Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction
Author's Chapter Notes:

artistic license has been taken with many aspects of this chapter - I'm not a lawyer, a family counsellor or for that matter even know either to go to for advice -

Broken Angel – 4

Author: Elsa Rose Bryant


“Done already?” Brian asked when Justin slipped into the Jeep.

“I’ve been working hard for two hours. Why didn’t you come in with me?” Justin was tired, therapy took a lot out of him.

“I was busy.”

“Doing what? It looks like you were reading the paper.” Justin did up his seatbelt after five minutes of struggling to make the connection.

“Would you hurry up?”

“You could help the cripple out you know.”

“And upset your independence?” Brian snickered, but he did lean over and kiss Justin on his cheek. “I was shopping. You’ve lost so much weight I thought I’d get you something elegant for your meeting next week.”

It was then that Justin noticed the packages in the back of the Jeep. “I can pick out my own clothes.”

“Sure you can, but I was going for a more mature look. You want to look like you are not only cognitive, but tastefully dressed like an adult, not a high school kid.”

“I would have been a University kid.” Justin’s voice was glum.

“And you will be. But right now you’re my ward and I get to tell you what to do and what to wear.” Brian laughed evilly earning himself a withering glare from Justin.

“I’m starving, I hope we’re going to eat soon.”

“How about that pizza I promised you.”

“It’s too early for pizza. How about MacDonald’s?”

“How about I slit my throat now?” Brian laughed. Justin hadn’t had any fast food for months. Sam believed in proper meals and would never give in to pleas for fast food. It didn’t take him long to find the closest MacDonald’s and turn in. “Drive thru or do you want to go in and play in the ball room?”

“Drive thru.”

“Good call, I don’t want to be kicked out when you stick your fries up your nose.”

“Ha, fucking ha. That joke is getting old.” He leaned forward anxious to see the menu board. It had been months since he’d eaten Micky D’s finest. “I want a number four and upsize the fries. And a six pack of nuggets and a coke.”

“They have salads now.”

“I have salad every day at home.” Justin’s bottom lip went out.

Brian placed the order, adding a salad for himself and a coffee.

He drove them to a secluded corner of the lot, parking under a low hanging tree. “Geeze Justin, wait until I’m parked. I don’t want this shit all over the Jeep.”

Justin, his mouth filled with hot fries wasn’t listening. “This stuff is like crack.” He managed as he swallowed.

Brian laughed and stole a fry before breaking open his salad. “Hey they put chicken on this.”

“You ordered a chicken salad. What did you expect?” Justin offered Brian a bite of his burger. “Try this.”

“No thanks.” Brian added the packaged salad dressing and then took a sip of Justin’s coke.”

“You have coffee.”

“You have coke. I wanted coke.”


Both Brian and Justin jumped. Michael was pounding on Brian’s window. “Brian, what are you doing here?”

“Eating lunch.” Brian said when he rolled down the window. “What the fuck do you think I’m doing?”

“Hey, that’s Justin, I thought he was dead.”

“Nope still alive.” Justin said between bites of his burger. “I thought you were dead too, but I guess you’re still hanging in there.”

“What’s he doing with you?” Michael asked.

“Oh Brian is taking me to lunch.” Justin replied.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Michael glared.

“I’m taking Justin to lunch.” Brian continued to eat his salad. “Now run along Mikey, we’re busy.”

“Does Ma know about this?” Michael began. “You never said you knew where Justin was.”

“I don’t report in to your mother or anyone else. No one asked me if I knew where Justin was. Of course I’d know. He was with me.”

“Brian’s my hero.” Justin pretended to swoon.

“Brian’s an asshole.” Michael grumbled. “You know Ma is going to be pissed. She’s always talking about this kid and what happened to him. She was even going to get some cop involved to find his mother.”

“Well now she doesn’t have to go to all of that trouble.” Brian stole the last of Justin’s nuggets. Justin made a swipe for it and ended up hitting himself on the face making Brian snicker.

“Brian, if Justin's okay, why don’t you come to Babylon with me and the guys. It’s best abs night tomorrow night.”

“I already have the best abs. I don’t need to look at a bunch of losers who just want a free drink.” Brian finished his salad and began to gather up the garbage from their meal. He put everything in the bag it came in and handed it out the window. Michael grabbed it without thinking. “Put that in the trash bin for me would you Mikey. I have to take Justin home. It’s time for his nap.”

