Midnight Whispers
QAF Brian and Justin Fanfiction

“Brian here”     

“Brian, this is Simon Radcliffe; I have some tragic news. Diamond’s father died of a heart attack last night. It’s in the papers. It happened while he was working outside.”     

“That’s horrible Simon. I’ll have to break the news to Diamond. I understand from him his mother has severe mental illness as in depression. Could I hire you to be a fiduciary in charge of her affairs until she’s well? I’m not familiar with British laws in this area.”     

“She would have to accept my help Brian or if it’s deemed she could be harmful to herself or others she would be committed by the Courts.”     

“Go see her today. Take her 20,000 pounds for now to pay for her expenses and to bury her husband. Tell her it’s from the men who are adopting her son. Tell her we’ll be in Reading tomorrow with Diamond to be beside her now in her hour of need. If she’s unable to handle the arrangements; offer to assist her without charge and I’ll pay your bill. Perhaps her son can persuade her to accept help from us and get the professional help she needs.”     

“That sounds like a great idea Brian. She wasn’t happy losing Diamond but her husband demanded she sign the custody paper. I don’t think he even mentioned to her the money because he told me outside not to mention it to her.”     

“Sorry bastard; if you knew the things he did to her and this boy you wouldn’t be feeling any sorrow for his death. It’s a real nightmare Simon.”     

“I’ll go see her at once and call you back.”     

“She can call me and talk to Diamond if she wishes to.”     

“Thanks Brian; I’m sure that’ll help her. Good day.” Brian closed his phone and found Diamond and Tim watching TV in the living room. Brian grabbed the remote and turned down the volume.     

“Diamond, my attorney in Reading just called; your father died last night from a heart attack.”    

“Oh shit! My Mum will be so lost Brian. She’s too sick to work and they don’t have any insurance or money.”     

“We’re going to take care of everything including your mom. Get Justin to take you shopping for a new suit. We flying to England to be with your mom and help her now. You need a suit for the funeral.”     

“I wish I could piss on his grave Brian but I should be there for Mum.” Diamond went and told Justin want was happening. Soon they left the condo and went shopping. Brian called Jordan.     

“Hello Brian; does the rascal need blood?”     

“It’s more than that Jordan. He’s father died last night from a heart attack. We need to fly to England at once. We’re in Pittsburgh now but flying to New York quickly.”     

“Call my pilot and take the jet. Justin can co-pilot since he isn’t rated yet on a 737.”     

“Thanks Jordan, you know my jet won’t reach that far.”     

“Anytime Brian; if I can do anything to help call me.”

“We appreciate that. The jet’s all we need. Thank you.” Brian called Jordan’s pilot and arranged for the jet to fly out at 9 that evening. They would be Reading England by nine in the morning their time with an overnight flight. Justin could sleep in the rear bedroom if he wanted to and Brian could co-pilot.     

“Tim, pack bags for me and Justin for a five day trip with suits and dress attire.”     

“Yes Brian. I’m very sorry about this.”    

“Shit happens.” Brian said hiding his smirk. Two hours later Justin and Diamond returned with a new tailored suit for the boy and two dress shirts and ties. He got a new pair of dress shoes and socks to match. He would look like a million bucks when his mom saw him. They quickly got aboard their jet and flew back to New York. Brian called Debbie and explained why they won’t be at dinner Sunday. Justin called his barber and got him to open the shop so they could all get haircuts quickly. Diamond stocked up on blood from all the available servants at Uber Tower enough to last him for days. Justin argued he should feed Diamond too as his blood would go farther and he was family now. Brian gave in and Diamond got a taste of the best blood on earth. Justin’s blood was a rush to say the least.     

Justin had a huge meal downstairs in the restaurant; after eating and saying goodbye to his infant sons; they headed to the airport to board Jordan’s jet. Justin took the co-pilot chair. The controls were nearly identical to his jet with more electronics for radar and weather. He knew he could safely fly it. The captain let Justin take off and soon they were over the Atlantic Ocean for the long overnight flight.      

