Hairy Disaster by xJustSayingx

~ Sequel to "Blonde Jokes."

What happens after Brian finds out about Justin's dyed hair?

Categories: QAF-U.S. FICTION, Brian/Justin, Humor Characters: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 536 Read: 2292 Published: June 09, 2016 Updated: June 09, 2016
Story Notes:

Hey guys, as so many requested a sequel, I decided to write a continuation of the story. It's approximately as long as "Blonde Jokes." Have fun! :D


1. Chapter 1 by xJustSayingx

Chapter 1 by xJustSayingx

„And there is really nothing you can do?", Brian asked the hairdresser, as if Justin had suffered a terrible accident and urgently needed face surgery.

Right after his discovery that Justin had dyed his hair brown, he had dragged him to a hairdressing salon on Liberty Avenue. It wasn't that Justin looked bad with dark hair. In fact, the dark strands of hair formed an amazing contrast to his pretty blue eyes and soft pale skin. But he just didn't look like his Sunshine anymore, Brian thought. His wonderful blonde hair was sort of Justin's trademark.

"Sweety, the color will be already washed out in a few weeks. It's really not that bad", the hairdresser replied to Brian's former question.

With his extraordinary, colorful clothes and way of speaking he somehow reminded Brian of Emmett.

Justin flashed Brian an evil smile. "You're lucky that I just dyed my hair brown. I considered blue or green for a moment, you know.

Brian threw a disapproving look at him. "Justin, we're going."

He turned around to the hairdresser.

"Thanks for nothing", he hissed, grabbed Justin by his wrist and stormed out of the hairdressing salon.

Justin smiled at the hairdresser apologetically. "Sorry."

"Honey, you have no idea what drama queens come here every day. This is Liberty Avenue, after all", the tall man answered and winked at him, before Justin was dragged out of the shop.


The next few hours, Brian tugged Justin to all existing hairdresser's on Liberty Avenue and when nothing was successful, even to one in another street near the Big-Q. At this point, Brian was so desperate that he even wanted the hairdresser to dye Justin's hair fake blonde, but the woman refused to do it and kept saying that it would be very bad for Justin's hair.

The former blond's mood lightened with every minute. He couldn't help giggling about Brian's various temper tantrums. In the evening, as all hairdressing salons were closed, Brian finally surrendered.

At the drive home, he cut Justin a look. "I really don't see the fun of it. Stop laughing, you little annoying brat!"

"I am annoying?", Justin said disbelieving. "Who started the whole blonde jokes thing, huh? You literally left me no choice but to dye my hair! Believe me, mister, as soon as my hair has its natural color again and you make one of this stupid blonde jokes once more, I will dye it again. Over and over, til you finally stop."

That threat hit home. Brian swallowed and looked away. Justin was satisfied. He had obviously made a point. Blonde jokes were history.


Justin sat on the couch and was drawing something into his sketchbook, when Brian approached him from behind.

The brunet (even if Brian wasn't the only brunet anymore) cleared his throat. "Hey, Sunshine. Listen. How many artists does it take to change a light bulb?-"

He paused dramatically.

"Ten. One to change it, and nine to reassure him about how good it looks."

He smiled happily and chuckled as he made his way to the fridge. Justin threw his sketchbook on the floor and buried his face in his hands.

"Sometimes I really hate my life", he sighed.


End Notes:

Yeah, what's left to say... except maybe POOR JUSTIN? :D

This story archived at http://