“Nap, what nap?” Michael asked his hands full of trash. He looked at Brian and then at Justin. “What’s going on? How do you know where he lives?”

Brian started the Jeep and put it in gear. “Have to go Mikey. I’ll see you later.” Backing out of his parking spot, he ignored Michael’s protests.

“I’M TELLING MA.” Drifted into the vehicle. Brian roared out of the MacDonald’s lot.

“Busted.” Justin grinned. “I bet you’ve had me hidden away from everyone all this time. I thought it was strange that none of your friends were bugging us.” Justin took a sip of his coke. He’d managed to save it from Brian’s desire to clear the Jeep.

“I didn’t hide you.” Brian sighed. “I wanted you to be safe and cared for. Your doctor couldn’t give me any kind of a time line for you to return to us. He said you might never recover your cognitive abilities. I had to plan for it. I sure as fuck wasn’t going to have you spend the rest of your life in some state facility. The Chief and I could look after your needs better than any fucking stranger.”

“You did a lot for me Brian. More than I deserved.” Justin’s voice was quiet. “I’m still not right in the head. I might never be, but you don’t ever give up, do you?”

“I’m not giving up and neither are you.” Brian pulled into the underground parking of the Tremont apartment building. “It’s only time. You’ll return to your normal annoying self and I’ll go back to being the selfish asshole you’ve come to know and love.”

“Very funny Brian.” Justin glared at the block wall in front of them. “Did you really sell the loft?”

“Yes I really sold the loft and got a damn good price for it. I bought this place. You know that.”

“Sometimes I remember things that didn’t happen. And sometimes I don’t remember things.”

“Aaaahhhhhh, cognitive frailty in one so young. No more late nights for you young man.” Brian undid Justin’s seat belt before he released his own and got out of the Jeep. He had Justin’s door open before the blond could fumble his way to open it. “Your palace awaits Angel.”

Justin giggled and let Brian pull him to his feet. “I can’t wait. I hope it has a big bed.”

“I hope it does too.” Brian deadpanned.

“It’s your place, you know what size of bed it has.”

“I caught your cognitive frailty.” Brian laughed and twirled Justin around before kissing him soundly.

“You’re very juvenile.”

“I caught that too.” Brian couldn’t remember when he had felt so giddy. Bringing Justin back to Tremont, even if it wasn’t to the loft seemed like some kind of major milestone. “I think I’m having a flashback to your childhood.”

“My childhood?”

“Well mine sucked, so it has to be yours.” Brian opened the door to the building, holding it for Justin. “Not so far to walk. The palace doors are right here.” Sure enough, rather than a sliding door. Justin faced double doors painted deep gray.

“Only one opens, but the presentation is great.” Brian said tongue in cheek. “And what’s even better, is the fact that only you and I have a key.”

“I don’t have a key.”

“Yes you do.” Brian pulled a key ring from his pocket. “Keys to this place, keys to the house and the gate.”

“No shit.” Justin beamed. Brian had opened the door and they walked through. “Hey, not bad.” He didn’t have to move to see the whole apartment. “All your stuff fit in, even your bed.”

“It’s amazing.” Brian said. “The only thing lacking is floor space for doing handstands.”

“You sucked at handstands. This is better.” Justin was walking around touching things and generally checking everything out.  “I like the bed.”

“You always did like the bed.” Brian smiled when Justin threw himself down on the thick navy duvet cover. The kid always loved the way it cushioned him. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Justin wiggled and made himself comfortable. “I’m happy.” He stated.

“I’ve never heard you say that before.” Justin pulled Brian down beside him. “I’m glad you’re happy.”

“I’ve never truly been happy before.” Brian sighed. “I know we have a lot of things to work through. You’ve got school to return to and a life to rejoin. But for now, I’m happy.”

“What are we to one another Brian?” Justin dared to ask. “I know we’re friends, good friends. I know you're my guardian, but that’s about to change. But we sleep together, we kiss. What are we?”

“We kiss and we sleep. And yes we’re friends.” Brian stared at the ceiling. “I don’t know Justin. What are we? A boyfriend is too high school and I’m long past that. Partners, well, that’s a commitment that I’m not ready for and neither are you, no matter what you might think. Though we’re going to have to talk about that one. I need to make you my domestic partner in order for you to be on my insurance at work. You have to be cognitive to agree and I have to be insane to agree.”

