Reviewer: Darkgirl13 (Signed) · Date: October 01, 2023 03:14 AM · On: Fashion Sense
Oh I loved this chapter as well. Andy is adorable and so funny. Throwing Spaghetti on Brian I can see it now. I wish this would have happened on the show with Gus. However, this has given me much joy. Love them as a family. Britin with kids are the best. Thank you for this.
Author's Response: Yeah, I agree with you. I could see Gus throwing something messy at his fastidious dad - lol. Wish they had explored more of their relationship together, but you can tell how much Brian loved his son. Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate it. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: Darkgirl13 (Signed) · Date: October 01, 2023 02:59 AM · On: Little Em
I am in love with this. Andy is so wonderful and sweet. This is my kind of story with them having kids. I can see her now with that dress and make-up. Thanks for sharing. Mini Justin is adorable.
Author's Response: I am so glad you liked this one. I love to write about them having kids as well. (You would probably enjoy "She's Your Daughter." That includes a 'mini-Justin' in that one.) Thank you for reading and especially taking the time to comment, my friend. ~Kim
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: June 17, 2021 11:36 PM · On: Fashion Sense
Love Brian with Andy. As usual, with your stories, I am enjoying this one.
Author's Response: Thank you, my friend. You are very sweet. :) I appreciate you reading and commenting. XOXO ~Kim
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: June 11, 2021 01:15 PM · On: Fashion Sense
Andy is such a messy girl.
Author's Response: LOL! Yes, she certainly is. I think I see a pattern here in both chapters - ha. Thank you for reading and for the comment, Phyllis! Always so supportive and greatly appreciated. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: June 08, 2021 06:45 AM · On: Fashion Sense
Lol this was fantastic Brian is a really good dad and Andy has him rapped around his little finger. I can picture Justin's amused smile as Brian carried her away to change her.
Author's Response: Hello, my friend - thank you as always for reading and especially taking the time to comment. I love the idea of Justin & Brian having a child to raise together (in addition to Gus). I am glad you enjoyed it. Thanks again for the support. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2021 08:33 PM · On: Fashion Sense
Brian with a little daughter is just too cute!!
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and for your comments, Sarah. I admit I, too, always loved the idea of a little 'mini-me' of Justin, and seeing how Brian would interact with his partner's child. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I appreciate the support. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2021 02:43 PM · On: Fashion Sense
LOL that made me chuckle., thanks so much for sharing it Kim
Author's Response: Thank you, Sharon! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and especially for takng the time to comment. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: bksbracelet (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2021 10:41 AM · On: Fashion Sense
Loved it thank you Kim excellent snippet of their possible lives
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and for the comments, Chris. :) As always, I'm grateful for you taking the time to read and review. I am happy you enjoyed it. ~Kim
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2021 08:11 AM · On: Fashion Sense
Thank you for this new appearance of Sunny girl. It's always so funny to see her manipulate her dads. I couldn't stop laughing as I imagined Brian getting spaghetti on him and his fancy clothes. I am sure that over the years Andy will learn to appreciate Prada and Gucci! Thank you, you made my day.
Author's Response: made MY day with your last comment, Marie-france. :) Thank you for reading and for your kind words. I am happy you enjoyed the second chapter. ~Kim
Reviewer: Bgriggs (Signed) · Date: June 07, 2021 12:27 AM · On: Fashion Sense
More more more...please
Author's Response: Thank you for reading and commenting, Becky! I'm glad you enjoyed this part. :) Not sure if I will add to it, since I have two WIPs that I am working on. But I am happy you enjoyed the second part and I appreciate the support. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: June 06, 2021 08:40 PM · On: Fashion Sense
Ha! What a nice little surprise on a HOT Sunday afternoon.
I may not be a label Queen like Brian, but I don't think I'd have much patience with a pasta-throwing toddler either, LOL! Then again, I never had to deal with a Justin mini-me!
I can see this story may have some more life in it!
Author's Response: Hello, my friend - I think you're right about Brian. I tried to think of one of the worst things a child might throw at a fashion-conscious father and figured spaghetti sauce would do the trick - lol. I'm glad you enjoyed this part. Not sure if I'll add to it, but if I can think of another good plot line, I might. I have two WIPs I'm working on right now, though. I'm going to try and hold off starting to post either one until I have them done or at least *almost* done. Maybe a few one-shots here and there in the meantime (?). Thanks for reading and for the comments, Trish. As always, I greatly appreciate it. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: hikinggirl70 (Signed) · Date: May 15, 2021 05:26 PM · On: Little Em
That was great!
Author's Response: Thank you, Caryn! Sorry I missed your review earlier. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: April 14, 2021 09:48 PM · On: Little Em
Cute story!!
Author's Response: Thank you, Bill. :) I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment, my friend. :)
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2021 11:53 AM · On: Little Em
This was great!!! And its obvious that Andy has both Brian and Justin wrapped around her little finger. I loved it!!
Author's Response: Thank you so much, Sarah! I'm delighted that you enjoyed it, and I was happy to finally get something new posted. :) Thanks for reading and for commenting; I really appreciate that. Hope you have a great weekend. ~Kim
Reviewer: Toto_too514 (Signed) · Date: April 10, 2021 01:28 AM · On: Little Em
Ha! Very cute! Just the pick-me-up I needed.
