Reviewer: gotb30 (Signed) · Date: May 19, 2019 04:13 PM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
Amazing story!! I loved reading Brian’s inner dialogue and how he felt about his family, especially Justin, Gus and even Mel. I hope you write more stories!
Author's Response: So glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! <3 This story kind of took on a life of its own once we got started (it seriously started off as just a sickfic!) but the things we got to explore in it, I think are really worthwhile. I'm sure we'll be writing more! We are addicted! - TI
Reviewer: Lorma (Signed) · Date: May 16, 2019 08:01 PM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
How refreshing to read a story where Lindsay, Melanie and Brian all get along. I really enjoyed it. I hope your collaborative group will continue to write.
Author's Response: Oh we are continuing for sure! And thank you! We wanted to write something that was a little different, but that also reflected our feelings on how the relationship between Brian, Lindsay, and Melanie (plus Justin) would have changed and developed over the years. Glad you enjoyed it! - TI
Reviewer: bktush (Signed) · Date: May 15, 2019 04:50 PM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
I truly enjoyed this story.I was glad to know Brian only had food poisoning and not something worse. I love the scenes with Brian and Gus, He loves his sonny boy as Justin both of them uncondionally. On Showtime I really could not stand the character of Lindsay, she used Mel and Brian as pawns and played them against each others which meant Linz was in control. The best scene in your story was the one beteween Mel and Brian talking about the past and forged a future not based on the old fears of Gus loving Brian more than Mel. excellent story
and Brian as pawns, she played them
Author's Response: We're glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks so much for reading. It was time for Brian and Mel to bury the hatchet (which they'd already done a little bit of previously between the end of the series and now, in our minds) and move on as family. <3 We don't feel Lindsay ever had ill-intent toward Brian and Melanie, but had difficulty knowing how to help two very similar people in her life co-exist.
Reviewer: marie-france (Signed) · Date: May 15, 2019 07:39 AM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
I really liked this story. It's a wonderful series that you write. Gus's teenage relationships with Brian and Justin and possibly his mothers are my favorite stories. We always see how much Brian loves his son even though he still doubts his ability to be a good father. Fortunately, Justin is still there to support and reassure him. Sometimes being sick brings good results. Melanie's words drew a few tears. Great stoty!! Thank you
Author's Response: Thanks so much, Marie! We're glad you're enjoying the series as much we are enjoying writing it! Brian is trying to figure it all out...and he's getting closer and doubting himself a little less with each story. He might even be starting to believe Justin. ;)
Reviewer: YumYumPM (Signed) · Date: May 15, 2019 12:48 AM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
It's amazing that the writing dovestail so well that you can't tell where one author ends and another starts. Love that you let us know what caused Brian's illness. JR is just like her daddy with her puppy love of Brian. Gus finds it discussing, which I don't blame him.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! That is definitely the goal, and it's great to hear that you can't tell who wrote what. ;) Our styles, fic tastes, and views of the characters are fairly similar as well, so that helps! Writing J.R.'s crush on Brian was so fun, even if Gus wasn't a fan...haha.
Reviewer: cullengirl08 (Signed) · Date: May 14, 2019 11:38 PM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
Loved the story!! Poor Brian was really suffering there for awhile, but at least it was mostly a 24 hour thing and then he was starting to improve. And it was great that he and Mel talked. That was definitely a long time coming, but it was good for her to finally acknowledge that Brian is a good guy, and he really helped out with Gus' development into the great kid he is now. I am glad that Justin surprised Brian with showing up at the house for the last few days. With as sick as he was, he was really missing Justin and just needed to see him, so it was good that he was able to come up and spend some great time with everybody.
Author's Response: Food poisoning is no joke, that's for sure! I'm glad to hear that the talk with Melanie resonated with you as well -- in our minds, Gus is so much like Brian that it would be hard for Melanie to not acknowledge that so much of what made Gus who he is, came from Brian. Justin's surprise was a fun element that even we didn't intend when we first started writing, but Justin really wanted to show up! ;) Thanks for reading; we're glad you enjoyed the story!
Reviewer: PA Boi (Signed) · Date: May 14, 2019 02:20 AM · On: Convalescent Contemplation
Really enjoyed this story. Interesting to see Mel & Brian get along. Look forward to more tandem stories!!! Bill
Author's Response: Thanks so much! <3 Since Brian and Mel both love Gus, we figured it was time for them to bury the hatchet and have a talk. And I'm sure we'll be writing more round robin stories -- we love writing them!