Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

Broken Angel – 5

Author: Elsa Rose Bryant

“I can’t believe it.” Justin was on top of the world he was so pleased. “No more physical therapy at the clinic.”

The Chief couldn’t help but smile as they approached the elevator that would take them to the street entrance. “That doesn’t mean you have to stop doing your exercises. You need to strengthen your hand eye coordination. But yes, we can do that at home.”

“It’s not like I don’t know what to do.” Justin began. “But coming here every day was a drag. I hate being in with all those people though it does make me appreciate how lucky I am. I mean some of them are never going to regain their old lives. At least I have a chance thanks to you and Brian.”

Sam’s phone began to vibrate. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw that it was Jimmy calling. “I should take this before we get on the elevator, it’s Jimmy.”

“Hey Jimmy, what can I do for you?” The Chief asked. He and Justin stepped aside to let others on the elevator.

Justin watched his friend’s face turn pale as he listened to Jimmy. The old man seemed to age before his eyes and Justin himself began to feel fear that something must have happened to Brian.

“I’ll talk to Justin now, we’re leaving the medical clinic. I’m sure he will want to deal with this immediately. No we haven’t heard from Brian yet. He knows we were at the clinic. Perhaps he didn’t want to disturb us.” Sam closed his phone. He shook his head and looked down at Justin. “You won’t believe the shit that’s been let loose.”

“You might as well tell me everything. It’s about Brian somehow. I can feel it.”

“Yes it’s about Brian. Apparently someone who wishes to remain anonymous, yet is a close friend of yours. These are not my words, but the words published in that rag Whispered Agenda. Has decided to let the world know that Brian is a sexual pervert and pedophile and has been abusing you sexually since he effected your release from the hospital.”

“Holy fuck.” Justin was pale. He could barely breathe, his legs began to tremble and he sat down in the hallway, leaning against a wall. Doing his best to not only control his breathing, but to remain in control of his mind when he wanted to retreat into the nothingness of his bashed brain. “I need to find Brian.”

“Jimmy wants us over at his place. He says it’s important to get this mess straightened out immediately. No doubt he’s already contacted Brian.” Sam held out his hand to Justin and pulled him to his feet.

“This is fucking insane.” Justin began. “I’m going to make sure Brian sues their asses for slander.”

“We need to find out who’s behind this that’s for damn sure.” The elevator door opened and the two of them got in. Both were silent on the way down. Each one lost in thought about the man they both loved. One like a son and one like a husband.



Brian was cold inside and out. He felt like all of his life had come to a permanent stop in the middle of some kind of freak snowstorm. He pulled out his phone to call Justin and then threw it on the front seat of his Jeep. What in the hell was he going to say to him? It wasn’t something he could tell him on the phone. Was the whole fucking world insane?

For some reason he found himself in front of the diner. Maybe he should go inside and see if his so called family had heard the latest news. He wondered if one of them had been the so called inner circle ‘source’ of his supposed transgressions. He really didn’t think even Melanie hated him that much.

All sounds stopped when Brian walked through the door. “Well boys and girls. I guess you heard the news.” He said walking in, impeccably dressed, shoulders back and head high.

“Kinney, you get out of this diner NOW.” Debbie stood hands on her hips. “I knew you were trouble right from the start. What you’ve done to Sunshine is a crime.”

“Brian, how could you do that?” Michael asked. “I mean I know the little shit had you under some kind of spell, but geeze; to fuck him when he’s nutso, that’s worse than anything you’ve ever done."

Emmet jumped up from the booth and ran over to Brian throwing his arms around him. “Don’t listen to these people. I know you’d never hurt Justin. You two were meant for each other.”

Brian reached back and took Emmett’s hands. “Don’t wrinkle the Armani.” He said as he glared at the others in the diner. “I guess I know that Emmett wasn’t the ‘friend’ who pulled this little stunt.” He turned around and left, ignoring the loud babbling that filled the diner behind him.

He was going to drive away, but he couldn’t make himself get into the Jeep. He needed to think and the only way he could do that was to walk and clear his head. Hands in his pockets, not caring if he ruined the lining of his jacket. Brian turned from the diner and began to walk. No destination in mind, he just needed time alone to think about what he was going to do. His life was ruined in Pittsburgh as far as he knew. He wasn’t stupid. Once something like this was decided, it would spread like wildfire until he was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List as far as the citizens of the Pitts were concerned.

Would he do it over again? Brian thought back to the first time he saw Justin in that crowded hospital room, broken, lost and alone. Fuck yes, he’d rescue the boy again. He thought about heading for Lindsay’s but figured that Melanie would have poisoned his old friend’s mind, something she’d been trying to do for years. Though Lindsay should at least understand that what he and Justin have isn’t a perversion.