After stopping at Dublin Ireland to get fuel, they landed in Reading England at 8:45 Am. It was a very overcast day making it easy for vampires to be outside. They had umbrellas just in case. Brian arranged for a limo to pick them up at the airport. After checking into the hotel they headed straight to Diamond’s old home. He was concerned his mother didn’t call him yesterday or last night and wouldn’t answer her phone. The attorney couldn’t get her to answer the door either having tried several times.     

Diamond found the hidden key under a brick on the porch and unlocked the front door and they all walked inside. Justin was assaulted by the stench retching from the house. There were plates of food days or week’s old sitting everywhere among whiskey bottles. Diamond found his mother huddled on a ragged sofa in the living room looking lifeless.     

“Mum? Wake up Mum. It’s Diamond Mum. I came back from America to help you.” Diamond pulled up his mother and patted her gently on her cheek. Slowly she opened her eyes.     

“Diamond; I thought I lost you. Your father made me give you away. I didn’t want to do it but he hit me again. Maybe you should leave before he shows up and hits you too. Who are these men son?”     

“This is Brian and Justin mother; they are adopting me and giving me a very good home. We’re going to take care of you now. Dad is gone Mum. He passed away yesterday in the yard. His heart gave out.”     

“He was just here a few minutes ago talking bad about you again.” Diamond looked at Justin at a lost what to do. Brian was more on top of things.     

“Simon Radcliffe speaking.”     

“Brian Kinney; I’m in Reading now with Diamond at his parents’ home. Get over here with the commitment papers and I need two nurses to help get his mother ready to leave the house. She’s a mess.”     

“I’m on it Brian; I’ll be there in a few minutes.”      

“Mrs. Applebee, I’m Justin Kinney. Your husband gave Diamond to us to raise as our own child. I already have two young sons. We came from America overnight to help you deal with everything. Please look into my eyes.” She raised her head and Justin read her mind. It was a bottomless pit and he was unsure how much she understood. What he saw was memories of beatings and rapes by a drunken husband. “He will never hurt you again Alice. He’s gone; you and Diamond are safe now and we care very much about you. Trust me and my partner to take care of you Alice. Will you trust me if Diamond tells you that you should?”     

“These are very good people Mum. Trust them for me.” Alice Applebee looked at her son’s eyes and couldn’t remember him looking so beautiful to her. He was wearing a very expensive suit and was the most adorable little man. He looked so together and confidant to her. Her instinct said to trust him and his new guardians.     

“I trust my Diamond and your friends too. Tell me what to do.” 

“We will need you to sign a paper in a few minutes to get you some help. Don’t worry about the money; Brian and I will take care of everything. I promise you’ll never hurt for money again. First we need to get you to a doctor to make you get better. Then we take it one step at a time Alice. Everything’s going to be ok now; you have my word Alice.”  Justin said assuring the depressed woman with slow carefully chosen words.     

“Do it for me Mum; nobody’s going to ever hurt you again. I’m sure of it but we need to get you well so you can be happy again.” Diamond pleaded softly with his mother.  Brian came in and gave Alice a glass of clean ice water. She saw it and jumped on it. They didn’t know how long since she had a drink and it seemed like days. Brian went to refill the glass. Minutes later Simon Radcliffe arrived with the commitment papers naming Brian and Justin Kinney her temporary guardians in fact due to mental illness. It was no problem getting her signature. Brian arranged for the finest health care hospital in the city to admit her at once. Next Brian instructed Simon to claim the father’s body at the morgue and put it on ice at a funeral home until further notice. They would try to hold off the funeral until Alice could attend it.      

The nurses arrived and decided she and the house were in too bad a shape to clean her at home. An ambulance was called and she was taken to the hospital and admitted by Simon, the attorney hired by her legal guardians Brian and Justin to take care of the legal matters in Reading for the Applebee family. Simon wrote deposit checks to make the wheels run smoothly. Once everyone realized they would get paid Alice and the man’s body got the best possible care. Brian instructed Simon to hire a cleaning service to come in and zap the house throwing out everything but personal effects, storing the clothes after cleaning them, and getting rid of the horrible furniture. Then to hire a painting crew to come in and remodel the house outside and inside follow by all new carpet. The old bastard might have been a drunk but he paid off the mortgage. Alice could decide to stay in the new remodeled home or it would be ready to be sold.     