Justin glared at Brian. “I’m sorry I asked.”

“No, you need to know. You need perimeters defined. I understand it’s something that’s part of your recovery. I just don’t know how to define them. And believe me I’ve given it lots of thought.” He sighed. “Justin, we’re friends. I mean that, you’re probably my best friend. I trust you with everything I am. I need you in my life. I know that now. I like having you in our bed, in our house.”

Justin smiled to himself. He wanted Brian to be more, but he’d heard the word ‘our’ when Brian talked about him. For now that was enough. “It’s okay Brian. I’m happy just the way things are. I’m not so sure about school right now. I don’t want to zone out in class.”

“We’re working on that with the doctor Justin. Think of it as a form of epilepsy. Having epilepsy doesn’t stop people from going to school or work.”

“Yeah, but it’s embarrassing.” Justin rolled over away from Brian’s stare.

“So is living with an eighteen year old when you’re thirty. But I’m still doing it.”

“I’m telling you, it’s like the bashing never happened.  Brian is fucking that kid again.” Michael leaned forward in the booth to emphasize his words.

“That’s not right. I saw Justin and he’s in no way able to make rational decisions. I think Brian has crossed a line that could get him into trouble.” Ted looked sanctimonious.

“Brian should damn well know better than to take advantage of Justin when he’s not well.” Debbie stood beside the booth, hands on her hips. “I’m going to call Melanie and see what can be done to protect Justin’s rights.”

Brian and Justin had both changed into comfortable sweats. They had selected three movies and Justin had made popcorn.

The second movie was almost over, when Justin fell asleep. It wasn’t unusual, he tired easily and they’d had a busy day. Brian stood up, lowered the sound on the movie, but left it on. He found a blanket and covered Justin, kissing him gently on the forehead. He had four more days before Justin’s mental competence would be declared. Four more days before he could make love to him.  Making Justin his domestic partner, that was another thing. He was going to do it. In fact he already had the paperwork ready for Justin’s signature. The whole thing would be done after the meeting at the medical clinic.

“Hey Chief.” Brian spoke quietly into the phone. “We’re going to stay over tonight. Justin fell asleep and I don’t feel like waking him and then driving back to the house.”

“No problem Brian. The dogs are all in their bed for the night. Cat is watching them. I’ll spend the night here. I don’t like to leave the animals alone.”

“Softy.” Brian chuckled and hung up. His cell phone rang, it was Michael so he let it go to voice mail and then turned it off and unplugged the land line. If they were going to spend the night at the apartment, it was going to be a quiet one. At least no one had the number of the house.

Brian turned off the lights, made sure the door was secured and joined Justin on the sofa to watch the end of the movie. Or was that to watch over Justin as he slept.


Jimmy and Vanessa joined Justin and Brian in the semi formal courtroom. A family court judge was there as well as two doctors from the medical clinic. The doctors testified that Justin was competent and should be released from his guardianship. The judge signed the order and that was it. Justin was now considered an competent adult.

“Cool, I can vote, get married and join the Army.” Justin said when the courts was dismissed.

“Not today Angel Boy.” Brian drawled. “I have some paperwork for you to sign. Did you bring everything Jimmy?”

“It’s all here. We’ll use the coffee shop on the top floor as our office. Vanessa will be our witness as well as notary.”

“What paperwork?” Justin asked.

“Patience oh jumpy one.” Brian drawled leading them to the elevator.

Soon they were all seated, drinks and sandwiches on the table. “Justin, we need your signature on these papers. They state that you are residing with Brian as his domestic partner. Brian’s already signed everything.” He passed over some papers marked with sticky index papers. “Sign where indicated.” He pulled out another sheaf of paperwork. “These papers are the ones releasing the funds I was holding in trust for you to you to administer.”

“Wow, I thought you only got me a million five.” Justin’s eyes had widened at the amount.

“Brian is good at investing. You made a substantial increase in the principle in the past six months. I’d suggest you consult Brian before moving much of this around. He seems to know what he’s doing.”

“And I thought he was just a pretty face.” Justin teased, surprised when he watched Brian’s face flush. He signed papers and then looked at Brian. “I know you’re not too happy about this whole Domestic partner thing.”

“We own a house and an apartment together. We live in them. We eat and sleep together. With luck we’ll do more than sleep by tonight. What else would you call us?”

