Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

This is quite an emotional chapter, don´t say you haven´t been warned!


Myles the II's POV


"What the fuck!"


"Myles, calm down," I said evenly as I finally stood up from my chair behind the desk, patiently allowing my son to rant after bursting into my office. I came around and leaned against the desk, crossing my arms over my chest, letting Myles pace and mumble under his breath.


"Why, Dad? I would really have appreciated not being told by my sister about your health problems," Myles sighed loudly, pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes.


I was told earlier that Myles and Maddie were on their way to see me by Franklin, bless his heart and foresight to warn me. So I was prepared for the confrontation and tried desperately to form a speech in my mind as what to say once the time came. Suddenly, everything I had rehearsed was forgotten. Seeing Myles so angry and hurt? I heard him sniffle as I watched him turn away from me and pause.


"Listen, Son, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I tried, I swear I tried. It's just, I freaked out. I know, I know, so uncharacteristic of me."


Myles just stared at me with a blank look on his face. His eyelashes were damp from the tears he'd wiped away before turning back towards me.


"You have a new partner, Myles! Christ, I actually witnessed the two of you together. You need to give an old man time to process that, you know." I pushed off the edge of the desk and started doing some pacing of my own recalling the scene of Myles and Julian in their robes at the Penthouse.


"Dad, it's been a couple weeks. A phone call would have been okay with me, really."


"Hate me if you must, but now you know the truth. Sadly there is nothing you can do about it."


"So, that's it, then? You're just shutting me out?"


"Myles, wake up, medically you can't help me."


"Why the fuck not? I have plans to get tested later..."


"Don't bother, they wouldn't allow you to donate any body organs anyway."


"Who is 'they'?" Myles practically screamed out. "You're my father for fucks' sake."


I stopped pacing and stood in front of my son trying to stay as calm as possible.


"Myles, you're gay, with a new partner. No surgeon will transplant your kidney into anyone, not even your own father."


"That's fucked up, Dad! So fucked up! I've been safe my whole life, I've always tested negative... always!"


Seeing the tears well up in my son’s eyes was heartbreaking which led me to grab the back of his neck and press my forehead to his.


"Don't worry about it, Son, we'll figure something out."




Myles' POV



The elevator door opened to my penthouse and I was greeted by Julian and Maddie eagerly awaiting the news of how the meeting went with my father. I just raised my hand to let them know I wasn't ready to talk about it  yet, dropping my elevator key on the hall table, as I passed them.


"I'm sorry, I just need a few moments," I said as I continued to my room and shut the door.


I went straight for my Macbook and flipped it open. After a moment to let it power up, I typed "gay organ donation" into the search engine. I spent about twenty minutes browsing and was disappointed to find very little of the legality of what I was looking for, although most sites did concur with what Father had said to me. My heart sank. I slammed the cover closed and had the urge to toss the computer off the bed, but instead I hugged it.


I felt helpless, utterly helpless





8:49 a.m.


"Hey Elijah! Why are you calling me so early, I'm right in the middle of my shower," I said overly loud above the sound of the water jets and my stereo speakers blasting out Johann Sebastian Bach. I had just finished working out on the treadmill.


"Myles, I think we just had an earthquake," Elijah said, sounding out of breath.


"What are you talking about, I didn't feel anything."


"It sure felt like it to me."


"Christ, Elijah, are you in your office?" I asked as I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel and ambled down the hall still dripping wet.


"Yeah, just got here a few minutes ago. I'm in the boardroom, but there are no windows in here. I'm not sure what's going on."


I rounded the corner and headed straight for the tall floor to ceiling windows. What I saw, hit me hard. It felt like I was hit with a tractor trailer truck.


"Elijah," I calmly said, "get out!"


"I am, I'm in my office now."


"Elijah, listen to me, get out of the building and come straight here. Do you hear me? Come straight here, Baby!"


"I'll be fine. I think I can see you in your window, but it's hard to be sure," Elijah chuckled a little, "Myles, are you naked?"


"Yes, I'm naked, I just told you I was in the shower," I answered, trying not to panic and keeping my tone light and cheerful. "I really need you to come home, Baby, okay?"


"Sure, Myles, okay. I just need to finish up one thing and then... Oh, well, they are asking everyone to leave the building... I'll be there soon, Honey."


"Don't hang up, Baby, just keep talking to me," I said as my voice cracked a little. "I see you waving, Elijah, you're such a little kid sometimes."


"I know, you make me feel so giddy inside, I can't help it," Elijah said. I could tell he was grinning by the tone of his voice. It sounded so young when he smiled and talked at the same time.


I was starting to really panic, seeing fire trucks pass on the streets heading towards Elijah's building. There was smoke billowing from the opposite side of the building where his office was. I prayed then, I prayed very hard everything would be okay, I prayed nobody was in those offices, I prayed it wasn't as bad as it looked. I had no idea what caused the smoke, I just knew there was something horrible happening.


"Baby, go on, move away from the window and get out of the building, okay," I begged him, still trying to keep my voice from shaking. I pressed my hand to the window, touching him from a distance.


"Okay, I'm going."


He gave one last wave and turned away. I could hear him going through his desk, taking whatever he needed with him, papers, briefcase, keys. I heard him walking to the door and talking to someone. It was a mumble of words... blocked... no elevator... smoke... firemen... roof... stairs... I couldn't make out what was being said, but I could hear a woman's panicked voice.


