Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction


“Is this Ben Bruckner?”

“Yes it is.”

“I’m Officer White with the Pittsburgh Police department. Mrs. James Bruckner, Tiffany, asked me to call you. I’m with her now; we had to inform her that her husband James was killed in a fatal car accident a few minutes ago. She requested I call you.”

“Oh my God, Hunter. Where are you now?”

“We’re at their residence sir.”

“I’ll be right over, tell Tiffany I’ll handle everything.”

“We can wait with her until you arrive. I don’t want to leave her alone at this time.”

“Thank you officer.” Ben closed his phone, grabbed his coat and ran for the door. Once in the car he phoned Debbie.

“Hey Ben”

“Debbie, I have bad news; Hunter died today in a car accident. I’m headed to their house right now.”

“Oh shit, I’ll be right over. Maybe Carl can find out what happened.”

“I’m going to bring Tiffany and the baby home with us tonight. Let the others know about it. All I know is it happened minutes ago from an officer at their house now.”

“OK, I’ll make the calls Ben.” Debbie hung up and called the gang. At the end she called Justin.

“Hello Debbie”

“Sunshine, we got sad news. Hunter was just killed in a car wreck. I’m headed to their house now to help Ben get the girls together to stay with him and Don.”

“Shit; that’s horrible Debbie. I’m fucking shocked.”

“I’ll leave it to you to tell everyone in California for me.”

“Ok, I’ll do it right now starting with Brian. I’m sure we’re going fly back to Pittsburgh as soon as possible. The boys are done filming Rage but the young ones still film for Disney. I have to see how we can handle that.”

“Just pass the word for now. I’ll call you later when I know more. Carl’s trying to find out what happened.”

“Ok, I’m so sorry Debbie.”

“Me to kiddo. That little girl won’t get to know her father. Talk to you later.” Debbie and Justin ended their call and Justin called Brian telling him the news. Brian called Jerry and asked about the boy’s filming schedule and contracts with Disney concerning family emergencies. Jerry called the producer of Surfing Boys and found out they were weeks ahead with filming schedules and could get away for two weeks without a problem. Jerry told Brian the news and then Brian called Ted and arranged to stay at the old Britin estate with Ted and Blake and for the boys to stay in the second house which Ted had furnished with rented furniture practically overnight. 


The following afternoon Jerry and Mark’s Gulfstream jet touched down at Pittsburgh International during a pouring rainstorm. They taxied to the Kinnetik terminal where several limos waited to drive the party to the Britin estate; although Ted and Blake no longer call it that anymore. Soon Brian, Justin, Devin, Zack, Jerry and Mark were set up in the main house while Frank, Shawn, Peter, Gus, Jenna, John and Kent got set up in the second house once occupied by Melanie and Nancy. Snacks and sodas were placed in the second house and meals were planned to be done in the main house by everyone.

At Ben and Don’s house Tiffany slept using a prescription from her doctor and Debbie watched and cared for their daughter Roan who was almost three years old. With Tiffany’s permission, Debbie explained to the little girl that her father was gone and wasn’t coming home again. It was one of the hardest things Debbie ever did in her life.

During the flight, the parents told the boys about the Baptist boycott and the hateful things they were saying to prepare them for hearing it in the media. This problem was small compared to dealing with the tragedy of Hunter’s untimely death at such a young age. That night Tiffany and Roan joined them at the Britin estate for the night and informed them that she had just told Hunter the night before he died, she was with child once again. They were planning to tell the family at Sunday pasta. They had tried to get pregnant about a month ago and were successful.

Tray and Frenchie worked with Blake making dinner for everyone in the main kitchen. There was an odd calm on the house with so many people there. Carl and Ben got in later just before dinner after finding out the details of the accident and making funeral arrangements. Tiffany provided Hunter’s Will leaving his estate to his wife and child, and giving instruction not to contact his mother. In private Carl told the men that Hunter died instantly from a horrific head on collision so violent his air bag burst and the engine of his car was driven into his lap crushing him. It would have to be a closed casket funeral. Ironically the drunk driver survived and was facing vehicular homicide. Over Tiffany’s objections Jerry and Mark insisted on paying for the funeral arrangements saying it’s the least they can do.