Back at the hotel Justin caught up on his sleep some while Brian and Diamond held him tight.    

“Brian, will my Mum ever get well?”     

“They can do wonders for depression Diamond. She hasn’t had proper treatment. I bet in a week or two she’s going to be much better. I’m getting her house fixed up and we’re going to buy her new clothes to wear. She’s going to get a total makeover inside and outside.”     

“Mum would have laid there and died if we hadn’t come here.”     

“That’s why we’re here kid. You’re family now and we take care of our family.”     

“What are we going to do tomorrow?”    

“We’re going to fly to London and stay at Dracula’s home and wait for word your mother is better and up for a visit. I’ve delayed the funeral until she’s well enough to attend it. The servants there can feed you and play with you if you like.”     

“I’m so lucky to be with you and Justin Brian. Mum would be dead and I might as well be dead without you guys helping me. Cedric was going to throw me out soon anyway. He was mad I didn’t want to kill anyone.”     

“Try to forget all that; its history and over with now; this is your new life now.”    

“I’m the adopted son of multi-billionaires living in huge mansions and flying around in private jets with beautiful boys to entertain and feed me. I’ll live young, healthy and beautiful forever. Is this the best we can do?” Diamond asked Brian grinning widely at the man.     


“But you love me anyway.”     

“I have to or Justin will put me on bubble butt restriction.”     

“How can he do that? You’re his Master.”     

“Only in title kid; the asshole’s always in charge; if the asshole refuses to work nothing works. Life just gets full of shit with nowhere to go. It’s a stinking mess.”

“You’re so funny Brian. I love it with you guys.”     

“You’re kind of growing on us too, kid. Now that you’ve passed your butt hurt stage you’re pretty adorable to have around.”     

 “I just learned that people really love each other. Give me time Brian.”     

“Time’s our best asset Diamond. We have lots of time as vampires to do lots of things.”     

“How long will we stay in England?”     

“However long it takes to make sure your mom’s ok and stable. If it’s going to take a real long time I’ll look into taking her home with us to a hospital in Pittsburgh for long term care so she is close and we can make sure she gets excellent care. Not all hospitals are good.”     

“I miss not being able to sleep. I’ve never gotten use to that.”     

“Put your ear next to Justin’s chest and concentrate only on his heart beat and nothing else. It’ll put you in a trance like you’re asleep. That’s one of the advantages of a human lover. Goodnight kid.” Diamond did that and soon he drifted off and actually dreamed the first time since becoming a vampire. It was the best night of his life.”     

The next day after Justin had a big breakfast they flew to London and went to stay at Dracula’s mansion in Central London. When Diamond saw the harem of boys he was all smiles.     

“I think you know where to find me for the next few hours Justin.”     

“Be nice and maybe the boys will be nice to you.” Justin told him grinning as he left Diamond to get acquainted with the most beautiful boys in England who were more than happy to entertain a young foxy vampire.     

“I take it the child is going to be busy for awhile?”     

“Quite a while Master. Are you hungry?”     

“Yeah, I could use a drop or two.”     

“Knock me out; I need the sleep; I’m still living with some jet lag.” They went to the bedroom and Brian took seven pints putting Justin into a deep sleep for many hours. He then went to the office and did some business using his laptop. He arranged a wire payment to Carl from his banker to give the man cash on request and make it look like a personal cash withdraw. Next he contacted Simon for an update on The Applebee Family matters at hand. Alice Applebee was determined to be suffering from Severe Psychotic Depression. It was the lowest level of life altering depression with hallucinations complicating a person’s grasp on reality. Her treatment is good nutrition, medication, counseling and positive sleep therapy. There was evidence of long term physical abuse on her body and the doctors felt her condition was at least partly due to long term traumatic events of abuse by her husband. Now that the abuse was over and she was getting proper medical and mental health care they felt she could recover from her mental state successfully in time.     

