Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

A chime rang out to awaken the house, Brian awoke where he fell.

Every creature, every mouse, stirred at the sound of the bell.


Another chime and then a tap, followed by some more.

Brian yawned, stretched his lap, then stumbled towards the door.

Unable to decide which was louder, the pounding on the door or the pounding of his head.

'It hurt like a motherfucker.' Long fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, he clamped his eyes tight. Trying desperately to evaluate his surroundings, he drew in a deep breath and reopened his eyes. This time truly waking up. The first thing he noticed was Justin. His soft features matching the gentle breaths of his slumber. 'He was beautiful.'

"Christ." he whispered through the pain in his brain. He struggled to recall Justin's arrival, he remembered getting his message in the office, then going to Woody's. 'After that?' A kaleidescope of memories spun hazily in his thoughts. Everything was significantly out of focus.

Another ring of the doorbell echoed through the high ceilings of the foyer. Brian winced, his head screamed. 'Did he mention that it hurt like a motherfucker?' His foot became tangled in the blanket beneath it, causing him to trip. With the grace of a gazelle (he'd swear if ever he retells this) he floated towards the doorway. In actuality (he'd deny if he ever retells this) his legs went in opposite directions, and a tiny flutter of fear found his heart as he feared the crash landing ahead from his airborne acrobatics. He Harshly slammed his lean body against the door, he in a sense knocked back to his guest on the other side. He regained his balance, though not his dignity, and pulled it open.

"Merry Christmas!" Debbie said way too fucking cheerily for this early in the morning.

"Oh, I see you've brought the fruitcake." Brian said, looking at Emmett. "Oh, and you've brought a dessert too." he teased.

"Ha Ha." Emmett said dryly.

"Nice to see you've found some pants kid." Carl joked to a very confused Brian.

'When had Carl ever had interest in his pants?' in a related area of thought 'Why did his left ass cheek sting like a bitch right now?'

He resisted the urge to feel himself up to provide himself with an answer.

"Are you going to let us in or do you want us to freeze our nuts off?" Hunter griped, not waiting for an invite, pushed his way into the house.

Once everyone had entered, Ted shut the door. Justin was now awake and folding their makeshift bed.

"Where's Ben?" the blond asked Michael.

"Oh, he'll be here soon, just picking up the girls and the kids from the airport."

'Kids! Santa! Shit, the gifts!' Justin recalled with a start.

"I bet they're bursting at the seams to see what Santa has brought." Michael said walking over to the tree. "Where are the gifts?" he shrieked. Cue Queen out...

He ranted, he raved, his arms flailed about.

He swung, he waved, he screamed and cried out.

"What happened to the gifts?" Michael asked.

Brian and Justin locked eyes. Blue looked worried and a little scared. Hazel looked dumbly dumbfounded.

'What had happened to the presents?' the brunet sifted through thoughts, no answer was found.

"Uh," was all his idiot mouth could say.

"UHH..." Mikey mimicked, then proceeded to lecture. Brian heard something about lacking responsibility but quit listening.

Sonny boy would be here soon, what was he going to do? He hadn't known the gifts' location, yet he was somehow positive he was the cause of their absence.

Whilst accusing, questioning eyes tried to seer him, he was literally saved by the bell. He breathed relief and rushed to answer the door.

Before him stood the Pitts' Mayor beaming.

A familiar reporter, a news camera streaming.


Brian smiled though completely vexed,

really confused, and downright perplexed.

"Excuse me?" I'm sorry I'm not sure I've heard you correctly." the brunet fumbled.

"Nonsense Mr. Kinney, your hearing is perfect." the Mayor assured him.

Suddenly Brian felt familiar arms encircle his waist, "Merry Christmas Mr. Mayor." the blond greeted their new guests. Brian was always impressed by Justin's ability to remain unscathed by glitzy attention and unexpected chaos. "What's going on?" he asked, looking to his husband for an answer; only instead to be given a bewildered shrug.

"Ah, you must be Justin. I must say, It's a pleasure to meet you." A lean man with sandy hair gushed.

"That's me, and you are?" Justin smiled encouragingly.

"Oh, how rude of me to leave you two standing here confused. My name is Gregory Walsh from channel eleven news." he clarified as if everyone should already know him.

Justin didn't. Brian on the other hand sensed a definite familiarity with the reporter; albeit he was positive he'd not recognized him from television.