“Really friendly roommates.” Justin paused. “Hey, what do you mean we own the house and apartment together?”

“You heard me.” Brian ducked his head.

“It was something Brian and I thought of when you needed care.” Jimmy’s voice was soft. “We felt that you should always be part of what was happening to you. Both of us knew that no matter what the doctors said, you were coming back.”

“Oh.” Justin sighed. “I guess it’s okay then. But I want Brian to have half of my money too.”

“That was awarded to you Angel.” Brian said.

“Then I want papers drawn up giving you half of my assets. I see that you did it for me. Including your power of attorney. Well I want the same.”

“Surprisingly enough, I thought you’d say that.” Vanessa grinned. “I had made up the necessary papers. All you have to do is sign.”

“Why do I feel like I’ve been set up?” Brian and Jimmy said at the same time.

“Wives and domestic partners know how the other half thinks. We’re always ahead of you.” Nessa smirked at her husband and Brian. Justin gave her a high five.

“This isn’t set in stone you know Brian. It’s a lot easier to dissolve a domestic partnership than it is to get a divorce.” His smile wavered for a moment. “And it’s not like this is anyone’s business other than ours. Your friends never have to know what’s taken place here.”

Brian felt a touch of sadness in his heart that Justin referred to the gang as ‘his’ friends. He realized that what the blond said was no doubt true. No one did have to know about what had transpired today. He suspected though that Daphne would know before the day was out. Justin certainly wasn’t ashamed of him and their strange relationship. He’d be bragging to Daphne as soon as he could.

Instead of saying what he was feeling, Brian said. “Why don’t we go somewhere special for lunch?”

“I was just thinking a celebratory lunch would be in order.” Jimmy and Vanessa gathered up the papers. “I’ll keep the original paperwork at my office Brian. We’ll send you and Justin copies tomorrow for your records.

Justin put aside his uneasiness at going to a public restaurant, no doubt a somewhat classy one if he knew Brian. Maybe Brian was right. It was time to put aside his nervousness and rejoin the world. After all, what could happen?

Melanie sat back in her chair and stared at the group gathered in her living room. “Michael, do you have proof that Brian is sleeping with Justin.”

“You mean fucking him don’t you?” Debbie piped up. “I’m sure they don’t do much sleeping.”

Melanie ignored Debbie, her crass nature grated. “Well, do you?”

“I haven’t actually seen them doing it. But they were pretty cozy in the car and you know Brian. It’s not like he’d keep anyone around unless he was fucking him.”

“I know for a fact that Justin still has issues.” Ted piped up. “There’s no way he’s the same boy he was before the bashing. Hell, his own parents gave Brian guardianship over the kid. They didn’t want some mental retard to deal with. Who would?”

“That’s a little harsh don’t you think Ted?” Lindsay asked. “Brian might have guardianship of Justin, but I’m sure it’s only to have him covered by insurance or something like that. He’s hardly the kind of man to have anyone less than perfect actually living with him. Let alone having sexual relations. I think all of you have to be mistaken. Brian would never have sex with someone who is mentally a child.”

“It never stopped him before the bashing.” Melanie smirked. “Justin was seventeen when Brian first picked him up. In my eyes, seventeen is by no means an adult. We all know what Brian did to him then. Perhaps if he’d kept his hands off the boy, this conversation wouldn’t be needed.”

“I have to agree with Melanie.” Michael said with a sigh. “Brian knew how old Justin was right from the first, yet he fucked him and continued to fuck him. Justin’s father had a point when he called Brian a child molester.” He looked at Lindsay. “Would you want someone like Brian having sexual relations with Gus when he’s seventeen?”

“We all know Brian is a predator. His reputation on Liberty Avenue tells us all that.” Melanie began. “What we need to do is find a way to protect Justin from him.”

“Do you know where Justin is living?” Lindsay asked.

“No, I’ve tried to find his mother, but she moved again.” Melanie stood up and began to pace. “Unless we have absolute proof about what Brian has done. Or have Justin to corroborate Brian’s transgressions; we can’t go to the police. We’d only be dismissed. We can’t take him to court without having a police report that ends with the police pressing charges.” She sighed.

“I wish there was something we could do to make Brian have responsibility for his actions.” Michael said. He was thinking that maybe when Brian realized just how stupid he’d been, he’d turn to his best friend.

