Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction



After a wonderful morning together, Justin found himself humming as he put on his shoes.

"Justin," Brian begins with amusement as he helps Kai zip up his jacket, "you do realize you're humming The Itsy Bitsy Spider, don't you?"

Justin stops, smirks, and retorts with a chuckle, "Shut up."

Brian looks at Kai and comments, "Do you see the abuse I take from him?"

Kai continues to look up at the ceiling, his hands resting at his sides as he begins to sway. Taking his hand, Brian smiles, "We can dance later, come on." He would never admit it out loud, but Brian enjoyed having Kai over. The kid was sweet and it didn't matter that he couldn't talk, the toddler had his own special way in letting them know what he wanted. They just needed to pay attention and make a lot of guesses. He could imagine how frustrating it must have been for Kai's mother, and as angry as he is to know that she left him, the blunt of that anger remains on Craig.

Justin slides the door open, "Come on, Boys." Though he wished they weren't driving to the hospital, he was glad that they were together. Justin was feeling depressed when Gus was over, but thanks to Brian, he quickly moved past those feelings and just focused on having a great time with Kai, and Brian. He still couldn't believe how accepting Brian has been over everything, and he realizes that maybe they both had grown up a bit since their break up.

"Eeee!" Kai shrieks with delight as they enter the elevator. Justin smiles at his brother, and then looks up at Brian who is also smiling. "Maybe he'll be an engineer."

Brian scoffs, "He's two, Justin."

Shaking his head, Justin shrugs and smiles to himself. It didn't hurt to think about these things, even though, as Brian so eloquently put, he's only two.

Exiting the elevator, the three casually walk to the garage, Brian holding one of Kai's hands while Justin holds the other. Grinning, Justin starts to count off, "One, two, three... UP!" and swings his arm up, causing Brian to follow along and making Kai fly up in the air with a gleeful shriek.

"You could've warned me," Brian comments as they near the car.

"I counted."



"I'm counting..." Justin sing songs, "One, two, three, UP!" and together both men swing their arms forward, sending Kai up in the air. The toddler laughs happily.

They enter the car and Brian asks, "Why do you have to drive?"

"Because it's Craig's car," Justin states, "Obviously," turning to his lover, he frowns, "You want to crash it, don't you?"

Brian shrugs, mumbling, "Just returning the favor..."

"Brian!" Justin laughs, "I'd actually like to keep seeing my brother, you know."

Brian snorts, "Please, I doubt Daddy Dearest will keep Kai to himself. He'll throw him to you at the first chance he gets."

Reversing out of the parking spot, Justin chimes in, "You know what? I don't care."

Smiling softly, Brian nods, "I know." Turning to look at Kai in the backseat, Brian can understand why.

They drive in comfortable silence. Soon Justin decides to turn on the radio, trying to find a decent station until he finally finds a song he likes. Then Brian changes the station mid-song which makes Justin turn the radio off. They smile at each other, and Justin rests his hand on Brian's thigh. The brunette pretends not to notice and instead looks out the window.

"Here we are!" Justin announces, pulling up to the door.

"Door to door service," Brian whistles, "Fancy."

"We do things in style here, Mr. Kinney," Justin replies with a smirk.

"Sweeeet." Opening the door, he calls out to Kai, "I'll see you soon, Kai."

Kai yawns and rubs his eyes.

"I love you," Justin calls out. Brian smiles, shutting the door and walking into the hospital.

The blond watches his partner go inside. Sighing, he says, "Okay, Kai, it's time to get you home for your nap." He doesn't add that Craig will probably be there. He doubts that Kai would even care.

The traffic is light and Justin makes it to Craig's house earlier than he had expected. Kai, already asleep, stays sleeping as his brother carries him out of the car, up the stairs and into his crib.

Closing the door, Justin heads back downstairs, annoyed that Craig isn't back yet. He checks his watch, and then hears a car door open from outside. "Finally," he mutters to himself. He pauses when he hears a woman's voice.

"Craig, are you sure I can't come in for a bit?" She asks, and Justin peers out from behind the curtain to see a woman standing by her red convertible. Craig, holding a suitcase, grins, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Not today, Beautiful. I had someone clean the carpets, so everything is a wet mess."

She pouts, and Justin finds it disgusting to watch. He turns away as the two kiss. "Some business trip," he says to himself.

Soon the door opens and Craig walks in, not looking the least bit guilty. "Hi, Justin."

Justin narrows his eyes, "How was your business trip?"

"Good." He pulls out his wallet and asks, "My car okay?"

"Kai is great, thanks for putting his well being over your car."

Craig stops, looks up at Justin and sighs, "Justin, give me a break."

"Does Kai have any allergies?" Justin asks suddenly, remembering the mother in the park.

Craig looks at Justin as if he has two heads. "What?"

"Allergies? A lot of kids with autism have food allergies. Does Kai have any?" Justin explains, trying to focus on his brother and not on the image of Craig kissing that woman.

Afer a few seconds, Craig answers, "I have no idea."

"Well I think you need to take him to an allergist." Justin replies, crossing his arms.

Craig brushes him off, "Like I have time for that."

"You have time to fuck blondes in red convertibles," Justin explains, gesturing to the window, "I'm sure you can make time to take YOUR SON to an allergist... call it a business trip."

"Now see here, young man," Craig begins, and then stops when he sees Justin's hostile expression. Shaking his head, he argues, "My social life is none of your business."

"Does she know about Kai?" Justin asks, already knowing the answer since the carpets were not wet.

"No." He runs his hands through his hair, "She doesn't need to know that... I..."

"So she's just a fuck." He asks, leaning back against the wall.

"What?!" Craig can't believe what he's hearing.

"A fuck," Justin repeats, "A trick. Someone you aren't planning to see again."

"Not that it's any of your business," Craig stammers, "But Melissa is more than... than what you are trying to say."

"A fuck?"

"Stop it!"

Justin smirks, "I'm just trying to understand. If this Melissa is more than a fuck, then why doesn't she know about Kai? Does she know about Molly?"

Exhaling slowly, Craig isn't sure why he's even having this conversation. "Melissa knows that I am divorced and that I have a daughter who is living with her mother."

Ouch. Justin stands there, trying to stay calm and composed, refusing to let the hurt shine through. It's not about me, he tells himself, it's about Kai. "So are you planning on hiding Kai in the attic when she's over?"

"Justin, I've had enough of this!"

"You know what?" Justin says, standing up straighter, "So have I." Walking over to the door, he turns back to his estranged father, "I like Kai. He is a great kid. It's a shame you're too much of a selfish asshole to see that." Walking out, he's glad he has to walk a block to the bus stop. He needed to get the anger out.

Fuckin' asshole...fuckin' asshole...fuckin' asshole....

The walk to the bus however, did little good. and the ride to the loft, did little as well. Arriving at the loft to pick up Brian's car, Justin finally starts to settle down when he sits in the driver's seat and smells his lover's cologne in the air.

Justin would not let Craig bother him. Saturday wasn't over, and he still had all of Sunday to focus on Brian and his relationship. Suddenly smiling, Justin can't wait.





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