"Allow me to please explain," the man urged happily "the station's doing a segment on the city's goodwill towards men. An expose' of sorts on the holiday spirit of good Samaritans. While undercover, I posed as a homeless man and hit the streets. Now I tell you, there are some cruel people in this world. But you, Mr. Kinney," he met Brian's intrigued eyes. "why, you saw me last night shivering, and without so much as a second thought you gave me the very clothes from your back." the man blushed a little, as everyone could guess he was remembering the Ad Executive in the buff.

"Yes Sir Mr. Kinney," the Mayor interjected "you are a kind and giving man. I am pleased to present you with a key to Pittsburgh to honor your good will towards your fellow man..."

"No shit!" everyone heard Hunter exclaim. Apparently his family (full of nosy fuckers) had all been listening behind him.

"Wow, Brian Kinney on the nice list. Who would'a thunk it?" Emmett giggled. Brian wanted to be offended, but hell, who was he kidding?"

He said a few words to the people at home,

thus the news cast was done.


He just wanted to be left alone,

though the Mayor's visit was only round one.


The hangover had him completely dizzy.

As his morning became completely busy.

As he watched the news crew began to repack their van, two more vehicles pulled up to the house. 'What now?' Brian's inner drunkard whined.

Wide-eyed, the family watched, the cars dispense their guest.

Pour forth some carolers, all traditionally dressed.

Elaborate costumes, one by one. Wait, now look, there's...

"A Nun?" Justin and Deb's voices questioned in unison. Too soon for Brian's headache, the colorful carolers burst into song. Whilst the brunet imagined the irritating bunch bursting into flames, or some equally gratifying torture. 'He fucking hated Christmas songs.' No stranger to Nuns thanks to St. Joan, Brian tensed as the tiny elderly woman approached.

"Merry Christmas Sister." said Justin, Mr. cool, calm, and annoyingly cute.

She nodded and greeted the blond's hand warmly. She turned to Brian "God bless you Mr. Kinney." she praised.

Unable to hear his own thoughts over the obnoxious choir, (and Emmy Lou and Theodore who were singing along) he stepped closer to the woman. "Have we met?" he inquired, honestly not knowing the woman from Adam...or Eve.

A light laughter danced toward him. "Oh you jest Mr. Kinney. We've come to award you with this plaque," she handed Brian a glistening golden object "to show our gratitude on behalf of Pittsburgh's House of Hope."

The brunet noticed now, that the news crew had opted to stay, and were to his annoyance still filming him. He focused back on Sister Mary Christmas or whatever-the-fuck, she was addressing Justin and Michael who now stood beside him.

"Your friend here, is a kind and generous soul." she told the blond.

"Yeah, so we've been hearing." Hunter interrupted playfully. "Ow!" he added after Deb whacked his shoulder for the interruption.

"We just couldn't believe it when he showed up last evening, dressed as Santa. He handed out lovely gifts to all the boys and girls. It was a Godsend, truly, those children had a wonderful Christmas thanks to you Dear." she took Brian's hand into her own "A good soul." she reiterated with a head nod "Thank you again Mr. Kinney." she added before turning back towards her car.

Brian's left ear heard a sudden intake of air. One filled with exasperated defeat. One he knew well. One that was half Italian and half Drag Queen.

"Yes Michael?" he asked not turning his head.

He felt his best friend's hand gently squeeze his shoulder.

"That was a good thing you did..." Brian sensed an inevitable 'but' "But," (There it was. If Brian Kinney knew anything, it was but(t)s.) "couldn't you have bought those children their own toys? Christ Brian, what about our kids? This is just fan-fucking-tastic." Mikey quipped.

Kinney's quick wit took a coffee break, he said nothing. Anyway, Mikey was right. 'Now see, this is exactly the reason Brian Kinney doesn't do good deeds if he can help it.' Sure, he was happy for the Orphans getting another year of believing in Santa. However, 'Fuck.' What about Sonny boy's belief? What about JR's?' Panic brewed in his belly, where it came to a boiling nausea. 'What was he going to do? Worse yet, what was Mel going to do to him?'

Hazel eyes worried, 'How to explain?'

his regretful lips tightly pinched,

any excuse to Gus would be lame.

Daddy stole Christmas just like the Grinch.

Speak of the devil, (and Lindsay and Gus) Brian watched Ben pull into the driveway. His eyes frantically searched for something he could use to protect himself from the lesbian lecture he was about to receive. He hadn't searched long when a loud horn startled his heart. Glancing up, his still glossy eyes glazed further.