Brian set up a trust fund for Diamond. He kept it in his name until the boy’s name change and adoption was completed. He emailed Dracula with the account information and an update on what was happening in England and thanked him again for the use of his home in London. He contacted his attorney (since he no longer used Melanie) and requested a new will drawn up including Diamond; to be signed once he was adopted and legally theirs in reality and name. He emailed Tucker and Jennifer asking if they would be Diamond’s godparents for his will. They promptly answered him yes. He forwarded their answer to his attorney. He conducted some business by email for Uber Tower and some business with Ted. Once everything was caught up he went and held Justin as he slept soundly in his arms.    

Diamond made up a story he had Cancer and they turned him to save his life in America. He didn’t say anything about ever living in London to the boys in Dracula’s harem. Soon he was full of blood and loving attention for many happy hours ending the recent memories of going home and seeing his mother in such a sad state. Coming to London was the perfect therapy for his own mental state. Once he had his full of the boy’s attention for now he joined Brian holding their Justin and zoning out as he listened to his precious heart beating.


Three weeks later Brian got a call from the hospital saying Alice Applebee had made remarkable progress and was asking to see her son. They were willing to release her for a short time to attend her husband’s funeral and a few hours with family. They insisted she stay with them at least for a ninety day duration and be reevaluated at that time. Brian told Justin and Diamond the good news and they arranged to fly to Reading the following day. Brian called the funeral home and ordered them to prepare the body for burial. Their suits were already dry cleaned and they had done some shopping while in London and had many more clothes especially for Diamond.     

The first sight Alice had of her son was seeing him dressed like a million pounds. Beauty radiated from him like she had never seen before. She vaguely remembered the men with her son and the young blond who couldn’t be much older than her Diamond. She took her son into her arms and hugged him and kissed him and didn’t want to let go. Diamond was prepared for this having been loved by Mother Tucker and realized his Mum was really getting well if she was able to show him love for the first time in his young life.      

“I feel like this is the first time I’m really seeing you Diamond. You are so beautiful son. Introduce me to your friends.”     

“Mum, this is the gay couple who found me in London and saved my life. They’re the men who you and dad gave me to legally. I live with them now in America. This is Brian and Justin Kinney. Justin looks young but he already has two baby sons who are really cute. Justin’s a famous music star and recording artist and they own real estate and they’re very wealthy. They even own a private jet. They’re paying for this hospital and they’re having your house fixed up for you.”     

“I want you to come live with me Diamond. I’m your mother and you belong to me. No amount of money can change that.”    

“I’m gay mother. That’s why dad beat me so bad the night I ran away. I need gay parents to help me to grow up to be a good gay man. I love you mother but I have to stay with them.”     

“I lost you and your father. I don’t know how much I can take.”     

“You’ll never lose me, Mum.  And good riddance to dad; all he did was hurt you. He’s the reason you got so sick Mum. Now that he’s gone he can’t hurt you anymore or me either.”     

“I won’t live without you son.” Justin saw Diamond look at him asking what to do now.     

“Alice, do you have any family in England?” Justin asked her.     

“Yes, but they want nothing to do with a quack like me. I haven’t talked to them in years. All I have is my Diamond and I won’t give him to you.”      

“You already did Mrs. Applebee.” Brian said.     

“Let me Brian, please. Alice, you don’t have to give up Diamond. You can come live near him in America. We have homes in New York and Pittsburgh and spend time in each city every month. Even though we have legal rights now to Diamond; I won’t hold him to that. He’s old enough to decide where he wants to live. I think the best thing to do is what’s best for this child and I think he knows what’s best for him. Can you see wisdom in that Alice?”     

“A son should be with his mother. That’s what’s best for him.”     

“Mum, I’m staying with Brian and Justin and that’s final. You can either stay in England or come and live in America. I’m not going to change my mind Mum. You’re in no shape yet to take care of yourself much less me. They understand me in ways you can’t imagine. I know you can’t handle me so the debate of returning to live with you is over.”      