“We could go to the media with the story.” Ted suggested. “I know someone on the Whispered Agenda, that paper that blows the whistle on celebrities.”

“Brian is hardly a celebrity.” Debbie said. “But I suppose he is important here in Pittsburgh. He’s always saying how great he is in the advertising world. I bet his boss won’t think so when he finds out that Brian is fooling around with some mentally handicapped eighteen year old.”

“I don’t know.” Lindsay began. “Do you really want to ruin Brian in the community? He isn’t really a bad man. He’s a good father to Gus and he has helped us out from time to time.”

“I think it’s about time Kinney gets what he deserves. The only way that bastard will understand what he’s done if it hits him in the pocketbook.” Melanie was a woman with a mission. She saw a way of getting even with her supposed rival and she was going to take it, no matter what.

Brian was early. He usually was. He liked to get a head start on the day at Ryder, read any memos and draft a few to keep people on their toes. He noticed Marty’s office light was on, but didn’t think much of it. Instead he took his two lattes and headed for his office.

“Cynthia, what are doing here so early?” He asked as he flipped on the light in his office. His assistant had been sitting on the sofa, almost as if she was hiding in the dark.

“Brian, haven’t you read this yet?” She held up the latest issue of the Whispered Agenda.”

“I never read that rag. They rarely have any truth in anything they write. If you’ll notice the inside back page is mostly retractions of stories they wrote previously.”

“Well, you’d better sit down for this. The main story complete with a picture of you coming out of Babylon slightly the worse for wear, is something you’d better deal with immediately.” She put the paper on his desk. “Marty is livid. I haven’t talked to him yet, but I’ve heard him screeching on the phone.”

“What the fuck now?” Brian began to read, his eyes getting wider and his face redder as he read a rehash of the Prom bashing. Then the suppositions put together by the paper regarding his relationship with Justin. Their description of the boy was hardly flattering, but it made Brian Kinney look like some kind of perverted child molester. Without actually saying it, the innuendos and the wildly stretched facts made fact out of fiction.

“Is Kinney here yet?” Marty shouted from his office.

“Yes Mr. Ryder.” Cynthia replied. She turned back to Brian. “I don’t know what to do to help you, but anything you need, let me know.”

“Marty.” Brian drawled as he stood in his boss’s doorway. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m not going to discuss this. I put up with your perversions because they didn’t affect the business. But now, now I have to cut my losses. You’re fired. I’m giving you six months severance. I want you out of here immediately. I’ll have Cynthia pack your personal belongings and send them to you.”

“So I’m guilty without having any chance to state my side of the story?” Brian shook his head. “It’s been a slice Marty.” He turned on his heel and left.

“Cynthia, apparently I’m fired. I’ll write down the address to have my things sent to.” Brian pretended not to notice his friend and college’s tears as he wrote out his home address.

“Boss, I can’t stay here without you.” She began.

“Don’t quit because of me. You have to live. I’ll be okay. And Cynthia about the article...”

“Don’t say a word Brian. Of course it isn’t true. Not one damn word. I know you. You’re an honorable man. I know you and Justin were becoming involved before he was injured. But I know you. You’d never do anything to hurt that boy. You love him too much.”

Brian was at a loss for words. “Cynthia.” He began.

She ran over and gave him a hug then reached up and kissed his cheek. “I’ll talk to you later Boss when things settle down.”

Brian left the Ryder Agency. On the ride down the elevator he put on the mask he used to wear to face the world. The walls were up and the mask was in place by the time he reached the lobby. Reporters from the local news station along with a camera crew were stationed on the sidewalk outside the building. Apparently the gossip rag had peaked the interest of the local real news people.

“Mr. Kinney, would you care to comment on the allegations that you have had sexual relations with a mentally challenged teen?”

Brian, impeccably dressed in black Armani, black silk shirt and red tie, walked past the reporter, as if she didn’t exist. He neither acknowledged her nor avoided her. Instead he walked to his Jeep as if she was invisible. Jumping to one side to avoid being walked over, the reporter started to shout questions at the arrogant man. Brian unlocked the Jeep, got in and locked it again. He carefully and deliberately did his seat belt up, put his sunglasses on and started the Jeep. He signaled and moved out into traffic barely avoiding the cameraman who had to jump out of the way. It wouldn’t be a good news bite.







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