He continued to walk, only now with a purpose. He’d see Gus and Lindsay. Maybe get some kind of perspective on what’s happened.

It took him almost twenty minutes to wind his way through the streets to Lindsay’s home. He often had teased her about living in a rose garden like a good little wanna be Lesbi-WASP. But now walking through the gate and up the path to the veranda, he realized that he and Justin were happy in their home. Why not Lindsay and Melanie?

“Brian.” Lindsay opened the door to his knock. She was holding Gus. “What are you doing here at this time of the day.” She looked out onto the street. “Where’s the Jeep?”

“I walked.” He held out his arms for Gus only to find Lindsay turning away so that Gus remained with her.

“I’m sorry Brian, but Melanie doesn’t want you around Gus.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” He began to simmer with rage.

“It’s just that with one thing and another. And you know, the thing with Justin. She doesn’t want to take any chances.”

“Any chances on me doing what? He’s my son for fuck sakes. He’s not even two years old. Lindsay, you know me better than that.” Brian was angry and saddened at the same time.

“I thought I knew you Brian. But everyone’s talking about you and Justin. And Justin, well the poor boy isn’t right. It was bad enough before the bashing, but now Brian, really.” Lindsay closed the door leaving Brian standing on the veranda alone.


On the way to Jimmy’s, Justin phoned Brian at work. He didn’t call often, preferring to call Brian’s cell number, but the cell was going to voice mail. “Brian Kinney please.” He said when the receptionist answered.

“Mr. Kinney is no longer with the firm. I'm directing all his calls to Brad Smith who has taken on Mr. Kinney’s clients.”

“May I talk to Cynthia, Brian’s assistant?”

“I’m sorry sir, Mr. Kinney is no longer with the firm. I’m unable to put through any calls to Miss Moore regarding Mr. Kinney.” That said, the receptionist broke the connection leaving Justin holding a dead phone.

“Chief, I think Brian’s been fired.” Justin was devastated. He could only imagine how Brian was feeling, his job meant the world to him. He’d worked so hard at becoming the best in the business.

“Those bastards.” The Chief mumbled as he drove toward Jimmy’s home.

“I’ll call Lindsay, she might know where Brian is.”

“Linds, it’s Justin. Have you seen Brian?”

“Justin, Justin, how are you sweetie? I can’t believe you’re calling. It’s been so long since any of us have seen you.”

“Yeah, well I was busy with stuff. I didn’t see much of you guys when I was in the hospital.”

“But you weren’t really with us then honey. I’m sure we all visited as much as possible.”

“Actually, only Brian was there for me. Just like I am for him now. Have you seen him today?” Justin’s voice was no longer friendly. It was hard and tense.

“He did stop by, but Melanie really doesn’t want him here. Not when Gus is home.”

“Oh and why is that Lindsay? Is it because he’s been so good to all three of you? I know that he helps you out financially as much as he can. We’ve talked about it.  I know he hasn’t been able to do much lately, but that will change.”

“You know it’s not about money Justin. I would think that you of all people would understand that Brian isn’t to be trusted. Not that I think he’d do anything to Gus, but people talk and well, as far as Gus is concerned, we really can’t take any chances.”

“Well I hope you have a better lawyer on hand than your wife.” Justin was pissed. “Because you’ll need one when I get through with the both of you. I’ll fucking own everything you have including Gus.” He hung up the phone and looked at the Chief. “That went well.”

“I’m not sure I fully understand what’s happened. But I do know that Brian will be hurting and doing his best not to show it.”

They’d reached Jimmy’s place. Brian’s Jeep wasn’t in the parking area and Justin’s heart lurched when he realized that Brian was still alone. He needed to be with the older man. “I’m telling you Chief, if it takes every cent I have. I’m going after everyone who has anything to do with hurting Brian.” Justin’s eyes were cold blue ice. He could feel that he was barely hanging on inside, but he needed to be strong for the man he loved.

“Jimmy, Vanessa.” Justin walked confidently into the large home/office. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I want it stopped and I want to sue everyone involved for everything they have and then some.”

“I’m already on it.” Jimmy’s eyes, usually a rich brown sugar that twinkled with good humor, were a cold flat black. “This is nothing but shit. Brian Kinney is the trust worthy person I know. Vanessa and I wouldn’t hesitate to have him care for our children.”

“I think that Melanie, one of Gus’ moms, might be behind some of this. She’s always resented Brian being Gus’ father. I liked her well enough, but I don’t trust her.”

“I’ll let the investigator I hired know. He’s an old friend of mine. We can trust him to be quick and honest with everything he finds.”

“There’s something else.” Justin’s voice was harsh with emotion. “Brian has lost his job because of this. I don’t know how they can fire him for something that isn’t job related.”

“Does he have a contract with Ryder?” Jimmy asked.