“Alice we have time for you to decide. You have to stay in this hospital for three more months before they’ll consider releasing you. It’s the law. By then you can decide what you want to do. And anytime you want to come to America to visit or live all you have to do is call us.”     

“Mrs. Applebee, we became your legal guardians until you’re competent to take care of yourself. I’m taking care of your home, the funeral, your hospital, and all of your needs will be met. I’ve established a trust fund for you so you won’t have to worry about money no matter what you decide. Diamond is part of our family now and so are you, and we care about you very much because you’re his mother. We’re only here to help you and we’ve been in England for weeks waiting for you to get better.”

How do I know you’re not using my son for perversion?”     

“Ask your son Alice.” Justin said.     

“There’re like a married couple mother and only love each other. That was an insult and you should apologize to them. We came all the way from America to help you and you throw insults at my new parents? I’m about one centimeter from walking away from you for good Mum.”     

“Calm down Diamond; she has the right to ask that question and it shows me she loves you and cares about you. Alice you don’t know me but were billionaires and I’m the most successful recording artist in history. I have four giant campuses for disadvantaged gay young people with high schools and one is going to have a college. I support tens of thousands of gay young people as my charity. I can prove this all to you. I’m a father with two young sons: Lee and Gus, who I help to take care of when I’m in New York. I can provide dozens of character references and will pass any background check. I’m a licensed guardian for my kids by three states in America. And finally we don’t lie to anyone; we’re the last people on earth to ever hurt Diamond. You have my word and its worth more than our money.”      

“Forgive me Justin, I’ve just woke up from a 15 year nightmare. I’ve very sorry I asked you that.”     

“No apology necessary. Tell your mother it’s ok Diamond.”     

“I’m not mad Mum; but trust me these are the best of people you’ll ever meet.”     

“We have a lady waiting outside to take your measurement Alice. She’s going to get you some clothes to attend the funeral in. Can she come take your measurements?” Once Justin got her approval they brought in the lady to get the necessary measurements and shoe size to give Alice a makeover for the funeral. The boys went outside the room to give them some privacy.    

 “I don’t think I want her in America with me Justin. I see only trouble doing it.”     

“By the time she gets out of the hospital you’ll be legally adopted, your name will be different, and we have a legally binding contract to your custody signed by both parents.” Brian said.     

“She can claim she wasn’t competent and forced to sign by an abusive husband who sold his child for money. This could be a royal cluster fuck Brian.”     

“I’ll bite her and then let’s see how much she wants me.” Brian and Justin laughed at Diamond’s answer to the problem.     

“That can be our last option kid.” Brian was falling more and more in love with this boy every day.     

“We don’t have to leave her much money if she fights us. And we could lawyer her to death until his seventeen and a legal adult in British eyes. She doesn’t have a prayer fighting us.” Brian projected the problem into the future.    

“I think were overreacting here. She still mentally ill and might never get out of the hospital.” Justin added.     

“Enough money can make sure she never gets out.” Brian added.     

“We should’ve stayed in America and let her fucking rot.” Diamond was mad now.     

“I’ll tell the attorney of the new developments. Basically we hold all the cards and she has zilch.” Brian was confident she was no threat to them. “Let’s just play nice, get pass the funeral, put her back in here and go home and disappear for three months. Let her think about things without being able to reach us for months. I bet she whistles a new tune by then.     

And so the boys got her clothes, got her hair done, did the funeral, took her out to a very nice dinner, and took her back to the hospital. Nobody mentioned leaving England the next day. Her only contact with them was filtered through Simon Radcliffe the attorney. Per Brian’s orders he only paid her expenses and no more. To give her money now would look like they bought Diamond from his parents. Alice sent dozens of letters to Diamond that he never answered. All she did was demand him to return to England. Brian learned the hospital was planning to release her as mentally competent at the end of her 90 days inpatient treatment. Alice had 90 days to plot how to get her son back. She felt the tabloids would be on her side and pay good money for her story. They might even pay for her lawyers to keep the scandal going.


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