Seeems like Brian and Justin will hvae their hands full with that little one, LOL!
Author's Response: Thank you, Trish. I'm very happy you liked it. Felt good to get a new one-shot posted. Thank you for reading and commenting, my friend. ~Kim
Reviewer: Randy-Fan (Signed) · Date: April 09, 2021 09:10 AM · On: Little Em
What a beautiful story. I love it! Thank you so much for sharing! :)
Author's Response: Thank you, Myri! Always so good to hear from you. I'm very glad you liked it. Thank you for reading and commenting, my friend. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: sfscarlet (Signed) · Date: April 07, 2021 02:16 AM · On: Little Em
such fun. I enjoyed this and the banner gives us a glimmer into the child artist.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for reading and for your comments, Sandy! I really appreciate that. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: KinneysBitch (Signed) · Date: April 06, 2021 06:18 AM · On: Little Em
Loved it kim thanks so much for sharing
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ;) ~Kim
Reviewer: Enohvee1875 (Signed) · Date: April 06, 2021 02:03 AM · On: Little Em
Awwww, such a sweet story. Loved it.
Author's Response: Hi, Kim! I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for reading and commenting. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 04:55 PM · On: Little Em
Little Andy seems to have won everyone's heart.
Author's Response: Hi, Phyllis! Yes, I think she is already a combination of both of them. I imagine her as a fiery spirit. Thank you for reading and commenting. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: Oh_Viv (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 09:19 AM · On: Little Em
That's a such sweet story, just imagine a mini version of sunshine in princess dress. Andy will be the luckiest girl in the world having Brian & Justin as her daddies! I love the story, it's warm sweet and funny. Thank you.
Author's Response: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, Viv! And, yes, I seem to always navigate toward them having girls in my stories for some reason; I just love the idea, I guess, of them spoiling a little version of Sunshine. :) I think I've had them with a boy only once, in fact - lol. It was a Christmas story.
I am glad that you enjoyed it. It was nice to finally get a new story posted. Thanks again for all your support of the site and for being a member of our FB Group Page. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 08:29 AM · On: Little Em
It was great ! Thanks Kim. A great way to start the week. I love Sunny girl, she's the daughter of her dads! I hope you will take us on other adventures with her. She is a little girl who is very intelligent and knows how to run her world .Stay she my friend ! Oh and I like the banner !
Author's Response: Hello, Marie-France! I am so appreciative of you reading and commenting. You always do that and are so supportive. Thank you for reading and reviewing. And, yes, I think both boys needed a little 'Sunny Girl' to go with their 'Sonny Boy.' :) And thank you for your kind words about the banner, too. I am not nearly as good as some of the others, but I am happy that you liked it. :) Have a good week, my friend. XOXO ~Kim
Reviewer: vic32 (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 08:07 AM · On: Little Em
Awe this was so sweet and funny. Andy is such a mix of those guys and we definitely need more. Please continue this story as I'd love to see what else she can get up to. Fantastic work x
Author's Response: Hello, Vicki! You are always so supportive. Thank you for reading and for the comments, my dear friend. I am honored that you would want me to continue it. Someone else expressed the same desire. Not sure with RL in the way if I can, but I might think about that. ;) Thank you for all the support you have given me - and this site. I look forward to any future stories from you as well. :) XOXO ~Kim
Reviewer: tiger062 (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 07:29 AM · On: Little Em
Sweet. I always love reading stories that they have kids and Andy sounds like she makes life fun....and exhausting.....
Author's Response: Hi, Monica! LOL. Yes, I could envision this little tyke being both intelligent as well as inquisitive - AND exhausting! Thank you for reading and reviewing - and for doing that for so many of my stories. I greatly appreciate it. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: Marny (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 06:57 AM · On: Little Em
Love this little story, thanks for writing.
* hugs *
Author's Response: Hi, Marian! I am so happy to hear from you, and to know that you read this. Thank you for reading and especially taking the time to comment; I really appreciate that. ~Kim
Reviewer: mandagrammy (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 03:07 AM · On: Little Em
What a delghtful story! I could picture it clearly, and it fit their personality as parents exactly as I imagined them. Loved Sonny Girl's name too. It was a perfect fit for a future artist in the making, which I suspect Justin's daughter might well be. Love the bannr too. Home run and two thumbs up for this work of 'art'. Hugs, Grammy
Author's Response: Aww...thank you, Grammy! I am glad that you liked it. :) I am working on a multi-chaptered story, but that one photo I found online that I mentioned on our FB group page inspired me to write this one-shot. Thank you for reading and reviewing, my friend. ~Kim
Reviewer: shf1210 (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 02:17 AM · On: Little Em
Love this
Author's Response: Thank you so much! I am glad that you enjoyed it. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: sophiesmom (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 01:36 AM · On: Little Em
So fun.
Author's Response: Thank you, Sherry! Good to hear from you. :) ~Kim
Reviewer: Bgriggs (Signed) · Date: April 05, 2021 01:22 AM · On: Little Em
Very cute....I can so picture the boys with a little Sunshine.
Author's Response: Thank you, Becky, for reading and commenting. I appreciate it. ~Kim