“Not really. He was hired years ago and has moved up through the ranks to the position he was in. I know Brian was going for a partnership, but that was in the future. It’s only then that contracts are involved maybe. He’s never said if he’s had to sign anything with each promotion.”

“I’ll find out.” Vanessa said. She had a tray with coffee and cookies on it. “You boys need to refuel. I’m going to call Ryder and talk with his assistant.”

“I tried to do that, but they wouldn’t put me through.” Justin took a sip of coffee.

“I have her direct line. I needed it when we were setting up your trust.” Vanessa put her hand on Justin’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Jimmy will make them pay for hurting our Brian.”

“You’re darn right I will.” Jimmy reached for a cookie. “I love these chocolate chip cookies.” He smiled at his wife. “You put chopped cherries in these.”

“Just a little added love.” She bent and kissed the top of his head. “I’ll make that call.”

Jimmy sat back in his chair when the door shut behind his wife. “Justin, I have to tell you I’m worried about Brian’s reaction to all of this. Especially if his son is involved. I got to know the man rather well when we were working together a few months back. I know he adores his son. But what is important to Brian is respect. He didn’t have it as a child or a young man, but he worked damn hard to earn the respect of his peers. To lose that respect for a lie is going to be hard.”

“I know.” Justin spoke softly. “I wish I knew where he was. I just want to let him know that I didn’t have anything to do with this.”

“He’ll know.” Sam put is hand on Justin’s shoulder and squeezed. “I’m going to see if I can find Brian. I’m sure he’s fine, but he needs friends with him now.”

“Maybe he’s at the diner.” Justin offered. “His best friend Michael should be there, he generally is. Sometimes I think he freaking lives there.”


Sam drove out to the house first. He wanted to make sure that the gates were secured. He didn’t really expect to see Brian there, but he needed to make certain. He also wanted to see if any reporters had discovered his main residence. When he discovered it was quiet and no one other than the dogs and Cat were home. He was relieved. Brian needed a sanctuary, especially now and this house was his sanctuary.

Seeing Brian’s Jeep at the diner, Sam felt relieved. Maybe here there would be some sanity.  He parked beside the Jeep. When he got out, he could see Brian’s cell phone on the seat. He opened the unlocked vehicle, took the cell and put it in his pocket to give to Brian when he found him inside.

Inside the diner, it was noisier than usual. Discussions were taking place at every booth and the seats along the counter. Everyone had some kind of opinion about Brian. What he didn’t see, was the man in question.

Debbie was standing at the cash register. “I’m Sam, a friend of Brian’s. Have you seen him today?”

“I certainly have and that fucker is not allowed in here. He’s barred for life. We don’t need any perverts in here. Gays have a bad enough time with the bigots.”

Sam looked at her and then at the rest of the patrons, all of whom had quieted in order to hear what this stranger had to say. “So this is where Brian’s friends and family hang out. I can only assume none of them are here. Because anyone who knows the man would be well aware that Brian Kinney is an honest and honorable man. He would no more do what he was accused of, than he would…..” the Chief looked around him. “Than he would do harm to any one of you.”

“Just a damn minute here. I’ve known Kinney since he was fourteen years old. Who are you to tell us about what Brian would or would not do?”  Debbie’s face was red with indignation.

“I’m Brian and Justin’s friend. That’s who I am.” Sam shook his head in disgust, turned with military precision and walked out the door.

Outside he took a few deep cleansing breaths before phoning Jimmy. “Jimmy my boy, we have a problem. Brian was at the diner earlier, his car is here and I have his cell. It was on the front seat. His so called friends here at the diner have all turned on him. I doubt it was pretty. I’m going to keep looking for him.”

“I’ll tell Justin later.” Jimmy paused. “I sent him up to nap in the guest room. He’s using up all his hard earned strength and I’m afraid he’ll go into a fugue state. I’ve started an injunction against that ridiculous paper. My investigator said that they interviewed two people before releasing this story. Someone called Ted Schmidt and Melanie Marcus. Now that information came from a reliable source, someone who has a beef with the paper, but dates the reporter.”

“Now that’s interesting.” Sam said. His eyes scanned the street, always looking for Brian. “I’m thinking that the best way to handle this is to go after custody of Gus using the lies of Melanie Marcus as a starting point. Even if we lose, it’ll give her something to think about. Get the investigator to look into Ms. Marcus’ background. It can’t hurt.”

“Already on it.” Jimmy replied. “You might try the river park a few blocks from Liberty. It’s where we met a few times.”

“I’ll try that. Thanks.” Jimmy closed his phone and looked at Brian’s Jeep. So far there wasn’t any vandalism, but he didn’t know how long it would last. He called a towing company. No reason to take a chance. He’d have the Jeep taken to Jimmy’s. He wasn’t going to chance having it taken to the house or to Brian’s place on Tremont.