Timing so scripted, like read from a book,

he couldn't believe his luck.

Blinking twice, again he looked,

his colorful savior, a toy filled truck.

"Daddy!" Gus' excited exclaim seemed to come from all directions. Following the sound, Brian saw his son spinning in circles. Twirling towards his daddy, Gus engulfed the air in giggles. He'd seen the real big toy truck following them for a while now. He couldn't have been more excited to see it pull in behind them. Smile lighting his face, he wrapped himself around his daddy. Boy he'd missed him.

"Hey! Wow! Do you see that?" he chattered, out of breath. "Holy moly, I must've been even gooder this year than I thought! Yeah, you know? Cause look daddy, Santa sent a whole truck full of toys!"

Brian was never not amazed at his Sonny boy's words per breath capabilities. He leaned down and gathered the boy into his arms.

"Wow is right." he told the boy "I never doubted you were on the nice list for a minute." he matched Gus' grin. Justin interjected, demanding his own hug from their son. Dramatically, the blond tapped his foot, crossed his arms, and pouted his lips. A stance that made Brian take notice.

"What about my hugs and kisses?" he asked the kid.

"Daddy Justin!" Gus gave him an equally as eager greeting; then noticed the men in the truck opening the back, and left both daddies for presents.

As Brian watched his son, suddenly all business, direct the men with the boxes full of wrapped toys towards the door; the driver approached him, and began to explain his delivery.

The toys were a prize from a contest he'd won.

From a radio stint, he'd forgotten he'd done.


He'd never remembered not one single trick.

Though apparently knew the deer of Saint Nick.


One by one, he'd listed them all...

thus salvaging Christmas with that one winning call.

He signed the paperwork, and breathed a tremendous sigh of relief. The kids would have even more gifts than before. Everyone greeted the girls and the kids, Michael's blood pressure returned to normal, and the frenzied circus of visitors left the driveway. Brian remained outside for a solitary moment after everyone took Deb up on her offer of fresh coffee and cocoa. The crisp, cold air eased his headache some; albeit it was doing nothing to stop the constant throbbing of his ass. 'He'd have to ask Justin what in the hell happened later.' He began to light a cigarette to calm the chaos of the morning, when a familiar car pulled up.

The handsomest hungover homosexual ever, curiously cocked his head. 'What was Cynthia doing here?' As he noticed her even more unexpected passenger, he furrowed his brow. Brian met his feisty assistant's eyes as they approached; they sparkled with excitement, causing Brian to relax. 'Whatever the reason for this impromptu visit, it was obviously good news.'

"Merry Christmas Mr. Kinney." said Mr. Harper of 'the previous deal gone kaput Harper's energy drinks'.

Brian blinked and he was almost positive he spoke. He couldn't be sure, for his mind was too busy trying to both decipher this visit, and dim the unbearable throbbing. Here stood a man even more narcissistic than Brian. A man so disinterested in his campaign ideas that he hadn't even bothered to meet in person to turn Kinnetik down.

"Mr. Harper, I must say I am surprised..." the grey haired man halted Brian's words with a curt wave of his hand. He then placed that hand on the younger man's shoulder.

"I suppose I should explain," a shy chuckle "it would seem that I owe you an endless debt of gratitude Mr. Kinney." Brian snuck a look towards Cynthia. She and Justin were happily chatting several feet away. He turned his eyes back to Elliot Harper.

Brian's ears struggled to catch the man's words.

Most surely because his words were absurd.


Engulfed in a tale of heroic might,

a batty old broad, and a rough patch of ice.


Though the night, he couldn't recall,

his ass sure hurt; he'd guessed from the fall.


'So he was a hero' not surprising at all,

Last night Rage rescued this man's mother-in-law.

"...she's struggled with Alzheimer's for years...my wife is eternally thankful..." Brian zoned in and out. He stayed there.

He stopped listening, he just couldn't think.

He ironically wished for a Harper's energy drink.

Which it seemed had become Kinnetik's newest, and most substantial client.

'Christ, his head. He needed coffee.' He also need socks. As he'd stupidly just realized he was barefoot. Barefoot, and freezing to fucking death.

As he instinctivly shivered, he mentally cursed mother nature. Damn it, if she was going to make it this cold, at the very least she could give his Sonny boy some snow.

