placed his hand on his shoulder.  “I won’t let you.”  He knew how much this meant to Fin, and despite his own initial reservations, he wasn’t about to let his partner stop now.  After seeing the extent to which Fin’s opponent was willing to go, there was no fucking way.


“No, I’m not,” Fin confirmed to him.  “I’ve come too far now and made too much progress to let it all go for nothing.  I’m in this for the long haul; this means too much to me.”  He sighed.  “I’m just not sure how to proceed now,” he admitted honestly.  He gazed into Tony’s eyes before giving him a slight smile.  “I’m open to suggestions, Counselor.”


Tony licked his lips to wet them before replying, “What I suggest is that both you and Brian take a deep breath and step back for just a moment before you rush back in to try and refute what those assholes said.  The press – and the public – will be just as interested later today as they would be right now.  They’re not going anywhere.  And if I were them, I’d want to hear the whole story – not just what two desperate wackos have to say.  I don’t think anyone would expect a rebuttal immediately; if I were the candidate, I would offer a firm denial but also a thoughtful one that explained everything to my satisfaction.  I think the people of Pennsylvania are smart enough to tell the difference between a sideshow and the truth.  So Brian’s not the poster boy for restraint and moderation; he wouldn’t be the first one.  But on the other hand, I’ve gotten to know both him and Justin well enough by now to know that those fuckers aren’t worth the scum on the bottom of their shoes; I for one want to wait and listen to your son’s side of the story.  Mark my words, Fin – those men were coached and compensated well for their time.  I’ve seen enough criminal cases where the same thing happened in court to know a setup when I see one and this one has the signs written all over it.”


Fin grinned despite the seriousness of their predicament.  “Spoken like the impressive, hotshot attorney that you are; emphasis on the hot part.” 


Tony gazed at him affectionately; that was one of the things he always loved about Fin – his ability to still have a sense of humor even in the worst of situations.  That had served him well as a district senator when his committees were hopelessly bogged down along party lines and neither side would budge.  Eventually his humor – along with his charm – would normally help to persuade even the most stubborn of colleagues to join his side.  He hoped that same charm and humor – as well as his drive and passion for what he believed in – would help him to overcome what would no doubt be the biggest challenge of his fairly young campaign.  “Why, thank you for that compliment, Senator,” he played along as he smiled back at him.  “You’re pretty hot yourself.”  He leaned in to meet Fin’s lips with his own for several minutes as they kissed, reaffirming their love for each other as the kiss deepened, both men’s arms sliding around to each other’s backs in a light caress.


He noticed Fin’s smile fading just a bit as they eventually broke off their kiss and he looked behind him to notice Brian and Justin walking over to them from the RV; to his relief, Brian had his arm around Justin’s waist as they approached.  Tony sighed in relief; that was a very encouraging sign.


He locked gazes on Justin before noticing Brian averting his eyes from his father until he stood only a few feet apart from them.  Finally, Brian lifted his face to meet his father’s scrutiny.  He took a deep breath before saying quietly in partial explanation, “I never expected that.”


Fin nodded, not needing an elaboration as to what he was referring to.  “I need to know how much of it was true and how much of it was made up.  Tony feels they were obviously coached as well as well paid for what they did.  That would be the only explanation as to why they would want to get up and make a complete ass of themselves.”


“That and revenge,” Justin commented tersely.  “Some people don’t handle rejection well.” 


Fin watched as Brian silently pulled Justin closer to him, almost in a comforting gesture, and wondered what the significance of that was.   “Well, whatever their motives were, they may have done some serious damage to my campaign.  The key is to figure out how to minimize it now.  Suggestions?”


Brian was surprised by how uncertain he felt at that moment; he wasn’t accustomed to not always being the ‘take charge’ person, but he had never worried about how his father felt about him.  Before, he wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass what Jack Kinney felt.  But with Fintan O’Connor as his father, he found that it did matter.   “Does that mean you still want me to run your campaign?”


Fin stared into his son’s eyes, hearing the awkwardness in the normally confident voice.  He glanced over at Tony who nodded slightly before he said clearly, “Of course I do.  What happened this morning doesn’t change anything, other than it makes me even more determined to beat that fucker and kick him to the proverbial curb.  After this morning, I know for certain that he doesn’t deserve to even clean toilets in the governor’s mansion, let alone come out victorious." 


Brian was inordinately relived to hear that his father still had confidence in his ability, but he had to ask anyway.  “You haven’t heard MY version yet, though; how do you know it will differ that much from theirs?”


Fin looked him directly in the eyes and said firmly, “Because I know YOU.  I know you’re not perfect, Brian; neither am I.  But I know you would not force yourself on anyone; hell, you wouldn’t need to.  And to think you would be interested in that old geezer?”  He snorted.  “Give me a break!  No son of mine would give that man a second look.” 


Justin giggled as he looked over at Tony, who returned his gaze with a smile of his own. 


Brian nodded in satisfaction as he and Justin sat down on the other side of the picnic table. 


“Now here is what I want to do,” Fin said as he twisted around to face them.  “You’re going to tell me everything I need to know about those bastards.  And then we’re going to beat them at their own damn game.”


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