"Myles, I have to go. I guess the exits are crammed with people and there's a panic of sorts..."


"Elijah, don't you dare hang up on me, please!" I panicked.


"Jeez, Honey, you okay?"


"NO, I'm not okay, your building is on fire and ... Christ... get the fuck out, just get out!" I practically screamed.


"Oh my God, why didn't you say that in the first place?"


"I didn't want you to panic."


"Okay, okay... the elevators are not working, the stairs are so full of people, but I'll squeeze in with them."


"Okay, thank you, I love you, just come home to me, Baby!"


"I love you, too, Honey. Everything will be fine, you'll see."


I couldn't leave the window, no matter how many times I tried. Ten minutes passed, then fifteen minutes. The smoke was very heavy, there were flames... OH MY GOD!


9:05 a.m.


I stood frozen, terror in my heart.


"Elijah, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!!", I screamed over and over.


"I am, I'm sweating," he gasped for breath, "this is taking so long, I feel like I'm getting nowhere. There are firemen actually going up the stairs, so we have to stop to let them pass with all their equipment."


I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched a Boeing 767 head straight for the South Tower of the World Trade Center and continue directly into it. It was at that very moment that I realized what caused the North Tower to become engulfed in flames and smoke. I was numb. I pressed my forehead against the window, my body started shaking uncontrollably.




"Baby, just keep going, okay, don't stop, just get out!"


"I'm trying, but we stopped moving. I don't know why. It's so hot in here. I'm helping a woman who hurt her ankle."


"You're such a good man, Elijah, always helping others."


"Thank you, Myles, so are you. I don't know why we're not moving. It's so hot, it's hard to breathe."


It was so frustrating, knowing Elijah wasn't out of the building, as I tried to remain calm. I knew his office was above the level of the impact and it scared me immensely. I felt like I needed to do something, but there was nothing I could do.


"You'll be fine Elijah, take deep breaths. Do you have your inhaler?"


"No, it's in my suit coat and I took it off, it was too hot, I don't know where it is now, I must have dropped it, it's so hot Myles, so hard to breathe, it's so hot..."


Elijah was having trouble talking, mostly mumbling, but as long as he talked to me, I didn't care what he was saying, just as long as I knew he was still alive. 


"Baby, it's okay, you'll be just fine. I love you and you'll be home soon."


9:59 a.m.


"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!" I softly exhaled, trembling, watching the scene unfold before my eyes, the South Tower collapsing in a plume of ash and debris. It reminded me of a perfectly orchestrated demolition of old buildings, timed explosions and perfect executions. I felt the reverberations in my Penthouse.


"Myles, oh my God, what was that?"


"Baby, how are you doing? Have you moved anymore?" I asked. I was terrified, but I refused to answer his question.


"No, something is terribly wrong, we're blocked, too much smoke and heat below us. They want to put out the fire before we can pass. I'm so fucking scared, Myles, I'm so scared."


My heart shattered into tiny little pieces.


"I know, Baby, I know. You'll be okay, just be patient, you'll get out soon."


"I love you, Myles! I am looking forward to having a really nice dinner tonight by the fire, on the floor, wine, blanket. Maybe...," I heard Elijah gasp for breath, "maybe tomorrow we'll go find a tree in the park...," another small gasp of breath, "one that has turned to autumn colors early...," another gasp, "lay beneath it and look up..."


I turned my back to the window and slid down to the floor.


"I love you, Elijah. We'll find a tree and do just that. You'll be home soon, Baby, real soon."


I felt the heat of my own tears streaming down my face.


I felt helpless... utterly helpless!


10:28 a.m. - The World Trade Center's North Tower collapses...


End flashback




I left the bedroom and walked to the living area. I found Maddie and Julian looking at me expectantly and with caution.

I let myself fall onto the leather sofa next to Julian. I was so deflated and really just wanted an escape, but knew there was none.


"He doesn't want me to bother getting tested," I calmly said.


They both were so unusually patient; I thought for a moment maybe their tongues were tied.


"He says no surgeon would ever transplant an organ from a gay man, even if it's his own father who needs it."


"We don't know that for sure, Myles," Julian said.


"Oh, Julian, ever the optimist."


Julian took my face in his hands, forcing me to look him straight in the eyes. I could feel the heat of his fingers against my skin, so forceful, yet his touch was so tender. I was really falling for him – every day, every hour, every minute, I felt safe in his arms.


"Myles, listen to me. This isn't the end, we won't give up on your Dad. He said no surgeon would do the transplant, but he never said he wouldn't allow it. There must be someone out there who is willing to do the surgery."


I heard his words, but his eyes hypnotized me. The words didn't make sense to me.


"Baby, did you hear me? Your father never said he wouldn't accept your kidney... did he?" Julian questioned.


I shook my head from side to side, feeling his thumbs brush over my cheeks, caressing gently.


"We'll find a way to help Daddy, Myles," Maddie added as she came over and sat on the other side of me. She rested her chin on my shoulder and hugged me from behind. Julian kissed me on the forehead and I began feeling a bit more hopeful.


I had the two best people in the world by my side for support. How could I go wrong with that?



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