Absentmindedly he saw Justin ushering their latest arrivals into their home. Praying his frosty footsies still worked, he followed.

Crossing the threshold, he'd felt his favorite fingers snake around his neck. Justin's cool coiling fingertips instantly eased his aching head. Too quick to calculate, his husband's lips were tasting his own. Brian's entire body eagerly welcomed the kiss. It was slow, passionate, and long. So long in fact, they'd apparently gained an audience. A consistent rhythmic taping played on Brian's hip. Glancing down, he met Gus' agitation.

"You guuuuuuys, enough already!" tiny hands flailed freely "Come oooon, there's about a gazillion presents over there, just begging for me to open them." the child beamed and wiggled his fingers, demonstrating their itch to shred gift wrap.

"Oh, well then my boy, have at it." Justin led the way with a grand sweep of his arm. Gus' giggles highlighted the air.

"Present time!" he excitedly informed his sister; then like a lion pouncing on prey...literally dove into the tremendous pile of wrapped winnings.

"OK Kinney, let's see what Santa brought ya!" a damn near bouncing Emmett beamed brightly as he addressed Brian's mask of confusion.

"Listen Em, the gifts," Justin began but was stopped and surprised as the flamboyant man presented a perfectly wrapped package.

Brian and Justin exchanged a look, both silently thanking the other, for at least getting one gift for each guest. Simultaneously, they both just shrugged and shook their head no.

"I didn't." Justin mouthed.

"Come on, come on." Emmett clapped, urging Brian to take the small box from his hands. "Honey, this is something shiny. I could spot a jewelry box with my eyes closed. So let's see it." his smile widened as Brian reached to retrieve said box. Emmett gasped, and pulled the brunet's hand harshly towards his face. "A tattoo? Why Brian, how fabulously Avant Garde." he glanced to Justin "Tattoos are hot. You lucky duck." he playfully elbowed the blond. The blond who was worriedly watching his partner's face. 'Would he regret it?' To his pleasure and surprise, Brian was smiling.

Hazel devoured the new addition to his skin. 'When had he gotten tattooed?' He read the word Sunshine encircling his ring finger. His insides seemingly warmed from it's invisible golden rays; albeit he hadn't remembered it's application, he'd treasure it always. A brief bought of panic struck his belly. 'Where was his actual band?' he eyed the tiny box he held. 'No, it couldn't be. Could it?' He made a mental note to somehow find out which parlor he'd gone to; likely having left his ring there. Brian tore open the small gift. Emmy Lou had been right. It was undoubtedly a jewelry box. An audible gasp hit the air. Brian hadn't been sure if it'd come from him, or the two men beside him. His. Ring.

Bewildered, Befuddled, he studied the band.

he studied again the ink on his hand.


Forever branded by Justin's tattoo,

He wouldn't have believed it, if it hadn't been true.


On his right hand he slid the ring, there was nothing else to do.

For the blond that meant everything, the man would wear two.

"Did you?" Justin and Brian asked each other in unison. "No." they parroted again, prompting a curiously confused chuckle from them.

"Who put this here?" Brian wondered aloud.

"Duuuh Daddy! It was Santa!" a suddenly very near Gus exclaimed.

Outside, he shook off Sonny boy's words. Inside, he pondered them with childlike intrigue. But, fanatical explanations of fantasy figures had not been the only reason for Gus' visit at their feet.

"Wow! Santa Claus got me some real cool toys. Seriously awesome." he pulled his fist down to illustrate the amazing-ness of it all. "I got this," he pointed with a head nod to the sleigh he dragged behind him. "Cept', here there's no snow. At home we have lots." he saddened "Man, I sure wish you had snow daddy..." the boy's attention drifted from his father's face to the front windows. Not regaining eye contact, Gus raised his finger "Hold that thought guys. I think I saw snowflakes!"

Brian admired the kid's optimism. He found himself longing for the untainted perspective of youth. 'Wait.' he paused his thoughts.

He stretched his neck, and strained his sight. As flurries fell in puffs of white.

Excited chatter danced and twirled, to the door the family swirled.


A white Christmas, it was a granted wish.

Sonny boy played, Justin blew him a kiss.

Brian was mesmerized watching the dusting ivory caress the equally porcelain man. He was almost convinced his heart fell further in love in sync with the flakes.