He knew the patrons of the diner were watching him. It was interesting that none of them had the balls to come out and see what he was up to. The tow truck came quickly and Sam made the arrangements to have the Jeep taken to Jimmy’s.


Brian sat on a bench only a few feet from the riverbank. He was stretched out, his shoes almost touching the edge where the rocks headed down to the water. His feet ached and he was sure that despite his expensive Pradas, he had a few blisters. He’d never put them to the test of walking miles of concrete sidewalks before.

His mind was filled with a thousand different scenarios as he tried to figure out how the fuck his life had become shit in less than twenty four hours.  As far as Gus was concerned, as soon as he could he was taking Melanie to court. Damned if he was going to give up any rights he had to Gus. Justin, Justin was another thing. He needed him more than ever. Today finally made him sit up and take notice. Like his father always said ‘ shit or get off the pot’. Justin was his partner, his legal domestic partner. It wasn’t just a piece of paper. Fuck the insurance, they didn’t need it. He was his partner in every way.

“Hey Brian, I’ve been looking for you.” Sam sat down beside his friend.

“Hey Sam, sorry, I should have called but I don’t have my phone.”

“I have it.” Sam pulled Brian’s phone out of his pocket and gave it to him. “It was in the Jeep. I had the Jeep towed to Jimmy’s.”

“Thanks, no doubt my very best friend would have had it trashed if he’d thought about it.” Brian shrugged. “I guess things are fucked up. But I did learn something that I should have years ago. I have very few friends these days that I can count on. And the gang at the diner don’t number among them.”

“We all move on from our childhood. We make friends and we lose them. It’s life.” Sam shrugged. “You’ve got a worried young man waiting for you back at Jimmy’s.”

“I should call him. I just didn’t know what to say.” Brian’s voice was flat almost lifeless. “They won’t let me see Gus and to make my day perfect, I’m out of a job.”

“Does your job define your life?” Sam asked. He hated to see his friend hurting.

“No, not really.”

“Good because when Jimmy is through with the Ryder Agency, you’ll own it. You can shut the place down and walk away. Marty Ryder can go fuck himself.”

Brian gave a halfhearted laugh. “Jimmy’s pissed.”

“Actually it’s Justin who’s pissed. Jimmy’s just trying to restrain the lad from tearing them all limb from limb. You’ve got one little spitfire there.”

“He’s not a broken angel anymore is he Chief?” Brian smiled to himself as he thought of Justin coming to his aid.

“Not by a long shot.”


Justin watched from the guest room window as Brian’s Jeep was towed into place. He’d overheard Jimmy and the tow truck driver, so he knew that it was towed here to keep it safe. Hearing those words and surmising the rest, Justin pulled himself together. It was time the gang at the diner heard his two cents worth.

He stopped at Vanessa’s desk on his way out. “Can you call me a cab Nessa?” he asked. “I need to do an errand before the Chief gets here with Brian.”

“Are you sure you’re up for it?” She asked. “It’s been quite the day.”

“Just call please.” Justin smiled. “I know what I’m doing.”

It wasn’t long before Justin was standing at the door of the diner. He wasn’t sure who was there, but he was going to make sure that at least Debbie knew Brian was innocent of the lies being told.

“SUNSHINE!” Debbie screeched when he stepped inside. She started for him but he put up his hand and shook his head.

“I’m not here to have some kind of reunion.” He looked around and found not only Michael in the back booth, but Ted and Melanie. “Well how lovely. All the little liars are here.”

“Just a damn minute here Sunshine.” Debbie began. “We’ve been worried about you.”

“Not too worried to actually visit me in the hospital, or to check on me once I was out.” Justin walked to the booth. “Just for your information. I am completely sane. I have two doctors and a judge who has given me the papers to prove I’m sane. Brian made sure I received the best treatment money can buy to get me that way. He never once, not once, treated me any way other than as a good friend from the time he sprung me from the hospital until the other night. We signed the papers making us domestic partners. It was our wedding night so to speak. And trust me it was a long time coming.”

He paused as he watched the looks on their shocked faces. “Enjoy yourselves, all of you. You will never receive a dollar from Brian again. You will never have the comfort of his friendship and guidance. You will never even see him again once we are all finished in court. You, all of you are finished being part of our lives. I’m the lucky one here. I’ve got Brian and since none of you were my friends, I haven’t lost a damn thing.”

“You can’t speak to me like that, after all I’ve done for you.” Debbie began.

“You let me live in your home. For that I thank you and I’m sure the money Brian gave you for my room and board also helped you with that decision. But turning on Brian who thought of you as not only a friend but a surrogate mother. That was unforgivable. I won’t forget and I won’t forgive.”





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