Ted, Jerry, Justin and Brian discussed the Baptist boycott issue and decided to do nothing for the time being and to ignore it publically. Privately they had other plans set into motion. Jerry hired a battery of private investigators to research the members of the convention board and their families. Ted made arrangements to study the public reaction to the boycott from a marketing standpoint and to get an idea on the depth of the problem for the studio. All agreed dealing with Hunter’s death was the important issue of the moment and didn’t want to think about anything else.

People tried to have conversation while eating despite the circumstances; like a chain reaction the young ones acted more normal relaxing the older members of the family. Since the Malibu group ate little earlier they did eat a good dinner meal. All of the Pittsburgh gang was there including Lindsay; this was the first family event she was present for including the California group. She was already accepted at Debbie and Carl’s for pasta on Sundays. Outside of casual greetings Melanie refused to talk to her. Gus could see the tension between his mommies and accepted that would have to do for now.

Jenna was more accepting of Lindsay now that Gus’s nightmares stopped; she was allowed to hold her grandchild Pam and give her a bottle. The boys went to the media room for TV after dinner and the adults went to the bar room for an after dinner drink and more talking. Debbie and Tiffany stayed back to help the chefs and Blake clean up the dining room and kitchen. Tiffany felt that if she was busy she felt better. Debbie was a rock, and very supportive of her. Tiffany drew strength from the older woman as she worked beside her. The girls played with Roan in the living room. Two bodyguards from California watched outside the house for anyone that didn’t belong there. They took turns eating after the main party ate.

A Hollywood show on the TV in the media room described the Baptist Convention boycott of the Rage 2 movie and their reasons. The reporter didn’t use the bastard word but hinted to children born out of wedlock for gay couples. He also mentioned Mark’s mother and the gay male parents for the boys and their connections to the studio. The piece ended stating there was no response from Marvel studios about the boycott so far.

“There’s no response because we have a family emergency at the fucking moment.” Gus commented.

“Is this going to hurt the film Gus?” Zack asked him.

“I don’t think so; if the movie’s good they’ll come and see it. Those people weren’t fans to begin with so no loss there. People today are a lot more accepting of gay people then they use to be. Dad told us they tried to boycott Disney once and it didn’t make a difference. They’re giving us free publicity by doing this. I’m sure once we get past the funeral and back home they’ll take care of this little boycott.”

“What can we do to make it better?” Devin wondered.

“We stand up for our parents and our lives. We tell people how good we have it and how much love is in our homes with gay parents. We act proud to be their sons no matter what; that’s what I’m going to do and whatever Dad wants me to do.” Gus said.

“We have a lot of fans with Surfing Boys that will come see the movie. I’m not worried about this boycott.” Zack said.

“It’s all politics guys; Christians attack gays to gather votes for the conservatives. This is like the marriage issue for gay couples. Once they can’t attack gays they’ll move on to illegal immigrants or something.” Frank told them. “Before gays it was segregation or inner-racial marriages they attacked.”

“We wouldn’t be bastards if they let our parents marry. That makes it their fault in my eyes.” Devin said.

“Our parents are married in a manner of speaking. They’re better couples then most straight couples we’ve met. Our gay parents haven’t divorced each other like half my friends’ parents have.” Zack realized.

“It might take a generation or two to change things but one day gay marriages will be legal in America.” Gus told them. “The movie’s cutting edge socially speaking and was bound to attract negative attention.”

“I want to go on TV and tell the world how good it is to have gay parents. The other kids don’t know what they’re missing. The three of us can do an interview just to answer the boycott issue.” Devin thought out loud.

“We should let our dads decide how to handle it; I like the idea myself so let’s tell them about it.” Gus added.


“I want to invite Tiffany and Roan to come stay with us for a while; maybe for good.” Mark told his lover.

“I like that idea; it’d be good for her to be with us. She needs time to grieve and we can help watch the baby.”

“She can use our jet and fly back to visit anytime she wants to. Maybe we could build her a house on the property.”

“Let’s take one thing at a time; first we get her to visit after the funeral; then once we have her there we bring up the idea of living together and perhaps creating her a new house.”

“I don’t know how she’s holding up so well; I’d be in pieces if I lost you.”

“She has no choice Mark. She has to hold it together for Roan.”

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