It truly was an entrancing show,

his husband wore a glittery glow,

as ice flakes kissed his angel of snow.


A snowball fight later, Brian was done.

He hated the cold, he needed his sun.


As if reading his mind the blond gave a smirk.

He pulled Brian inside with a passionate jerk.


With their guests still outside, upstairs they were jogging,

To become occupied, with delicious egg-snogging.

In mere moments the master suite was a monsoon of movement. Flailing limbs created a soft breeze, blowing Brian's mind. It's been days since he'd had his husband. His hands effortlessly found the curve of Justin's ass. He roughly hoisted him up. The blond's legs wrapped around Brian's lean torso. There was a viciousness in the brunet's kisses that was making Justin a tad delirious. Not that he was complaining. His own frenzy was equally as frantic.

Brian's back found the mattress, bringing Sunshine along for the ride. Justin giggled beneath Brian's kiss as he landed and their excited erections finally met. They'd made one hell of a first impression.

His Sunshine was even more eager than he'd hoped.

Brian lie squirming as Justin's hands groped.


The flesh ignited, each spot he had fingered.

An electric shock where static still lingered.

Brian shuddered free of shame, as that glorious mouth trailed downward. He was fucking giddy. Justin kissed the tip of his 'happy to be free' cock and looked up through golden silk. 'Fuck. Those lashes.' Brian wanted to touch them. He didn't. More so he wanted them to be softly tickling his skin. Hazel eyes locked with Justin's, he grinned. "Careful Ralphie, or you'll shoot your eye out." he teased. Justin giggled against his flesh. The simple vibration was almost too much to take. Almost. Brian took it.

After a time both too long and too soon,

Satisfied panting, talked to the room.


Brian embraced Justin's head on his chest,

He could tell the blond was thinking.

He filled in the blanks and pondered the rest,

of Brian's night of drinking.

"OK. So," he began all business "we know that sometime between Woody's and now, you've done the following," Justin cocked an eyebrow.

Brian cocked his back.

"though we can't pinpoint the order of events," he smiled. Brian swooned a little. The blond began his memoriam stroll down candy cane lane, walking in Brian's retraced steps.

Kinney himself was a useless resource. Whiskey, Beer, Eggnog, Rum Balls, and no doubt pain meds from the bite, created holes in his memory even bigger than his ego. Or Melanie's mouth.

"Gave away your suit (Brian's fashionista experienced palpitations). Gave Liberty Avenue a show of the 'goods' (He eyed his brunet top to toe). You remedied nudity by ripping off Santa, which by the by we still have no idea which one. Boosted Rudolph, kidnapped Jesus, got a tattoo, saved Grandma, busted your ass, baked some cookies, burned some cookies, sang some Elvis, (Brian crinkled his nose at the memory, still convinced he hadn't)..." out of breath Justin didn't continue. Not because he had finished teasing his husband, but because that husband was devouring his words from his mouth with his tongue.

As he prepared for round two of his holiday cheer,

he hungrily eyed his husband's rear.


From sadness to gladness, he'd had quite a night.

Though through the madness, it'd turned out alright.

Hazel's stare remained tight,as Justin's blush became bright.


Inside, his body jiggled, as he watched his Sunshine wiggle.


On Santa's list this year, it seemed he'd been on nice.

Time to go for naughty here, he wouldn't be nice twice.


Deep in the snow, at the pole farthest north.

Eager elves watched their boss stumble forth.


One of them snickered at the sight he could see.

Soon followed by others, who giggled with glee.


First, they'd noticed the state of his dress,

or rather, just what wasn't there.

No britches, No boots, the man was a mess,

clad only in long underwear.


Clearly stewing, his cheeks were quite red.

No joy brewing, just discord instead.


There was no joining harness attached to his sleigh.

Just impromptu ropes in complete disarray.


Thanks to a thief, he was a reindeer short.

He huffed, he fumed, he stifled a snort.


Glad to be home, he'd had quite enough.

The ride back to the pole had been rather rough.


Tossing and twisting, they fumbled along.

They zigged, they zagged, their direction all wrong.


Thanks to Brian Kinney, so much was amiss.

How had he ever made the nice list?


Santa supposed he'd slipped through the cracks,

On the tip-top of naughty he was put back.

Back at Britin...

By the front of his shirt, Brian was led,

as their guests drove out of sight.

Justin eager to get snug in their bed,

for one hell of a Christmas, and a fucking goodnight.




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